The Q-BAM Improvement and Core Thread

I’m not concerning myself with language borders that much. I’m only going to do the part of political occitania that’s in Italy. Other than that, those other borders get in the way a bit.

You're probably right about Sardinia. The Ladin language border? I've checked, and it's not quite the case.
Let me know if this is okay.

Pale Orange: Salzburg and Berchtesgaden Provostry (Obersalzburg)
Orange: Carinthia
Green: Styria
Yellow: Burgenland, Sopron/Odenburg, Mosonmagyarovar/Wieselburg-Ungarisch Altenburg, Szentgotthard/St. Gotthard and Prekmurje [I'm running out of colour choices]
Brown: Carniola
Red: Austrian Littoral [borders during the interwar period as part of Italy]

Extra borders in Veneto, Trentino and Tyrol are areas where Ladin speakers are the majority, as well as Val di Non. Also, some colours are switched, specifically those in Switzerland.


Is the one in the OP up to date? Says last updated 2011. Need a blank map of virgin Earth (so no Flevoland or destroyed Chad and Aral, or any artificial lakes)
I find a Robinson projection map from other sauce, it can be helpful.
and here is the NASA satelite map (Robinson projection, too, and slightly small than qbam map)

Yellow River need redrawing from Ninxing downward compared with it.
plus South-Four Lakes, Hong Ze Lake and Gua You lake isn't human built resevoirs, but they did't exist from the beginning of history, either. so they were not supposed to appare on a ancient history map. They did't exit in and before the year 741. The Yellow River flooded every several centuries or even decades (long story), and if the water flow into some rather low area they filled the area and form a lake. Gao Yao and Hong Ze Lake formed this way.
Gao You Lake did't exist on a 1582 map, Hong Ze Lake and South Four Lake existed, but only half its present area.
Hong Ze lake exited on a 1208 map, but too small to display on a world scale map.
Po Yang and Tung Ting laked used to be larger half a century ago, and expands and shrinks in the course of time. Tai Lake did't change much.
Many lakes on the Tibet platau did't exit in history, and I can't figure out how they formed.


Here is my version of the qbam lake map for history use (under construsction), with large Areal Sea, Chad lake, Tung Ting Lake, Po Yang Lake, and without narrow lakes like those on Dinepper. I just delete all the minor lakes i did't bother to figure out since when did it exit. and I couldn't even if I would like to, because I can only get a set of super detailed historical atlas of every dynasties of my own county, that is China.

and I redraw the Huai River with its course to the sea before the Hong Ze lake formed, that is 800 or 1000 years ago. The Yellow river "robed" its river route near the river mouth in 1129 and "return" to north in 1855. so the course of Yellow river on present day map is correct after 1855, and about correct (about 50 to 100 kilometers too south) before 1129.

I edited the Lena river with sourse near the big lake as main sourse, too. and the Zanbisi river.

Netherlands coastline is as before 1920. hadn't find a better color for mordern coastline.

Suiz canal is on the map for reference. I planed to make my version of 1492 map with emphasize on world trade, displaying sea road discovered in 1497 and old "Silk road", and more recent sea route through the Suiz Canal.

I use an earlier version of qbam map for staring point, (because the latest version have way too many lakes on lake, I had to figure out how a border or a river cross this lake), but have taken the resent united states river patch into account. I suppose the earlier version qbam map is enough for general use.
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I don't really like the fact that on the new patch places like Gibraltar and other tiny exclaves are not visible anymore besides the 1 pixel borders, it kind of ruins the point of showing them in the first place and it would also mean that places like the Vatican or Monaco should be removed as well just for the sake of consistency