Continue with Madness and Ardor! God Saves the Protestant's Serfs by Maxim Gorky.

Rubber is the material that drives much of the industrial world. But, with hundreds of millions of people in the developed world, that require a mind-bogglingly huge quantities of rubber to be extracted. While much of our demands are satisfied from synthetics rubber, the natural counterpart is still incredibly important. I have sometimes wondered, with the large amount such materials imported into Mother Russia everyday, what are the sources like, and how do the African colony of Prussia could satisfy not only us Russians, but millions more in the NECs and North America? I found that out, and it was not a nice sight. The story is best compared with the Kartoga Tales [1], but at least Kartoga is a worthy punishment to correct those stubborn criminals and turns them useful for society, not a show to gawk at and contemplate how labors could be used for immeasurable profits.

What does a rubber plantation in Lieb, Gabon Province, of Prussian Kongo, look like? I had the fortune to witness one, and actually, one of the largest plantation complexes in Kongo. It belonged to the mayor of Lieb and a famous veterinarian – Friedrich Weber – whom was notoriously wealthy and methodically ruthless in his worker management techniques. A property that has an area of six-thousand hectares. It was so large that I had a feeling of standing in the middle of Siberia, but with unbearable humidity and filled with destitute humans. Whilst terrible, the Prussian doctor was not far from hiding the secrets behind the plantations, and even opened public tours to business students or curious persons who would like to experience how a profitable and productive farm should be run. I was on one of such tours to visit Weber’s plantation, on a sunny morning of December 1931, to bring the colonial stories back to Russia. The tour was, of course, terribly expensive to keep profits high, and lasted for two days.

The bus started its engine, and the passengers were boisterous, excited to witness a glorified farm ran on essentially forced labor. We arrived at the main gate, an imposing iron work flanked by two yellow-painted brick columns, decorated on top with European-style lantern. About fifty-meter away was the towering mansion, following the design of Lodewijk Palace [2] of Saigon. With a fountain stood in the middle of a beautifully-maintained garden, containing sculptures and covered under the lush green canopy of great tropical trees, the property was as grand as its empty morale. We were guided into the main hall, where the floor was laid with black-and-white square marble bricks, and the ceiling, an at least ten-meter tall dome-shaped one, wrapped over. One may have stuck here to marvel at the fine architecture and ignore the devil den surrounding it, forever encased in the opulent bubble.


Lieb Plantation, Aerial View, circa December 1931
Then, my observation ended. A tour guide broke the silent to gather everyone attention towards a man. The man, he was the infamous Weber. A man of beginning 40s, tall, stern-looking, angular face structure, his eyes were sharp and focused, and his forehead tall and broad. And with a pair of glass and dark hair, Weber looked like a titular Germanic. The story was that he moved from Rheinbund to Prussian Kongo to make better fortunes in a pretty much uncharted territory, which he eventually managed to. Now, he began his welcoming speech:

Greetings to all gentlemen gathered here. We are glad to welcome our visitors to the Weber Industrial Crops Farm, among the largest plantations in all realms of Kongo. We are here to get everyone ready to take their rooms first, and then to begin the first part of our tour. First we start at the rubber forests, where we will see the hard-working natives performing the crucial steps in collecting rubber or taking care of these precious trees. After that, we move on to tour the rubber processing factory, which are run flawlessly by our competent managers who could bend even the unruliest, grumpiest workers to become happy and obedient. Yes, everyone hears that right. To conclude our first day, we will have a fine-dining experience on the mansion’s outdoor garden, with dishes from both the native and Prussian cuisines, and of course, cold beers.


Friedrich Weber, in his new-model Prussian Uniform

Weber concluded his speech. And we started the ride to the plantation’s rubber forests. The dense, impeccably-placed, and straight trees began appearing, and where I saw groups of native workers doing their tasks of collecting rubber latex, a precursor to dry rubber mass. These workers tapped in the bark of the trees, and then a flow of milky white substance – the latex – flew down in spiral to collectors placed on to the trunks. For any group of three to five natives, there was a European overseer, who held a pistol on his belt and a baton on his hand. The overseer, whose best contribution would probably be uncivilized beating, was nevertheless well-fed and healthy. In contrast, the workers themselves could be best described as in sorry shape. Their facial expression only hinted at some sorrowfulness, with their eye lids always in a state of trying to close, as if they were seeking some rests; while their bodies looked like they would give up or collapse at any moment. Not by any mean they were lacking foods, but more like they were reflecting a perfect image of profitable exploitation made by long work hours and inadequate caring. It was a sad scene to view, for it reminded me of Imperial serfdom back in the long, long past.

Weber began raising his voices. And like any demeaning manager, he stared down in his giant glass and spoke in a prideful, exaggerating tone, while grinning in an uncomfortable smile:

In front of your eyes are the vast forest of rubber trees, the pride of our plantation. We recruit more than 1000 workers to work on the vast plantations, collecting tens of thousands tones of rubber annually. To make it more profitable, we only hire local workers, and house them near to the plantation. But that is not enough. We need to keep them discipline, they are too demanding and verbal about getting “better treatments”. Well for sure we give them jobs and some places to stay, and that are decent during this time for blacks. They do not need much more than that. That’s why we have our overseers here, composed of loyal, hardworking Europeans, who will maintain workers’ discipline and put the blacks to their rightful place.

It was all bad, blatant propaganda. Not even nice at all, and just plain terrible to listen to. But for any standard Protestant colonialist, these words were righteous and acceptable, and even sometimes considered as facts. No need for condemning the practices, and the end justified the means for them. I tried to move myself into thinking about something else, just to temporarily forget the harsh reality of the surrounding environment, and the incessant words of a proud exploiter.

And now the tour moved to a new section - the processing plants. If the forests were considered like a green prison, the factory was like a grey hell, utterly devoid of anything half-decent. Its atmosphere was oppressive, its air difficult to breathe, and its people were either pitiful or ruthless. The pity and sympathetic feeling that I had felt was replaced with a subtle fear, a fear fabricated by the so-called competent manager who were inherently no different from the goons of Goodyear Enterprise, but wearing khaki suits. I also happened to see some kind of guard posts, with African and White troops alike, equipped with colonial-style uniform and military graded weapons. Pitting natives against natives, I supposed, or maybe those Africans were the Yankee mercenaries. Regardless of their origins, they still carried a sense of sternness, distance and unforgivingness, ready to smack down on any smallest sign of disobedience. They always had their batons ready, and their rifles fully loaded, not to mention of their grinder-buggies roaming the perimeter, creating an invisible, tight and hopeless box to trap the workers’ inside. Of course, that did not happen today, because of the tour, and their images must be kept clean.

Weber himself finally said again:

You see, our boys in green and yellow are always ready to act upon the slightest sight of disobedience. They’re armed to teeth, and they’re professionally trained to do their jobs, which they usually accomplish well. Let me tell you about an incident when there was a strike to raise more incomes for those damn pygmies. Instead of complying with their demands – which would ruin the business and of course, the whole rubber supply for our glorious Prussia – we simply used our troops. Ja, the workers immediately backed down upon seeing such a large number of well-equipped and fearsome men, and we arrested their leaders and conspirators. To set and example, we fired one of them and branded him a mark “terrible”, which for sure will ruin his future prospect. Nein, no need for brutally murdering them, just expel and punish them well.

Those words were just sugar-coating. I knew certainly when he said “back down” that was to hide to fire at will on the workers, and “arrest” is just a cover for torturing, usually in medieval methods. Still, I almost vomited upon imagining what Weber just said.

The crowd, except for me, cheered or expressed admiration of such a large but “well-run” and profitable business model. Indeed, profits were high, so high that it would make many Russian businessmen jealous, but not to be admired by us. It was amusing to observe, at least, but after the initial impression, a rather evil feeling kept encircling me. That feeling came from me refocused to pay attentions towards the plant workers. The workers, seemed fear of being hit by the factory goons, silently continued working and keeping their heads low, never dare to move their attention elsewhere. It was sad to witness, but again, no one, except me, felt even a little pity for them. Had the Prussians been stepping to become the next Yankees? Apparently so, with their souls so imbued with Teutonic superiority complex, thinking that they could abuse anyone for their profits.

Finally, twilight came down, and it was the moment to exit this purgatory existence on the Earth. I returned back to the mansion, the empty shell of morale, the decadent piece of exploitative colonialism. I was bit exhausted, partially by the heat, but mostly by the stifling morale environment which the Prussian created here, and the dinner alleviated my exhaustion quite a bit. I dined alone, and rarely exchanged much conversations with the different-minded colonial admirers.

When I returned back to my room, it was eight-thirty. In a dry, clear night, I sat, continued my pondering on these colonial experiences. The night was cool and soothed my disturbed soul a bit, allowed me to fall back to resting. But thoughts soon returned back to mind. Everyday just unveiled to me newer and sometimes more nightmarish stories, or atrocities that these Protestants so cherished and so proud about. Images of exploited Africans, of scrawny, nutrient-deficient, stunted people, lacking clothes and means of defense, only got more and more prevalent by the day.

I did not put much thought during the second day. It was all a repetition of the first day, with less sinister images and more of the colonialists’ enjoyment of the bourgeoisie beauty of the plantation. From my room, high above the ground, I viewed the scene. A lush garden, with dense forests surrounded it, extended till the end of the horizon. The humid and sultry atmosphere bore heavily on myself, and perhaps also on the plantation workers who got paid only enough to feed themselves, and never adequate to treat the immense injuries – physical and mental – that had been wrought upon them.

Leaving the mansion, I did not forget to write down the address of the place. I finally got my relief back, during the return to the main city. But it was all short live. The images of the plantation and its terrible conditions continued their returns. Nevertheless, in my mind, I reminded myself that there would be more heinous stories from the Protestant Dark Continent, and must I brave through all of them for invaluable historical records. May God Bless the serfs of the Protestant, for their eternal exiles from their happiness by the Teutons.

Kongo Plantation Workers, 1930. Men, women, and children alike were put to work long hours in the harsh tropical environment to satisfy rubber demands.
[1] – Somewhat equivalent to The Gulag Archipelago, and less brutal. I plan to write about this later but in a documentary style.

[2] – OTL Saigon Norodom/Independence Palace
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It kinda does not turn out as dark as I planned, but the actions here were probably worse than OTL Michelin Rubber Plantations in Vietnam, due to harsher uses of forces to suppress workers' strikes. In Vietnam, the plantations did allow an income raise for workers to stop striking.
I see the income inequality coming to bite into Ardor Russia in the future. Some political leader will take advantage of it, especially in an economic downturn.
I see the income inequality coming to bite into Ardor Russia in the future. Some political leader will take advantage of it, especially in an economic downturn.
Yes, and I am playing it in a really interesting way. When the Great Depression update is on, we will see.
Madness verse India... all of this but on steroids!
I think that madness vers India would be a constant 1857 rebellion but on steroids and by the time they are freed, they have already sacrificed enough to become monsters themselves.
Gotcha covered:
Hey, if Ireland can make an alliance with India not only would it drive the Brits INSANE but they'd have the weight to make Socialist Monarchism a separate ideology, with the political center all to themselves. They'd have the Fascists, Supercatholics and Royalists on one side and the Eduists, Illuminists and Egoists on the other, all baying for the blood of the Éireyan* Common Man

*Because why should being the only sane country on Earth absolve you of bizarre racial theories? The Irish are clearly not Latins or Anglo-Saxons (Nordics/Jews/West Africans), so they'd have to look a bit far afield for the "true" origin point of the Celtic race. Just expand on that discredited "Irish Travelers are Romani" theory and root the entire Irish population in Northern India in the ancient past. It would be a fringe idea but in this TL fringe ideas have a way of completely overpowering the mainstream.
Now I'm having some sort of fever dream of an Indian Civil War between the Cokie-sponsored minority-rule Confederation of Kumari in the south, an Éireyan People's Kingdom in the northwest, and an Indian Combine of Egoists in the northeast. When Europan power collapses it's going to be a shitshow
I feel that India should create its own crazy ideology instead of choosing an existing one.
I also suggested that before the idea of an Irish-Indian partnership took on a life of its own.
Alternatively something domestic could rise up? Just like Beutelism gave birth to Illuminism and Eduism, what if anti-French sentiment creates something more fascist than Fascists, they could call it Societism (as a fun nod) and have a horribly intense regional struggle with China. I think the reactionaries need a new ideology in their stable and India's a perfect choice for a reactionary regional power.
If India develops a homegrown ideological system, may I suggest the concept be devised by Jiddu Krishnamurti? OTL he was opposed to political ideology on principle, so it's ironic. Plus his background as someone who was groomed to be basically the messiah by Theosophists is pretty interesting and if a parallel to that happens only with it sticking as a driving force for his movement...well that would certainly fit the Madnessverse.
I can't remember the exact page, but in the most recent Look to the West thread there was a point where several quotes from Krishnamurti are used to argue that India would be fertile ground for OG Societism to take root. It's actually what inspired my post, along with the repurposing of the Societist ideology name in Separated at Birth.

*Edit- Found this one about LTTW Societism, basically cut of the end about being nationless and tack on a bit about violence being the only way to reach national glory and you'd be set.
Per India, I think it would be great to mix Indian Ultranationalism and its Hinduism, results in a crazed ideology which demands both anti-European and anti-non-Hindu sentiments from its population. It is like Modi, but cranked to level 11 for extremism. I am not an expert on India, and I think Lost in New Delhi will have better opinions regarding this discussion.
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Sneak Peak for Madness and Ardor! Africa during the late 30s .... the Kongo Lake IS COMING!!

The Protestant and Former Fascists returned to their militaristic past to incentivize industries, and increased their grips on Africa with their Colonial Great Leap Forwards to modernize the lives of their Whites/Betters inhabitants. This also meant the construction of the Kongo Dams to produce massive amount of electricity, the expansion of the expressway and railway to connect the disparate colonies together and the returns of large navies and armies in Africa. To be Modernized or to be Left behind, pick one! said Gamble VI to the Colonial Government of Prussian Kongo, upon discussing the creation of Kongo Lake in 1935.


Grand Kinshasa Dam Concept Design, 1936. When finished, it was the largest hydrodam in the world, with an installed capacity of 10,000MW, and created a huge reservoir that gained the sinister nickname "Pygmies Grave"
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Just finished the Snowpiercer tv series and can’t help but think such a concept might work in a Madnessverse. The cult of personality around the trains creator/leader, the intense class divide, the sheer selfishness and distain the upper class has for the lower classes. The only thing that doesn’t quite gel is the RU’s very clear-cut Better-Inferior class system with no chance of social progression between them versus Snowpiercers slightly more nuanced First-Second-Third-Tail class system where it’s possible to move from one to the other through the necessity of labour. Always possible for the Madnessverse version of Mr Wilford (Mr Goodyear?) to create a new, slightly more nuanced Better-Inferior system version
The mention of Texas in the southron!verse being filled with corporate fiefdoms makes me think there's lots of room for all sorts of interesting sub-cultures and such to develop.
Before diving into the 30s, here is an interlude for Madness and Ardor.
A Holistic Government - The rise of Russian Systematism

Systematist Party Flag, inspired by the Yin-Yang symbol of Eastern Philosophy. It represents the Systematic ideals of perfect harmony and utmost efficiency

The rise of the so-called Systematist in the Russian Empire was quite an unexpected and interesting turn of event in the most powerful state in Europe during the 1920s and 1930s. But if one looks closely to the development of the Empire since 1900, especially under the liberal Tsar Vladimir I and later, Tsarina Olga I, one may understand how this strange twist on democracy emerged out of Russia. Upon the Systematist power take over, the history of Eurasia was forever changed, both for the better and for the worse.

Russia was interesting, at least. Economically and politically, it was powerful, but had many problems. A large portion of the population was rather poor, and social mobility was fairly low due to being a stratified society with the Nobles and Old Industrialists sat on top holding 50% of the wealth, even though the middle class had been growing strong. Clearly, the country was becoming a bit contented with the status quo following the Great War. Adding in the problems was that the Duma, especially during the 1920s, experienced lots of political deadlocks between the conservative Orthodoxy Democrats and the progressive Liberal Party, and only served to create more issues during the Great Depression. Plus, Tsar Vladimir I was growing weak, and his successor - Princess Olga - was still too young to become the Tsarina of Russia. And thus, without a strong-willed Tsar, and with a divided Duma, no economic salvation strategies were able to pass through. Russia spiraled down rapidly during the Depression, suffered from an economic contraction rate of 9% every year, and tens of millions were unemployed. A new political party - the Systematist Party - would capitalize on the situation to save Russia out of its economic malaise.

Another important factor in understanding the Systematists is the intellectual environment in Russia, which played significant parts in creating a media that let the ideology thrives. Its education in science and technology, as well as classics and humanities, was comparable to that of the West, while the vast expanse of Russia allowed certain liberties in developing new ideologies, especially under Tsar Vladimir I’s liberalization. Illuminism silently seeped in the country throughout the first two decades of the 20th century, and was really popular with the thriving intellectual class. But the radical tones of Illuminism were mostly filtered out in editing and printing; and instead only the ideals like egalitarianism, eternal progresses and free-thinking remained. The first adopters of these ideals were a group of highly influential Russian intellectuals known as the Machists, who were ardent believers in the scientific principles and wished to extend such thinking towards politics. In their beliefs, the contented society of Russia before and during the Great War was unacceptable, and therefore should be reworked to become a never-ceasing growing machine, a bastion of rational thinking and the knowledge-powerhouse of Earth. At the same time, they thought that workers’ rights were necessary, but workers still needed to be led by intellectuals. This was what many at the time called Technocracy, or proto-Systematism by later historians.

But that was still not enough to make Systematism popular among Russians. It required another man who was instrumental in permanently engraving the ideology as a major identity of Russian people, and to finalize it into a much more polished, nationalist form. And that man was Alexander Bogdanov, a prolific Russian physician, scientist, and a Machist. With his extremely high credibility among the Russian populace, thanks to his works on biology, science fiction with pro-workers, pro-feminism and pro-intellectual themes, his influential book - The Future of Mankind - got incredibly popular within a few years. In the book, the idea that in a reasonably far future, mankind would achieve true utopia, one where there will be no more class conflicts and hatred, and where everyone is morally perfect. Technology will become advanced enough that mankind will reach a post-scarcity society, and from then the only need for more developments is to gather more knowledge.

Bogdanov thought that Technocracy and the current Democracy were not enough to reach such a sophisticated society. Being the founder of System Theory, which is an interdisciplinary area deals with the complex interactions between things, he instead considered that a Systematic government, one that combines Technocracy, Democracy and Holistic thinking, is superior to all. To make it clear, he wrote down the foundational tenets of Systematism:
  1. The people of Russia have always thrived on a combination of collectivistic supports and individualistic pursues. We suggest that such mentality shall be extended towards the Government as well. A more streamline, but more coherent government, one where creativity and group-thinking do not compete against each other. And from there, an environment for greater cooperation shall emerge, and policies shall be more holistic. This is what we call systematic.
  2. As such, Systematism is not any foreign thinking against the way of life of Russia. Instead, it is the purest, most refined thinking, and represents the essence of the Russian Soul - the most powerful weapon of any Russian citizens.
  3. The Monarchy is the guardian of Russia. Systematists work with the traditional Imperial institution to lead Russia forward.
  4. We declare that Systematism shall bring people out of hatred and bigotry and towards cooperation and enlightenment. We believe in the power of Knowledge and Rationale.
  5. We believe that the Government shall be involved extensively in helping people. Therefore, economic and crisis intervention is absolutely necessary.
  6. We believe that parts of the Government - especially the Bureaucracy - shall be stocked with experts. All matters which require experts’ advices shall be validated through such government agencies.
  7. We believe that scientific and engineering principles should be applied to policy-making, not feelings nor popular appeals.
  8. We do not believe in the difference between races, but we believe that citizens must strive to be as Russian as possible. The soul of the Russian shall thrive in all citizens. Nevertheless, cultural and physical diversity is completely acceptable, as it brings in new thoughts beneficial for the Empire.
  9. We do believe in the gender differences between male and female. However, gender discrimination should be eliminated so that Russia could utilize the feminine side of her people.
  10. Finally, we declare that Russia is a God-ordained state, destined to guide the world to a new era of peace and harmony. Therefore, Russia should be as strong as it could be.


Alexander Bogdanov, circa 1925
Bogdanov would go on to establish the Systematist party in 1922, at Novosibirsk, the largest city in Central Siberia. From there, it rapidly converted many in the Far East, Central Asia and European Russia, for the patriotic, attractive tenets and platforms of the Systematists tapped well into many Russian, especially the left-leaning middle class, urban lower class, women and intellectuals. The Party would gain Prime Ministership in the Imperial Government by 1935, during the deepest year of the Great Depression. Their victory was also partially helped by the allowance of female suffrage in 1925, the final act of liberalization by Tsar Vladimir I before his death in 1933. The Prime Minister was no other than Bogdanov himself, now the General Secretary of the Systematist, and vehemently promised to make the Government shall run smoothly and in accordance with the people’s wishes again.

The inaugurate Tsarina Olga I embraced Systematism heartily, as its ideology provides a mean to maintain Tsar’s power. The party’s platform - Novoekonomika (Novoek) - emphasized the use of state-cooperations to spearhead developments in high-capital and risky investments, especially in Siberian construction projects, agricultural expansion, and new industries. This was to reduce the staggeringly high 25% unemployment rate through generating new jobs. The Party also considered the enlarging of Russian military to be necessary, yet only allowed state companies to manufacture weapons. Taxations would be raised to finance these projects, and capitalists/Nobles who corporate with Novoek could receive supports later from the government, usually in helping them to raise their incomes by providing necessary economic incentives or bonuses under the form of partial private ownerships in state companies. Research and development got accelerated, and construction of Akademgorodok (Academic Cities) would begin to expand STEM research.

International Receptions
There were foreign variants of Systematism as well, developed by scholars visited Russia during the 1920s. These variants were then exported into the West by as early as 1928. But outside of Russia, the ideology was heavily criticized as an extension of Russian Imperialism and Russian Nationalism, and even racial-mixing, which led to its ban in Carolina, all NEC countries, RU, Korea, Japan; while in the rest of Europe it was censored. It should be noted that the CoCaro was particularly antagonistic to this ideology, which increased their animosity towards Russia and Slavic people. Interestingly, a Vietnamese nationalist, Nguyen Ai Quoc, found the internationalist variant of Systematism fitting for his country while he was staying in Russia during the 40s, and imported such thinking to Indochina in 1950, to incite a revolution overthrowing the Dutch once and for all.

Never before had I seen such a strange mix of ideas. It is not radical, but revolutionary in its thinking and writing. It is egalitarian, but at the same time is intellectually elitist. It greatly emphasizes Russian nationalism, yet demands equality and integration for all. And finally, it screams eternal progress, while maintaining Russian traditional institutions, like God and Monarchy. Rather alien to the common European men. - Europan Writer and Philosopher Simone Weil

This ideology is a disgrace to the white men, and is a tentacle of Slavic-Mongoloid imperialism. It asks for racial mixing and voices equality of gender, which is forbidden by our religion. To make it worse, the ideology is nothing but a shell for wacky Loomies. I say we shall ban it, lest it becomes a disease that rots our people mind. - Chancellor Gamble VI of Carolina

The Teutonic men need no more strangely dreamt-up foreign thinking that pollutes our mind and threatens the Protestant way of life. - Prussian Chancellor Paul von Hindenburg

This ideology has its own sanity and madness as well. I will give more updates about the Systematist Party and how it rules Russia with both merits and NKVD-esque businesses.
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