The Queen is Dead!: Katherine of Aragon dies in 1518

Yes she does.

Bonus points if she's a closet Lutheran and Mary absolutely wants to be like her.

Yes, I'm evil.

Oh that would be perfect! Not the way I went with this AU in the end, but I really want to read that now! (Although her new aunt by marriage might be able to be...)
Oh that would be perfect! Not the way I went with this AU in the end, but I really want to read that now! (Although her new aunt by marriage might be able to be...)

I saw little Mary insisting on praying in English, (and in future updates having those prayers answered) and it struck me as one of those formative experiences. So I kinda thought you might be.
I hadn't actually thought about Mary's prayers being in English, but then she is only 3. I doubt even Mary would have been fluent enough in Latin to manage a prayer as personal as this one in that language by the age of three. But one day I will write a Protestant Mary Tudor. You can hold me to that if you like :)
XXII: November 1519
I am aware this is an odd chapter as well as a short one. It's just that this wraps up 1519 and sets up the start of 1520, so bear with me :)

Unbeknownst to Mary, back in London, Cardinal Wolsey was just opening a new missive from the King of France. Scanning it, he let out a satisfied chuckle. In seconds, George Cavendish was at his side.

“Your Eminence?”

“Everything is progressing nicely, George,” Wolsey murmured, stroking his ample chin in satisfaction, “Francis has taken the bait, just like I hoped he would. Our Ambassador writes that Francis has told him that an Anglo-French alliance against the Emperor would be much to his liking, and suggests that we send extra envoys to Paris to discuss the broader points of such a treaty, who will then perhaps move on to discussing other, more delicate matters, when the timing is more appropriate.”

“Yes, Eminence,” George nodded, happy to see his master satisfied for once, “Had you given any thought as to who might sail for France once the weather permits?”

“Once the weather permits? I had thought of sending the Earl of Derby and Sir Thomas Boleyn out together. Whatever my personal feelings about him, there’s no denying that Boleyn is a fine statesman and the Earl of Derby is as loyal a servant of the King as any man you’ll find anywhere in the country. Draw their credentials up for me, will you?”

“Yes, Sir,” George half-bowed and went to leave, but Wolsey called after him, “Wait. I had forgotten. I want young Lord Percy to travel with them.”

“Lord Percy?” It wasn’t often George Cavendish questioned his master’s orders, but he was surprised by these. The future Earl of Northumberland was little more than a boy, after all. Was it really wise to be sending him to France?

“You have a question, George?” Wolsey raised an eyebrow and George coughed hurriedly, “Oh no, Sir, not really. It’s just…isn’t Lord Percy a little young for a delicate trip of this sort?”

“He’s the Percy heir, George. He will have to learn to handle delicate matters sooner rather than later, if he is to make any success of his duties as Warden of the East March. His father is keen for him to learn some ambassadorial skills. Even with light duties, this trip will be good experience for him. Make sure he is included in the party.”

Shrugging, George nodded, “As you wish, Your Eminence.”

Bowing he left the room to fulfil the task his master had set him.
Technically you'd done both of them out of a job. :)

I argued that, but she was adamant that her faith would have stemmed out of more liberal Catholic traditions who wanted to teach those who couldn't read their faith. I disagreed, but we hadn't the time to go into the matter in any depth at the time and never went back to it...