Twin Eagles of Rhumania- A Byzantine Timeline

1240-1294- Age of the Purple Phoenix

1240 POD- The Babai Rebellion never occurs and the Selijuk army and state is not weakened for what’s to come.

1244- The battle of Kose Dag is a pyrrhic victory for Rum and their army is left as an exhausted force. Sultan Kaykhusraw II groans at the casualty list that he is presented with, half his infantry dead, nearly a third of heavy cavalry, and nothing of his light. Archers are left mostly dead as well. He needs allies and fast.

The Ayyubids are not an option, as the Sultan of Rum he is the greatest Moslem since Kilij Arslan I. He will not bow to those Egyptian curs. Trebizond would have been an option had it not also got its army wiped out in the battle. The only other option would be the Nicaea Empire, the strongest successor state of the Roman Empire. The sultan scowls at the thought of allying with the Rumi to the west but to preserve the empire of the Selijuks he would do anything.
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1244 Narrative
Kaykhusraw waits in his throne room in Konya for the Nicaean envoy of John III. “How long do I have to wait for them to show their faces.” He idly thinks, sipping senkanjabin. The sweet drink makes him wince slightly as the envoy walks through the doors. Theodoros, heir of the Nicaean Empire. The sultan smiles for the first time since Kose Dag.

Theodoros looks tired from the journey to Konya. “Salutations, Turk. We have much to discuss, particularly the alliance you’re requesting against these Mongols.” He then is motioned to sit down adjacent to Kaykhusraw.

“Salutations, Greek. I, Kaykhusraw II, sultan of Rum is requesting a coalition against the tide of pagans that sweep across eastern Anatolia. In exchange, I will assist you in the reconquest of the Queen of Cites and the expulsion of the crusaders from our land.”

“Why should we help you pretenders, Sultan of Rome?” The Roman chuckles quietly at the title.

Kaykhusraw shuts his eyes for a moment. “Are we not all the children of Rome, Theodoros? Rome was a magnificent empire which has spawned powerful states all across Mare Nostrum and beyond.” A pause. “My nation was created in the fire of a collapsing empire as was yours. So, I ask of you to accept our alliance or else the eastern remnants of Rome will be left as a footnote in history by the time our grandchildren walk an earth ruled by the armies of Hell.”

Theodoros was taken aback but then began to laugh. “As you wish, Sultan of Selijuks. The Empire of the Nicaea pledges its support of your armies. May we survive the coming times.” He leaves with a happy grin; this alliance would cement the return of the Empire of the Romans as the rulers of Mare Nostrum and perhaps even beyond…
1244- Trebizond is sacked, its rulers killed and it is integrated into the Mongol domains with the Cillian Kingdom of Armenia submitting to survive the coming onslaught.

1246- The united army of Trebizond remnants, Rum, and Nicaea is massive as it gathers in Central Anatolia. Numbering roughly 52,000 men with the bulk made up by Rumi veterans from Kose Dag, they are a potent but riotous force. Issues over religion have already cropped up with the Muslims taking to constant prayer which irritates their Orthodox counterparts who are eager to get the disgusting business of fighting alongside the main enemy of Christendom over with.

The commanders of the army, Theodoros of Nicaea and Kaykhusraw II are wary of the strength the Mongols have to bear, thankfully the areas which they will battle in are far from Mongol supply lines although they have the resources of Persia and the Turkic steppe to draw upon. They are also wary of the budding protests in the army and they agree that they should make a show of camaraderie to bolster the army’s morale.
Interesting, let's see for how long can both sides bear with each other, if they can beat the Mongols and work togheter afterwards or fall to infightning. Ging to be watching the timeline.
1246 Narrative
Theodoros feels a headache coming on as a fight nearly breaks out again between the different contingents of the army, this time over a slice of pork. Kaykhusraw looks just as annoyed.

“I’m considering why I even agreed to this again, Kaykhusraw. Our armies aren’t getting along at all.”

“Yes, thank you for pointing out the obvious.” The Muslim sneers, having just got done hassling the generals to quit making bets with each other and do their damn jobs. “I thought this would have been sorted by now, we need to do something or the Mongols will be at Constantinople within the year’s end.”

Theodoros grins. “I have an idea.”

A sound like thunder begins to radiate through the camp, squabbles immediately cease and whispers around the camp that the great Mongol leader Baiju is here with the armies of hell at his beck and call begin to circulate. Some are about to blame the other side for the event but then a small army appears on the horizon with the banners of Rum and Nicaea flying high in the wind. Theodoros disembarks along with Kaykhusraw upon reaching the great army of Anatolia.

Despite the show of unity from their leaders, they are still uneasy about this. Theodoros then explodes with fury at the lack of positive response.

“You’re pathetic, cheap excuses for the heirs of Rome! You, who cannot bring himself to eat and drink with his ally. You, who falls to petty squabbles based on the creed of God. You, who suspects treachery in your brothers in arms. I’m glad that the great heroes of the Romans are long dead for if they still lived, you would disgrace their very names with your fecklessness. If the tide of history is on the side of the Mongols then I will fight them on my own for I am a son of Rhomania.”

He mounts his horse and rides off alongside Kaykhusraw who lambasted the Turks in a similar speech. The sound of a united army is heard behind them.
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1246- The battle of Erzurum occurs in a scorching August. It is a bloody battle with casualties racking up as the Mongols shatter the lines of the armies arrayed against it time and time again. Heroic actions by Turks and Greeks alike bonds them as they struggle against the immortal horde. Heirs of Rome fight side by side as they engage the armies of hell. Kaykhusraw is seen taking stab wound to the arm that leaves it mangled to protect Theodoros.

By the end, the Mongols withdraw from most of Anatolia and focus instead on subjugating Mesopotamia. Baiju is killed in a brutal melee that sees him dragged into the swirl of combat and spat out deformed and mutilated.

1250- With the backing of Rum, Constantinople falls to Nicaea and John III is crowned Emperor of the Romans. Pope Innocent IV is furious at the reversal of fortunes of the Latins and declares a crusade against “the most foul and depraved Greeks who chain themselves to the hell hound of Saracens in the eastern reaches of Europe.” The monarchs of Europe are too embroiled in wars with the exception of Conrad of Scilly who launches an invasion with Venice to crush the Romans.

1254- What is called the Crusade of Crete ends in a détente between Rhomania and Venice with the latter only keeping Crete and the Ionian Islands. John III and Conrad both die with Theodoros II and Conrad II succeeding them both as monarchs of their lands. Sultan Kaykhusraw II arrives in Constantinople to a mixed reception, by the soldiers of Erzurum he is cheered as one of the great generals who led them to victory and brother in arms of their new emperor. To the other residents who have flooded in when the rule of the Latins ended, he is treated with coolness as he parades through the capital.

1255- Rhomania invades Cyprus which nearly causes another crusade, the frantic diplomatic work of Theodoros drains his health as he works all night to prevent a second sacking of Constantinople. The European portions of Rome gradually expand to include Macedonia and South Bulgaria and push to the southern Adriatic with the incorporation of Epirus.
1255 Narrative
Kaykhusraw similes as he sees his friend Theodoros, now dressed up in splendour and the imperial purple. “Your majesty, I am here to express my congratulations at your ascension to emperor and condolences for your father’s death.” He found the wealth of Blachernae to be incredible, surpassing even his own residence in Konya.

Theodoros also smiles. “Greetings, Kaykhusraw, I have a proposal for the both of us that will lead to the glory of Rome to shine once more.” The emperor of the Romans dropped the formalities. “I want you as my co-emperor. I don’t trust Michael Palaiologos.”

The sultan balks at the notion. “What? Are you insane? You’d be lucky to be sent to a monastery if a coup toppled you! By Allah, this would be a legitimate reason to have one.” He shakes his head. “Sorry my friend but no, it would risk the entire empire.”

“Then let God be the judge of my reign.” Theodoros stops scowling. “You are always welcome here, Kaykhusraw. Remember that.”
1258- Theodoros II dies early due to his “epilepsy” and Michael Palaiologos seizes power in Constantinople becoming Michael VIII, side-lining young John IV who is only eight.

The Sultanate of Rum’s response is one of fury and bitter regret. Kaykhusraw marches on the Roman Empire and Michael is killed in the battle of Nicaea.

Kaykhusraw declares himself regent with the backing of much of the army who love him and they get to work crushing the few dissents in Constantinople.

1260- A rebellion occurs led by the rural dynatoi. It is crushed and Kaykhusraw begins making efforts to win the populace over with reforms and appointments of governmental positions based on merit. George Mouzalon helps him with this and John’s education.

The sultan, due to his preoccupation in the Queen of Cities, gives up the Sultanate of Rum to his eldest son, who is crowned Kaykaus II.

The new sultan sends his two brothers off to guard its southern and eastern borders. The Mongols sacked Baghdad five years previously and were now causing the collapse of the Levantine regions under Mamluk rule (they had deposed the Ayyubids in 1250 who fled west to Andalusia where they established the Ayyubid Sultanate of Al-Andalus).

Kilij Arslan almost immediately takes to raiding the eastern frontier where he burns the capital of Old Armenia and retreats before the Mongols can launch an effective counter-attack. New Armenia makes some angry diplomatic noise but doesn’t wish to invoke the wrath of the heir of the Tatar-Slayer.

1263- The Golden Horde sends its first diplomat, a Nestorian Christian, to Rhomania where he is jeered at for his heresy by the population and has a cool reception by the authorities. Meanwhile they steadily centralise their state and squeeze the Russian vassals to do this.

1265- Hulegu the Great, Khan of the Il-Khanate dies in Khorasan and almost immediately civil war breaks out as his favoured heir died battling the Golden Horde a year previous and his second son was still in the Chagatai Khanate fighting to maintain the eastern frontier. The Khanate fractures into numerous warring states and the Sultanate of Khorasan is the strongest of the successor states along with Azerbaijan.

1266- The Regent of Rome, Kaykhusraw, is dying and the now sixteen John IV ascends to the purple. Earlier that year, Sultan Kaykaus II is forced to witness a great peril as his brother Kilij conquers both Van and Malatya before declaring himself Sultan of Kurdistan. Relations are tense and Kaykaus makes a visit to Constantinople, both to see his father and renew the old alliance that dissolved upon the collapse of the Il-Khanate.
Map of Il-Khanate 1265
How are the Bulgarians (and if it is still a thing, the Despotate of Epirus) reacting to the Turko-Roman Empire?
The Bulgarians are terrified and are making every effort to placate the Regent. Epirus got strong-armed into integration by Theodoros but have a high degree of autonomy at the moment
1240-1294- Age of the Purple Phoenix

1240 POD- The Babai Rebellion never occurs and the Selijuk army and state is not weakened for what’s to come.

1244- The battle of Kose Dag is a pyrrhic victory for Rum and their army is left as an exhausted force. Sultan Kaykhusraw II groans at the casualty list that he is presented with, half his infantry dead, nearly a third of heavy cavalry, and nothing of his light. Archers are left mostly dead as well. He needs allies and fast.

The Ayyubids are not an option, as the Sultan of Rum he is the greatest Moslem since Kilij Arslan I. He will not bow to those Egyptian curs. Trebizond would have been an option had it not also got its army wiped out in the battle. The only other option would be the Nicaea Empire, the strongest successor state of the Roman Empire. The sultan scowls at the thought of allying with the farangi to the west but to preserve the empire of the Selijuks he would do anything.

Just to say... I don't think the Turks considered the Niceans or any other Greek State as 'Farangi'. I think they were considered as Rum or Roman. Farangi was more for the Western Europeans.
1266 Narrative
John hurries to his guardian who lies coughing on a luxurious bed in Blachernae. Kaykhusraw’s beard has turned completely white and his tan skin has grown wrinkled in the past decade. His mangled arm had since been cut off and he was left with a stump that now flailed in the air helplessly.

“Uncle, please stay with me, please! I need you; the Empire needs you.” John begs as the former sultan begins to wheeze. “I don’t know what to do!”

Kaykhusraw then sits up and his voice has the strength of a man many years younger. “You are a Laskarid, you are born to rule. The Empire doesn’t need a benevolent tyrant as I have been for nearly a decade, it needs its own blood to lead the Romans to the heights of Alexander and Caesar. I am not long for this world but you are entering a golden age, the age of the purple phoenix, for we are all the sons and daughters of Rome.”

John weeps as the old man begins to cough, this time with blood. After a few minutes of agony, he breathes his last. Kaykaus bursts through the doors and walks over to his father.

The thirty-year-old Turk then breaks down crying as he realises that he was too late.

“Damn it! Why? WHY?” Kaykaus looks wild as his bloodshot eyes make contact with John’s. “What were his last words, brother?”

John shifts nervously. “He said that we are all heirs of Rome.” John wipes his eyes and turns to the door. “I’m going to announce that Uncle Kaykhusraw has died, you can grieve in peace.”

Kaykaus smiles. “His favourite phrase. If anyone and I mean anyone cheers at the news of my father’s death I will kill them myself!” He snarls.

John nods solemnly. “If you didn’t, I’d do it.”
1266- The news of Kaykhusraw’s death is met with genuine grief among the citizenry as he had subsidised much of the money from the rural dynatoi after the Great Uprising of 1260 to improve conditions and feed the poor as was custom for Islam and Christianity. Meanwhile in the clergy and the surviving nobles the news is met with joy as the Heathen is finally dead.

1267- Kurdistan launches an invasion of Baghdad and annexes north Mesopotamia. Meanwhile New Armenia declares war over the third invasion of their old homeland and runs rampant through southern Anatolia. Kaykaus II’s revenge is terrible. He sacks Gaziantep before relocating the Armenians to the Caucasian kingdoms, ceding some eastern land to do so. He is seen poorly for this but tales of starving peasants trekking the dusty roads of Erzurum stamps out any idea of revolt.

1270- John IV is married to Constance of Scilly and everyone finds the marriage a terrible idea but John and his new wife are smitten with each other.
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1270 Narrative
John frowns as he tries some senkanjabin, it makes him scrunch up his face and he set the cup down. Kaykaus smirks at him and drains his own cup without any grimace. “Enlighten me on why you thought marrying a Latin was a good idea. Furthermore, why you though getting into an Italian debacle was what your empire needed.”

“I love Constance, she’s more beautiful than any of the Greeks I’ve seen. I don’t understand what you mean by the latter though.” John sighed as he thought of her delicate face.

The sultan snorted in laughter. “What about the Turkish?” His face grew serious. “What I mean, John, is that how is the Kingdom of Scilly going to be handled. If you make it an inheritance for a second son, Europe will descend like vultures on it in times of weakness. If you make it part of Rome you come into conflict with Catholics and their “holiness”. What are you going to do?”

John faltered. “I d-don’t know. South Italy is de jure ours but your words are true. I’ll think on it.” His face then lit up. “Oh, and as for Turks. You’d know best since you’ve slept through your harem and then some. How many bastards do you have again?”
1272- Constance of Scilly has a son who is named Basil after the Bulgar-Slayer. This is met with jubilation by the Romans. Meanwhile, the Khanate of Silvania invades Bulgaria which triggers the alliance between Hungary and Bulgaria. The Great Transylvanian War has begun. Rhomania doesn’t intervene as of yet.

1273- Rum and Kurdistan go to war for the first time and it leaves eastern Anatolia bloodied and ravaged. No territories are exchanged and it ends in a white peace. Empress Constance formally bequeaths the Kingdom of Scilly to her son and a series of revolts break out known as the War of the Sicilian Saints due to how many were martyred. The Neapolitans are the most rebellious and it forms the independent city-sate of Naples. It only lasts as long as the Roman troops care to let it live. The Papal States takes Abruzzo and Molise in the chaos.

1275- Naples is crushed and the Papal States signs a favourable peace to Rome where they keep their land in exchange for not calling a crusade. Silvania is struggling against the might of the two giants against it and requests aid from Constantinople.