@Gabzcervo, some questions regarding Shun/North China, Ming/South China, and Qing Manchuria:
  1. Where are the capital cities of the "two Chinas" and Manchuria?
  2. What are religious demographics like in these three countries?
  3. What is daily life like in each of the three countries and which of the three states has the highest standards of living?
  4. What are politics like in each of the three states?
  5. What of the three states has the strongest military?
  6. Do North and South China have diplomatic relations or are they infamous for claiming each other's territory even if it has been over THREE HUNDRED YEARS?
KTLA: 1/19/19

Any questions and comments?
@Gabzcervo, some questions regarding Shun/North China, Ming/South China, and Qing Manchuria:
  1. Where are the capital cities of the "two Chinas" and Manchuria?
  2. What are religious demographics like in these three countries?
  3. What is daily life like in each of the three countries and which of the three states has the highest standards of living?
  4. What are politics like in each of the three states?
  5. What of the three states has the strongest military?
  6. Do North and South China have diplomatic relations or are they infamous for claiming each other's territory even if it has been over THREE HUNDRED YEARS?
  1. North China capital is Beijing while South China capital is Changsha, and also the capital of Manchuria is Dalny (Dalian).
  2. The religious demographics based on LoN Statistics Report of 2018 are the following: North China/Shun (58.4% religious), South China/Ming (83% religious), and Manchuria/Manchukuo (64.5% religious).
  3. The daily life like in North China and Manchuria is quite best and fare better while the South China is still the same but worse due to crackdowns. of course, @Whiteshore, both North China and Manchuria are the highest or best standards of living.
  4. The politics of both North China and Manchuria are democratic, best in press report, strong protections of human rights, pro-APCU, and key player in APCU politics, monarch as ceremonial figurehead, and close allies to Atlanto-Pacific Coalition (United States, Japan, United Kingdom) while South China is mixed totalist constitutional monarchy. see there are crackdowns in common and close allies to Confederate States and Egypt.
  5. Probably South China (second) while North China are the third and Manchuria is the sixth strongest military in the entire Asia-Pacific.
  6. The diplomatic relations between North and South China are quite chill but sometimes hostile.
World Tour

I'm going to prioritize there future plans for updates:

  1. United States Atlas map (National Geographic)
  2. Confederate States map
  3. 2010, 2013, and 2016,Auralian federal elections
  4. 2011 and 2015 New Silesian elections
  5. New Amsterdam City
  6. Films
  7. Webpages
  8. News Headlines
  9. Newspapers
  10. Past webpages
Transcend Speed Express
Transcend Speed Express or Transcend Xpress is the most fastest and advanced reliable high speed rail system not only in the United States but in the entire world, second to Shinkansen, third to The Italo and Frecciarossa, fourth to Renfe AVE, and fifth to Fuxing Hao CR400AF/BF. the Transcend Speed Express has carried hundred of millions of passengers every each year and becoming most powerful commercial high speed railway in the world.

Here are the guidemaps for Transcend Speed Express Guide Map. 2018-2019 Edition.
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List of heads of governments of Germany
Chancellors of Germany (1848-1922):

1848-1865: Robert Blum
1865-1897: Otto von Bismarck (1874: Second Reich proclaimed)
1897-1903: Fürst Chlodwig zu Hohenlohe-Schillingsfürst
1903-1906: Georg Michaelis
1906-1912: Theobald von Bethmann-Hollweg
1912-1913: de facto Erich Ludendorff
1913-1915: Erich Ludendorff
1915-1917: Philipp Scheidemann (SPD)
1917: Wilhelm Marx (Zentrum)
1917-1918: Friedrich Ebert (SPD)
July 1918: Karl Liebknecht (GKPD)
1918-1920: Walther von Lüttwitz/Erich Ludendorff/Gustav Ritter von Kahr (military government)
Kuno von Westarp ("transitional government"/DNVP)
1920-1921: Walther Rathenau (Zentrum)
1921: Matthias Erzberger (Zentrum)
1921-1922: Fritz Haber/Robert Bosch (DPFNV - Deutsche Partei des Fortschritts und der Nationalen Vernunft, "German Party of Progress and National Reason")

Führender Wissenschaftler ("Lead(ing) Scientist): (the role was more that of a speaker - power lay with the full Rat für Wissenschaftlichen Fortschritt Deutschlands ("commitee for Scientific Progress of Germany)

Monarchy abolished in 1922 again - "Second Republic" (Zweite Republik) proclaimed

1922-1927: Fritz Haber
1927-1944: Max Planck
1944-1950: Otto Hahn/Kurt Diebner

1950-1954: Heinrich Fermi/Eduard Teller (civil war since 1951)

Secretaries General of the DGK (Deutsche Gewerkschaftskonferenz) ("German Unions' Conference), the parliament of West Germany.

1954-1964: Ruth Fischer (GDIMA - Gewerkschaft Deutscher Industrie- und Metallarbeiter)
1964-1974: Walter Fisch (GDIMA)

1974-1989: Erich Honecker (GDBA)
1989-1999: Günter Mittag (DEVV - Deutscher Eisenbahner- und Verkehrsverein)
1999-2004: Claus Weselsky (DEVV)
2004-2007: Thomas Lutze (GDIMA) #
2007-2014: Heinz Stehr (GDIMA)
2014-2024: Sahra Wagenknecht (SRRW - Syndikat Republikanischer Rechts- und Wirtschaftswissenschaftler)

Reichskanzler of East Germany:

1953-1957: Konrad Adenauer (CPD-LP coalition)
1957-1963: Konrad Adenauer (CPD-UKD-BP coalition)
1963-1975: Erich Mende (LP-VCP-UKD-BP-P coalition)
1975-1984: Walter Scheel (LFP-VDC-UKD-BP-P coalition)

1984-1986: Helmut Schmidt (transitional Regierung der nationalen Erneuerung)
Richard Schröder (SPD/Regierung der nationalen Erneuerung)
1990-1996: Oskar Lafontaine (SPD-FVP coalition)
1996-2002: Sabine Leutheusser-Schnarrenberger (FVP-SPD coalition)
2002-2008: Angela Merkel (NLP-FVP coalition)
2008-2011: Angela Merkel (NLP-FVP-SPD coalition)
2011-2014: Angela Merkel (NLP-CNP-Reichsnaturschutzbund coalition)
2014-2016: Katja Kipping (SPD-FVP-CSU coalition)
2016-2022: Bijan Djir-Sarai (NLP-CNP-Reichsnaturschutzbund coalition)
2022-2023: Niema Movassat (LA-SPD-CSU-PRL coalition)
2023-20XX: Phillip Amthor (CNP-NLP coalition)
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List of Heads of Government of the Britannic National Syndical Union (BNSU):

1937-1944: Albert Inkpin (BSC)
1944-1967: Alex Moffat (BSC)
1967-1976: Walter Citrine (BSC)
1976-1992: Ezekias Papaioannou (USC)
1992-...: Arthur Scargill (USC)
Republic of Kong; List of Presidents of Kong Nation
The Kong Nation is located in West Africa. The nation is bordered by the United States (Liberia) in the West, the United Soviets of Africa in the north, and the Multiethnic Nation of Ghana to the East, and the Gulf of Guinea and Atlantic Ocean to the South.

Wikipedia said:
Prior to its colonization by Europeans, the Kong Nation was home to several states, including Gyaaman, the Kong Empire, and Baoulé. The area became a protectorate of France in 1843
. As France experienced the Second French Revolution and another civil war from 1871 to 1874 (LXXIX to LXXXIII), other colonial powers took most of the French areas in Africa which had been acquired hithertho.
The situation in the Kong Nation was somewhat different: Confederate explorer Stephen McFader had described an extremely high mountain range called the "Kong Mountains" in his book The West of the Dark Continent. In search of this mountain range, which was supposed to have the highest mountains on Earth in it, but also in search of more slaves for the Confederate planters, the Confederacy claimed this part of Africa for themselves.
No "Kong Mountains" could be found, but many natives were deported across the Atlantic, but as the United States increasingly settled Liberia, the Confederate ruling class of Kong became increasingly unsafe. War did not erupt between the US and CS, neither in the World War, nor during the European War or the Great Asian War - which some historians lump together as "World War II", but this view is not commonly accepted. However, as the Second Republic arose in Germany and Technocracy was gaining ground in the Confederacy, and later as the Second Republic led several wars in Eastern Europe, the Confederacy saw the need - in order to crush a pro-technocratic and a few pro-communist uprisings at home - to withdraw its troops from the area of the Kong Nation.

And this, together with the slave trade and the exploitation of humans as property having become unprofitable since the early 1920s, required giving at least nominal independence to the Confederate areas of Africa. Two nations were formed out of Confederate Africa: The Kong Nation and the Republic of Peanut Coast. The peculiar institution was abolished in both, however, a system of Separate Equality was instituted, segregating the white minority from the black majority.

To at least preserve a veneer of democracy, a three-term limit (each term is 6 years) was instituted after Thomas McAllister, first President of the Kong Nation and still revered as a sort of Founding Father, died.

While this system was transformed in the Republic of Peanut Coast - today called the Multiethnic Nation of Ghana - by Kwame Nkrumah in the peaceful Red Revolution of 1977-79, a similar uprising in the Kong Nation was brutally put down in 1981-2. Despite the world having significantly advanced, the Confederate States still supports Separate Equality in the Kong Nation. Many countries, especially the Communist and Syndicalist nations, shun the Confederate States and regularly impose sanctions. The most wide-ranging effects were felt when all Communist, Syndicalist and Positive nations refused to participate in the 2011 AFV World Cup because the Kong Nation had qualified with an all-White team and the AFV refused to heed the request to exclude the nation unless they admitted at least 4 black players to the team. The Kong Nation did indeed participate with its all-white team, but many highly-rated teams like the USSR, the French Communes, the Commune of the Netherlands, West Germany, and the Directorate for Freedom and Security, but also the United Kingdom, Auralia, Patagonia, Nawigacija and the Workers' Communes of Yeni Aš-Suriye boycotted the 2011 World Cup which was held in Poland.

The Democratic Party represents the English- and Dutch-speaking part of the minority eligible to vote in the Kong Nation, while the Freedom Party tends to represent the Spanish-speaking part of this minority (mostly composed of Confederate Latinos and Hispanics, but also of some Confederate Muslims). About 75 % of the people are not eligible to vote.

List of Presidents of the Kong Nation:

1924-1956: Thomas McAllister (Democratic Party)
1956-1974: Guillermo Lozano (Freedom Party)

1974-1986: José Raúl Arturo Aguarri (Freedom Party)
1986-2004: Seamus O'Keefe (Democratic Party)
2004-2010: Abdullah Mohammad Ebrahim (Freedom Party)

2010-2022: Kieran Rooney (Democratic Party)
2022-20..: Gordon McGrath (Democratic Party)
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Nations of North Africa
North Africa in Nation Forms


Official Name: Kingdom of Morocco
Common Name: Morocco
Capital: Rabat
Form of government: democratic constitutional monarchy
Head of State: King Abdelkader
Head of Government: Prime Minister Charafat Afilal
Languages: 92 % Arabic, up to 7 % of the people speak Berber languages and up to 7 % in the South speak Wolof.

Britannic National Syndical Union:

Official name: Britannic National Syndical Union
Common name: BNSU, National Syndicate(s), North Algeria
Capital: de jure London, de facto Tunis
Form of Government: White-dominated Syndical Union, dictatorially ruled by the United Syndical Congress.
Head of State: King Charles II.
Head of Government: Arthur Scargill
Languages: 74 % of the population speak English, with another 13 % Greek. Several Commonwealth languages (mostly Hindi and other Indian languages) are spoken. Arabic and Berber languages suppressed.
Religion: Strictly State Atheist - religion lives on in private.

Through out the 17th century the British conducted a long running campaign against the Barbary pirates, which many Historians cite as key to the development of the Royal Navy. As part of this a Naval base was established in Tunis. When the age of the Empire started in the 18th century and to try and stop French ambitions, the British Army annexed a lot of Territory along the north coast of Algeria.
By the 1930's the territory had become the Crown Colony of Algeria (which stretched really along just the North coast).
When the British Civil War erupted in 1933, the French supported the coalition of Royalist, Fascists, hardline Communists, Technocrats and Syndicalists known as the Radicals. The alliance was always very loose. When, on February 3rd 1939, it became clear that the democratic Moderates had won with the Liberation of London, the Radicals fled to Algeria, with the help of the French. The main stay of Moderate strength, the Royal Navy blockaded Algeria, but the Radicals found that they could do a lot of damage to Imperial shipping with Bombers in Tunis, so they started to attack the empires vital ship based arteries. Post Civil war Britain did not particular fancy trying to escort the many tons of shipping, or trying to attempt a forced landing, so a cease-fire was put in place in 1940. This ceasefire remains to this day, with most countries recongising the UK in the UK and the BNSU in Algeria.
Political upheaval started when the Royalists and the Fascists put down the Communists, then the Fascists, Technocrats and the Syndicalists made an alliance to stop total Royalist Domination. This lead to the 1941 settlement, at which point the nation renamed themselves "Britannic National Syndicate Union" and came to a compromise, whereby the basic economic structure was the syndicate, but natives were not allowed to participate, being in effect just badly treated workers. King Edward VIII (who was both a staunch Nationalist and had some sympathy for the syndicate cause) was set up as arbitrator of the Syndicates.
General ideological fanaticisim and necessity to avoid a civil lead to this strange collection of divergent forces becoming a coherent ideology of "National Syndicalism". As time went on the syndical legislative, dominated by the BSC, became more fanatical and united in purpose as they struggled with the challenges of setting up a government in exile. The Internal Security Executive start rounding up less devoted elements.
The International was not happy about this, but had to put up with it due to the BNSU having oil, which the International desperately needed, due to supplies from the middle east difficult to get hold of. With the coming of the post-oil age, the BNSU has tried to stay relevant, opening rare earth mines and solar panel farms. Aside from oil, a lot of work is also put into weapons development, with the hope that some day they will be able to produce enough material to take down the Imperial Union.
After Edward VIII death in Edw-VIII 47 (47 years after he took the throne, the BNSU uses regal years), his son became Edward IX.
After South Algeria became independent from Morocco after the 1956 uprising, very few countries bothered about it, as it was an unstable Islamist dictatorship. The BNSU would occasionally attack them to stop them causing uprisings by Northern Algerians, who were basically a serf class. However, in 1984, the Algerian revolution took place, making South Algeria Syndicalist. From then onwards the International's populace has started to support the Southern Algerians, more so as the demand for oil dried up. Now the Dutch are seriously considering not only open support for the Algerian Commune, but even an embargo on the BNSU. How will this nation react to harsher economic conditions and loss of allies? Will it attack the IU, or Egypt?

The nations boarders with Egypt and Morocco are heavily miltarised, with the BNSU placing heavy emphasis on developing drone warfare to make up for the fact that it would lack much loyal man power. The southern border is less so, with more emphasis being put on border controls, to keep people each side of the wall.

Republic of Azafad:

Official name: Republic of Azafad
Other names: Azafad, Azawad, Azavad
Capital: Gao
Form of Government: Surprisingly well-developed democracy on the Moroccan (and thus at last on the US) model.
Head of State/Government: President Chérif Ag Fagha
Languages: Most people speak Tuareg languages (Amazight), but Russian is widespread among the elite.
Religion: Most people are irreligious to state atheist, but Islam is more or less widely practised.
History: As an endeavour to get hold of a warm-water port and of exporting the revolution, Vladimir Lenin and Lev Davidovich Bronstein ordered expeditions to the remotest corners of the world, among them West Africa. The limited German garrisons could easily be rooted out during the turbulent times of the early 1920s, and anyway, Fritz Haber and his new Second Republic - after assessment - saw Togoland as the only profitable colony and "Deutsch-Folofland" as a pure moneysink. The Soviets thus (re-)colonised West Africa and, with it, the only piece of Africa (beyond Ethiopia) that was still uncolonised: The Tuareg tribes in the centre of the Sahara. They didn't really understand what all this "Communism" was about, and the Soviets left them alone for the most part, to be honest. The main change was that Islam was restricted and the Tuarek were, in some official documents, referred to as "representatives of the peasants" or something. Also, the Soviets brought electricity and sometimes even railway access to the remotest town which led some Tuarek into prosperity.

Until a valuable resource was discovered in the Soviets' valiant search for it in 1947: uranium. With this resource, Soviet West Africa became an important part of the USSR and helped Bronstein et al. massively with the USSR nuclear program during the European and the Great Asian War. A nuclear device was used on the harbour of Rostock in 1952, in the hope of deposing the technocratic regime of the Second Republic. Despite the Second Republic falling, the use of a nuclear bomb was immediately retaliated as Astrakhan was annihilated. This directly lead to the Great Asian War which the USSR decisively lost as they were trying to export the Revolution everywhere they could.

In the Treaty of Tehran (1966), the USSR lost many territories: The Caucasus (incl. the North Caucasus), significant parts of Central Asia, the Far East, Karafuto, Tannu-Tuva - and they had to give independence to all their African possessions. But whereas the United Soviets of Africa quickly became communist and Moscow-aligned again, the Republic of Azafad was released under the auspices of Morocco and remains the only Moroccan-aligned democratic nation in Africa to this date.

Arabic Union:

Official name: Arabic Union
Other names: Egypt,
Capital: Cairo
Form of Government: Stratocratic Constitutional monarchy. The military rules and only the highest military officers are allowed to run in elections.
Head of State: King Nazli I.
Head of Government: de jure Chiefs of Staff, de facto General Abd el Fattah as-Sisi
Languages: 99 % Arabic. Only few people speak Hebrew (in Palestine), tribal languages (in Fezzan) or other languages.
Religion: 93 % Islam, mostly Sunni. A few Jews and around 6 % Christians (mostly Copts) continue living here, and they are not persecuted. In fact, Copts are some of the most loyal citizens of this stratocracy.

History: Muhammad Ali Pasha was seen as a valuable ally by the French, together with the Persian Empire, to keep Ottoman ambitions at bay. And when the French were no longer available as an ally in 1874, Muhammad Ali Pasha turned to Berlin and London. Even before the World War, the Pasha dynasty managed to expand along the Nile and into Cyrenaica and even Tripolitania. In the World War, the Ottoman Empire had picked the wrong side, the side of Germany. And it was balkanised: New states were carved out of it in the form of Syria, Lebanon, Kurdistan, Turkey, Armenia and Greece. The Hejaz was made independent in the Treaty of Gdansk (one of the main treaties ending the World War), but Pasha's Kingdom of Egypt, and not a "truly" European power, gained Palestine, Transjordan and some areas to the south of Damascus. And in the period between the 1910s and 1950s, most newly carved out Middle Eastern states became close allies of the Arab Union - except for Kurdistan and Armenia, which stayed closer to Tehran than Cairo.

In the European War, the Pashas remained neutral - except that a technocratic-aligned coup failed and led the Kingdom into a short civil war between technocrats, USSR-type communists and the government. The Egyptian Civil War (1944-1946) was quite bloody, but by 1946, the military had de facto taken control. And this state continues to the present day. Egypt indirectly (via Persia) intervened in the Great Asian War, supporting the anti-communists, but more well known are its interventions in the Third Sardinian Crisis/Italian Conflict of the mid-70s and in the Greek Civil War of the mid-80s to early 90s. Both interventions were successful in limiting the extent or even rolling back the successes of Communism and Syndicalism, and by the early 2000s, not only the Middle East, but also Southern Europe has several military-dominated pseudo-democracies closely aligned with Cairo and Tehran. More recently, Ankara has again become quite a powerful factor, so that some sources start seeing the militarist sphere in the Middle East as a tripartite one: Cairo-Tehran-Ankara.

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Morocco or Kingdom of Morocco is a country in Africa and is a country located in the Maghreb region of North and West Africa that comprised of 21 provinces and two free cities and major governing extraterritories, and various possessions. the nation is bordered by the Atlantic Ocean in the west, the Commune of Spain in the north, the Algeria, United States of Africa, and Britannic National Syndicalist Union to the east, and Senegambia to the south. Its capital is Rabat, the largest city Casablanca. It overlooks the Mediterranean Sea to the north and the Atlantic Ocean to the west.

Morocco is the highest HDI in Africa and ranked 7th in the Global GDP index. the country is the best known for it's tourist areas and soaring skyscrapers as well as technological hub for Africa. the country is also highest rank of press freedom and considered full democracy in the Africa.

Since the foundation of the first Moroccan state by Idris I in 788 AD, the country has been ruled by a series of independent dynasties, reaching its zenith under the Almoravid and Almohad dynasties, spanning parts of Iberia and northwestern Africa. The Marinid and Saadi dynasties continued the struggle against foreign domination, allowing Morocco to remain the only northwest African country to avoid Ottoman occupation. The Alaouite dynasty, which rules to this day, seized power in 1631. In 1858, King Hassan I adopted the first constitution.

The Prime Minister (الوزير الأول) trans. Alwazir al'awal is the head of government and chief executive of Morocco. The Prime Minister is appointed by the King of Morocco after being designated by the Grand Majlis Assembly and required to keep confidence within the Royal Senate and House of Representatives to remain in the office. The Prime Minister serves as the chairman or head of cabinet and appoints or dismisses the other Ministers of State.
