Utopian Dystopias

Doc Clark

What are some dystopias that to some people seem to be utopias. For example there was a review in some bizarre Nietschzean periodical that talked about how utopian the Draka TL was. Personally I do find the Fitzpatrick's War's Yukon Confederacy charming except for their racism.


Fitzpatrick's War's Yukon Confederacy

I find it sad.

Sad that it's three hundred years into the future, and mankind is in the grip of some bizarre 19th Century-esque Victorian social norms and an empire that would make Hitler blushing mad, all controlled by a questionable society of technocrats who think human history is some sort of artwork for their own personal amusement.
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Doc Clark

I find it sad.

Sad that it's three hundred years into the future, and mankind is in the grips of some bizarre 19th Century-esque Victorian social norms and an empire that would make Hitler blushing mad, all controlled by a questionable society of technocrats who think human history is some sort of artwork for their own personal amusement.

Its not all 19th Century tech-for example biotech is advanced that most people live well into their hundreds and someone who died in their 80s is described as having died at a young age.
I mean that the world of "Watchmen" is actually an Utopia. They have funtional electrocars, which means no global warming and no peak oil. And I consider it a good thing, that the USA won the Vietnam war and that there is no Watergatescandal. And whatever you think about 17 years of President Nixon, the USA is still a democracy.
The setting of Fitzpatrick's War seems pretty shitty to live in to me. The Yukons' social norms basically boil down to "if you're having fun, you're doing something wrong". That's my biggest complaint about it. The other being that it's all uber-agrarian (read: boring), too religious, and hyper-warlike.

Also, they don't have computers, and if you're not white, life sucks. All the airships in the world couldn't make up for that.
I mean that the world of "Watchmen" is actually an Utopia. They have funtional electrocars, which means no global warming and no peak oil. And I consider it a good thing, that the USA won the Vietnam war and that there is no Watergatescandal. And whatever you think about 17 years of President Nixon, the USA is still a democracy.

I know its meant to be a dystopia and Moore wrote it as a dystopia but in many ways its appealing. Cold War tensions are lessening by the end, superhero's do exist, technology is more advanced and people seem more prosperous, all in all not a utopia but a pretty good place to live