I'm surprised nobody snaped this one up...
OK, you probablly heard of this. Let's assume oil embargo lasts longer and prices skyrocket. US and UK decide to invade. Since we don't know what US plans were let's stick to British knowledge of them. I'd say 82. division would be used as IIRC 101. wasn't airborne anymore by then. One brigade lands at Saudi oilfields, one in Kuwait and one kept in reserve. Brits get to capture Abu Dhabi. Chances are initial operation is sucesfull and oilfields are secured.
What happens next? Let's say that US doesn't use Israel as staging point to avoid political problems. This leaves Iran as most likelly staging point (and support from Oman). OK, oilfields are secured and flow of oil is back to pre-embargo levels, but it will take some time before things normalise. If US & UK are smart they'll stay away from Mecca and Medina. Some of the Arab leaders might be killed as well (SAS, as US didn't have much in terms of SF then). When dust settles somewhat US-UK finds some members of royal families who are willing to sign treaty legitimising intervention (somewhat akin to Afghan gov't "legitimised" Soviet intervention).
That leaves two wild cards, Iraq and Soviet Union. SU wants to do something about this move and they want Iraq to do the dirty work. The problem is suplying them. While I doubt that US will interfere with Soviet shipping in the Gulf they would certanlly notice that soemthing is happeneing. IMO US wouldn't want to get directlly involved with Iraq so they could turn to IRan to provide pressure. Increase sales, provide intel....
But let's consider some other things. MidEast peace process. IMO there is no way Egypt will amke peace now, with US occupying Saudi Arabia. Post Yom Kippur war would resemble something like War of attrition, with not-peace-not-war and SU more than willing to supply weapons. Also with belligerent Egypt there is no intervention in Lebanon, altough Litani-like operation could happen to clear PLO from border area. If Israelis stay, that's one more thing to make muslims pissed off at.
Iran. How will this afect Iranian opposition? They certanlly woun't like it. Iraq might even turn Homeini loose to act as Lenin and forment revolution. Shah could fall sooner. But with US troops in region in larger force they might intervene to prevent him from falling, trigerring bloody civil war. Also, what would be Iranain reward for this? Bahrein (to which Imperial Iran had claims)? Border dispute with Oman resolved in Iranian favour? Tensions with Iraq will certanlly rise but IMO Iraq woun't do much. Iran is still strong and US is in region.
Occupied states. Rebellious, but who will provide help? Most wealthy nations are occupied or toeing the line with west. Low level resitance (at last on level with today's Iraq, probally higher). Iraq could play role of Pakistan during Afghan war, but problem is getting supplies to Iraq without US noticing.
The big question here is Iran. If Iranain support for intervention speeds up revolution (likelly but not certain) they could act as main supporter for resistance. Maybe Homeini and Iraqi leadership make a deal. Iraq will let Homeini go, Homeini will start revolution and they will fight western occupation together. Let's say Hoemini triggers revolution. Does US intervene on side of Shah? If they do, they could strenghten Homeini's hand. He could claim US is again intervening in Iran and wants to keep Muslims under their thumbs. Revolution is bloody but eventually sucessfull. Homeini calls US Great Satan, calls for Jihad to drive them out of Arabia. They also made alliance with Iraq (resolving Shatt al-Arab dispute in Iraqi favour. SU, glad they finally have land route to Iraq are more than willing to step in. With Soivet support Arabia could turn into Afghansitan for US with roles reversed. but how will piling up of casualties so soon after Vietnam afect US population? Would they call for withdrawal or willt hey see this as securing vital US comodities? When did US abolish draft? This could be important.
Thoughts? Comments?
OK, you probablly heard of this. Let's assume oil embargo lasts longer and prices skyrocket. US and UK decide to invade. Since we don't know what US plans were let's stick to British knowledge of them. I'd say 82. division would be used as IIRC 101. wasn't airborne anymore by then. One brigade lands at Saudi oilfields, one in Kuwait and one kept in reserve. Brits get to capture Abu Dhabi. Chances are initial operation is sucesfull and oilfields are secured.
What happens next? Let's say that US doesn't use Israel as staging point to avoid political problems. This leaves Iran as most likelly staging point (and support from Oman). OK, oilfields are secured and flow of oil is back to pre-embargo levels, but it will take some time before things normalise. If US & UK are smart they'll stay away from Mecca and Medina. Some of the Arab leaders might be killed as well (SAS, as US didn't have much in terms of SF then). When dust settles somewhat US-UK finds some members of royal families who are willing to sign treaty legitimising intervention (somewhat akin to Afghan gov't "legitimised" Soviet intervention).
That leaves two wild cards, Iraq and Soviet Union. SU wants to do something about this move and they want Iraq to do the dirty work. The problem is suplying them. While I doubt that US will interfere with Soviet shipping in the Gulf they would certanlly notice that soemthing is happeneing. IMO US wouldn't want to get directlly involved with Iraq so they could turn to IRan to provide pressure. Increase sales, provide intel....
But let's consider some other things. MidEast peace process. IMO there is no way Egypt will amke peace now, with US occupying Saudi Arabia. Post Yom Kippur war would resemble something like War of attrition, with not-peace-not-war and SU more than willing to supply weapons. Also with belligerent Egypt there is no intervention in Lebanon, altough Litani-like operation could happen to clear PLO from border area. If Israelis stay, that's one more thing to make muslims pissed off at.
Iran. How will this afect Iranian opposition? They certanlly woun't like it. Iraq might even turn Homeini loose to act as Lenin and forment revolution. Shah could fall sooner. But with US troops in region in larger force they might intervene to prevent him from falling, trigerring bloody civil war. Also, what would be Iranain reward for this? Bahrein (to which Imperial Iran had claims)? Border dispute with Oman resolved in Iranian favour? Tensions with Iraq will certanlly rise but IMO Iraq woun't do much. Iran is still strong and US is in region.
Occupied states. Rebellious, but who will provide help? Most wealthy nations are occupied or toeing the line with west. Low level resitance (at last on level with today's Iraq, probally higher). Iraq could play role of Pakistan during Afghan war, but problem is getting supplies to Iraq without US noticing.
The big question here is Iran. If Iranain support for intervention speeds up revolution (likelly but not certain) they could act as main supporter for resistance. Maybe Homeini and Iraqi leadership make a deal. Iraq will let Homeini go, Homeini will start revolution and they will fight western occupation together. Let's say Hoemini triggers revolution. Does US intervene on side of Shah? If they do, they could strenghten Homeini's hand. He could claim US is again intervening in Iran and wants to keep Muslims under their thumbs. Revolution is bloody but eventually sucessfull. Homeini calls US Great Satan, calls for Jihad to drive them out of Arabia. They also made alliance with Iraq (resolving Shatt al-Arab dispute in Iraqi favour. SU, glad they finally have land route to Iraq are more than willing to step in. With Soivet support Arabia could turn into Afghansitan for US with roles reversed. but how will piling up of casualties so soon after Vietnam afect US population? Would they call for withdrawal or willt hey see this as securing vital US comodities? When did US abolish draft? This could be important.
Thoughts? Comments?
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