TL-191: After the End

How many people in hispanphone, francophone, and Japanesephone? states now speak English, and how many speak English as first language.

By 2023, English and German are taught in the education systems of many countries around the world. Both languages are considered necessary for anyone considering a career in fields such as the sciences, business, or politics.
Since you mentioned that Native Americans have a better socioeconomic standing ITTL post-war since the US has finally realized they screwed them over for so long and don't want to antagonize them any longer, what is the reservation system like ITTL? Are they fully funded, self-sustaining communities with the utmost basic living standards? Are the land areas allocated for them bigger for them, as well as in the former Canada? They sure won't be looking like third-world countries where drug and alcohol addiction is rampant as IOTL. And what is their casino industry like on the side as well? Also, are certain lands returned to certain tribes? Are the lands of the Five Civilized Tribes in Sequoyah restored like IOTL?
Since you mentioned as well that Americans don't like it, especially in academic circles, if the genocide and ethnic cleansing of Native Americans is compared to the Destruction by the CSA, will there ever be a time where they pass it post-2022? Though similar and dynamically different in quite a few aspects, genocide is genocide and they'll have to fully acknowledge that their country did it independently of the CSA and even before it. And in the path towards a reconciliation, is there better funding toward persevering as well as revival of native languages? Will there ever be a president of Native American heritage?
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One topic of difference that's been discussed here is the legal status of LGBTQ+ persons and their rights of marriage. Even though the world is considerably behind on the rights of same-sex marriage/civil unions, (but the U.S. is still most ahead in it) and knowing how it still isn't legal in much of the world even ITTL, it brought up a question on those rights and studies elsewhere: How has LGBTQ+ rights and acceptance advanced in regards to two German victories ITTL? I bring this up since there was increase in discussion on LGBTQ+ topics during the Weimar culture IOTL despite same sexual activity being illegal. Though there isn't a Weimar Republic ITTL, there are also no Nazi book burnings as well, which set back the topic and studies of research done on human sexuality and gender identity back decades. And I believe Germany ITTL still went through a Roaring 20s during the interwar years while the U.S didn't ITTL. Correct me if I'm wrong. So overall, is German society more open to discussion of LGBTQ+ topics at all social classes despite no legalized marriage and a more conservative society? How does this translate for Germany's European allies as well?
Was the Partition of India more violent or less violent than IOTL? The situation is still described as chaotic as British rule held down tensions, but the Indians are much more on the winning end of the war and may have a greater say in dividing up the colony. Also, why didn't the newly formed Bharat invade and annex Hyderabad like India did IOTL? And I note based on the official maps for the thread Bangladesh receives independence along mainly ethnic lines. What have leaders and statesmen such as Jawarhalal Nehru, Muhammad Ali Jinnah, Sheik Mujibur Rahman, Khawaja Nazimuddin, A.K. Fazlul Huq, Huseyn Shaheed Suhrawardry, Abdul Hamid Khan Bashani, Abdul Ghaffar Khan, and D.S. and Dudley Senanayake done in the beginnings of their respective young countries?
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As of 2023, who was the last president to win an outright majority (50%+) of the popular vote in an election?

By 2023, Alfred Astaire is the last US presidential candidate to have won an election with a majority of the popular vote. President Astaire won just over 51% of the popular vote in his reelection for second term in the 2016 elections.
Why's that?

My guess is that since Jimmy Carter was lastly born person (b. 1924) who was mentioned on the series so it is pretty logical to think that since 1925 no one OTL person has born. And due butterflies it is pretty logical that OTL people wouldn't anymore born ITTL after some point. World in 1944 is pretty different than OTL 1945.
One has to be thankful that the original author of Timeline-191 didn't care enough about butterflies which means that he lets many people live that shouldn't be conceived from 1863 onwards. Two generations of leeway are very generous.
Why are musicals and theatrical productions so much more popular compared to OTL?

The theater enjoys wider popularity and greater prestige in many countries by 2023 because of several broad cultural trends during the 20th Century.

The theater was viewed as an important institution by different governments for fostering patriotism and national unity, especially during the two Great Wars.

The theater also became part of the wider efforts in different countries to further national prestige. By 2023, having a world renowned playwright or theatrical production is considered in many countries to be a valuable part of what might be described as a national self-image. This is part of the same logic that contributed in TTL to the Space Chase, the informal competition to build higher and higher skyscrapers, and continued support for large and powerful militaries, particularly among the great powers.

The theater was also embraced in many countries by the political left. In the United States, one of the effects of a more left-wing popular culture after the end of the Second Great War. in comparison to US popular culture after the end of World War II in our world, was an engrained view in many left-wing artistic, literary, and political circles that the theater was an important medium for cultural expression.

By 2023, in some cities around the world with large theatrical communities, such as New York City, Los Angeles, Chicago, Havana, Berlin, Munich, Prague, Vienna, Budapest, Krakow, Melbourne, Mexico City, Rio de Janeiro, Kinshasa-Ncuna, Montreal, London, Paris, Moscow, Shanghai, Mumbai, and Barcelona, there are networks of theaters that specifically support left-wing or other kinds of countercultural productions

Musicals enjoyed greater popularity in TTL in many countries in comparison to our world because they remained a popular form of escapism, both as theatrical productions and as films. Musicals were bolstered as a popular art form later in the 20th Century with the spread of particular kinds of genres and styles rooted in science fiction, such as Space Operas.
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One has to be thankful that the original author of Timeline-191 didn't care enough about butterflies which means that he lets many people live that shouldn't be conceived from 1863 onwards. Two generations of leeway are very generous.

I wanted to move away from the limited butterfly effect of the series with this continuation. I think that it would have strained credibility to have the same prominent people from our world existing and occupying the same roles in TTL long after the original point of divergence.