United states breakup: map suggestions

Places west of the Appalachians May break away due to feelings distance from the Planters on the coasts. Depends how much they help against Natives. Have the Five Civilized Tribes stay around in their homelands here?
Love to see a jackass like Jackson just TRY a trail of tears here without federal backing
Mustn’t forget to blame Georgia. Which is going to probably not have South Caronlia giving up land claims to it. Or the Spanish dropping claims to West Florida.
South Carolina never had a de jure claim to the little strip often shown on maps. That was due to an inaccurate marking of Georgia's northern border. As for yazoo/northern west florida, the usa had annexed it by 1787
Love to see a jackass like Jackson just TRY a trail of tears here without federal backing
Well, the bad thing is that he didn't have much federal backing... there were a good many voices at the national level that opposed a blanket policy of "removal", not the least of which was the Supreme Court. He basically did what his backers in the southern states wanted, and to hell with John Marshall and to hell with the Tribes... some of whom had fought beside him previously. IE, Andrew Jackson was a bastard :p
Well, the bad thing is that he didn't have much federal backing... there were a good many voices at the national level that opposed a blanket policy of "removal", not the least of which was the Supreme Court. He basically did what his backers in the southern states wanted, and to hell with John Marshall and to hell with the Tribes... some of whom had fought beside him previously. IE, Andrew Jackson was a bastard :p

Indeed - Andrew Jackson should have been jailed. Instead, they made him president.
Well, the bad thing is that he didn't have much federal backing... there were a good many voices at the national level that opposed a blanket policy of "removal", not the least of which was the Supreme Court. He basically did what his backers in the southern states wanted, and to hell with John Marshall and to hell with the Tribes... some of whom had fought beside him previously. IE, Andrew Jackson was a bastard :p
I mean without the resources that a united usa allowed him to access
Trying to figure out the most plausible way to divvy up the northwest territory is giving me gray hairs
Want to really have some fun, refer to the old Royce Maps and try throwing some of the Indian Treaty lines into the mix... Indiana alone is enough to make you age 10 years overnight :p
Want to really have some fun, refer to the old Royce Maps and try throwing some of the Indian Treaty lines into the mix... Indiana alone is enough to make you age 10 years overnight :p

I want to die
(this is my own thread please don't kick for necroing)

The American Republics in 1820, After the Unification of North Carolina and Georgia into the Confederation of Columbia
balkanized USA.png