The Rise of the Tri-State World Order: A Timeline of Orwell's '1984'

I really can't stop ...


(it's noncanon, but have at it!)

Atlantica I gave to François Darlan, Raoul Salan, and Pierre Laval rather than de Gaulle, who seems much too--sane--for this universe (and wouldn't go for the collective leadership Orwell's bureaucracy-states demand). As in OTL they particularly instructed Latin Oceanian officers, with the prevailing sentiment being "First we kill all the subversives; then, their collaborators; later, those who sympathize with them; afterward, those who remain indifferent; and finally, the undecided." Afrasia happens to call for a secular pan-Arabism in all the lands of Islam, uses the Abbasid provinces, and is headquartered in Mecca. It's considered shirk to assign partners to the never-seen Older Brother Sadat or His Indivisible and Matchless Hypostases Qaddafi and al-Assad; on the map it's just attacked the Caucasus and Central Asia; the Dardanelles had been under "fraternal protection" by Eurasia well before Tokyo convinced Mecca to attack its former ally. Ethiopia is the Eastafrican power under Haile Selassie, Aman Andom, and Rodolfo Graziani, but hasn't yet become a decisive fulcrum; it's Eastasia's only toehold in Africa. Southasia is Eastasia's firmest friend under, uh, Mohan Singh and Aung San, I guess; the Eastasia-colored rebels are the Neo-Thuggees who don't think Delhi is going far enough in imitating China's Self-Shunyata. I also have the Oceanians pulling out of Norway and Brittany. Afrasian pseudo-socialist death cults (Fallujah) will soon get Oceanian support against the Eurasian invaders.