Somehow I was in a map-making mood today.
The following states are now added:
The Grand-Duchy of Oldenburg (without several enclaves in other regions of Germany)
The Western Parts of the Kingdom of Hannover
Parts of the Prussian Rhineland (the Southern Prussian Rhineland requieres more patience due to local enclaves and stuff)
The United Kingdom of the Netherlands
The Grand-Duchy of Luxemburg (in personal union with the Netherlands)
The Condominium of Neutral-Moresnet (Dutch-Prussian Condominium)
The Kingdom of France (still without departments, I should add them later)
Parts of the Kingdom of Spain
Switzerland and its cantons (since Switzerland is quite decentralized, the Cantos have separate colors; The small "Republic of Gersau" still tries to avoid getting annexed by the Canton of Schwyz until 1818; also the Kanton of Neuchatel is at the same time a principality in personal union with Prussia but autonomous)
The Principality of Monacco (at that point, Monacco still controlled Menton and Rouguerque)
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