Turn the Soil was, essentially, a project conducted in a series of workshops around Australia in 1997 and 1998 with the goal of celebrating the country's diversity and minorities by constructing community made alternate history scenarios. It has:

Shukkinak, a Phoenician-colonized Australia.
Yuzhem, a Russian-colonized Australia.
Shao-lin, a... um... generic asian-colonized Australia? This one is kind of confusing and vaguely racist.
Artemos, a Greek-colonized Australia.
A German-colonized Australia scenario that was never completed, to my knowledge.
Nieuw Holland, a Dutch-colonized Australia.
The Canberra option where Australia is never colonized - it splits into three more options.
Woomera, a "Viking"-colonized Australia.
Lusitania, a Portuguese-colonized Australia.

Now none of these are good Alternate History scenarios, although I personally think that Lusitania is pretty decent. Ignoring the fact that butterflies are nearly completely absent, most of these scenarios have blatant wish fulfillment to ASB-ish levels. Still, these are community made AH timelines that some people clearly put genuine effort into and I thought it was interesting enough to share.