The Red Tide Surges Forth: A Narrative history of the Third World War

First blood
Checkpoint Charlie, West Berlin
7:30 AM Local Time
July 4th, 1965

First Blood

Private George Henderson was an enlistee in the United States Army. Drafted in 1963, he had been stationed in Europe. He was grateful he hadn’t been sent to Indochina, but he could always get transferred. There had been rumors that the crazy fucks in China had been sending tank crews into that hellhole, but they were only rumors. But all of that was only a figment of his imagination, as he was celebrating Independence Day with his buddies.

But something in the back of his head was telling him that something was wrong.

“Was that a gunshot?” The voice was unnaturally slurred, as if they was drunk. Or bleeding out.

Pvt. Henderson turned around, and saw his best friend, a black man named Harold, staring at a hole in his chest. Then, more gunshots. They were coming from the Soviet side of the checkpoint.

Other members of the platoon were panicking.

“Get to some fucking cover!”

“Oh shit!”


George lifted up a M14 rifle, and opened fire. He managed to nail some damn commies. But they were numerous.

After 30 minutes of pitched battle, and with 26 confirmed kills, a AKM round struck his sternum, crippling Pvt. Henderson. He was then punched to death by Soviet soldiers.

He was posthumously awarded the Medal of Honor.
IMO, to get a (non-nuclear at the first stage) WWIII, you'd have to have a POD in either the 1950's or post-WWII where it would lead to the USA and the Western bloc willing to fight the Soviets conventionally, although the nuclear aspect is still inevitable.
IMO, to get a (non-nuclear at the first stage) WWIII, you'd have to have a POD in either the 1950's or post-WWII where it would lead to the USA and the Western bloc willing to fight the Soviets conventionally, although the nuclear aspect is still inevitable.
Keeping WWIII initially conventional for the sake of a story is like a sci-fi setting having FTL travel or having realistically improbably fantasy creatures exist. It's just an understandable handwave you should make.
The Sand Bleeds

July 6th, 1965
Midreshet Ben-Gurion, Isreal

Yuval Ariel was a soldier in the Isreali Defence Forces. He and his platoon of soldiers was preparing to fight the Egyptians, which had been attacking Isreal as part of the Omsk Pact’s, sudden, simultaneous, worldwide attack on the forces of capitalism. From North Japan to Cuba, no one was safe. Soviets jets and intermediate range missiles carrying nerve gas, mustard gas, and smallpox based in Cuba had struck New Orleans, Houston, Miami, and Atlanta, while anti-American guerrilas rose up across Latin America. Anti-colonial movements in Portuguese Africa and South Africa had made themselves known, and Algeria has attacked both the pro-American Libya, and the French enclaves of Oran and Algiers.

Most relevant to him though, was the attack on Isreal by the United Arab Republic and Arab Republic of Jordan. Midreshet Ben-Gurion was the one thing standing in the way of letting the Egyptians and Jordanians from linking up, encircling Eilat.

The Israelis fought bravely, in the face of Arab attack, Palestinian partisans behind their lines, and Soviet air support, but the Isrealis held, and halted the Arab advance. This gave time for the population of Southern Isreal to evacuate north, and for the troops there to get out. Two weeks after the battle, Eilat, a ghost town, fell to Eygptian forces, and the IDF made a tactical retreat north, to shorten the frontline.

AN: Any thoughts?
I’m sorry that the story followed the same lines as chapter one.

Next update is from the perspective of an average American.
A Major update.
I can maybe promise an update on the 11th.
It’s been a while.
I’ve honestly tried to continue the TL, but writer’s block and my terrible writing skills hold me back. Every drafted chapter looks the same.
I still like the concept of this, however.

As such, I’m making this a collaborative TL (if it’s ok with the mods, of course)

I’ll still try and contribute to the TL, and do my damned best to not let my bad habit of making a thread and never looking at it again.

Any takers?
In what universe does the US take attacks on major cities with chemical and biological weapons from Cuba and not respond by turning Cuba into a sea of glass?
Oh, Cuba?
In what universe does the US take attacks on major cities with chemical and biological weapons from Cuba and not respond by turning Cuba into a sea of glass?
In the original drafts, the Island is AANW Berlin on a much larger and worse scale.