These Fair Shores: The Commonwealth of New England

Forget nukes, how about MegaAnthrax or Smallpox 2.0. In other words, there's no way The Commonwealth can directly aid the new republic without getting a WMD to the face. Weaponry and financial aid perhaps but as soon as boots are on the group, London would be experiencing a double sunrise.
Which, of course would be followed by the Good Ol' US Of A drowning in a sea of nuclear fire.
Do we know what New England / The British Empire's intelligence agencies look like?

Well, I do, but everyone here does not! I do plan on having a "police/intelligence"-themed update at some point, though it is not high on my list.

Ok, that's a whole bunch of stuff.

There's an "internet licence". Is the internet provided by a single national provider in the UK ITTL? Some department or spin off from the Post Office, perhaps?

The US is getting bad. Very bad.

And the honourable leader of the opposition (California) sounds a bit like a certain former president of the OTL United States.

Internet in the British Empire is a fully-owned government entity called the Digital Communications Office (often just shortened to Digcom). Private ISPs are illegal, and the government has full ownership and control of communications infrastructure.

You ain't seen nothing, yet.

The President-elect of California, you mean?

I'll bet that people will be focusing way more on North America but what's going on in Africa? The continent is a bit of a mystery so it'd be nice if we could get some information on a few states like Abyssinia or the Cape, rather than a hard focus on the American Continent. Just a suggestion, I really like your work

After the most recent re-work of the world map, I will be able to expand upon content in Africa, and behind the scenes have been sketching things in my notebook on what to cover moving forward.

Is the 'Imperial Cooking Competition TTL's Masterchef?

Pretty similar!

Does VOCA lie ideologically between PCU and PPL or does it lie to the right of PCU?

VOCA is well to the right of most mainstream parties.

As always, this is first-rate, @CosmicAsh . A few comments/questions....
  • For a start, it's really ironic that Anglos are the minority facing discrimination from Hispanics in California ITTL rather than the other way around...
  • How democratic is California, really? Are the elections free and fair or is there an American-style system where "the house always wins?¨
  • Just how bad are things in America? You have mentioned before that the central government's control over the Caribbean states is slowly fading, but this is an order of magnitude worse than anything I'd imagined. What steps will Larry Hogan take to ensure continued control over Puerto Rico? Furthermore, what's the British Empire's position on events there? Same exact question with Georgia.
  • Is this state of persistent rebellion fairly commonplace in TTL's America and something with lots of precedent, or is this a truly fresh danger which the US hasn't seriously confronted before? Is the United States in real danger of breaking up and would the British Empire encourage such a thing?
  • With New England conducting missile tests and the Royal Navy moving "unexpectedly" into American waters, how seriously is London considering intervention?
  • How much does the BBC actually know about the situation in America? Obviously, garnering accurate information from a war zone is a challenging task, but a regime as restrictive as America's certainly won't help. Furthermore, how biased is their reporting? I know that TTL's British Empire retains a rather authoritarian streak about the press and media- is BBC material on the war in America as hostile as Larry Hogan would have you believe, or is it generally as fair, objective, and neutral as possible?
  • Why is Java forbidding oil production? Is it due to fear of climate change? (I know you mentioned that climate change is taken far more seriously ITTL). Seems like a questionable economic policy....
  • I find it interesting that Russia has now abolished universal conscription. If, ITTL, they're one of the three strongest world powers (I know you mentioned something about them having a naval base in Sardinia a while back- certainly a radical departure from our world), surely they would have a militarised culture and tremendous power-projection abilities. Or is it that enough young Russians join up voluntarily that they don't need conscription?

- While ironic, California's history is one of resisting Anglo adventurists from Canada, and maintaining a fine line of accessing assistance from the British and Anglos in their struggle against Mexico, and not being made into a Crown Colony.
- Elections in California are considered fully democratic. There is a strong and stable multi-party system, and Presidential elections are done through IRV.
- I believe you should have an indication how bad things are in the United States at the moment by now ;)
- This is a new wave of unrest and rebellion never before seen in the United States.
- I do not think intervention is likely, but this is not up to me. The decisions of the Cabinet are going to guide the process here.
- The BBC would likely have... the best information out of anyone outside of the United States. Not perfect, of course, but dang near close enough.
- It is Climate Change related, yes. Java has a long history of economic diversification and reduction of reliance on fossile fuel extraction.
- Russia, for many years, has relied on a mostly voluntary military. The Russian military provides ample benefits, such as free, guarenteed housing for life, access to healthcare facilities, educational facilities, and a strong pension.

In the Mass Bay posting there was mention of the privatization of the "Tupper Lake Reservoir" being a major issue. Assuming the Quabbin Reservoir was never built to supply Boston's water, and ITTL's Tupper Lake is the same one in upstate NY, how does that work from a logistical perspective? Quabbin is only 65 miles from Boston while Tupper Lake is over 200 miles away. Also, is Tupper Lake still in federal hands, and if so why was that not the arrangement from the beginning if the Reservoir was entirely in Adirondack but was built to supply Boston?

The Quabbin does not exist! I am glad someone picked up on that :p. The Tupper Lake Reservoir is, indeed, located in Adirondack. During the 1920s and 1930s when it was devised, it was deteremined that the amount of water Boston needed would be well beyond anything a reservoir inside the province could hold. Instead, in working with the federal government, Massachusetts Bay purchased the land rights to the new location in Adirondack, and built the reservoir. The Federal Governemnt built the massive water movement systems from Adirondack to Boston, mostly pipes, aqueducts, and pump houses. It has now passed into federal hands, and remains there. It was not initially in federal hands because, in fairness, Massachusetts Bay paid for the land and construction of the reservoir!

Russia really is, to borrow an ursine turn of phrase, the 800-pound gorilla in the room in this universe! Their economy is larger than the entire Empire and Commonwealth combined! Sheesh! I also like how Russia being the strongest hasn't instantly turned the world into a smoking wasteland as is so often the case. Also, did Churchill, Attlee and Mountbatten feature prominantly in TTL?

The Russian Empire is massive, though they are much quieter than you'd expect. Much of their focus today remains on securing their southeastern border, rather than global politics. Though their word still does carry considerible weight.

In some form they did, yes.

Considering that there is an "internet licence", and therefore a government-owned ISP in these countries, how heavily regulated is the alt-internet ITTL (in Britain and the Empire specifically, though I wouldn't mind knowing how that works elsewhere)? Are there certain types of site that are legal IOTL that are illegal ITTL and vise-versa?

The Imperial Internet is heavily regulated - the internet is considered to be a public place (for most of it, not email for example), so your real identity is known to the government while you are on the internet, and your internet traffic is linked directly to your personal data. This measure is taken to ensure that no illict activities take place on the internet. So long as you obey the laws, by all means you will be fine.

There's a lot of websites that would be illegal in the Empire, but fine to us here today. Most of these websites are hosted elsewhere in Europe.

The Imperial Parliament intervened to strike down laws in Massachusetts Bay which were discrimnatory against LGBTQ+ people, so it's safe to say that at least some areas of rights are quite robust in Britain.

Indeed, the Empire's dominant strain of political thought is Liberal Imperialism, wherein the Empire must remain strong - but rule on a benevolent basis.

Yeah. Separatist organizations are harshly cracked down upon. Even something like OTL's SNP would be completely illegal.

This is correct. The SNP, ALBA, ect. are considered to be illegal.

Love this, but that "Amerispeak" is a nightmare.

Hah, thanks!!



Oh dear.

*stares ahead, twiddles fingers nervously*

I'd be afraid, for sure.

Can't wait for Puerto Rico to follow.

De jure, nothing has happened, but De facto the situation on the ground is... tense.

Who is "Napoleon?"

Napoleon VII, Emperor of the French. The Prince Imperial, Charles Bonaparte, also signed this Declaration.

I'm surprised that the Louisiana declaration of independence still uses the butchered American spelling. You'd think they'd use proper English as a middle finger to the federal government in Cincinnati.

There is considerable debate to shift the country from American to English.

Oh god oh fuck. Cannot imagine Chairman Hogan's response.

Oh it's not going to be good, no.

Is the English version official?

Yes. Louisiana issued both documents.

For those who can’t read cursive too well, what are the names of the people who signed the declaration?

Gov. Rodney Alexander

Column 1
Arsène Beliveau
JN. Kennedy
Mary Landrieu
Elijah Jackson
Edwin Edwards
Maxwell Koster

Column 2
Eric Skrmetta
Cedric Richmond
Mary Chenoweth
Franklin Lafon
Mitch Landrieu

Column 3
Karen Peterson
Jaimeson Rivers
Patrick Williams
Charles Pinnick
Charles Bonaparte
Jared Brossett

Column 4
Louisa Whittemore
James Harris III
Katrina Jackson
Barbara Carpenter
Royce Duplessis
Frederick Carter

will the Commonwealth lend a hand to Louisiana???
Me exited...

Stay tuned...

Oh HELL no this escalated badly. As Cosmic has said that TTL chemical weapons are significantly more destructive than OTL, the USA has already escalated to using WMDs on its own people. If they have already loosed the genie at this stage, what on earth would they do to a foreign invader, especially if that invader is Great Britain, the USA's Grayt Saytan.

There indeed was a nerve agent chemical attack on a suburb in Louisiana, along the coast of the Mississippi River. It was spill over from anti-Terrorist operations in Mississippi.

Hogan is so paranoid at this point, he'd launch nukes because someone burped in his prescence.

The United States does not maintain a stockpile of nuclear weapons.

Forget nukes, how about MegaAnthrax or Smallpox 2.0. In other words, there's no way The Commonwealth can directly aid the new republic without getting a WMD to the face. Weaponry and financial aid perhaps but as soon as boots are on the group, London would be experiencing a double sunrise.

Right on the money.

I wonder if this will set off something more akin to the Donbass Conflict or the Yugoslav Wars...

You might very well think that, I couldn't possibly comment. :)

Which, of course would be followed by the Good Ol' US Of A drowning in a sea of nuclear fire.

At present, no British military operations involve the deployment of nuclear weapons in North America.
Is it just me or is the "normal" English version of the document not showing up anymore? On another note, because the other document wasn't available for me to read, I decided to read through the "American" document and found it surprisingly easily to read all around. There were a few words that I stumbled over, but I didn't have much trouble. Kudos for making something that makes sense and is readable. I used to hate it, but now I kind of like it.
Is it just me or is the "normal" English version of the document not showing up anymore? On another note, because the other document wasn't available for me to read, I decided to read through the "American" document and found it surprisingly easily to read all around. There were a few words that I stumbled over, but I didn't have much trouble. Kudos for making something that makes sense and is readable. I used to hate it, but now I kind of like it.

My bad, I fixed it! I deleted the English one from my imgur gallery. Oops!

As for the writing reform, I must admit that I did not comeup with it myself. It is an extant proposal for spelling reform IRL that I have (in a few instances) modified to make better use of and to fit the the lore.
My bad, I fixed it! I deleted the English one from my imgur gallery. Oops!

As for the writing reform, I must admit that I did not comeup with it myself. It is an extant proposal for spelling reform IRL that I have (in a few instances) modified to make better use of and to fit the the lore.
Oh really? That's still pretty cool. Good job on making it work then. Thanks for fixing the issue with the other document.
Another quick question, I noticed Napoleon, who we've already established is Napoleon VII, who is Charles Bonaparte? Brother or distant cousin of Napoleon VII?
Another quick question, I noticed Napoleon, who we've already established is Napoleon VII, who is Charles Bonaparte? Brother or distant cousin of Napoleon VII?

Charles Bonaparte is the son of Napoleon VII, he is the Prince Imperial. Here is a photograph of both of them during a recent session of the Louisiana Legislature.


Deleted member 77383

@CosmicAsh what was terrorism and civil unrest like in the US from the 60’s to now? What’s an example? What kind of insurgencies occurred in the US? And would MLK be equivalent to Nelson Mandela and the Black Panther party equivalent to the spear of the nation, in the terms of guerilla warfare? Excellent timeline by the way!
Charles Bonaparte is the son of Napoleon VII, he is the Prince Imperial. Here is a photograph of both of them during a recent session of the Louisiana Legislature.

Very very cool. I love the idea of the Bonapartes in Louisiana. Reminds me a bit of the old TL Disaster at Leuthen where the Bonapartes establish a Louisianan Empire. Anyway, can't wait to see where this goes!


CosmicAsh said that this US didn't abolish slavery until the 1930s, but there is at least one Black signer of the Louisiana Declaration of Independence (Cedric Richmond.) How is this possible?
CosmicAsh said that this US didn't abolish slavery until the 1930s, but there is at least one Black signer of the Louisiana Declaration of Independence (Cedric Richmond.) How is this possible?
It makes perfect sense, the people that don't like the US don't fit in with it's values. That and the rise of Hogan occurred just after a rather liberal presidency so they may be a holdover.
I'd be afraid, for sure.
De jure, nothing has happened, but De facto the situation on the ground is... tense.
Oh it's not going to be good, no.
Yes. Louisiana issued both documents.
There indeed was a nerve agent chemical attack on a suburb in Louisiana, along the coast of the Mississippi River. It was spill over from anti-Terrorist operations in Mississippi.
American Special Forces ready to land in Baton Rouge like:

But in all seriousness, it seems like an American Civil War is on its way shortly. Possible a patchwork of states in the Mississippi delta and Midwest against the East Coast Loyalists and rural West. Given Supreme Warlord Larry Hogan has a vast stockpile of chemical weapons, he can perhaps use that as a stick to threaten the International Community with staying out of American Affairs lest they get nerve gassed. It also makes things that much harder for the Rebels to be able to fight against government forces unless they can grab stockpiles of their own.

The DSU's voter base are generally those who don't want to rock the boat at all, so to speak, and those who still support their policies of American exceptionalism and isolationism. There is a strong sentiment that the LPP, if allowed total power, would harm the American way of life, and open the country up to "foreign influences," and see the country descend into anarchy and division. DSU voters believe that a strong government, and a strong leader, is needed to ensure continuity and the continuation of the Constitution.
Given this, I think the Rebels may be anywhere from Hard-Left radicals to DSU supporters who think Hogan has shit the bed.

Rebel Territory may be centered in the Black Belt, Steel Belt/Rust Belt, Southern States( as they don't have much heavy industry and thus have not 'benefitted' from America's Industrialization nearly as much.

This may also culminate in a lot of violence for sectarian purposes as the breakdown of society and Civil War stresses lead towards massacres of political enemies as well as the 'settling' of long-standing grievances and resentments.

It makes perfect sense, the people that don't like the US don't fit in with it's values. That and the rise of Hogan occurred just after a rather liberal presidency so they may be a holdover.

Louisiana has historically had a free population made up of Free People of Color, it could very well be that without the conditions leading up the entrenchment of slavery and the civil war (mainly that America went to war with Britain and got its ass kicked in the 1850s) that Louisiana's free black population would've continued to enjoy a relative sense of prosperity and social status.

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