I won.
Since @Slartibartfast seems to be away, I’d go ahead with a new challenge.
The Provisional Revolutionary Government of the Republic of Dixieland
Black for the free black people who joined the Black Emancipation Army.
Cross for faith, around which the Emancipation Army was organized.
Wheat for a country of free, small farmers the revolutionaries envisioned, and its 22 grains the 22 states* that formed the Dixieland ITTL. View attachment 621698
In a world in which the American Civil War ended in a bloody draw, and the Confederacy, through sheer luck and a string of wise decisions, preserved its independence, and even managed to conquer and annex California. The Treaty of Washington was signed in 1865, to acknowledge the South's independence, after which occupied Washington DC was returned to a humiliated Union.
Over time, the United States gradually lost its interest in reunifying the country and abolish slavery. People in the US, the CS, the whole of the Americas as well as in the old world started to consider the Dixieland a whole different nation vis-a-vis the "Yankeeland".
The peculiar institution of slavery, on the other hand, was not abolished by some kind southern veteran, as per often suggested in other AH novels. Instead, it persisted throughout the late 19th century, and even found a new life in the mines of California.
Contrary to popular belief, resistance to the CSA did die down by 1870. The legendary Newton Knight, often thought to be immortal, in reality succumbed to his gunshot wound and was then buried by his friends while escaping CS pursuers. A runaway slave bandit named Saul was captured alone in the Appalachians in 1869, and was hanged in Richmond. It was not until the 20th century did people, blacks as well as poor whites, started to rebel against the CS system.
The Dixie-Mexican War was a quick conquest, when the entire nothern Mexico was annexed by the CS, but it was also when famous bandit/freedom fighter Marcus Garvey found a potential ally.
TTL Garvey was a much more nuanced and pragmatic man. He called for the overthrow of the CS system and its platations. And in its place, a country of self-sustaining white and black farmers. Wheat-farming would be the prefered lifestyle, in contrast to cottons-farming and mining, which is associated with slavery.
The incoming World Wars One hit CS society hard. when independent white farmers returned from military service in northern Mexico, spending years fighting Pencho Villa's guerilla tactic, they often found their land annexed by Slave-owners' estates. Many joined the already-present black guerrilla fighters in the Rocky Mountains.
In 1921, a provisional revolutionary government was declared for the new “republic” in the Rocky mountains. Would it survive? Or would it be pacified like other revolutionaries?
*Colorado, Kentucky, Missouri, Indiana, North Carolina, South Carolina, Mississippi, Florida, Alabama, Georgia, Louisiana, Texas, Virginia, Arkansas, Tennessee, Arizona, North California, Central California, Baja California , Sonora, Chihuahua, and Sierra.
Since @Slartibartfast seems to be away, I’d go ahead with a new challenge.