It was mentioned somewhen, but since we have no thread for it, neither on the old nor the new board...

TORG is a Roleplaying Game with a truly multiversal background. Players take the role of Storm Knights, deliberately larger-than-life heroes engaged in fighting the invasion of Earth, to prevent it being conquered by several invading dimensions (called cosms), each with its own separate reality; cosms largely correspond with popular roleplaying genres.

Among those cosms are:

* Core Earth -- "our" Earth, the base reality. Given the dramatic nature of the game, however, Core Earth had slightly better technology than the real world as well as some basic access to magic and miracles.
* Living Land -- a primitive, Lost World-style jungle covering large swaths of the United States' East and West coasts plus a small piece of Canada. The dominant species were humanoid dinosaurs called edeinos. Technology and magic were almost nonexistent, but the inhabitants had access to powerful miracles.
* Aysle -- a magical, low-technology realm that covered most of the United Kingdom and parts of Scandinavia. The realm was similar to traditional Dungeons & Dragons settings, but with slightly less powerful magic and somewhat better technology.
* The Cyberpapacy -- covering France and Quebec, this was an interesting realm combining a repressive, medieval theocracy (that wielded real miracles) with cyberpunk technology and attitudes.
* Nippon Tech -- an ultracapitalist nightmare society covering most of Japan where lies and betrayal were as common as breathing, and where martial artists, computer hackers, and yakuza fought to bring down the corporate-controlled government.
* The New Nile Empire -- based in North Africa, this realm combined a restored Ancient Egypt with pulp sensibilities. 1930's technology worked side-by-side with Egyptian magical astronomy and "weird science" powers and gizmos, while costumed Mystery Men patrolled the alleyways of Cairo.
* Orrorsh -- a Lovecraftian horror realm set in Indonesia where the realm's Victorians considered it their White Man's Burden to protect the natives from the unspeakable monsters roaming the countryside. The greatest enemy in Orrorsh, however, was the enemy within: the realm would attempt to seduce Storm Knights to the side of Wickedness.

Anyone except me knows it / played it / liked it?
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