The M-BAM Main Thread

Deleted member 108228

Is there a map of 1914 Germany in here anywhere? Cant find anything of the sort while skimming.

Is it this you were looking for?


Like this is my current progress based on which i’m mostly able to do everything up until 1945 (rest will be easy too) but yeah you can see the bordergore is on another level than what i fabricated back in 2016
Is there a complete MBAM world map with at least first level administrative divisions and modern borders? Preferably equirectangular but open to other projections.


That has less resolution.

You mean the 8k bam will be made with more resolution? I'll have to check of far VT-BAM has gone as well, although that might be overkill.
There is nothing in between 8K and VT for now, so you will have to use either one.