Welcome to the world of Amnkh - A Tour of worlds and worldbuilding

Building a world​

Hello, hello everyone.

First of all, this isn’t a tutorial but instead just an overview of my creative process on how I’m doing this project. Don’t take it as a tutorial but instead as a guide at most… If I or you can claim it will be as much. I don’t believe so, but hopefully I can make it good enough that it will inspire people to try and reach beyond their typical depth while worldbuilding.

I repeat, this isn’t a tutorial and it isn’t thought to be, though you can ask me as many questions as you like, and I’ll answer them to the best of my ability. This is just an example and as such I remind you that it isn’t made to teach as much as to inspire. I’ll try to be as faithful as possible to calculations as well as to the real world, however, due to my nature as a human being I will most likely commit some mistakes in the process and many of these are theoretical concepts and so I will find myself going into speculative territory.

In honour of my inner guardians, those who represent concepts in my soul; or, if you wish to call it by its real name, the characters in my psychodrama, I shall name this project for the greatest of them. I welcome you all to Xen

Part I: Of the Stars:

Chapter I: City:

Where are we? Well, let’s start with the largest and then go smaller, shall we? Galaxy is large enough for me and I hope for you. No need to design the superclusters and such if you don’t wish to… And I think I might have lost many people already… Let’s just say I need a galaxy. Which one? Well, amorphous/irregular galaxies are more chaotic and are smaller, giving us less space to play with and an easier time having out system or planet ejected into outer space. Elliptical and Spiral seem like better options. Spiral galaxies seem lovely and the Milky Way is a good example. However, I will go with a Giant Elliptical galaxy for varieties’ sake.

But don’t you need Heavy Elements for life? Not really if you go with other types of life different from Earth’s, but I won’t go into that (yet). So, yes, we need heavier elements and Elliptical galaxies don’t often have them as much as Spiral galaxies thanks to their range of stars being centred on the older stars. For those that don’t know, older stars are smaller stars. Lower mass, lower temperature but much, much longer life. Orders of magnitude longer. However, they can’t fuse together lighter elements up to the point we need and even some of the elements we need are created in the chaos of a supernovae. Therefore, we need larger mass stars, those founds in young galaxies. Elliptical galaxies aren’t young galaxies in almost all cases, but we do have a way of them receiving heavier elements: galactic cannibalism. And said interaction should have happened in the recent past but not recently enough so as to have both galaxies still colliding. Remember the size of these things and you’ll realize that collisions can take millions of years.

The Giant elliptical just finished swallowing a small, dusty galaxy where many new stars are being birthed and go novae. Maybe it could have been a galaxy that had a decaying orbit towards the Giant Elliptical it spun around. I think I’ll go with that and just to add more spice into the mix, it wasn’t the only one.

This should have created complex star systems with new and old stars combined as many of the stars were scattered around and also revitalized the older galaxy by supplying it with dust: a starburst galaxy. But galaxies don’t stay in starburst state long and so it stopped birthing giant stars a while ago. So, no supernovae to eradicate life in their neighbourhood. Mostly.

Now, where is the Xen system? The Xen system shouldn’t be in the centre, too much radiation, nor be in a place where the polar radiation of the Supermassive Black Hole in the centre of the galaxy should be able to reach it. Therefore, it should be the farthest away it could, in the ecliptic plane of the galaxy relative to the spin of the central black hole. Now, I should state that most recommendations that apply to a Spiral galaxy don’t apply to the Elliptical ones in terms of where to search for life. This brings me to Shell Galaxies, and that our Giant Elliptical should be one of them due to it having just absorbed another galaxy, making their central black holes resonate with each other enough to create “shells”.

Imagine a group of Matryoshka dolls, that is a Shell Galaxy and is caused by the same phenomenon that creates concentric ripples in water and sound in the air. Actually, the second one is a much more accurate analogy, especially in three dimensions of space and one of time. Forget the typical image of wave they teach you at school! Sinusoidal? Bah, that is an example of electromagnetic wave. Sound waves aren’t sinusoidal because they aren’t perpendicular; they have their oscillations parallel to the line (or plane, but I’m not going to go into that much detail in the example here) in which they move. They are longitudinal waves and the typical image you associate with a sound wave isn’t.

Thus, the Xen system should be in the lower density zone of the galaxy. In between shells.


And this concludes the first Chapter! Don't worry, not everything will be as astronomical (and thus dull for many people) as this post has been. I'm working already on climates and such, but to get there we must go through a few other things first, I have already planned a lot of things, up to the langauges the civilizations on the planet will be speaking. You are free and encounraged to ask me anything about the project! I will reserve the right to answer some of your questions in the chapter that are relevant to them so as not to spoil them, but still, ask away!

Hopefully this was interesting for you and hope to see you again soon, in my next post.
This is fascinating. I knew much of the classificatory system, but hadn't considered the effect of galactic arrangements on the prospects for life in their planets. The many compensations you have put in there for your choice of an elliptical galaxy are cleverly done. I can't wait to see the rest of this project!
Chapter II: Neighbourhood:

We are in the Xen System. Currently, it is empty. Nope, nothing here… Yet.

Since the most complex star systems we know of, without them being clusters of stars, are composed of seven stars and I’m a stupidly perfectionist person (and likely somewhat of a masochist becAUe of that), my system will have seven stars. Plus, seven is a lucky number for me.

My inspirations for this are Nu Scorpii and AR Cassiopeiae. I know, I know. Before you ask me, I know these kinds of systems are inherently tremendously unstable. That’s why I’ll put here the stars (or “virtual stars”, seeing as this is a balancing act of barycentres and not of pure masses) very separate from each other, so that they only interact with the barycentre and not with the two or more stars, creating three (or more) body problems. Those are chaotic systems and chaos isn’t good for life, at least in this scale. However, for that, we first need some stars and their characteristics to be examined. All of them must in the main sequence to avoid novae too early to give rise to complex enough life.

Here are the stars, get ready because this will become complex and confusing easily:

Star: Xeaniax
Solar Masses: 1,4
Solar Radius: 1,183
Solar Luminosity: 2,744
Surface Temperature (K): 6836,

Solar Masses: 1,1
Solar Radius: 1,048
Solar Luminosity: 1,331
Surface Temperature (K): 6060,017
Type: F

Star: Atrid
Solar Masses: 0,75
Solar Radius: 0,866
Solar Luminosity: 0,421
Surface Temperature (K): 5003,894
Type: K

Star: Apprentice I
Solar Masses: 0,3
Solar Radius: 0,547
Solar Luminosity: 0,027
Surface Temperature (K): 3164,740
Type: M

Star: Apprentice II
Solar Masses: 0,3
Solar Radius: 0,547
Solar Luminosity: 0,027
Surface Temperature (K): 3164,740
Type: M

Star: Soph
Solar Masses: 0,5
Solar Radius: 0,707
Solar Luminosity: 0,125
Surface Temperature (K): 4085,662
Type: K

Star: Fox’s Fire
Solar Masses: 0,18
Solar Radius: 0,424
Solar Luminosity: 0,005
Surface Temperature (K): 2451,397
Type: M

Xen system's stars proportional size.png

Apprentice I and Apprentice II are a binary pair.
The Apprentice binary pair’s barycentre is a binary pair with Atrid.
The barycentre of the triple star system Apprentices-Atrid is a binary pair with Xeaniax.

Pause, and let’s start with the other half of the system:

Fox’s Fire and Soph are a binary pair.
Ëä is a binary pair with the barycentre of the binary pair of Fox’s Fire and Soph.

Finally, it’s time to put them together:

The subsystem Apprentices-Atrid-Xeaniax is a binary pair with the subsystem Ëä-Fox’s Fire-Soph.

Or, if it’s more palatable to you:

((((Apprentice I - Apprentice II) – Atrid) – Xeaniax) – (Ëä - (Fox’s Fire – Soph)))

Well, an image speaks for a thousand words.

Xen system's stars proportional size pseudo-balance.png

Now, everyone’s favourite thing! Numbers! (not really most people’s favourite thing, but it’s necessary).

Now, let me find the calculations I made…

For your information before anything else:

One lightyear (LY) is equivalent to 63.000 Astronomical units (AU).

1 LY = 63.000 AU

Apprentice I and Apprentice II:

Apprentice I and Apprentice II are two twin stars, both of 0,3 Solar masses. They are M-type stars, therefore a light orange red in colour for the visible spectrum. Note: These, and all stars, look blindingly white to the naked eye.

The Apprentices have a negligible eccentricity and thus are constantly 0,2 AU from each other and 0,1 AU from their barycentre. Note: I had to reduce the eccentricity of the systems as much as I could, so the resonance has the smallest possibility of becoming detrimental to the system at large.

Apprentice I + Apprentice II and Atrid:

Atrid is 0,75 Solar Masses, a K-type star and therefore a pale-yellow orange.
The Apprentices’ barycentre is the one to consider from here on. The distance between the barycentre (I+II) and Atrid is of 1200 AU. That means, since this is a system where the two masses in equilibrium are asymmetric, that there is a difference between the distance of Atrid to the barycentre (I+II+A) and from the Apprentices’ barycentre (I+II) to this barycentre (I+II+A).
From Atrid to the barycentre (I+II+A) there are 533,33 AU.
From the Apprentices’ barycentre (I+II) to the barycentre of this system (I+II+A) there are 666,67 AU.

Apprentice I + Apprentice II + Atrid (Alpha) and Xeaniax:

Xeaniax is 1,4 Solar Masses, a F-type star and therefore a white colour.
The Alpha barycentre is the barycentre of Apprentice I + Apprentice II + Atrid.
The Alpha barycentre to Xeaniax is separated by 17800 AU.
As the masses are asymmetric, the distances from Alpha barycentre to this barycentre of this system and from Xeaniax to the barycentre are different.
From Xeaniax to this barycentre there are 8738, 18 AU.
From the Alpha barycentre to this barycentre there are 9061,82 AU.
Complicated, right? Well, I’ll show you an image that speaks for a thousand words later. For now, let’s go to the other arm of the system.

Fox’s Fire and Soph:

Fox’s Fire is a small star, 0,18 Solar Masses, a M-type star and therefore a light orange red colour.
Soph is 0,5 Solar Masses, a K-type star and pale-yellow orange in colour.
This is the only system where eccentricity isn’t negligible, being 0,7.
Fox’s Fire and Soph will be separated from each other, on average, by 2,5 AU.
Asymmetric masses, therefore different distance from the barycentre.
From Soph to this barycentre there are 0,06618 AU, on average.
From Fox’s Fire to this barycentre there are 2,43382 AU, on average.

Fox’s Fire + Soph and Ëä:

Ëä is a star of 1,1 Solar Masses, a F-type star and of white colour.
They are separated from each other by 1350 AU.
Asymmetric, therefore different distance from the barycentre.
From Fox’s Fire + Soph barycentre to this barycentre there are 515,73 AU.
From Ëä to this barycentre there are 834,27 AU.

The whole system:

Apprentice I + Apprentice II + Atrid + Xeaniax = Delta barycentre
Ëä + Fox’s Fire + Soph = Beta barycentre
The distance between Delta barycentre and Beta barycentre is of 93500 AU.
Asymmetric, therefore different distance from the whole system’s barycentre.
From the Delta barycentre to the whole system’s barycentre there are 36739,5 AU.
From the Beta barycentre to the whole system’s barycentre there are 56760,5 AU.
This is all really interesting (and I love your sense of humor). The physics also seems good, especially with the broader orbital mechanics. One question though: There seems to be a discrepancy with your use of AU. Typically, one Lightyear is given as 63,241 AU. Since you define it as 63 to the LY, did you accidentally cut off three orders of magnitude, or is this a “local” AU relative to something in your solar system? Or am I missing something?
It's something often lost in translation. I don't know why some places exchange the coma and the dot even for scientific meassurements.

In general a dot means a division between a thousand and a coma a passage to decimal numbers.

Maybe I should add that as disclaimer at some point.
It's something often lost in translation. I don't know why some places exchange the coma and the dot even for scientific meassurements.

In general a dot means a division between a thousand and a coma a passage to decimal numbers.

Maybe I should add that as disclaimer at some point.
Ah okay, sorry for that. I understand now.
Now, a short update on the project, sorry it's so short, the season (and holidays) has been complicated for worldbuilding efforts. I promise that this won't be a standard for updates, instead, you can expect longer ones like the ones before.

Chapter III: Home, sweet home:

Now, three of these stars will be able to have planets that can harbour life: Xeaniax, Ëä and Atrid. I will make Xeaniax into a planet where the life will be mostly similar to Earth. Ëä, on the other hand will contain the same type of life as Earth, chemically speaking. However, Atrid will possess other types of life different from the other planets, from the chemistry up.

But wait a moment! Shouldn’t we make sure these stars live enough for complex life to develop in the planets? Of course, we should! I ran some calculations regarding how long these stars will remain in the Main Sequence and had the following results:

Xeaniax, being the largest star in the one we should worry the most about since this star will determine the life of the system as a whole, as it will be the one which dies first.

Note: MY means millions of years.

Star: Xeaniax
Life: 5.102,040 MY

Star: Ëä
Life: 8.264,462 MY

Star: Atrid
Life: 17.777,777 MY

Star: Apprentice I
Life: 111.111,111 MY

Star: Apprentice II
Life: 111.111,11 MY

Star: Soph
Life: 40.000 MY

Star: Fox’s Fire
Life: 308.641,975 MY

Now that we have our calculations ready, we compare it to our Solar System, the Sun is approximately 4.600 MY old and will burn hydrogen in its current form for approximately another 5.000 MY. Perfect! Xeaniax might live half the life of the Sun, but that’s enough to reach the current age of the planet Earth and keep going in for 500 MY more. Plus, intelligent life on Earth could have arisen earlier than in our own planet, so we can add some more millions of years to that.
It's something often lost in translation. I don't know why some places exchange the coma and the dot even for scientific meassurements.

In general a dot means a division between a thousand and a coma a passage to decimal numbers.

Maybe I should add that as disclaimer at some point.
Sorry. Are you using that in reverse of Anglosphere usage?
That is, eleven thousand and sixty four and 3 tenths = 11.064,3 rather than Anglosphere 11,064.3.
SI stipulates using spaces with the decimal division either a comma or point: 11 064.3 or 11 064,3.
Yep, it seems so. A dot separates three digits before the change to decimals. Example, a thousand is "1.000", a million, "1.000.000", a thousand millions, "" and so on.

A coma would only be used to separate between normal digits and decimal digits. A half, for example, would be 0,5.

I never cared for the difference or who uses which since they are understandable in context almost all the time. Plus, I study sciences at Uni. I've seen both systems used extensively in papers.
Yep, it seems so. A dot separates three digits before the change to decimals. Example, a thousand is "1.000", a million, "1.000.000", a thousand millions, "" and so on.

A coma would only be used to separate between normal digits and decimal digits. A half, for example, would be 0,5.

I never cared for the difference or who uses which since they are understandable in context almost all the time. Plus, I study sciences at Uni. I've seen both systems used extensively in papers.
Well, it's up to you.
Just thought I'd mention it as the Board is in International English so any confusion when not following those conventions is to be expected.
And btw as a trained scientist myself while I have seen the comma for decimal separator, I've never seen the dots for thousand separator used before.
Part II: Of the Solar System:

The Xeaniax subsystem will several planets orbiting around its star.

But first, let’s calculate the habitable zone, since from there I’ll be determining the orbit of Amnkh. This will be the name of the planet that houses life in the Xeniax subsystem and because of that, it will be the first I create. Why in that way? Because all the other planets and objects will be secondary to Amnkh and, in the worst case, can be more easily changed and altered while Amnkh can’t.

So, the habitable zone of the Xeaniax subsystem is between 1,58 AU and 2,275 AU. Again, I’ll choose a habitable number between these two limits. How about 1,75 AU?

Now that we have our orbit for Amnkh ready, let’s place the orbits of the other planets.

ObjectMil-i'im-juüSah'hahs-i'im-ju'ilmAmnkhTroöhAsteroid beltFräsh'sh'ka-i'im-juel
Orbit (AUs)0,50,8751,753,4835,2259,875

In this system, due to the luminosity of the star, the Frost Line will be at around 8,034 AU from the star. As you can see above, only Fräsh'sh'ka-i'im-juel is beyond that line and, before you as ask it, it is not a gas giant.

No Gas Giants? No, I can’t have them around Xeaniax because they might change the barycentre of the smaller Xeaniax subsystem too much for the Xen system to be stable. I can’t even have too large Super-Earths nor Neptune/Uranus sized planets in the system because they would disbalance it too much. Luckily, this has precedent in real life and a logical explanation in this context: protoplanetary discs are unstable. They are much more unstable than planets themselves once they have arranged themselves comfortably around a star. In this manner it’s likely that a planet the size of Jupiter is impossible to form in the Xeaniax subsystem or it had been formed it would have been pushed out of its orbit and either crashed into one of the stars or expelled out of the subsystem (and likely out of the Xen system entirely). Or it could have crashed the whole of the Xen system.

Of the planets themselves, we can say several things:


Its name means “The one who carries the fire” in the Heirle language. This planet is akin to a larger Mercury, that is, a planet dominated by its large metallic core, mainly of made of iron, however, closer to the size of Venus. It being larger and closer to a Venus analogue, among other factors, has allowed it to be tectonically active for longer, leading to the volcanism that the planet possesses to the current date and therefore, its name.


Its name means “The one who carries a veil” in the Heirle language. This name comes for the main characteristic of the planet: a large, dusty ring of material that surrounds it. It likely means that a Moon that was orbiting the planet came too close to it in the not-so-distant past and passed its Roche limit, meaning that the gravity of their parent planet surpassed the gravity that held the planet together and thus the Moon was torn apart.


It does not currently mean anything in the Heirle language, however, it used to mean “Life” in one of the previous languages that used to exist in the planet.


Its name means “The one who resists” in the Heirle language. It’s a rocky planet of smaller size than Amnkh. It, therefore, has an atmosphere that’s very thin and as such, it has allowed it to be impacted by many, many objects throughout its history, including a proportionally giant impact that has left a great crater in one of its hemispheres. This is the origin of its name.


Its name means “The one who carries the large water(body).” It has received this name thanks to its dense atmosphere, which is of a pale blue colour, and thus used to be believed to be a great ocean in antiquity. This planet is a Super-Earth, though one that’s not very large and that has gained its atmosphere after migrating from the Inner System where it formed, into the Outer one. There, thanks to being beyond the frost line, it managed to gather enough material, like a gas giant would in its infancy, to create a large layer of gases. It’s a body that might have transitioned into a gas giant if given the chance, however, it only accumulated enough gases to form a sort of super-atmosphere.

Its colour is thanks to the methane surrounding it.

Maybe later we can take a deeper look at the planets individually...
The orbital stuff all seems solid but I'm not really qualified to judge.
I really liked the explanation os the planetary names. I wonder what the mythic backstory of "The One who Resists" is (as asteroids would probably not be within the worldview of the culture that originally came up with the name)? Also, does the fact that they are all translated as as "the one that carries (x)" (rather than say, The Resistor) say something about the Heirle language?