Unusual Presidents

The April, 1985 issue of Analog Magazine has a story by Rick Shelley called "But First a Message..." about a popular TV show host who runs for president of the US. It's just a joke, he's satirizing politics, but much to everybody's surprise, he wins the election.

There are a lot of differences--it's set in the future, but it's hard not to think of Johnny Carson, host of the Tonight Show.

Toby Francis is his name; one problem is, he's making a lot of outrageous suggestions, like legalizing polygamy, gambling dens in the Supreme Court building. But he makes other suggestions which people think makes sense.
Legalizing drugs and prostitution so the police can concentrate on "real" crimes.

And he finally explains that he was just kidding about running for president, but he wins anyway.

What if Johnny Carson had won an election, some time between 1972-1992?
And his sidekick on the show, Ed Macmahon, is his VP.
Would he have been able to be a competent president? What if he says some of his suggestions weren't serious, but some were?