Kaiser Wilhelm the Tenth
As always, this is first-rate, @CosmicAsh . A few comments/questions....
- For a start, it's really ironic that Anglos are the minority facing discrimination from Hispanics in California ITTL rather than the other way around...
- How democratic is California, really? Are the elections free and fair or is there an American-style system where "the house always wins?¨
- Just how bad are things in America? You have mentioned before that the central government's control over the Caribbean states is slowly fading, but this is an order of magnitude worse than anything I'd imagined. What steps will Larry Hogan take to ensure continued control over Puerto Rico? Furthermore, what's the British Empire's position on events there? Same exact question with Georgia.
- Is this state of persistent rebellion fairly commonplace in TTL's America and something with lots of precedent, or is this a truly fresh danger which the US hasn't seriously confronted before? Is the United States in real danger of breaking up and would the British Empire encourage such a thing?
- With New England conducting missile tests and the Royal Navy moving "unexpectedly" into American waters, how seriously is London considering intervention?
- How much does the BBC actually know about the situation in America? Obviously, garnering accurate information from a war zone is a challenging task, but a regime as restrictive as America's certainly won't help. Furthermore, how biased is their reporting? I know that TTL's British Empire retains a rather authoritarian streak about the press and media- is BBC material on the war in America as hostile as Larry Hogan would have you believe, or is it generally as fair, objective, and neutral as possible?
- Why is Java forbidding oil production? Is it due to fear of climate change? (I know you mentioned that climate change is taken far more seriously ITTL). Seems like a questionable economic policy....
- I find it interesting that Russia has now abolished universal conscription. If, ITTL, they're one of the three strongest world powers (I know you mentioned something about them having a naval base in Sardinia a while back- certainly a radical departure from our world), surely they would have a militarised culture and tremendous power-projection abilities. Or is it that enough young Russians join up voluntarily that they don't need conscription?