The war of the 37 hours

In 1983 the Soviet computers revealed the arrival of American missiles, alarm in reality it was a fake and thanks to the military Petrov the war did not break out, what would have happened instead if the USSR had reacted?
The war breaks out and the main cities of the world are bombed but the Soviets recognize the mistake and after less than 2 days a white peace is made, the conflict goes down in history as a 37-hour war.The Hiroshima agreements are signed which sanction the end of nuclear weapons.NATO and patyo of Warsaw on disband.
In the USSR, Gorbachov was deposed, the Soviet military system was guilty of causing the war, the population demanded the end of communism and in 1985 the second Soviet civil war broke out, between the capitalists and separatists. In China Deng Xiao Ping is not re-elected, he definitively acquired power only in the 84th congress and in this TL has no sense of opening to the West, China has become the first world power since it did not enter the war, it occupies Taiwan and participates in the war Soviet civilian to have Outer Manchura and control of Siberia.
The fact that it was the USSR that caused the war increases anti-communism in the West, in West Germany the extreme right that annexes the East left by the Soviets comes to power, the capital is Berlin which is one of the largest cities in the world since it was not bombed due to its belonging to the two blocks.
In the USA the party system is revolutionized up to the 90s with two pro-political parties: on the one hand there is the American revenge movement which wants to make America great again, make communism illegal, equate it with Nazism and ban all its and books, the supporters of the party that it was wrong to sign the peace, destroy the nuclear weapons and give up punishing the Soviets. war, is the major supporter of the Hiroshima agreements, wants to bring disarmament and isolationist policies, saying that the war was caused by the will of the US to become superpower


First welcome to the board.

Secondly, I think you are gravely underestimating the societal disruption if not outright destruction that would occur. Society as a whole is likely to collapse as major cities in all the nations involved will be gone. The infrastructures of both the U.S., NATO, the U.S.S.R., and the Warsaw Pact are for all intents and purposes gone. People are going to be more interested with getting basic daily needs met then with things like elections and casting blame.

Assuming a total nuclear exchange we are probably talking devastation on a scale mankind has never seen before.

Add into this the radiation from so many bomb explosions. Remember, that cities would not be the only target. First targets would be military targets such as air bases and missile silos. Cities would come later and your scenario allows enough time for a second and maybe even a third strike to occur.

Many scenarios have postulated life in a post-nuclear exchange world. None of them have the population going about their business later like nothing happened. All of them show a world so devastated it takes years to recover.

John Farson

For starters, Germany as a whole - east and west - ceases to exist, and only a fraction of the population survives after the nuclear strikes and associated mass die-off.
First welcome to the board.

Secondly, I think you are gravely underestimating the societal disruption if not outright destruction that would occur. Society as a whole is likely to collapse as major cities in all the nations involved will be gone. The infrastructures of both the U.S., NATO, the U.S.S.R., and the Warsaw Pact are for all intents and purposes gone. People are going to be more interested with getting basic daily needs met then with things like elections and casting blame.

Assuming a total nuclear exchange we are probably talking devastation on a scale mankind has never seen before.

Aggiungi a questo la radiazione di così tante esplosioni di bombe. Ricorda, che le città non sarebbero l'unico obiettivo. I primi obiettivi sarebbero obiettivi militari come basi aeree e silos missilistici. Le città arriverebbero più tardi e il tuo scenario lascia abbastanza tempo perché si verifichi un secondo e forse anche un terzo strike.

Molti scenari hanno postulato la vita in un mondo post-scambio nucleare. Nessuno di loro ha fatto in modo che la popolazione si occupi dei propri affari più tardi come se non fosse successo niente. Tutti loro mostrano un mondo così devastato che ci vogliono anni per riprendersi.
Thank you for the criticisms
First welcome to the board.

Secondly, I think you are gravely underestimating the societal disruption if not outright destruction that would occur. Society as a whole is likely to collapse as major cities in all the nations involved will be gone. The infrastructures of both the U.S., NATO, the U.S.S.R., and the Warsaw Pact are for all intents and purposes gone. People are going to be more interested with getting basic daily needs met then with things like elections and casting blame.

Assuming a total nuclear exchange we are probably talking devastation on a scale mankind has never seen before.

Add into this the radiation from so many bomb explosions. Remember, that cities would not be the only target. First targets would be military targets such as air bases and missile silos. Cities would come later and your scenario allows enough time for a second and maybe even a third strike to occur.

Many scenarios have postulated life in a post-nuclear exchange world. None of them have the population going about their business later like nothing happened. All of them show a world so devastated it takes years to recover.
Come to think of it, not many scenarios explore what goes on decades after the nukes are used, as if such a world is unexplored territory. The only TL, and perhaps the best known, that tries that is Doomsday '83, even though that thing has its own issues that stretch believability.
Even if the alarm went up higher, I think the Soviet leadership would have still questioned it. If the US was going to launch a nuclear strike on the Soviets, it wouldn’t be with just a couple missiles.
An interesting idea. I have my doubts about China being left unscathed, though I do suspect 80s China, being somewhat more agrarian, may fair better than the USSR, Europe and to a lesser extent, North America. It would be interesting to see where India, Isreal/Middle East and Apartheid South Africa fair.
Even if the alarm went up higher, I think the Soviet leadership would have still questioned it. If the US was going to launch a nuclear strike on the Soviets, it wouldn’t be with just a couple missiles.
Exactly. There were multiple warning systems, including that of a political intelligence nature.
It won't look like an incoming attack but instead a computer malfunction on one system.
In 1983 the Soviet computers revealed the arrival of American missiles, alarm in reality it was a fake and thanks to the military Petrov the war did not break out, what would have happened instead if the USSR had reacted?
The war breaks out and the main cities of the world are bombed but the Soviets recognize the mistake and after less than 2 days a white peace is made, the conflict goes down in history as a 37-hour war.The Hiroshima agreements are signed which sanction the end of nuclear weapons.NATO and patyo of Warsaw on disband.
In the USSR, Gorbachov was deposed, the Soviet military system was guilty of causing the war, the population demanded the end of communism and in 1985 the second Soviet civil war broke out, between the capitalists and separatists. In China Deng Xiao Ping is not re-elected, he definitively acquired power only in the 84th congress and in this TL has no sense of opening to the West, China has become the first world power since it did not enter the war, it occupies Taiwan and participates in the war Soviet civilian to have Outer Manchura and control of Siberia.
The fact that it was the USSR that caused the war increases anti-communism in the West, in West Germany the extreme right that annexes the East left by the Soviets comes to power, the capital is Berlin which is one of the largest cities in the world since it was not bombed due to its belonging to the two blocks.
In the USA the party system is revolutionized up to the 90s with two pro-political parties: on the one hand there is the American revenge movement which wants to make America great again, make communism illegal, equate it with Nazism and ban all its and books, the supporters of the party that it was wrong to sign the peace, destroy the nuclear weapons and give up punishing the Soviets. war, is the major supporter of the Hiroshima agreements, wants to bring disarmament and isolationist policies, saying that the war was caused by the will of the US to become superpower