Chapter 73, January 1515
  • Windsor Castle, Kingdom of England, January 1515

    She bobbed her head down respectfully as she and her lady Helga entered the solar,”Your Excellency.”

    The portly, middle-aged man in front of her waved this away, his voice smooth as silk,”Please your Majesty, call me Wolsey.”

    “Very well Archbishop Wolsey, what is it that brings you here today?”

    Wolsey chuckled,”A very strong horse my Queen.”

    Eleanor laughed a little at this, but not much. She found the humor in it, but since her son’s passing had little occasion to feel anything but melancholy. Narrowing her eyes, she asked,”Why is it that you are really here Wolsey? I know it is not to make idle talk, the both of us have more important things to do than that.”

    If the churchman was taken aback by her frankness he showed no indication of it,”Forgive me Queen Eleanor, but I could not help but notice the state that you have been in lately, and I hoped to be of help.”
    “How is it that you intended to help me Wolsey? I know that you are a skilled man, but I doubt you can bring my son back from the dead, for that is the only way you or any other person in the world could be of any use to me at the moment.”

    “Sadly, I cannot do so Majesty. I… had hoped to help you heal your soul, to cope with this.”

    “You may try, but I fear it will do little.”

    “I know that you are grieving your son’s passing, and that nobody deserves to endure such pain, but I would like to remind you of God’s mercy. Your precious boy did not suffer, and he is now with the angels and Saint Peter, fortunate to have been baptized.”

    Eleanor of Austria scoffed at this, biting her cheek,”Tell me, what sort of merciful God taken an innocent babe from his mother’s arms and allows him to die? If this is God’s mercy, perhaps he is not such a good Lord after all.”

    Wolsey nodded his head,”I can see why you feel that way, but please, do not let yourself fall to despair Eleanor. You are the Queen of England, one day you shall have more children. But you mustn’t let your guard down in this moment. The King, he may start to have doubts in you, and were you to lose his affections it would devastate your own position and that of England’s.”

    The Queen squeezed her eyes shut, silent tears fell down her cheeks as she considered what the man had implied. “I will try Wolsey, that much I will do.”

    “Good, I wish to see you succeed here, this Kingdom needs someone like you, with the blood of Kings and Emperors running through her veins to solidify the standing of the Tudor House.”

    “Will that be all?”

    “Yes, I think so, God bless you Majesty.”

    Before she could turn to leave however the man cleared his throat and rapidly motioned a hand towards the window,”I am sorry but I think you may wish to see this.”

    Reluctantly stepping forward Eleanor peered through the window. She saw her husband, though only his back, yet she knew it was him from the sight of his broad shoulders as well as the dark bonnet that he had taken to wearing. What concerned her was not Henry himself, but rather who was with him. Dark blonde hair was covered by her headdress, a single lock out of place. The young woman planted a kiss on Henry’s cheek, and pressed his hand against the small swell of her belly, and while she could not quite read lips from afar, Eleanor knew what she was telling the King. She took a shaky breath, and demanded,”Who is it? Who is this whore whom my husband has sired a bastard with?”

    Wolsey sighed,”Elizabeth Blount, he has taken to calling her Bessie.”

    Pursing her lips Eleanor said,”I see, well I thank you for at least informing me of this. I would ask that you try to persuade him not to carry on with her after the child is born.”

    The Archbishop bowed,”I will do so, I do not wish for her or her family to gain undue influence over the King.”

    She paid little heed to his words, and wanted to scream, but she didn’t, keeping her heartbreak to herself Oh Henry how could you treat me so?

    It had been hours since she had discovered that her husband was having a child by another woman, and, while this aggrieved her, Eleanor wished to try and win her husband back. The moon was out, and candles were lit throughout the castle. Normally she would ask that her husband join her in her own rooms, and make sure that the court knew that she and the King were to do their duty to the realm, but this time she would not. Instead, she would visit him in his own bed, hoping that a change in habit would please him. Padding her way through the corridor, she finally stopped outside of his door. Said door was mostly closed, but there was a small opening through which she could see. Of course, she heard it before she saw it, and it was obvious what her husband and this other woman were up to. This was not, however, the same woman that he had seen earlier. This one was fairer, and she soon found out her name before she walked away in disgust; it was Mary, Mary Boleyn.
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    Chapter 74, February 1515
  • Windsor Castle, Kingdom of England, February 1515

    Their eyes lowered as they curtsy, for the Queen of England had gone to speak with her predecessor in the chambers assigned to her. Giovanna of Naples smiled warmly as Eleanor of Austria walked further into the room,”To what do I owe the honor of this visit my Queen?”

    The young woman sniffed the air, as if displeased to be in the room,”It concerns a member of your household.”

    The Dowager Queen rose a brow,”Why should that be an issue for you milady?”

    “Because Mary Boleyn is in your service… Do you know where she is?”

    Perplexed, Giovanna said,”No I am not sure, I believe that she went to have a gown mended a few minutes ago.”

    “I do not think that is the truth of it Giovanna, she likely warms my husband’s bed as we speak, as yet another one of his harlots.”

    “I would not presume such a thing Eleanor, Mary is a good, kind girl, beyond reproach.”

    “Well, you are wrong it would seem, for just last month I saw them together myself.”

    Giovanna felt a wave of guilt wash over her; she had brought her friend’s daughter to court to improve her prospects of a good marriage, not for Mary to have her reputation tarnished in such a way.

    “What is it that you would have me do?”
    Eleanor huffed,“Isn’t it obvious? Remove the little whore from your household, send her back to her family of lowly mercers.”

    The answer was almost instinctive,”No I shall not.”

    The Queen flushed, and she tightened her jaw and hissed,”What did you say?”
    Giovanna stood firm, unmovable as a boulder and their dark eyes met,“Need I repeat myself cousin? I said I shall not remove Mary Boleyn from my household.”

    The teen flared her nostrils,”You will remove her from your household, I command you.”

    She could not help but chuckle at this,”You command me? Milady your word holds no weight here. This is my household, she is my lady, and the daughter of one of my most faithful companions. So, I will not do as you demand, perhaps had you suggested something else, or not insulted her so I would have agreed to help, but you did not, and so she shall stay.”

    Eleanor snarled,”You old bitch, you dare defy me?!”

    In a whirl the other woman’s hand flew through the air, but Giovanna had an inkling this would happen, and seized Eleanor’s wrist before she could slap her.

    “You would put a hand on me, your Queen?

    She narrowed her eyes, and lightly pushed Eleanor’s arm away,”Before you put one on my person? Yes.”

    Eleanor seemed shocked by Giovanna’s show of defiance, and before she could say or do anything else the Dowager added,”Now leave, I do not wish to fight with you, but if you try and push me around a fight is what you will get.”

    White with fury Eleanor stomped out of the room, and as she straightened her headdress Giovanna sighed Why must you make my life more eventful than it has to be Henry?
    Chapter 75, June 1515
  • Greenwich Palace, Kingdom of England, June 1515

    She sighs as Johanne tells her the news; Bessie Blount birthed a son.

    “And what is it that Henry named his bastard, or rather the bastard that the girl claims is his?”
    Johanne’s lip stiffens,”Jasper Fitzroy, for his father’s uncle.”

    Eleanor rolls her eyes,“Ah after a mere Welshman, I suppose I should be grateful that he does not name the boy after anyone of note. I hear that he is not given him a title either, my husband must have other plans to provide for the boy.”

    “Yes actually, he seems to have arranged an agreement with the Baron Willoughby that his daughter Agnes will marry Jasper once he is of age.”

    I sense the Dowager’s hand in this, the daughter of her dead Aragonese lady engaged to my husband’s bastard. What game does the old woman play? Still, even if she was somewhat suspicious, Eleanor was not displeased by this, it meant that her husband would not humiliate her further by granting title to his bastard son, given Agnes’s status as her father’s heiress.

    In time I will deal with Mistress Boleyn, but there is something that I must do first.

    Taking a long sip of her wine, the Queen murmured,”Johanne, tell the King that I would like to dine with him in his chambers tonight.”

    Delicately she plucks a purple grape from the bowl, and plops it into her mouth, biting into it and smirking coquettishly as the juices ran down her lips,”They are very good milord.”

    Her husband blushes a little, moving to drink more of his wine, but she stops him, gently holding his hand and stroking his palm,”Please Henry, I need you, and I promise that if you put a child into my belly tonight we will soon have another son.”

    Henry grins as he removes his hat,”Well then I suppose I must do so my Queen.”
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    Chapter 76, November 1515
  • Hertford Castle, Kingdom of England, November 1515

    The two of them rode through the field, keeping a steady, if deliberate pace. Giovanna laughed sardonically with the arrival of the misty drizzle,”Ah Anthony an outing would not be complete without this lovely English weather.”

    The young man smirks as he slows his horse to a trot,”Well this was your idea my love.”

    She rolls her eyes,”That may be true, let it be known that wisdom is not one of my many virtues.”

    The pair share more laughter as they continue, and Giovanna turns to him with a more serious look on her face,”Have you heard the latest news from court dear?”

    Anthony Wingfield spluttered out a chuckle,”Did you not say a moment ago that you detest gossip?”

    “Perhaps, but only if it involves me, or is malicious.”

    She urged her horse forward, making him wait for a moment, until he, impatient blurted,”Well what is it then? Do you mean to wait until those involved are dead and buried to tell?’

    “It is the Queen.”

    “Oh, did she try to slap you again Giovanna?”

    The Dowager smiled and shook her head,”No I believe that she has learned her lesson from the last time. Although she never apologized, and nor do I expect her to given her pride, Eleanor’s Oberhofmeisterin Johanne said that she no longer refers to me as an ‘old bitch’.”

    “Her Ober- what?” Anthony exclaimed

    “It’s some unnecessarily long title from Austria, essentially her chief lady.”

    Wingfield then asked,”Does Johanne write anything else of note?”

    “Yes actually. Just last week she wrote that the Queen is almost certainly with child again, for she has not bled this month.”
    “Good, good, and when she births another son I hope Henry is more discreet.”
    She thought it unlikely, but Giovanna smiled slightly,”One would hope.”

    After awhile longer of this, Giovanna and Anthony decided to turn back to the castle, having had enough of riding in the rain. Breathing into her hands, the Dowager sighed in relief,”I am glad that we are nearly back, I am chilled.”

    Her lover winked at her,”Perhaps when we are back in your chambers I can warm you.”

    Giovanna blushed,”Oh I certainly look forward to doing so Anthony.”
    Chapter 77, December 1515
  • Alcázar of Toledo, Kingdom of Castile, December 1515

    Catalina of Aragon, Regent of Castile smiled at the friar as he entered the library,”You have come quite a long way from the Indies Friar de Las Casas.”

    “Maybe I have Infanta, but for something of such import I would travel across the world.”

    The woman rose an eyebrow, drifting a finger over a map of the known world, and pointing to a large island drawn upon it,”I suppose that it concerns the New World, I have been informed that you took part in the civilizing of Cuba.”
    “Si Infanta, but what I have seen there can hardly be called civilizing.”
    “And why is that?”

    She urges him to the cushioned chair across from where she sits,”Pray, please tell me what our subjects have done there, and if it is not conformable to my will.”

    Bartolomé de Las Casas paled, and he described in vividity the horrors that have occurred,”The men who have taken part in the conquest of Cuba, and many other places, have behaved in a most unchristian manner milady. Villages have been devastated; the men maimed, women raped and even, I am ashamed to say, innocent little children beaten to death. Those in charge have proven themselves unworthy of the trust that the crown has placed in them, they would rather abuse the Indios than convert them to the Faith.”

    Catalina shook her head,”This is unacceptable, my mother would not stand for it and neither shall I.”

    “So you would follow the suggestions that I have written before I arrived here in court Infanta?”
    “Mostly yes. The Encomienda cannot be abolished, it is too important to the order of the colonies. But we can regulate it as you have hinted. First and foremost, I will give the Christian Indios more say in how to organize themselves. They shall still have to work to recoup the costs of their care, but I would have the responsibilities be collective, and not too unreasonable. Second, perhaps we can give priests permission to preach to those people in their own language, they must not, after all, be unfamiliar with the teachings of the Lord.”
    “Very wise milady, you have proven yourself to be a most just and holy woman, and I fear what would have happened to Castile and her domains had you not been governing them.”

    “Of course, it is my duty to rule well here, and what you suggested is much needed, those Indios we are converting most be protected. Now, if men such as Narváez flout my orders deliberately, then they shall hang, when you return to the Indies I want you to make that absolutely clear.”
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    Chapter 78, January 1516
  • Salo del Tinell, Kingdom of Aragon, January 1516

    Dirt, pebbles and all manner of things were kicked up as Catalina urged her horse forward. She was truly desperate, and rode hard, because of what she had heard. Her dear father was ill, perhaps deathly so, and so Catalina knew she had no time to tarry. Lord, I beseech you, give my father more time, enough at least to see his favorite grandson have a son of his own. She knew perhaps it was much to ask, for her father to live at least another two years, but God had not spurned her yet, and nor did the Infanta expect him to. As such when Catalina dismounted her horse, and crossed herself she did not expect to find the Archbishop of Zaragoza and an entourage of half a dozen other men, all dressed in black before her. Dismayed, she asked the man,“What is the meaning of this Archbishop Alfonso? Surely the King still lives?”

    Her half-brother’s face softened at this, and he lowered his eyes,”I am so sorry sister, but our father died earlier today, in the early afternoon.”

    Catalina was so shocked that she did not correct the bastard’s lack of protocal and she gasped,”No...”

    The Regent slammed her eyes shut as she came to terms with the fact that her father was in fact dead. In a shaky breath, Catalina of Aragon asked,”Did King Ferdinand leave any instructions for me?”
    The Archbishop of Zaragoza handed her a piece of parchment, and tearing open her father’s royal seal she read it

    “Excelente Hija,

    I have reason to believe that you will not make it to the palace in time. This is unfortunate. Do not despair. I, cunning as ever, have planned ahead. I have given the Cortes orders to swear young Ferdinand in as King, and they know better than to try and defy me. You shall share the regency with the Archbishop of Zaragoza, for you cannot be in two places at once, and it would assuage those uneasy at the prospect of female rule. I have no doubt that you will perform competently in this duty, as you always have. Remember Catalina, you are the daughter of two sovereigns, and you have been prepared for this role since birth, thus I ease myself with the knowledge that I leave Aragon in your capable hands.

    -His Majesty, Don Ferdinand.”

    Catalina, while devastated by the loss of her father could find some consolation in the letter. The man had praised her, and repeatedly so, and for one who did not show affection easily, was the closest thing to a loving goodbye she would get. So she walked forward, ready to begin the task of governing both Castile and Aragon, and in doing so Catalina hoped she would protect the legacy that her parents had fought to build.

    PS: For some reason I cannot add threadmarks (likely some technical difficulties on the site) but I decided to post what I have written anyways
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    Chapter 79, April 1516
  • Greenwich Palace, Kingdom of England, April 1516

    Doortje gave her an encouraging glance as the newborn suckled at a nursemaid’s bosom, perfect save for one defect,”Mary is a fine, healthy child my Queen, I am sure that the King will be most happy.”

    Eleanor stroked her sweaty matted hair, saying nothing in reply Oh how could I be such a fool? I promised Henry a son, and I fail him by having a daughter.

    Despite this disappointment, the Queen of England still loved little Mary, even if she was not of the desired gender, she was still her child, her only child. She could already tell that Mary would be much like her father, as the babe all but roared in anger as she had her fill of milk. At her urging Mary was brought to her arms, and Eleanor fluffed up her daughter’s shock of red down and softly whispered,”Calm now my fiery little Princess.”

    Even if the child could not understand her mother’s words, it seemed that she would obey her, releasing a drooly giggle as she was tickled by the young woman. All of this was swept aside when Eleanor’s husband, Henry, eighth of his name to rule over England gracefully swept into the room, ladies curtsying as they stood aside. The young woman’s nervousness returned to her as she laid eyes upon him,”Henry… We have a daughter, Mary, for I thought I would name her for both of our sisters. She saw his lips stiffen for a fraction of a second, before returning to his ever-charming smile,”A good name for a daughter indeed.”

    Henry planted a quick kiss on both of their foreheads before turning to leave,”We have a healthy daughter, and, God willing, next time it will be a son.”

    The Queen whimpered as the door shut behind him, Is this how my poor mother felt when she brought me into the world?
    Chapter 80, May 1516
  • Greenwich Palace, Kingdom of England, May 1516

    “Ooh look at this pie, it must be delicious!”

    Giovanna barely wanted to correct Mistress Boleyn,”It is a crostata Mary.” She looked at the dessert, for once she was not in the mood for sweets, yet she was intrigued,”Who sent it to you?”

    The girl shrugged,”The servant did not say, perhaps the King was so kind to have one baked for me.”

    The Dowager Queen felt apprehensive She does not know who sent it? Still, Giovanna could understand why Mary seemed pleased, if Henry did so it was an undeniably sweet if cheap, sign of favor. When Mary cut into the pastry she wrinkled her nose,”This smells strange… Like garlic. I did not think that they would put that in them.”

    Giovanna’s mother walked over to the table and rose her brow. Without a word she took the spoon from Mary’s hand,”Do not eat that silly girl.”

    “What? why not?” Mary asked

    Joanna shook her head,”Bah youth! That smell is arsenic, poison. Someone seeks to be rid of you Mary, and I suspect there is one woman with reason to want to.”

    “The Queen?” Giovanna guessed

    Her mother turned to her, a grim look on her face,”Yes I fear so. She must think her position insecure with the birth of a daughter, and wants to ensure Mary can no longer be the King’s mistress.”
    Mary Boleyn stammered,”But I… Surely she would not.”

    Joanna wetted her lips,”Her grandfather, my late brother Ferdinand, did not hesitate to strike against those he deemed his enemies.” The old woman paused,”So I see no reason why Eleanor would be any different. I would advise you to be more careful from now on Mary.”

    The girl’s face turned white as a sheet as she moved to dispose of the offending pastry, tossing it into the fire.

    Joanna of Naples sat next to her daughter for a few seconds humming before speaking agian,”Daughter, I do not think that I will be with you for much longer...”
    “What could you possibly mean mother?”

    “I am dying.” As her daughter gasped Joanna placed a hand on her chest,”I have a cancer in my breast, the same that caused the death of my mother. Doctor Linacre says that there is nothing he can do to cure it.”

    Giovanna sighed and hugged her mother tight,”I am so sorry.”
    “Don’t be. I have lived a long life my daughter. Seen you as a Queen, and twice over no less, you have given me fine grandchildren too. You have nothing to apologize for… Besides, Linacre did not say that this will immediately kill me, I feel well enough right now, I have at least a few more months, maybe another year or two.”
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    Chapter 81, May 1516
  • Greenwich Palace, Kingdom of England, May 1516

    Her husband, the King stomped into the room, red with fury,”Did you do it?” He demanded,”Did you try to poison Mary Boleyn?”

    Eleanor arched her brow and smirked,”I do not know, did I?”

    Henry grabbed her by the collar and pushed her against the wall, all but spitting as he seethed,”Listen woman, I will not have poisoners in my midst, and nor will I allow my Queen to behave in such a way, so you have better stop this nonsense.”

    The Queen of England glared at her husband, she may have been scared, but she would never show it,”You insult me, you humiliate me, you have left me with no other choice. Should that whore die, it will be your fault, not mine.”

    “Or you could act with dignity, shut your eyes, and your mouth, as many other women before you have.”

    Eleanor sniggered at this,”Ah, you, who are fawning over some blonde chit from the countryside would tell me to act with dignity?”

    Henry grunted, raising his hand for a moment, and so Eleanor berated him,”Go on then, hit me. Show my ladies the sort of man that you really are.”
    After hesitating for a moment he had let go of her, and skulked out of the room, cursing under his breath. Eleanor of Austria shook, her heart thumping hard in her chest, but she could not resist the urge to get the last word,”Yes, run to Mary Boleyn and your other women, I am sure that they will provide you with a Duke of Cornwall.”
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    Chapter 82, June 1516
  • Alcázar de los Reyes Cristianos, Kingdom of Castile, June 1516

    Catalina was grateful to be back in Castile. She had done what was required of her in Aragon, saw to it that the Cortes swore in her nephew as King, and began looking at the finer details of the Kingdom’s administration with half-brother Alfonso. Her grief however well hidden in public, had consumed her, and many of her nights were fretful, for being in Aragon served as little more than a reminder of her father’s death. The Regent could not totally forget it however and had gone through penance for the sins that she believed had taken her father from her, extending the Lenten fast for another three months. As such she had been subsiding on bread, water, and as a small indulgence, a spoonful of sardines every other day. Catalina of Aragon rubbed the cool beads of her rosary as she was on her knees, Lord Father in heaven, forgive me for my many, many sins, most of all my pride. You are a wise God, and so I know that you shall have mercy upon my poor father and his soul. Furthermore, I make this vow to you. Tomorrow, I shall go among Las monjas de la Inmaculada Concepción. I shall have nobody know that it is who does this. I, a wretched and unimportant woman will help them there if that would satisfy you?

    Not a single person in the convent recognized her as she was. The Regent of Castile and Aragon smiled softly as she was among the nuns, hearing little else other than their prayers as they went about their duties. Catalina meanwhile wore a fine, if plain brown dress, simple boots, and a hairnet, not a single piece of jewelry adorning her body. The nun that ran the group, Sister Magdalena gave her a curt yet approving nod,”You seem to be a good woman Señora Cristina, I thank you in advance for your help.”
    Catalina shook her head at this, lowering her eyes,”I am but a simple wife and mother, that wishes to thank God for the blessings that he has given us.”

    “Very well, I shall lead you to help those that we have received this morning.”

    They walked through the narrow corridors of the convent at a brisk pace, Catalina just barely behind the nun, to where the injured and ailing were kept. Coughs, groans and shrill cries filled her ears, and she hoped that at the very least she could ease the suffering of these people, her people. Sister Magdalena stood by a small boy, who laid on a cot, shivering as he sweat. As she strode over Catalina asked,”Who is he? What is wrong with him?”

    The nun turned to her, voice softening,”This is Pablo, he is an orphan. The other day he hurt himself in a little scrap, and now, he has an infection. We are trying, but his fever is strong…”

    She set her eyes upon the boy, full of sympathy,”Poor child, I will see what I can do for him.”

    Catalina grabbed a small cloth that was sitting inside a bowl, wringing the water out so it would be cool, but not soaking wet. She slowly smoothed it over the boy’s forehead, who smiled up at her weakly,”Thank you Señora.”

    “It is nothing Pablo, tell me, how were you hurt?”

    At first, it seemed that he did not want to answer, but finally, the words came out of his mouth,”It was some of the other boys. The owner of the tavern had given me a crust of bread, but the three of them, all bigger than I demanded that I give it to them. I did not, so they beat me and took it from me.”

    “Oh, I am so sorry.”

    She gave him a little water to drink, and when she put the pewter cup back on the table Catalina said,”You know I work for the Infanta Juana, I am one of her washerwomen. I think that if I should ask her to install you in her son the King’s household she would do so. You'd have plenty of food, a clean bed, and would be safe, I shall not allow anyone to bully you.”

    The child’s eyes shone with tears of gratitude,”You would do that for me? I do not know what to say to this...”

    “Say yes, agree and you will live a fine life.” Catalina urged

    Pablo nodded his head, and the Infanta smiled to herself, happy to have helped him, and wanting to do more good while she was there.
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    Chapter 83, July 1516
  • Windsor Castle, Kingdom of England, July 1516

    There were plenty of noble faces to be seen in the gallery. Yet it was on just one pair that Eleanor focused her attention on. It was her lady Martijna, who, tall and lithe smiled down at the slightly shorter man across from her.

    “Oh William.” The woman blushed furiously,”The King is fortunate to have you as one of his knights, gallant as you are.”

    William Sandys, with his salt and pepper hair, as well as a strong jaw was certainly not ugly by any means, and Eleanor suspected that Martijna was not paying him compliments due to his rank. So, the Queen pretended to be looking out of the window next to her while she continued to listen in, their whispers not so hushed as they would think.

    “Do you think the Queen would let us marry my dear?”

    “I do not know, but we have waited this long, and have done nothing untoward. Perhaps I should ask her when she is in a better mood.”

    The man nodded,”Yes you should, I do not think that she would deny you a chance of marrying someone that you love.”

    Ah, so that is why she has been even more attentive than usual. Still, I see no harm in it, if she asks me, I will not say no. I can only hope that he will treat her with the respect that she deserves. Done with her snooping, Eleanor of Austria rounded the corner, where she would come across Mary Boleyn. The beautiful young woman all but shrank away from her as Eleanor walked by, and she felt triumphant, Good, cower you little slut, in time I will see you returned to the countryside where you belong.

    How she would do it she did not know. Her husband was still rather angry with her, but soon she would confer with a certain ally of hers, one who had a vested interest in seeing that the Boleyn family would not rise higher...
    Chapter 84, September 1516
  • Scotland Yard, Kingdom of England, September 1516

    The two of them Giovanna and her eldest stepdaughter had just met for the first time. Margaret was somewhat distant to the woman, which Giovanna took in stride. The Dowager Queen of England had thought it fair, for Margaret was not nearly as young as her sisters Mary and Catherine were when her predecessor, Elizabeth of York, had died, and had less use for a stepmother. Despite this, Giovanna had hoped that she could be some of assistance to the other woman, for she felt great sympathy for her. “What may I do to help you, Margaret?”
    The solitary musician in the room continued to play his fiddle, the notes calming both women. Margaret stood quiet for a moment, enjoying the music before she deigned to reply,”Convince my brother to defend my rights as mother of the King of Scotland. Tell him that I must go back to Scotland from my exile, and that he must put those fuckers Albany and Douglas to the sword.”

    Giovanna sighed, she knew this would not be easy, but Margaret turned to her with a knowing glance,”Perhaps you could have his mistress, the Boleyn girl, advocate for me as well.”
    The older of the two smirked,”Now that is a grand idea, my Queen.”

    Greenwich Palace, Kingdom of England, September 1516

    She had met with her stepson with Catherine in tow, where she found the young man standing near the fire, leaning towards the mantel.

    “Ah hello” he said blankly, apparently distracted

    After quickly bowing her head, Catherine quickly chattered out a plea,”Brother you must help our sister Margaret, she must be allowed to rule for her son!”

    Henry shook his head dismissevly,”Now Catherine I must not do anything that is not in the interest of my realm. You are my sister, not a member of my council, and I expect you not to meddle.”

    The girl lowered her eyes and pursed her lips at the rebuke apparently the most even-tempered of her stepchildren. Giovanna put her hands on Catherine’s shoulders and sought to placate the King,”Perhaps Catherine was too... eager, in what she had asked of you, but she is right.”

    “How so?” The King of England asked

    “It is for the honor of your sister, and the defense of England that you must intercede. If Albany is allowed to rule Scotland in your nephew’s name, it will surely mean that the Scots will continue their alliance with France. He will manipulate your nephew into thinking that France has his best interests at heart, and should there be another war, he would surely help your enemies.”
    Henry took a minute to consider this before responding, walking across the room,”My Lady, your reasoning has its merits. I shall dispatch a force under the Duke of Norfolk and his son Lord Surrey to throttle Albany and his supporters. They will then be given a choice; accept Margaret as Regent or Scotland will burn.”
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    Chapter 85, November 1516
  • Pamplona, Kingdom of Navarre, November 1516

    She made her way into the castle with her head held high, supremely confident. Men in the Castilian and Aragonese livery were at her side, well-armed, but with their weapons sheathed. This was to be a display of power, not necessarily with the goal of starting a war, but rather, in preventing one. Catalina strode inside the throne room, and did not lower her head an inch as she came face to face with the Queen of Navarre.

    The woman that sat across from her certainly did not look as one would expect. Haggard and greyed by the stress of her life, Queen Catherine of Navarre could certainly be pitied. Yet there was still a hint of steel to her voice as she leaned forward,”You enter my home, and with soldiers? I always thought you to be your father’s daughter, but to do this with my husband barely cold in his tomb…”

    “I would advise you not to speak ill of my late father Catherine of Foix. I do not wish for war between our kingdoms but if you continue to be obstinate and not agree to my terms there will be one. One that you will lose.”

    “And what would you have me do?” She scoffed,”Give you the keys to Pamplona and be grateful that you do not have me killed?”

    Catalina wagged her head,”Not quite. Your son Henry should be engaged to my half-sister Blanca of Aragon.”
    “Ah, so you mean to force my son to wed the Infanta and drive us away from the French? Well, that will not happen.”

    The Regent gave the Queen of Navarre a cool glance,”Let me put it to you this way. For every man you arm, I could raise a thousand. Accept my generous alternative to war, and there will be no need for bloodshed.”
    “Perhaps…” The other woman hesitated before she continued, placing a wary hand to her forehead,”This will be preferable to a battle that my family will lose, it pains me but I have no other choice.”
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    Chapter 86, March 1517
  • Richmond Palace, Kingdom of England, March 1517

    A gust of freezing air hit her face, and Eleanor huffed in annoyance Yes Henry, this was the perfect day for a joust. She was so irritated, in fact, that the Queen of England had half a mind to beat her husband over the head with his own helm. Despite this, she fixed a pointed smile on her face as she sat upon her throne in the royal stands. Eleanor turned her head as she noticed a flash of red cloth out of the corner of her eye. Her mood almost immediately improved as she realized who it was, and she dipped her head,”My Lord Cardinal.”

    The cardinal showed equal respect, before clearing his throat, looking on the scene before them. The King had just unhorsed his opponent, one George Talbot, though the Earl had performed valiantly. Henry had stopped his horse shortly after, not riding off until he was sure that Talbot was unhurt.
    The stout clergyman murmured disapprovingly,”He wears her colors, that scarf of hers still flutters on his lance.”

    “I am aware Wolsey. Mary Boleyn will not trouble me for much longer…”

    “Surely you will not do as you have done before in regard to her?”
    Eleanor of Austria sighed,”No, I would no longer have the element of surprise, but I have other methods.”

    “Go on…”
    The Queen wetted her lips for a brief moment, considering what she was about to say carefully,”I would have another supplant her in his bed. A woman that I can trust, and that I can control.”

    Wolsey nodded, and added,“Surely not Lady Johanne, she may be beautiful for a woman of her age, but I am not sure if she would attract his interest.”

    “Agree with you I may, but I suspect you have other motives…
    “I do not know what you speak of majesty…”
    Eleanor chuckled at this,”Of course you would not say so. I do not condemn you, she is a good woman, and priests such as you are still flesh and blood. There is another that I propose though, a lady that I can trust…”

    The girl’s face was the very image of shock when Eleanor asked her. Her face even paler than ever, Carolijn stammered,”But… Milady, what you propose would be a betrayal, a sin against you. And what will people think of my mother, to have one of her daughters as the King’s mistress?”

    Queen Eleanor paced around the nursery, careful not to be too loud, for little Mary had just fallen asleep. Oh, my little girl, I hope that you never have to break your own heart in this way.

    She looked to Caroljin, and cried some silent tears,”Do this for me. Please… I am with child again, and I cannot bear to see Henry with the Boleyn girl any longer. Help me save my marriage, and I vow that I shall not resent you for doing what you must.”

    The teen trembled, but nodded,”I had promised to serve you in whatever capacity you wish of me my Queen, and so I will.”

    Eleanor hugged her lady in gratitude, whispering,”Thank you... Thank you so much Caroljin!”
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    Chapter 87, March 1517
  • Hertford Castle, Kingdom of England, March 1517

    Giovanna of Naples had deliberately stepped back into her rooms, quiet so as not to wake anybody. She thought she heard a voice, and nearly jumped to her feet as she looked around the dim space. Grasping a nearby candleholder, she looked around and asked,”Who is here?”

    Padding towards her from a corner of the room was her son, little Charles who lowered his face,”Just me mama.”

    Just shy of his eighth year, the Duke of Somerset was growing fast, and like his late father was rather thin, and while not quite as olive-skinned as his mother, was far from pale. He looked up to her and met her eyes,”Where did you go?”

    “To pray at your grandmother’s tomb.”

    Charles looked to the side, almost as if he was ashamed to ask,”Oh.”
    Her mother had shortly after the coming of the New Year, it seemed that she was correct in her prediction that her Cancer would kill her within the next year. Joanna of Naples had been in so much pain in the month beforehand, and while the opium that the doctors had given her helped some, Giovanna knew that only death had given the old woman relief, and it was perhaps the only solace that she could take from it.

    “Do you miss Grandmama?” He asked

    The Dowager Queen sighed,”All the time Charlie. Until I married your father, she was the only family I could trust. Naples was a pit of vipers, and my uncle wanted to marry me off for his own gain. She was so happy when you were born, and I know that she’s very proud of you…”

    This was cut off when she started to sob, and her son hugged her tight,”It’s alright mother, I miss her too, we all do.”
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    Chapter 88, April 1517
  • Royal Palace of Alhambra, Kingdom of Castile, April 1517

    Catalina remembered how it first was when she received the news, she had shown great restraint when the Portuguese Ambassador had told her, offering her condolences to his people, even as grief filled her heart. But now the Regent of Castile and Aragon was alone, having finished comforting Juana, who had been devastated by their sister Maria’s horrible death in childbirth. The older sister had thought it unnatural, and cruel that Maria, three years younger than she, had died before her. Catalina for her part was also greatly saddened, Poor Maria, the best of us has passed. The woman was also concerned for her many nieces and nephews that Maria had brought into the world Those poor, motherless children, and Isabella will not have her mother to help her prepare for her life as Queen. Despite this Catalina could not ignore that there were preparations to be undertaken, for her niece’s impending arrival, which was fast approaching. In fact, it was to occur in just over half a year’s time, and so there was more work for the Regent to do. Thus, Catalina stared into the reflecting pool, trying to think of a better, yet long-gone time, when all of her siblings were together.
    ATL engagements as of 1517
  • Habsburg Engagements

    Maximillian I, Holy Roman Emperor (b.1459) eng. Anne of Bohemia and Hungary (b.1503)

    Charles, Duke of Burgundy (b.1500) eng. Catherine Tudor (b.1503)

    Isabella of Austria (b.1501) eng. Sigismund I of Poland (b.1467)

    Ferdinand VI of Castile and Aragon (b.1503) eng. Infanta Isabella of Portugal (b.1503)

    Trastámara Engagements
    Infanta Blanca of Aragon (b.1511) eng. Henry II of Navarre (b.1503)
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    Chapter 89, September 1517
  • Greenwich Palace, Kingdom of England, September 1517

    Candles were lit throughout the room, for it was still early morning, the sun having barely emerged. Eleanor detested sewing, yet there she sat, doing the hated task. Though it could not be said that she enjoyed it, the Queen of England was willing to bear it to provide her unborn child with a freshly mended cap. There was naturally other cause for Eleanor to be in a better mood than usual as well. She had heard news from Austria that her grandfather’s young bride, Anne of Bohemia and Hungary had been well received by the Imperial Court. In truth, Eleanor pitied the girl, forced to marry a man that was only a few years younger than her own father, so that the new Empress was respected was the least consolation she could get. Politically this also had some benefit for Eleanor and her kin, for Anne and her dowry would strengthen her grandfather’s, and hence her brother’s, hand against the French King. The Queen flicked her head over to Caroljin, as the teen scratched her quill against a piece of parchment,”What is it that you are writing?”
    She smiled a little,”Poetry Majesty. For the King.”

    All Eleanor said in reply was a quick,”I see.”

    The Queen was not in fact terribly displeased to hear that Caroljin had succeeded, resulting in that whore rather rapidly being married off to William Carey. That her husband was not faithful still hurt, but the Queen was slightly skeptical whether he would treat Caroljin as well as he should. She had rewarded the girl and her family already, with Martijna being given permission to wed her beloved William Sandys, along with the Barony of The Vyne being gifted to him. One of the other van Honing sisters, Doortje, had wed, to another prominent noble, Henry Pole, the first Baron Montagu. This was convenient for all involved, and while it was hardly a love match, Montagu seemed to treat her decently. Of course, this also prevented Pole from marrying a woman that could goad him into presenting any sort of threat to his cousin the King, so Eleanor was very satisfied. As she set the finished cap down, Eleanor felt a sudden pain in her lower body, and she paled No, no, this isn’t supposed to happen for another two months.

    She held her newborn child gently, almost as if she feared it would shatter. Eleanor’s daughter was small, frightfully so, yet she lived, albeit quietly. My Elizabeth she mused; I hope your father will love you as much as I do my little girl.
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    Casting Choices for Mistresses of Henry VIII
  • Mistresses of Henry VIII (c.2019)
    Eva Green as Anne Stafford
    Eva Green Contact Info | Booking Agent, Manager, Publicist

    Jennifer Lawrence as Elizabeth Blount
    What's Jennifer Lawrence working on? Don't Look Up, Red White & Water

    Gabriella Wilde as Mary Boleyn
    Gabriella Wilde on the Poldark gender pay gap, pregnancy and how she came  to terms with being posh

    Sophie Turner as Caroljin van Honing
    HD wallpaper: Sophie Turner, actress, redhead, green eyes | Wallpaper Flare

    PS: This does not include Jane Popincourt as she's been covered in a prior post
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    Chapter 90, October 1517
  • Greenwich Palace, Kingdom of England, October 1517

    She cradled the child in her arms, and smiled at the woman who sat across from her,”You have given us another lovely Lady of England majesty.”

    Giovanna cooed back at little Elizabeth, who gurgled happily at the attentions of this new, soft woman,”And what pretty red hair, not quite as fair your sister’s, but still pretty.”

    The Dowager glanced over to Eleanor, whose face looked strained, though from what she could not tell,”What is wrong?”
    The Queen of England sighed, and paused before answering,”I…Worry for her. Elizabeth does not have the same energy of her sister or brother when she was their age. I do not want to lose another child; it would be too much.”

    Pity for the younger woman filled Giovanna’s heart,”Oh Eleanor I know just how you feel. Your youngest daughter may not be quite so lively, but that does not mean that she is weak. Give her time and I think Elizabeth will prove that she is stronger than you may think.”

    Eleanor of Austria ran a nervous hand through her hair,”I only hope that you are right in this.”


    Laying down in the bed, Giovanna smirked as she looked up at Anthony, his blue eyes sparkling with joy, and he leaned in to kiss her on the lips.

    “I love you, Giovanna.”

    She stroked his cheek“And I you.”

    The young man lowered his eyes,”You know it is too bad that we cannot marry, I think we would have made a good pair as husband and wife.”

    A wistful sadness filled her heart, and Giovanna said,”I wish we could too, but with my children, and that I am Dowager Queen means that we could not. Besides, I think you should marry a woman that could give you children, you would be an excellent father.”

    Anthony shrugged his broad shoulders,”Maybe one day, but the only woman I want to think of in this moment is you.”