Ahhh *Dramatic gesture of be stabbed* the third behind the English... That is personal.

Yeah well. Expect to see the Napoleonic Wars and the War of 1840s
wait a second, since many butterflies have been created in this timeline, specifically the viceroyalty of Italy, Napoleon would still exist, and if so, could there be the possibility that he has moved to Spain, and we have a Hispanic Napoleon?
wait a second, since many butterflies have been created in this timeline, specifically the viceroyalty of Italy, Napoleon would still exist, and if so, could there be the possibility that he has moved to Spain, and we have a Hispanic Napoleon?
No, the author mentioned Sardinia and Corsica went to France after the end of the war so Napoleon will still be French
You still remember this is a evil version of the Spanish Empire right?
Which is glorious
Ahhh *Dramatic gesture of be stabbed* the third behind the English... That is personal.
Nothing personal, i'm just an all time anglophile.
Same, though my anglophilia come from the time I was a dummy kid whose only frame of reference for what England is was Garfield 2 and who thought english was just like portuguese but with different words
The largest and most prominent of these privileged trading companies would be the Compañía Gaditana de Negros, dedicated to the slave trade between Africa and Spanish America.

As part of an agreement after the War of the Spanish Succession, England was granted the "Asiento de Negros" by the Spanish government to provide slaves to the Spanish colonies in the new world, opening the doors to traffickers and merchants.

Who controls the slave traffic then?
I assume that this means Spain is blamed for the slave trade here then
With Portugal as part of the Empire, France busy with continental affairs and Britain crushed I can see african slavery being considered a unique - spanish - kind of evil, dwarfing the roman & arab slave trades in their view
I assume that this means Spain is blamed for the slave trade here then
With Portugal as part of the Empire, France busy with continental affairs and Britain crushed I can see african slavery being considered a unique - spanish - kind of evil, dwarfing the roman & arab slave trades in their view
That is no good, Portugal should break off and let Spain take the blame
That is no good, Portugal should break off and let Spain take the blame
Probably what will happen, if Spain falls that is
It is logical that if Portugal ever goes free it will deflect all the blame towards the spanish
Some people will of course remember that Portugal was already into the whole slavery thing before Spain took them, but the portuguese can just as easily argue that it was a rather limited practice before the Iberian Union and that none of what they did ever reached the extension of what the Spanish Empire was doing
I don't think that Portugal can blame the Spanish and if it can I think it will end up more screwed up than it was. I mean the Portuguese can't say that the Spanish use slaves if you use them too. I feel that Portugal can only claim against Spain if you don't have slaves, the problem with that is that it means that she no longer has a colonial empire.

So not only does it end up worse than it was in our world, but her criticism sounds like complaints from an ex-husband who was taken away from his house and custody of the children. That he finds himself crying in a sad apartment that has no heating, while he looks at photos of his ex-wife with the guy she cheated on him with.
I mean the Portuguese can't say that the Spanish use slaves if you use them too. I feel that Portugal can only claim against Spain if you don't have slaves, the problem with that is that it means that she no longer has a colonial empire.
I dont think that is true, double standards are often the rule not the exception
Again, they'd have the excuse that they only used slavery in small scales/sporadically because when the atlantic slave trade took off they were already under control of Spain, so any portuguese(or, sad to say this, brazilian) nationalist can claim it would never have taken that scale if Portugal didnt fall to Spain, with it's use remaining relegated to the brazilian coast, and while that not be true there wouldnt be any proof in-universe that that is not the case
I dont think that is true, double standards are often the rule not the exception
Again, they'd have the excuse that they only used slavery in small scales/sporadically because when the atlantic slave trade took off they were already under control of Spain, so any portuguese(or, sad to say this, brazilian) nationalist can claim it would never have taken that scale if Portugal didnt fall to Spain, with it's use remaining relegated to the brazilian coast, and while that not be true there wouldnt be any proof in-universe that that is not the case
Damn, screwed up huh. Portugal would’ve been better off not going for Africa and focusing on the Americas. A good timeline would be that Muslims and Jews are not persecuted and Portugal goes down the Spanish path, albeit making the native empires a protectorates to not cause any violence. The Philippines might be violent, but Portugal could try to promote freedoms and such. After all that, Portugal is an empire with a great deal of land and subjects who kind of like the crown. The Spanish on the other hand would’ve done horrible things to Africans and Asians (not to say this Portugal wouldn’t still have Ceuta and be able to buy and use slaves, but it could have been forced labor if the Catholics in Portugal see slavery as a necessary evil). This doesn’t mean everything is sunshine and rainbows, but it would have been a better history than OTL, although the best one would’ve been a united humanity back like 200,000 years ago
Best one is Portugal/ Brazil colonize everyone else and introduce them to the Lusophone cuisine. I think people in England would be dying for that to happen
Ah the Feijoada Paradise ❤️ Indeed~
Though lets avoid derailing the thread further before Paladin decides that Lusitania Delenda Est :p


Thanks for you support.

Historically Columbus was a bastard who didn't care much about the rest. Although little is said about Caonabo being a cannibal and that the Carib tribes had such a level of...human cattle farms. I had to dig through old writings and journals to find this and daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Honestly, it doesn't feel so bad to discover that the genocide of such natives is something that can even be called karmic justice... I don't appreciate the tribes that rape to give birth to babies that are then eaten, it's something absolutely horrible and imagine how it would feel for mothers.
These natives were something out of the Crossed series.


"My choice is made", he wrote to Louis XIV, "nothing in the world will make me separate from Spain and the Spaniards." Thus he renounced his rights in France.
Una Nueva España
While Felipe IV ascended again to the throne. He came up with ideas suggested by scholars and retired French officials from expanding the Census. His goal was for the Census to provide a list of every person living within the empire that associated wealth-relevant factors with each of those people, whether they were a native of Spain or a native of the Viceroyalties. Among these factors were name, direct and indirect monetary income, financial savings, home, social order, family ties (not only of men but also of single women, even marking maiden names), profession and property value. In order to collect such information, Philip hired hundreds of census takers and established numerous census offices in cities throughout the Spanish Empire. An enormous amount of paper and ink would become basic purchases to record all the information collected by the censors. Based on these data, he classified people into income brackets, grouping them according to their ability to pay taxes. Of course, since most people did not have a monetary salary, the Census was designed to account for alternative means of payment. For example, when surveying a farm, a census taker would ask how much land its tenants planned to devote to growing certain crops. The amount of each would be recorded, which would allow an estimate of their harvests for the following years. A tax collector would have to have a number of accountants assigned to him to perform most of the calculations necessary to implement such a system. Financial analysis using Census data was modern and employed quantitative statistical reasoning, but it did the job well enough to avoid dramatic inefficiencies or blatant injustices; in short, a drastic improvement over previous procedures. In hindsight, this allowed for more efficient administration, law enforcement, and taxation while turning absolute gold dust for historians who could then trace lineages and demographic changes with surprising ease.

Thanks to this, it was possible to know with registered and confirmed sources that the largest European cities of the Empire in 1730 were Naples, Toledo, Lisbon, Barcelona and Rome. Male literacy, recorded at 61.3% in 1730, was surprisingly high for the time. A certain popularity of Castilian names was also discovered in the territories of the Ancient Crown of Castile, New Spain, Peru and Rio de la Plata, Catalans in the territories of the Crown of Aragon together with Italy and Portuguese in Brazil, Africa and Asia. Trade routes were traced and wealth could be seen moving throughout the country. It was also discovered that in domains such as Chiles or the North of New Spain, including the Philippines and Australia, Polygamy was practiced. This is mainly due to the significant shortage of men of reproductive age. Therefore, the local government, to favor the increase of the population of the territory, decided to adopt a policy known as Concubinage. That is, polygamy was favored, on the basis that, in some cases in rural areas, the proportion of the population of men in relation to women could reach approximately one in fifty. These policies also favored the creation of caste systems. A system that classified people by race or ethnic mix that ended up organizing a stratified social system. This system ended up being generally organized from greater to lesser importance, however this system was not applied in the Viceroyalty of Japan:

1. Peninsular: Born in Europe.

2. Criollo: Born in America of Peninsular Parents​
2. Castizo: From Peninsular with mestiza​

3. Mestizo: Spanish Man + Indigenous Woman.​
3. Mulatto/Mulata: Spanish Man + Black Woman​
3. Harnizo: Mestizo Man + Mestizo Woman​

4. Indian/Native: Indigenous​
4. African: Black​

While efforts were also directed at gradually rebuilding areas negatively affected by the Succession War, rebuilding and repopulating abandoned villages, restoring shattered or decaying roads, and generally breathing life into war-torn lands. Many smaller towns and cities saw their churches, town halls, taverns and workshops burned or looted, now often restored or torn down and rebuilt again. Frustrated that his area of support was so relatively limited to the wealthy Spanish Levant, Philip did something no king in centuries had done: he turned his attention to the Catalan Countries. Barcelona was often larger than Toledo, apart from being an important center of trade and early industry, of culture and population, and a melting pot of peoples and ideas. However, it was often neglected: its architecture was rather bland and neglected, its people poorer than those of Toledo, Zaragoza, Seville, Granada, even Naples or Rome. The War of Succession left the city in ruins and even now, decades later, the scars were still visible. Felipe set aside tens of thousands of Reales and dedicated himself to rebuilding the city. A big competition was held for architects to launch new ideas to beautify the city. The winner was the Catalan architect and civil engineer José Anselmo Cerda, who would direct the urban reform of Barcelona in the 18th century through the Cerdá Plan. The city had to demolish entire neighborhoods to have a sufficiently optimal scheme to begin its reconstruction with an open and egalitarian grid structure inspired by the ancient Roman Civis (Cities). The medieval wall that had allowed the city to resist seven sieges between 1641 and 1714 represented a brake on urban expansion, so it was soon demolished to make way for an urban expansion that would build wonders such as the Ciudadela park (in Catalan Parc de la Ciutadella) which for many years would be the only public park in Barcelona.


Ejercito Español de Ultramar

Even more difficult was reforming the armed forces. Although Felipe had a lot of respect among the majority of the population, the military had not noticed. Philip presented herself to the Empire, demanding with great enthusiasm the creation of a Ejercito Español de Ultramar: The new army was a great force; it had up to 250,000 troops and would be well supplied by the Reales Fabricas de Armas y Municiones, and Fabricas de Artilleria , which produced many thousands of muskets and cannon for the new force. However, the new army was intended to serve as a security force in the Ultramar regions. The Ejercito Español de Ultramar stood out for being divided into operational formations of the maximum size of Regiments in each Viceroyalty that would identify them, for example: Infantry Regiment of Peru No. 17 or Dragoon Regiment No. 5 of New Spain. By 1730, the Empire had the following number of forces distributed by Viceroyalty.
  • Viceroyalty of Morocco
    • - 10 Infantry Regiments
    • - 5 Cavalry Regiments
  • Viceroyalty of Naples
    • - 20 Infantry Regiments
    • - 5 Cavalry Regiments
  • Viceroyalty of Tunisia
    • - 20 Infantry Regiments
    • - 10 Cavalry Regiments
  • Viceroyalty of New Spain
    • - 30 Infantry Regiments
    • - 10 Cavalry Regiments
  • Viceroyalty of Peru
    • - 20 Infantry Regiments
    • - 5 Cavalry Regiments
  • Viceroyalty of the Rio de la Plata
    • - 10 Infantry Regiments
    • - 5 Cavalry Regiments
  • Viceroyalty of Brazil
    • - 30 Infantry Regiments
    • - 10 Cavalry Regiments
  • Viceroyalty of Japan
    • - 40 Infantry Regiments
    • - 20 Cavalry Regiments

However, the European influence in America gave rise to the so-called "Horse Lords" of America. After large groups of horses escaped and roamed the plains west of Mississippi. These great plains comparable to the Mongolian or Ukrainian steppes were well suited to the horse and rider, who were suddenly able to command the plains at a speed that none of their ancestors had ever achieved. The first tribe to take advantage of this were the Pueblos. A tribe that lived in the northern reaches of New Spain, initially captured their horses from Spanish explorers but due to their lack of knowledge of use, they decided to buy them directly from the Spanish at a high price in furs, food, even slaves and, once Realizing its potential, they began in 1690 an impressive policy for the Spanish mind of breeding, buying and domesticating, so that by 1720 the Pueblo nation is estimated to have had some 25,000 horses, something particularly impressive given that there were only about 50,000 Puebloans. Later they independently developed a unique form of archery on horseback and, using this talent, faced enemy tribes such as the Apache, Ute or Navajo. However, from the North they came conquering the various nomadic tribes and scattered a tribe known as the Comanche. The Pueblo Kingdom, as the Europeans nicknamed them, were unable to meet the Comanche in direct fight, but their horses and great knowledge of the terrain gave them intense speed, hunting, and military prowess. However, the Comanche soon had a quick adoption of musketry, which they used to dominate the Puebloans: Unlike the Puebloans, the Comanches were formidable opponents who adapted to developing strategies for fighting on horseback. War was an important part of Comanche life and that ferocity soon led them to occupy the territories of the Capitania General de Tejas.


The arrival of the Comanches soon led to the emergence of a slave trade that would be based in Tejas. The main place of the Texas slave trade was the Spanish city of San Antonio, which had artillery and a strong garrison of the Dragoons of Cuera. Tribal slave traders engaged in the slave trade there: Ute, Navajo, Apache, Pueblo, Comanche, and others, who by right to trade, kept the peace and shed no blood within four days' horseback from the city. In San Antonio, sometimes as many as 50,000 slaves, mostly natives, were located simultaneously. For the Europeans, the territory north of New Spain was a wild and dangerous field, which served as a forbidden zone except for the Dragons of Cuera. The Comanches soon proved to be skilled riders, with each rider usually leading two more free horses. Both large and small groups raided in summer. Winter raids were rare, but always involved large numbers of warriors, perhaps due to necessity. As they reached a populated area, parties of several hundred broke off from the main body. These spread through the countryside and surrounding towns. So that no one escaped at night they lit big fires. Then they robbed, burned and killed and took not only men, women and children, but also horses, bulls, cows, goats and sheep, even dogs and cats.

The condition of the captives when they were taken to San Antonio was very difficult. Held in bondage, divided into small groups, hands tied behind their backs with rawhide straps, tied to green wooden poles with ropes around their necks. Held at the end of a rope, surrounded by and tied to the horsemen, they were driven by whips across the fields without stopping. The weak and the sick often cut their throats so that they would not delay the march. They often ate the meat of dead horses. Arriving in the outskirts of Texas, where they were relatively safe from attacks by other tribes, the Comanche let their horses roam freely as they set about dividing up the captives, each of whom was branded with a knife. Having received his slaves as inalienable property, each Comanche could do with them as he pleased. According to a Jesuit missionary who tried to convert them to Christianity, "the old and sick, who were not worth much money, were given to the young, like rabbits, to hunting dogs for their first military practice and were stoned to death, or thrown to the nearest river or dead in any other way«. A rider from the Dragones de Cuera who accompanied a contingent said: "The Indians cut the throats of all the men over 60 who were thought to be unable to work, the 40-year-olds were kept to work hard, the boys alike." , and girls and women received kind treatment to be sold later, probably as bed slaves. The prisoners were divided equally and batches were distributed according to age so that no one could complain that more old than young had been delivered. To their credit, I must say that they were not stingy with their loot and it was offered with extreme courtesy, to everyone who came their way including me.«.


In San Antonio they were taken to the Bazaar (word taken from the Arabic) or slave market and placed in a single row, joined by the neck. The buyers carefully inspected the male or female slaves, beginning with their outward appearance and ending with the intimate parts of their bodies, to ensure that there were no missing teeth, blackened teeth, warts, bumps, or other blemishes. Beautiful girls were especially valued. An English Quaker described San Antonio as "an insatiable and lawless abyss, drinking our blood." In addition to the poor food, water, clothing and shelter provided, they were subjected to backbreaking and abusive work. According to the same English «the strongest slaves were castrated, others had their noses and ears cut off and had the mark on their foreheads or cheeks. During the day they were tormented with forced labor and at night they were kept in dungeons populated with rats and cockroaches." Once sold, they were transported to distant territories or provinces: Cuba, Florida and Yucatan among them. On the way they had to endure torment: often a ship was sometimes so full that they could not move and were forced to lie stretched out on the deck to facilitate the passage of the whites. They ate and slept stretched out. In such conditions, a large number sickened and died, the last being thrown into the sea. Men were often sent to the mines, where they were worked to exhaustion. Captive women were sent to wealthy homes for carnal pleasure and educating adolescent children (who followed the lewd behavior of their elders), while the less beautiful were assigned domestic work and were subjected to physical abuse such as beatings, torture. in the form of games and in some cases practices with animals penalized by the same Inquisition, although the Spaniards did it for fun in the face of the suffering of the victim.


Cristiano Arasaka

The Bourbon reform in the Viceroyalty of Japan, often ignored by Europe, enjoyed a golden age of great cultural and economic flourishing. Where they began to export Japanese merchandise and fashions, especially attracting European merchants from France, who settled in various ports in southern Japan. The arrival of the French was tolerated by the Austria-Yamato hereditary Viceroys, much to the outrage of the conservative Kazoku (privileged nobility), although they were seen as a means to acquire European money, knowledge and goods. He even built his own merchant fleet to ship goods abroad, taking an active role in peaceful trade. This would be carried out by what would be known as Zaibatsu, a Japanese equivalent of Privileged Company. The most important and first of these would be the Imperial Japanese Trading Company (Spanish: Compañia de Comercio Imperial Japonesa) nicknamed Arasaka: a name that meant "derefined/unfinished hill" (Ara means derefined/unfinished, Saka means Hill). This Zaibatsu would be founded by the Cristiano Arasaka, a Shizaku (nobility without title) who would invest in the business of transporting goods and later commercial escort. Precisely, the Arasaka Fleet consisted mostly of former Viceroyalty of Japan Coastal Navy ships from the Succession War era, and recruited several hundred marine veterans to become Marines aboard said ships. This was at a time when Asian pirates were constantly hampering and sinking Spanish merchants traversing the seas beyond Asia and the Spanish dominions. On their own initiative, a force of Arasaka Merchant Marine ships set sail to take the fight to the pirates. The first battle on the high seas between the pirates and the Spanish-Japanese occurred in Cagayan, and an incredible 2,000 pirates were captured and taken to Japan in chains.

There they would be mentally broken, before being sold in the Philippines, Hawaii and Australia. What some would call the "Arasaka War against Piracy", also known as the "Pirate War" and the "Arasaka-Pirate War", could just as easily be honestly labeled the "Great Asian Pirate Slavery", only arrested by order of the Viceroy of Japan: Ferdinand of Austria-Yamato. But until then, and for almost an entire year, the Arasaka ships sailed around Asia, calling at friendly cities for supplies and selling cargo and slaves taken from pirate ships. Arasaka's ships were not invincible and several were lost, but many pirate ships were sunk in return. This resulted in a great diplomatic gift and announcement of reliability for the Arasaka ships that were called the Secret Fleet of Japan, but it would be in 1739 when Arasaka would arrive in Europe and America as a result of the Jenkins War where he would carry out a daring attack on the Bengal Presidency under the government of Thomas Broddyll. Where they bombed a dozen BEIC facilities, killing hundreds of civilian and military workers. The Arasaka Fleet would be cursed by the BEIC while being seen as the BEIC's main enemy in Asia.