Redmoon: 05/08/19
TV Show: Sunset High

Sunset high is a TV show that aired in NHK america from 2012 to 2019. an adaptation of Linda A. Cooney's novel series, it deals with the fictional sunset high in Beverly Hills, California. it is about Kristin Sullivan, who attends the school due to his father, a cardiologist from minnesota, moving to california with his family.
Confederate States, officially known as Confederate States of America (CSA) or Southron, is country comprised of 23 states and 2 major governing extraterritories. At 7.3 square miles (19.1 million km), the Confederate States is the world's fifth largest country by total area. With a population of over 174 million people, the C.S. is the most populous country. The capital is Richmond, and the largest city is Houston.
Seems like a pretty large Hispanic population, how exactly are they treated?
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Sunset high is a TV show that aired in NHK america from 2012 to 2019. an adaptation of Linda A. Cooney's novel series, it deals with the fictional sunset high in Beverly Hills, California. it is about Kristin Sullivan, who attends the school due to his father, a cardiologist from minnesota, moving to california with his family.
Not mentioned: The ending was controversial, to put it mildly.
Final Fantasy

Final Fantasy is a Japanese media Franchise created by George Orwell, and owned by 4LEAF Inc. beginning as a novel series, there are now 50 main numbered entries. with 35 of them being written after Orwell's death.

each Final Fantasy installments are standalone stories, only connected by recurring elements. For Example, Final Fantasy 8 is about abused kid being accepted to Magical School. and Final Fantasy 10 is about a siblings discovering a boy who could end 100 year war and save the world.
Full list?
Final Fantasy I: Burmese days
Final Fantasy II: OTL Coming up for air
FInal Fantasy III: OTL Animal Farm
Final Fantasy IV: OTL Nineteen-eighty-Four
Final Fantasy V: OTL road to Wigan Pier
Final Fantasy VI: OTL final Fantasy VI
Final Fantasy VII: OTL final Fantasy VII
Final Fantasy VIII: OTL harry potter series.

More to come.