The Luciferian Crusade: A Collaborative Timeline

Here are a few PODs, including pop uclture, to keep things rolling along:

1948: Mohandas Gandhi survives an assassination attempt in Delhi, India, many suspect a possible link to the "Luciferian Crusade"....

1949: Flying Tigers regiments report hostilities against "Luciferian Crusade" elements within the Korean Peninsula, according to reports by John Foster Dulles...

1964: Hammer Studios in London, England launches the "Gothic Crusader" genre with the film The Iron Knight, establishing the anti-hero motiff for the European cinema....
Here are a few PODs to make sure that the scope continues to grow regarding the war against the "Luciferian Crusade":

1999: "Luciferian Crusade" agents launch a series of bombings throughout Buynaksk, Moscow, and Volgodonsk, in an effort to strike fear throughout the Russian populace, sparking international attention....

2008 (11/14): "Luciferian Crusade" agents agents are captured by German GSG and BND agents in Kosovo, attempting to trigger a war in the Balkans...

2010(4/10): "Luciferian Crusade" agents assassinate Polish President Lech Kaczynski in Smolensk, fueling tensions with the Russian government,...
Here is the ninth version of the ATL, based on the latest POD additions:

c.1935- Joseph Stalin continues the institution of the Comintern, despite advice to dismantle the organization...

c.1939- According to Peter Wright, the "Luciferian Crusade"/ "Cobra" organization is founded by a group of disappointed veterans form the Republican side in the Spanish Civil War.

c. 1944 (11/9): Red House Report; representatives of German industry, I.G. Farben, Krupp, Deutsche Bank, Volkswagen, et al. led by Ludwig Erhard and Heinrich Himmler meet secretly in Strasbourg, to discuss funding a resistance against the Allies after the war....

c.1945- "Luciferian Crusade" members, recruited from the Black Dragon Society, assassinate Prime Minister Kantarō Suzuki in Tokyo, Japan, after he orders the surrender of military forces to the Allies...

c. 1945- Martin Bormann, Reinhard Heydrich, Otto Skorzeny and Otto Strasser escape into Brazil in an effort to elude Allied forces. "Luciferian Crusade" operatives where behind most of the smuggling of of jewish refugees and weapons to Israel. It is likely people where smuggled out of the concentration camps long before the war ended. Some historical accounts, like Adams, suggest that Otto Skortzky was involved. Major General Reinhard Gehlen recruited by "Luciferian Crusade" agents in Munich...

c. 1945 (3/22): Adolph Hitler, meets with Otto Skorzeny and Artur Axmann, head of the Hitler Youth, to discuss how to continue a resistance movment against the Allies, after the war, in a secret meeting in Berlin, Germany...

c.1946- Soviets seize control of northern Iran, sparking Middle Eastern tension...

c.1946- Barone Giulio Cesare Andrea Evola preaches humanity existed in a "dark age of unleashed materialistic appetites, spiritual oblivion and organised deviancy", proclaiming the need for a "Luciferian Crusade"...

c.1946- "Lucifer"-affiliated groups of former OSS and SOE operatives started using their network gained working behind German lines to take control and set up a heroin distribution network in southern Italy, targeting the US market

c.1947: Maurice Bardèche begins recruiting Vichy French collaborators in Paris, France in an effort to support the "Luciferian Crusade"...

c.1947- Berlin Shootout (5/1); false-flag operation wherein a number of people dressed in both American and Soviet uniforms started shooting at a number of places in Berlin. 147 people, both soldiers, civilians and Lucifer agents where killed. For a moment, the world balanced on the brink of World War 3 but both sides stood down. The Berlin Shootout was largely seen as a attempt to start a armed rebellion since most of the agents where Germans and at first, the investigation stalled.

c.1948: French Socialist Paul Rassinier begins developing ties between Comintern agents and those of the "Luciferian Crusade" in Paris, France citing the Jewish people as a "common enemy"....

c.1948- "Luciferian Crusade" members build a nuclear reactor in Vodvojina, Yugoslavia with the aid of German scientists...

c. 1948: Mohandas Gandhi survives an assassination attempt in Delhi, India, many suspect a possible link to the "Luciferian Crusade"....

c. 1948- Malayan insurgents meet with members of the Black Dragon Society in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia in an effort to battle British forces...

c.1949-Proclamation of London; Francis Parker Yockey drafts anti-American and anti-Soviet "Luciferian Crusade" manifesto as a "declaration of war" to be published by the The Times in London, England,...

c. 1949: Flying Tigers regiments report hostilities against "Luciferian Crusade" elements within the Korean Peninsula, according to reports by John Foster Dulles...

c.1949- "Luciferian Crusade" members secretly detonate a nuclear weapon, sparking concern between Soviet and American military intelligence agencies...

c.1948: (4/9)- "Luciferian Crusade" members take credit for the attempted assassination of President Jorge Eliécer Gaitán Ayala in Bogota, Colombia...

c. 1950- "Luciferian Crusade" agents Erhard Peters and Paul Lüth begin recruiting disaffected youth in Bonn and Munich into the "Luciferian Crusade";...

c.1950- St. Paul's Incident; unsuccessful attempt on the British Royal Family at Saint Paul's Cathedral by the acclaimed writer George Orwell led to the discovery of a spy ring within the British establishment. The former MI5 officer and royal art historian, Anthony Blunt, who helped Orwell place the bomb committed suicide while his long time friend and co-Luciefer agent Donald MacLean defected to Yugoslavia.

c.1951- McCarthy Hearings. Senator Joseph McCarthy had led a number of hearings of suspected communist symaptizers as chairman of HUAC (House Committee on Un-American Activites), until a minor scandal destroyed his career and he retired back to Wisconsin...

c.1952- McCarthy and Colonel Eric Bell presented their findings during in front of a special group in the Senate. This was known as the Luciferian Crusade/McCarthy Hearings.

c.1952- Marcel Max Lutwak, Leopold Knoll and Grace Klemter warn of a conspiracy within the U.S. Army in Chicago, Illinois, sparking international attention and concern...

c.1952- Odenwald Incident; "Luciferian Crusade" agents Erhard Peters and Paul Lüth launch an abortive coup attempt in Odenwald, West Germany against Prime Minister Georg August Zinn,....

c.1952: Invasion U.S.A. film directed by Robert Stevenson shows the "Luciferian Crusade" as the pawns of the Soviet Union...

c.1953: Leonid Markizov launches an armed insurection in Vorkuta, Russia SSR; sparking concerns about the stability of the Soviet state,....

c.1953- "Luciferian Crusade" agent Otto Hallberg is arrested in Stockholm, Sweden, after attempting to foment an "international incident" along the Swedish/Finnish/Soviet borders,....

c.1953: (3/5) General Aleksandr Sakharovsky is selected by Joseph Stalin to head Comintern, prior to his death....

c.1954- "Luciferian Crusade" agent Kapiton Kuznetsov launches an armed insurrection against Soviet officials in Kengir, Kazahkstan SSR;...

c.1954- "Luciferian Crusade" agents led by Lolita Lebrón attempt to take members of the U.S. House of Representatives as hostages in Washington D.C., police end with shootout with agents....

c.1954- CIA Deputy-Director James J. Angleton briefs President Dwight D. Eisenhower on the "threat to world security" posed by the "Luciferian Crusade" at Camp David, Maryland;....

c. 1954: Strom Thurmond (D-SC) was heavily discredited after it was revealed by the press that he had a child from an interracial affair.

c.1955- Premier Konrad Adenauer orders a crackdown on suspected "Luciferian Crusade" cells in Rostock and Berlin, East Germany, sparking concern of infiltration of the Warsaw Pact...

c.1956- Suez Crisis; France and Great Britain retake the Suez Canal, relations cool with the United States in the process...

c.1956- "Luciferian Crusade" member Lieutenant Colonel Ahmad Hussein launches an abortive coup attempt against the government in Jakarta, Indonesia, sparking international attention.....

c.1957- Kim Philby Affair; MI6 officer, Kim Philby, working for Lucifer leads MI5to a member of the Lucifer board of directors, Leopold Trepper, working as a buissnessman in France.

c.1957- Death of Joseph Stalin; Historians suspect members of "Luciferian Crusade" with the death; "Luciferian Crusade" members are ordered to apply for membership in the Soviet Communist Party or offered their services to KGB...

c.1958- "Cobra" splinter faction members found a breakaway fraction. The name may come from a member only identified as "Number 5" who had a pet cobra he used to play with during meetings.

c.1958- CIA Deputy-Director James J. Angleton warns that both CIA and KGB agencies have been compromised by "Luciferian Crusade" members, during HUAC Congressional hearings in Washington D.C.,...

c.1958- FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover calls for an end to domestic investigations into the "Luciferian Crusade" after receiving a set of "incriminating photographs" with Clyde Tolson....

c.1959- Marshal Josip Tito ordered raids against all "Cobra" and "Lucifer" property in Yugoslavia and gave intelligence to western intelligence agencies.

c.1959- "Luciferian Crusade" agents recruit Ukrainian nationalist Stepan Bandera into their ranks in Munich, West Germany, sparking concerns within the Soviet ranks....

c.1960- MI5 Deputy-Director Peter Wright warns that French Intelligence Services have been compromised by "Luciferian Crusade" and "Cobra" agents in Paris, France,....

c.1960- Savitri Devi Mukherji (a.k.a. Maximiani Portaz) begins preaching about the idea of a "New World Order" in Munich, West Germany...

c.1960- "Cobra" operative sneaks a bomb onboard a U2 spy plane blowing it up over the Soviet Union and stopping the improving East-West relations in the post-Stalin years. The suspected bomber, Lee Harvey Oswald, was a marine working a guard on a secret U2 airfield in Atsugi, Japan. and he later defected to the Soviet Union.

c.1960-1966- "Luciferian Crusade" leaders smuggle arms, mercenaries, etc. to the secessionist Katanga province in the newly-independent Belgian Congo

c.1961: David Leslie Hoggan begins recruiting neo-fascists in London, England for the "Luciferian Crusade"....

c.1962- President John F. Kennedy orders U.S. law enforcement agencies to begin an investigation into the Mafia and the international narcotics trade, threatening "Luciferian"/ "Cobra" profits...

c.1962- Novocherkassk Riots; Soviet military forces raid a suspected "Luciferian Crusade"/"Cobra" cell in Novocherkassk, Russia, killing 22 people in the process,...

c.1962: The Luciferian Candidate directed by John Frankenheimer, starring Frank Sinatra, Angela Lansbury, and Lawrence Harvey, details a plot by the "Luciferian Crusade" to infiltrate the American presidency...

c.1963- MI5 Deputy-Director Peter Wright warns that the ranks of MI5 have been infiltrated by agents of the "Luciferian Crusade" and "Cobra" in London, England,...

c.1963: Publisher Willis Carto, with the backing of the "Luciferian Crusade" establishes American Mercury, a magazine to spread neo-fascist ideals of the terrorist organization...

c.1963- President John F. Kennedy is assassinated (11/22) by "Luciferian Crusade" agent Lee Harvey Oswald in Dallas, Texas, using a "Cobra"/ "Luciferian Crusade" cover , in the form of a schoolbook depository...

c.1964: Former Romanian intelligence officer Ion Pacepa establishes "al-Fatah" at the behest of "Luciferian Crusade" as a "national liberation army"...

c. 1964: Hammer Studios in London, England launches the "Gothic Crusader" genre with the film The Iron Knight, establishing the anti-hero motiff for the European cinema....

c.1964- "Luciferian Crusade" agent General Giovanni de Lorenzo launches a purge of "suspected Communists" in Rome, Italy,...

c.1965: The Looking Glass War by John le Carré details MI5 efforts to capture and infiltrate the "Luciferian Crusade", becoming a major bestseller....

c.1965: the National Liberation Army of Colombia (NLAC) is formed in Bogota, Colombia, backed by Comintern and the "Luciferian Crusade"...

c.1965- Ageria is granted independence from France, after years for fighting since 1954, becoming one of the longest conflicts of the Cold War...

c.1966- FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover resigns amidst sex scandal after photographs are sent to the Washington Post and New York Times, sparking moral outrage...

c.1966 (1/23): President Lyndon B. Johnson and Chiang Kai-shek announce the formation of the World League of Freedom & Democracy (WLFD) in Taipei, Taiwan in an effort for "global affairs, the need for peace initiatives and co-operating with developing countries.."

c. 1967: Libertarian Harry Browne was appointed U.S. Secretary of the Treasury, warning of the possibility of a monetary collapse in Washington D.C.,..

c.1967- "Luciferian Crusade" leader Brigadier General Stylianos Pattakos overthrows the government in Athens, Greece; creating a refuge and base of operations for both "Luciferian Crusade" and "Cobra" members...

c.1967- Daoxian Massacre; People's Liberation Army (PLA) raid a suspected "Luciferian Crusade"/"Cobra" cell in Daoxian, Huna, 4,519 people are killed in the process,...

c.1968- Presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy is assassinated in Los Angeles, California by "Lucuferian Crusade" member Sirhan Sirhan after calling for an investigation into the international drug trade....

c.1969- "Cobra" agents begin recruiting radical fringe elements of the Students for a Democratic Society (SDS), calling for the violent overthrow of the U.S. government,...

c.1969- Haymarket Bombing; "Cobra" agents bomb the Haymarket Riot monument in Chicago, Illinois, sparking fears of further terrorist attacks,...

c.1970- (5/6) "Luciferian Crusade" agent, General Lin Biao launches an abortive coup attempt against Mao Tse-tung in Lushan, China, sparking a massive political purge,....

c. 1970: (5/7) A brain-damaged Mao Zedong, still reeling from his injuries in the aborted coup, publicly blames the attack on the Soviets, whom he labels "revisionist traitors"...

c. 1970: The Ussuri River War; Started in August with a minor skirmish on Zhenbao Island between Chinese and Soviet troops, when Mao used the incident to start a war on the USSR. After being repulsed from Vladivostok in November, Mao loses it and orders a nuclear attack on the Soviet Union. One of his generals quietly shoots him in the head. The war ends later that month with the cession of the disputed territory to the USSR.

c.1970- "Cobra" agents issue a "Declaration of War", published by the New York Times and Washington Post, after an attack on Fort Dix, New Jersey,...

c.1970- Golpe Borghese; "Conra"/ "Luciferian Crusade" members, General Junio Valerio Borghese and Stefano Delle Chiaie launch an abortive coup attempt against the government in Rome, Italy;....

c.1970- "Cobra" agent Yukio Mishima launches an abortive coup against the government in Tokyo, Japan, sparking international attention,...

c.1971- "Luciferian Crusade" agent, General Memduh Tağmaç, launches an abortive coup against the government in Ankara, Turkey,....

c. 1971: Werner Stiefel of New York City, New York creates the artificial island of "New Atlantis" in the Bahamas, as a libertarian paradise. Unfortunately due to faulty construction and hurricane season, the project collapses....

c. 1971: Jiang Qing, widow to Mao Tse-tung, comes to power in a political coup with Zhang Chunqiao, Yao Wenyuan, and Wang Hongwen in Beijing, sparking fears of a rapidly escalating crisis...

c.1971: (9/25) Oleg Lyalin defects from the "Luciferian Crusade" warning of a possible attempt to flood the London Underground

c.1972- Agha Hasan Abedi forms the Bank of Credit and Commerce International (BCCI) in Luxembourg, as a corporate face, laundering money for the "Luciferian Crusade"....

c.1972- Peteano Incident; "Luciferian Crusade" member General Geraldo Serravalle, sparks an international incident, claiming "Soviet incursions" in Peteano. Italy, raising international tensions,....

c.1972- Pentagon Bombing; "Cobra" agents led by Bernardine Dohrn bomb the Pentagon in Washington D.C., sparking fears of further attacks on American soil,....

c.1973: Gulbuddin Hekmatyar establishes the People’s Democratic Party of Afghanistan (PDPA) in Kabul, Afghanistan, backed by both the "Luciferian Crusade" and the KGB,...

c.1974: Angered over India's nuclear weapons test, Agha Hasan Abedi, BCCI, begins laundering money to Pakistan to finance its nuclear weapons program...

c.1974: American members of the "Luciferian Crusade" led by Willis Carto form "Youth in Action" (YIA), while members led by William Pierce form the "Global Alliance" (GA)...

c.1974- MI5 Deputy-Director Peter Wright is forced to resign after publicly wrongly accusing Prime Minister Harold Wilson of being a spy for the "Luciferian Crusade" in London, England

c.1975- CIA Deputy-Director James J. Angleton resigns amidst reports of CIA counterintelligence operations against "Luciferian Crusade" on American soil revealed in Washington Post and New York Times,....

c.1975: Secret Army for Liberation of Armenia is established by Ion Pacepa at the behest of the "Luciferian Crusade" in an effort to antagonize the Soviet military....

c.1975-Ilich Ramírez Sánchez (a.k.a. "Carlos the Jackal") is recruited into the "Luciferian Crusade" in Amman, Jordan....

c.1976: West German Defense Minister Heidrun Hofer is exposed as a "Luciferian Crusade" member in Bonn, West Germany;....

c.1977- European leaders led by Italian PM Aldo Moro meet in Strasbourg, Switzerland, warning of the rise of a multinational terrorist organization...

c.1978: Louis Darquier de Pellepoix begins recruiting mmebers for the "Luciferian Crusade" in Paris, France, calling the Holocaust a "Jewish hoax"...

c.1978- Iraqi Communist Party General-Secretary Aziz Muhammad launching a revolt, in resistance to Saddam Hussein,...

c.1978- Prime Minister Aldo Moro is assassinated by "Luciferian Crusade" members in Rome, Italy;...

c.1978- Defense Minister Hans Otto Meyer is revealed as a "Luciferian Crusade" member in Oslo, Norway; sparking fears of compromised NATO security,...

c.1978- British Ministry of Defense led by General Sir John Hackett and Sir Anthony Farrar-Hockley call for massive reforms in NATO security measures against the "Luciferian Crusade" in London, England,...

c.1978: (11/14-11/28) United Nations Security Council holds a conference regarding the "Luciferian Crusade" in New York City, New York, in an effort to inform world leaders as to their efforts...

c.1978: (11/18) Jonestown Massacre; "Luciferian Crusade" leader Jim Jones along 914 members of his cell commit suicide in Jonestown, Guiana before American troops can capture them...

c.1979- Phoolan Devi of Uttar Pradesh, India is recruited into the "Luciferian Crusade", becoming one of the highest-ranked females in the group...

c.1979- Siege of Mecca; Luciferian Crusade-backed Al-Masjid al-Haram guerillas, led by Juhayman al-Otaibi launch an abortive coup, calling for a "new world order"....

c.1979: How to Prosper During the Coming Bad Years by Howard Ruff, became a major bestseller, promoting a survivalist lifestyle.....

c.1979: FBI agents report that William David McCalden has begun recruiting youth after a convention in Las Vegas, Nevada....

c.1979: Senator Harrison A. Williams (D-NJ) is exposed as an agent of the "Luciferian Crusade" in Washington D.C.,...

1979: Atlas Shrugged (NBC-TV) mini-series based on the novel by Ayn Rand, starring Michael Douglas, Farrah Fawcett, and Billy Dee Williams makes its hit debut....

c.1979: (6/25) NATO Supreme Allied Commander (SAC) General Alexander Haig is assassinated by "Luciferian Crusade" members...

c.1980- Oktoberfest Putsch; "Cobra" agent Heinz Lembke launches an abortive attempt at a political coup against the government in Munich, West Germanty;...

c. 1980: The Alpha Strategy by John Pugsley, becomes a major bestseller, promoting a survivalist lifestyle...

c.1980- "Luciferian Crusade" agent General Kenan Evren overthrows the government in Ankara, Turkey; sparking turmoil in the region,...

c. 1980: Accidental discovery of energetically-efficient muon-generation (EEMG).

c.1980-1988- BCCI begins weapons purchases and sales for Iraq, during the Iran-Iraq War, laundering billions of dollars in the process...

c. 1981: "Luciferian Crusade" establishes camps in "La Triple Frontera" the mountain and jungle area of Brazil, Argentina, and Paraguay as a training ground for soldiers....

c.1981: (9/15) General Frederick J. Kroesen, U.S. Army is assassinated in Heidelberg, West Germany, sparking international attention....

c.1981 (10/7) : President Ronald Reagan appoints U.S. General John K. Singlaub as Commander of the World League of Freedom & Democracy (WLFD) in Washington D.C.,...

c. 1981 (11/23): Luciferian Crusade agent Ilich Ramírez Sánchez (a.k.a. "Carlos the Jackal") bombs West Berlin, during a visit by Soviet Premier Leonid Brezhnev, sparking fears of a European Crisis....

c.1982- Italian government officials convict Father Paul Marcinkus, head of the Institute for Religious Works from 1971 to 1982, of laundering money for the "Luciferian Crusade" using the Vatican Bank in Rome, Italy....

c.1982- NATO counter-terrorism expert General Carlo Alberto Dalla Chiesa is assassinated by "Luciferian Crusade" members in Palermo, Italy;...

c. 1982: U.S. Department of Energy begins study to investigate application of EEMG to fusion, using a small 1 kWth test rig with deuterium gas and no attempt to harvest the energy. (You can do D-D fusion with uCF, it's just about 500 times less efficient than D-T. But deuterium's much cheaper and easier to handle than radioactive tritium, so they would do test runs with D-D before attempting to use D-T).

c.1982- CIA operatives begin using BCCI as a means to launder money to different anti-communist guerilla movements worldwide...

c.1982- Ali Khavari and Parviz Hekmatjoo launch a revolt against the Iranian government in Tehran, Iran, destabilizing the government in the region...

c.1983: Robert Faurisson is arrested by French police authorities in Lyon, France after evidence reveals that he is an agent of the "Luciferian Crusade"....

c.1983- "Cobra" agents assassinate Ayatollah Mohammed Baqir al-Hakim, along with 18 members of his family, in Jezan Al Chol, Iraq, sparking civil unrest and violence...

c.1983: KAL 007 Incident; Luciferian Crusade members intentionally alter the navigational data on a 747 jet, in an effort create tensions between the Soviet Union and the United States....

c.1983: Police and FBI officials in Jordan, Minnesota report the successful crackdown on a cell of the "Luciferian Crusade"....

c. 1983: "State of Shock" by Michael Jackson and Freddie Mercury made its hit debut, becoming one of the music anthems of the 1980s...

c.1983: (1/28) "Luciferian Crusade" members detonate a car bomb outside the Federal Building in New York City, New York...

c.1983: (11/7) "Luciferian Crusade" bomb the U.S. Senate in Washington D.C., sparking national attention and concern...

c.1984: RCMP arrest Ernst Zündel, after attempting to form a "Luciferian Crusade" cell in Toronto, Ontario....

c. 1984: Singer Marvin Gaye checks into the Betty Ford Clinic in Los Angeles, California in an effort to deal with his substance abuse problems....

c. 1984: Confirmation of D-D fusion by EEMG. Calculations indicate that, if used with D-T fuel mix, the system would be a net energy generator.

c. 1984 (1/13): Scandal erupts after it is discovered that the World League of Freedom & Democracy (WLFD) backed right-wing death squads in Latin America, sparking international condemnation....

c.1984: (4/5) "Luciferian Crusade" members bomb a military aircraft factory in Tel Aviv, Israel, sparking regional tensions...

c.1984: (7/4) Police battle cell members of the "Luciferian Crusade" in Torrance, California, right-wing extremists blame "jackboot-wearing thugs"...

c.1984: (12/18) "Luciferian Crusade" bombs the NATO Officer Training Center in Oberammergau, West Germany, killing 13 people....

c. 1984 (12/22): OMNI magazine exposes Chinese experiments regarding attempts to create and utilize psychic powers in children, sparking international criticism and condemnation....

c.1985: RCMP arrest James Keegstra, the mayor of Eckville, Alberta, after evidence reveals that he is a member of the "Luciferian Crusade"....

c. 1985: Allocation of funds to Muon-Catalyzed Fusion Program to design and build a 10 MWth D-T fusion system. The system will not incorporate a lithium breeding blanket or electrical generating system, but it will incorporate compression systems to increase the achieved reaction rate, and will be used to gather information and test components. Simultaneously, component development begins on lithium blankets and other systems needed for a full-scale demonstration plant.

c. 1985: NASA officials at Cape Canaveral, Florida announce the U.S. space station Freedom is habitable...

c.1985: (2/23) "Luciferian Crusade" members bomb 1 Police Plaza, the central command center for the New York Police Department (NYPD) in New York City, New York, killing 23 people...

c. 1985 (8/25): Samantha Smith, America's "Peace Ambassador" survives an assassination attempt on her life by members of the "Luciderian Crusade" in Auburn, Maine, sparking international attention and concern...

c. 1985 (9/15): Religious cult leader Sun Myung Moon is revealed to be one of the major financial backers of the World League of Freedom & Democracy (WFLD) in Seoul, South Korea....

c. 1986: Maurice Ward invents Starlite plastic while tinkering with a surplus plastics extruder and a blender. The plastic successfully resists 2,500 C heat from a blowtorch.

c. 1986: President Reagan calls for development of a National AeroSpace Plane, capable of flying Washington to Tokyo in two hours. McDonnell Douglas, Rockwell, and General Dynamics will compete to develop the vehicle, Rocketdyne and Pratt & Whitney to develop the engine.

c.1986- "Cobra" assassinated Iraqi nationalist/dissident leader Dr. Ayad Habashi in Rome, Italy, sparking civil unrest and violence in Iraq,....

c.1987: No Way Out starring Kevin Costner, Gene Hackman, and Sean Young details a "Luciferian Crusade" cell operating in Washington D.C.,...

c. 1987: Actor Sean Penn is arrested after the brutal murder and death of his estranged wife singer Madonna Ciccone in New York City, New York...

c. 1987*: Talks with ICI to commercialize Starlite fall through.

c.1987: Dorothy Groteluschen is arrested by FBI agents in Aurora, Colorado after it is discovered that she is recruiting people for the "Luciferian Crusade"...

c.1988- "Cobra" agents assassinate Ayatollah Mehdi al-Hakim in Khartoum, Sudan, sparking civil unrest and violence nationwide....

c. 1988*: British Aerospace, learning that Boeing has indicated an interest in Starlite (the PoD), agrees to purchase Starlite formula from Maurice Ward. (IOTL the talks broke down).

c.1988: Successful D-T fusion by muon catalysis demonstrates theoretical breakeven (that is, if they were actually capturing the energy output, it would be more than the input). Funds allocated for National Fusion Demonstration Station (NFDS), a 400 MWe nuclear fusion demonstration in eastern Massachusetts, as a public-private partnership between the Department of Energy and the National Fusion Alliance, a consortium of private companies.

c.1988: Cardinal of the Kremlin by Tom Clancy details "Luciferian Crusade" infiltration of the KGB, becoming a major bestseller...

c.1988: (9/28) Dr. Inamullah Khan, the Secretary-General of the World Muslim Congress (WMC), a "Luciferian Crusade" sympathizer is awarded the Nobel Peace Prize, amidst international controversy....

c.1989- Agha Hasan Abedi, BCCI, sells NAVSTAR information to the Soviet Union, sparking a massive intelligence coup...

c. 1989: Ground broken on NFDS. Stocks of coal miners fall sharply.

c.1989: INTERPOL agents announce the successful raid on a "Luciferian Crusade" in Oude Pekela, Netherlands, sparking fears of cells throughout NATO...

c.1990: Starlite plastic demonstrated on BBC

c.1990: NASA officials announce the completion of the U.S. Space Station Freedom, at a press conference at Cape Canaveral, Florida, sparking international attention....

c. 1990: NASA officials announce lunar base construction begins for Project PLYMOUTH ROCK at a press conference at Cape Canaveral, Florida....

c. 1990: In an effort to establish the thermal limits of Starlite, British Atomic Weapons Establishment fires lasers at a Starlite egg intended to simulate the 10,000 C temperatures found in a nuclear blast. The material is not effected.

c. 1990*: Covert entry by Luciferian agents into Maurice Ward's home and factory fail to recover Starlite formula. Ward himself escapes capture only by a stroke of luck, when a police officer notices surreptitious activity at his home just before he returned; in the ensuing shootout, two police officers and six Luciferian agents are killed. The Luciferian snatch team at the factory escapes.

c. 1990*: In a radical reorientation of the NASP program, Rockwell International announces a joint venture with British Aerospace to use "revolutionary new materials" in the vehicle. BAe also begins talks with jet engine manufacturers to use Starlite in more conventional vehicles.

c. 1990: International Conference on Cold Fusion (ICCF) is held in Salt Lake City, Utah, as representatives 37 different countries discuss the nature of muon-catalyzed fusion (uCF), sparking international attention...

c.1990- Prime Minister Giulio Andreotti surrenders to law enforcement authorities in Rome, Italy after winning immunity from prosecution and revealing "Luciferian Crusade" infiltration of NATO governments...

c.1990- Black January; Soviet military officials raid a suspected "Luciferian Crusade"/ "Cobra" cell in Baku, Azerbaijan, 93 people killed in the process, sparking international attention,...

c. 1990: Gert van Rooyen is accused of forming a "Luciferian Crusade" cell in Johannesburg, South Africa, sparking panic over alleged murders...

c.1990: FBI agents arrest Safet and Ingeborg Sarich, a couple in Winnetka, Illinois, after it is revealed they are leaders of a "Luciferian Crusade" cell....

c.1991- INTERPOL police officials are told Agha Hasan Abedi, BCCI CEO, is helping to finance terrorist organizations, unfortunately, the same report claims that Abedi is "psychic"...

c.1991- "Cobra" agents Otto Ernst Remer and Herbert Schweiger begin recruitment of right-wing extremists during riots in Rostock, Dresden and Berlin, in the newly reunified Germany....

c.1991- Stronnictwo Narodowe takes power in post-communist Poland. Described by many as "the Catholic answer to the Ayatollah", Maciej Giertych is the new President. The regime is theocratic and anti-semitic, and expresses a desire to export it's ideology throughout Central Europe.

c. 1992*: Lockheed, Pratt & Whitney, and BAe enter talks to use Starlite plastic in F-22 program.

c. 1992: Japan's Ministry of International Trade and Industry (MITI) announces that it is launching a "New Hydrogen Energy (NHE)" led by Hideo Ikegami, during a press conference in Tokyo, Japan...

c.1992- "Luciferian Crusade" members led by Shoko Asahara obtain several nuclear weapons from the collapsing Soviet Union, including several "suitcase" bombs....

c. 1992: Police officials in Martensville, Saskatchewan, uncover a "secret cell" of the "Luciferian Crusade" sparking panic throughout Canada....

c.1992 Presidential Election (note: first presidential election different than OTL) George H.W. Bush narrowly loses renomination to Maryland Senator Alan Keyes, darling of the conservative movement (note: no Iraq War, therefore no popularity boost); conservatives FAR more pissed at him going back on "no new taxes". California Governor George Deukmejian becomes his running mate. Democrats nominate New York Governor Mario Cuomo for President and Massachusetts Senator Paul Tsongas for Vice-President. The election is surprisingly won by independent candidate Ross Perot. His running mate was General Colin Powell, hero of the South African War.

c.1993- Former President George H.W. Bush, former Iraqi Prime Minister Ayad Allawi and the Emir of Kuwait are assassinated by "Cobra" agents in Kuwait City, Kuwait, sparking international attention,....

c. 1993*: Sample of Starlite plastic stolen from Lockheed by Luciferian agent.

c. 1993- Cash-strapped Russia sells the Kaliningrad Oblast to Germany. It's slated to become a German state by 2000 and is renamed "Prussia".
Polish President Maciej Giertych condemns the action as an attempt to encircle "Holy Poland"...

1993(1/25): In the first action of a major "Luciferian Crusade" offensive, operatives led by Aimal Qazi, launch a massive attack against CIA Headquarters in Langley, Virginia, sparking international attention and concern,...

c.1993: (7/3) Ross Perot dies in a plane crash. Colin Powell assumes the Presidency.

c.1993: (7/4) Colin Powell is officially inaugurated on the nation's birthday. He names a moderate Republican, Massachusetts Senator Mitt Romney, as his Vice President after former Democratic vice-presidential candidate Paul Tsongas declines.

1993 (7/22): Soviet researchers announce the creation of "Red Mercury" which has an affinity for mercury and tends to acquire a red colour due to mercuric impurities during its separation process, as a byproduct of muon-catalyzed fusion (uCF), in Moscow....

c.1994- Leaders of the "Luciferian Crusade" devour the Zapatistas of Mexico, leading the organisation to be called the "World Liberation Front"

c. 1994*: First test of Rocketdyne scramjet on expendable booster.

c.1994- "Cobra" agents assassinate Sheikh Talib al-Suhail al-Tamimi in Beirut, Lebanon, sparking civil unrest and violence in the region....

c. 1994: Signalling a need to "get tough" on issues, actor Clint Eastwood (R-CA) was elected Governor of California amidst controversy over the nature of celebrities in politics...

c. 1995: First commercial orders placed for nuclear fusion generating stations, although construction is not scheduled to start until NFDS has been completed.

c.1995- Oklahoma City Bombing (4/19); "Cobra" agents Timothy McVeigh and Terry Nichols bomb the Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City, killing 168 people,....

c. 1996: Arsenio Hall Show (FOX-TV) made history with the appearence of President Colin Powell appearing on the show with host Arsenio Hall, receiving some of the highest ratings for the network....

c.1996- Centennial Park Olympic Bombing (7/27); "Cobra" agent Eric Robert Rudolph bombs the ceremonies of the 1996 Olympics in Atlanta, Georgia, killing 2 people, injuring 111 people,....

c. 1996 (10/24): Artur Axmann, former head of the Hitler Youth and co-founder of the "Luciferian Crusade", dies quietly in prison, outside of Brussels, Belgium, fueling conspiracy theories about his work....

c. 1997: Construction completed on NFDS. Operators begin shakedown. Shortly afterwards, a tritium storage tank explodes; fortunately, the building has a filtered vent system that prevents escape of significant quantities of tritium gas. Stock prices of several NFA members plummet. Later investigation determines the explosion was caused by sabotage. Tampering is also found in the tritium filtration system, but was ineffective as the station's computer system had detected the anomaly and shut down the sabotaged ventilation line; if the tampering had been effective, significant - but probably not dangerous - quantities of radioactive tritium gas would have reached the environment. Based on anomalous short-selling of NFA member companies prior to the blast, it is believed the incident was contrived as a money-making opportunity by unknown parties rather than for political or ideological motives.

c.1997- Zurich Massacre; Michael Tabachnik leads "Luciferian Crusade" members commit mass suicide rather than risk capture by INTERPOL in Zurich, Switzerland, sparking international attention,....

c.1997: Actress Jodie Foster comes "out of the closet" at a press conference in Los Angeles, California, calling for LGBT rights....

c. 1997 (5/25): Reporters Paul Dong and Thomas E. Raffill, unveil evidence that the Chinese have continued to conduct human experiments into psychic research with children, despite international condemnation...

c.1998: Police and INTERPOL agents in Emilia-Romagna, Italy report breaking up a major "Luciferian Crusade" cell....

c. 1998*: First atmospheric test flight of Rockwell X-30 NASP. Rockwell announces plans for a USAF/NASA-sponsored large-capacity SSTO to enter service next decade, and a joint venture with BAe to develop a suborbital passenger plane.

c. 1998*: NPO Saturn, a major Russian turbojet manufacturer, announces development of a revolutionary new material, прогресс ("progress"), with properties comparable to Starlite, and plans to collaborate with other Russian aerospace companies to develop hypersonic and SSTO vehicles. US intelligence agencies establish that NPO Saturn paid at least $1 billion to an unknown party for the formula, but are unable to conclusively prove the involvement of the Luciferian Crusade.

c. 1998: Despite the early hitches, NFDS reaches operational power. Ground broken on first commercial fusion station one month later. Orders placed for fusion power plants amount to 40 GWe of capacity and rising rapidly.

c. 1998: Libertarian vessels "Residensea" and "Freedomship" are launched from Miami, Florida, each proclaiming their independence from all sovereign authorities as "newly established states"...

c.1999- U.S. Justice Department officials Tom Easton and Dr. Jonathan H. Levy report "Luciferian Crusade" bank records dating c.1941-1945, during a press conference in San Francisco, California....

c. 1999: "Luciferian Crusade" agents launch a series of bombings throughout Buynaksk, Moscow, and Volgodonsk, in an effort to strike fear throughout the Russian populace, sparking international attention....

c. 1999*: First orbital flight of Rockwell X-30 NASP.

c. 1999 (6/10): Jiang Zemin orders a complete state purge on the test subjects, scientists, and researchers regarding Chinese psychic experiments, sparking international attention and concern in Beijing....

c. 1999 (7/22): Chinese officials erase and destroy all records mentioning Chinese psychic experiments, the names of any of the scientists or human test subjects, sparking concern throughout the scientific community...

c. 2000: NASA officials announce lunar base construction completion for Project PLYMOUTH ROCK at a press conference at Cape Canaveral, Florida....

c. 2000*: US intelligence discovers Chinese J-XX advanced fighter development program has purchased the прогресс formula from NPO Saturn, and aims to develop a hypersonic atmospheric fighter.

c. 2000 (9/22): "Luciferian Crusade" agents launch a brazen attack against MI6 Headquarters with rocket launchers in central London, England, killing 8 people, injuring an additional 12, sparking fears of a renewed crisis...

c.2001- Tuncay Güney warns of "Luciferian Crusade"/ "Cobra" infiltration of the government in Ankara, Turkey, sparking international attention and concern,...

c. 2001*: USAF announces plans to develop "sixth-generation" manned hypersonic fighter aircraft using Starlite-based scramjets.

c.2002- During the height of the anti-globalisation movement, "Luciferian Crusade" leaders openly seize power in Many Third World and former Soviet Bloc countries such as Kazahstan, Taijikistan, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Mongolia, Burma, Much of africa, Brazil, Venezuela, Guyana, Suriname, Cuba, Mexico and Vietnam.

c. 2002: Police and INTERPOL agents in Pescara, Italy report breaking up a major "Luciferian Crusade" cell....

c. 2002: U.S. Navy's Space and Naval Warfare Systems Center (SPAWAR) in San Diego, California report on the military application for muon-catalyzed fusion (uCF), warning of the dangers of "nuclear terrorism"...

c. 2002*: Rockwell YCS-1, a scaled-up version of the X-30 for orbital cargo delivery, begins atmospheric flight testing.

c. 2002*: Aviation Weekly publishes article claiming X-30 spaceframes have been repurposed in a black program as FS-1 orbital interceptor spacecraft, used in satellite inspection, satellite destruction, and rapid-response orbital reconnaissance, and possibly even ballistic missile interception. The USAF does not publicly respond.

c.2002- Day of Fire (9/11); "Luciferian Crusade" leaders detonate nuclear weapons in Leningrad and Washington D.C., sparking international chaos and civil unrest....

c. 2002: Concert for World Peace (10/20); Amidst heavy security concerns the Queen led by Freddie Mercury reunited to perform in Central Park in New York City, New York to raise money for the victims of the "Days of Rage"...

c.2003- WLF is condemned by the UN in a unanimous resolution, leading to massive tensions

c.2003- Ministry of Justice is bombed in Moscow, Russia, WLF claims responsibility in a series of Internet broadcasts....

c. 2003 (10/6): CIA and FBI officials report Hezbollah, al-Gama’a al-Islamiyya, Islamic Jihad, al-Qaeda, Hamas operating in "Luciferian Crusade" backed regimes....

c. 2003 (10/10): French political activist Bernard-Henri Lévy calls for WLDF nations to negotiate with the "Luciferian Crusade" during a rally in Paris, France....

c.2004-WLF guerillas take President Vladimir Putin hostage in Moscow, Russia in an effort to "break" international will against the organization,..

c.2004 (7/26) After a contentious primary season, Connecticut Senator Joseph Lieberman narrowly defeats Wisconsin Senator (and fellow Connecticut native, incidentally) Ralph Nader on the first ballot. Chicago Mayor Carol Mosely Braun, who's support for Lieberman allowed him to take the nomination, is in turn nominated for the Vice-Presidency, the first time a female has had that distinction in American history.At the conclusion of the divided convention, incumbent President Donald Rumsfeld leads Lieberman in the polls by twenty points.

c.2004- (9/3)The Rumsfeld reelection campaign takes a stunning hit after a cybernet video goes viral where an unnamed citizen, when questioned on who he will vote for come November, replies "Well, didn't Rummy let Washington get nuked?" The effect kills whatever lead Rumsfeld had left by that point, and the race will be too close to call until Election Day.

c.2004- 2004 Presidential Election; Despite his strong law-and-order stance in a time of uncertainty, President Donald Rumsfeld is narrowly defeated at the polls by Senator Joe Lieberman, a very hawkish Democrat.

2004: Jerry Springer (D-OH) wins the U.S. Senate race in Ohio, sparking national attention and controversy....

c. 2004*: Rockwell YCS-1 completes first orbital flight.

c. 2004: (12/3) Donald Rumsfeld is assassinated by Maxime Brunerie, a Cobra agent of French nationality. Rumsfeld's VP, Pat Buchanan, will serve as Acting President until January 20 of next year, when Lieberman is scheduled to be inaugurated.

c. 2005: NASA ARES-1 is launched from Cape Canaveral, Florida, first Mars manned expedition launched....

c.2005: Los Angeles Bombings; "Luciferian Crusade"/ WLF members launch a "false-flag" operation whereby Kevin James leads Jamiyyat Ul-Islam Is-Saheed (a fake Islamic terrorist group) into bombing several military bases and the Israeli consulate in Los Angeles, California...

c. 2005 (1/17): "Luciferian Crusade" agents led by Jose Ernesto Beltran Quinonez, smggle a nuclear weapon across the U.S. border at San Diego, California....

c. 2005 (1/22): CIA and FBI officials identify several "Luciferian Crusade" agents from Iraq and the People's Republic of China....

c. 2005 (10/18): "Luciferian Crusade" agents send a video message threatening to detonate a nuclear weapon in Boston, MA and Philadelphia, PA...

c. 2006*: First operational Rockwell CS-1 delivered to the Air Force, followed shortly by the first for NASA.

c. 2006: Italian Ministry of Economic Development anounces that it has invested $2.5 billion into the research of Franco Scaramuzzi regarding muon-catalyzed fusion (uCF), during a press conference in Rome, Italy....

c. 2006 (2/7): "Luciferian Crusade" agent Jose Ernesto Beltran Quinonez is captured in Mexico City, Mexico after trying to smuggle a nuclear weapon across the U.S./Mexican border....

c. 2006 (3/6): British reporter David Clark, The Guardian, warns that "Luciferian Crusade" members are "winning the hearts and minds" of people with their attacks on the economic crisis.....

c. 2006 (4/14): CIA officials report a secret nuclear agreement between the "Luciferian Crusade" supporting states of Venezuela, Cuba and Iran...

c. 2007: Austin Trey Bernard is arrested by FBI and local officials leading a cell of the "Luciferian Crusade" in New Orleans, Louisiana, which is seen as a major victory for the Administration...

c. 2007: Police and INTERPOL agents in Rignano Flaminio, Italy report breaking up a major "Luciferian Crusade" cell...

c. 2007*: BAE HyperSonic Passenger Transport (HSPT) completes first flight tests.

c. 2008: Tensions mount throughout Asia after the Indian National Institute of Advanced Studies announces that it has created muon-catalyzed fusion (uCF)facilities at Chennai's Indian Institute of Technology, the Bhabha Atomic Research Centre and the Indira Gandhi Centre for Atomic Research....

c. 2008: Japanese researcher Yoshiaki Arata warns of the military applications of muon-catalyzed fusion (uCF) during a press conference at Osaka University, Japan, escalating tensions across the globe....

c.2008 (11/14): "Luciferian Crusade" agents agents are captured by German GSG and BND agents in Kosovo, attempting to trigger a war in the Balkans...

c. 2009*: BAE HSPT enters regular service.

c.2009: (1/29) FBI agents arrest Bryant Neal Vinas after selling information about the New York transit system to "Luciferian Crusade" agents in Long Island, New York....

c. 2009 (4/15): "Luciferian Crusade" guerillas spark panic throughout the MIddle East, proclaiming to have obtained sizable amounts of "red mercury" in Riyadh....

c.2009: (7/27) Daniel Patrick Boyd and several members of a "Luciferian Crusade" cell are arrested in New Bern, North Carolina....

c. 2010 (2/15): Internet activist Julian Assange leaks classified information about the World League of Freedom & Democracy (WLFD) over the Cybernet, sparking an international intelligence crisis...

c. 2010(4/10): "Luciferian Crusade" agents assassinate Polish President Lech Kaczynski in Smolensk, fueling tensions with the Russian government,...

c.2010: (4/23) "Luciferian Crusade" agent Zarein Ahmedzay acts as a suicide bomber during the rush hour subway commute in New York City, New York, killing 106 people in the process...

c. 2010 (5/1): Pvt. Bradley Manning, U.S. Army is accused of leaking classified information to the "Luciferian Crusade" in Minneapolis, Minnesota....

c. 2011: Italian researchers Andrea Rossi and Sergio Focardi, University of Bologna announce the creation of the next-generation in muon-catalyzed fusion (uCF), sparking international attention...

c. 2011: Actress Lindsay Lohan dies of a heart attack in Beverly Hills, California amidst rumors of drug complications....

c. 2011 (11/15): FARC guerillas in Colombia begin the sale of nuclear materials to th "Luciferian Crusade" through Venezuela....


Ross Perot/Colin Powell: January 20, 1993-July 3, 1993
Colin Powell/Mitt Romney: July 4, 1993-January 20, 2001
Donald Rumsfeld/Pat Buchanan: January 20, 2001-December 3, 2004
Pat Buchanan/Ezola Foster : December 3, 2004-January 20, 2005
Joseph Lieberman/Carol Mosely Braun: January 20, 2005-January 20, 2013
Mitt Romney/Gary Johnson: January 20, 2013-?
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What would be the appropriate name for a special forces unit for China? India? Israel? or Japan? If anything, if the United States can have "G.I. Joe" and Russia can have its "Oktober Guard" (at least in the comic books), what would the other nations have to defend themselves with against the "forces of evil"?
Here are a few fun PODs to show that the ATL is filled with strange and fun PODs that can still be manipulated:

1947: "Luciferian Crusade" agents are linked to an assassination attempt on the life of New York Yankees player Jackie Robinson, sparking national attention....

1953: "Luciferian Crusade" agents attempted to kill actor John Wayne while he was on the set of his film Hondo, sparking international attention...

1966: "Luciferian Crusade" agents attempted to kill actor John Wayne, while he was visiting U.S. troops in Saigon, sparking international attention....

1967: Barron Hilton and Kraft Ehricke speak publicly on the issue of civilian space travel, during hearings in Washington D.C.,....

1986: Japanese FM Makoto Nagatomo calls for the development of a civilian space program before the Diet in Tokyo, Japan....

1989: Japanese Shimizu Corporation announces the intial design and construction of a civilian space tourism program, during a press conference in Osaka, Japan....

1998: Japanese officials unveil the Spacetopia Inc., offices in Tokyo, Japan, the first civilian space tourism firm, sparking international attention...
Can someone come up with some wild titles for the following films:

1953: (insert title here) starring Burt Lancaster, Montgomery Clift, Deborah Kerr, and Frank Sinatra, makes its hit debut, detailing the first attacks of the "Luciferian Crusade"...

1965: (insert title here) directed by David Lean, starring Omar Sharif and Julie Christie, features the life of Germans whose lives are transformed and divided by the "Luciferian Crusade"....

1970: (insert title here) starring George C. Scott details the life of (insert name here) and his campaign against the "Luciferian Crusade"....

1972: (insert title here) directed by Franis Ford Coppola, details the rise of the "Luciferian Crusade", becoming one of the most popular films of all time...

1990: (insert title here) starring Kevin Costner and Mary McDonell, details the recruitment of a U.S. soldier into the world of the "Luciferian Crusade"...

1990: (insert title here) directed by Martin Scorsese, starring Robert De Niro and Ray Liotta, details the recruitmentg and rise of "Luciferian Crusade" soldiers

1994: (insert title here) directed by Quentin Tarantino, starring Samuel L. Jackson, details in "grindhouse" fashion the rise and fall of a "Luciferian Crusade" cell...
Should cloning technology or cryogenics be allowed into the ATL? Both are not ASB perse, but are considered extremely impractical, and with the case of cryogenics, not guaranteed to work.

Definitely let me know either way.....
Here are a few PODs that should show where I got my ideas from:

1983 (9/12): President Ronald Reagan discusses the need for the World League of Freedom & Democracy (WLFD) during a televised speech in Washington D.C.,...

1989 (9/2): President George H.W. Bush appoints General Robert Remus (a.k.a. "General Slaughter") as Field Commander for the World League of Freedom & Democracy (WLFD) in Washington D.C.,...

1991 (8/6): During a terrorist attack at Madison Square Garden in New York City, New York, General Robert Remus is exposed as an agent of the "Luciferian Crusad" sparking a national political scandal...

2012 (12/17): President-elect Mitt Romney announces his selection of U.S. Army General Larry Hama as U.S. Secretary of Defense in Washington D.C.,...
Here are a few PODs to show the extent of problems:

1939: Austrian philosopher Max Shachtman theorizes the "Third Camp" as emerging from the creation of an bilateral confrontation...

1968: French activist Jacques Givet of Paris, is exposed as a "Luciferian Crusade" agent, sparking international attention and concern...

1969: Soviet dissident Léon Poliakov begins advocating for the "Luciferian Crusade" in Moscow, sparking concern on both sides of the Iron Curtain.....

2003(5/18): MP Zohra Othman is exposed as a "Luciferian Crusade" sympathizer during parliamentary elections in Belgium....

2006 (5/25): Euston Agreement; WLDF leaders gathered in London, England attempt to spell out the differences between political opposition and the beliefs of the "Luciferian Crusade"....
Here is a real-life POD to make sure that the ATL stays a little strange:

2006 (4/3): Professor Eric R. Pianka shocks the scientific community, advocating the distribution of an airborne Ebola virus to wipe out 90% of the world's population, during a lecture in Houston, Texas....
1987 (5/4): "Luciferian Crusade" agents in Goiania, Brazil steal radioactive materials in an effort to detonate a nuclear dirty bomb, sparking tensions throughout Latin America, 249 people are killed due to radiation poisoning....
Here are a few PODs to show that life continues to have a few twists and turns:

1991 (4/29): MP David Icke is named one of the "rising stars of the Labor Party" during a television interview in Leicester, England.....

2013 (3/29): President Mitt Romney is exposed as being a "Luciferian Crusade" agent in Washington D.C., fueling civil unrest and panic in major cities.....
Does anyone have any PODs for conspiracy theory leaders? If anything, this is a world that is justifiably paranoid about everything, yet also has made leaps in technoogy:

2013 (1/13)- Hacker and Internet activist Aaron Swartz is assassinated in Brooklyn, New York, after investigating links to the 2012 presidential elections to the "Luciferian Crusade"...
Here are some PODs to get things moving along:

1969 (7/5): "Luciferian Crusade" agents claim responsibility for the murder of Pan-African leader Tom Mboya in Nairobi, Kenya, sparkng civil unrest and panic in the region...

1972 (4/7): President Abeid Karume is allegedly assassinated by agents of the "Luciferian Crusade" in Zanzibar,Tanzania, fueling civil unrest and panic....

1973 (11/2): Major Ronald Reid-Daly begins recruiting soldiers as part of the "Selous Scouts" intially for the Rhodesian white-minority government, but ultimately as a means to recruit forces for the "Luciferian Crusade"...

1979 (1/29): Joshua Nkomo (a.k.a. "Father Zimbabwe") is brutally assassinated by "Luciferian Crusade" forces in Harare, Zimbabwe, sparking civil unrest and panic throughout the region...

1979 (4/13): Good Friday Massacre; Robert Mugabe is brutally assassinated in Harare, Zimbabwe, plunging the region into sectarian and ethnic violence...
Here are a few PODs to show that should make things a little strange:

1950: The Miracle of St. Anne directed by Orson Welles, starring Marcel Archard, Georges Baume, and Frédéric O'Brady, makes its hit debut...

1956: Flamingo Feather directed by Alfred Hitchcock, starring Jimmy Stewart and Grace Kelly, makes its hit film debut....

1957: Portraits of Terror (CBS-TV) directed by Ed Wood makes its hit series debut, starring Duke Moore and Dudley Manlove...

1958: Touch of Evil directed by Orson Welles, starring Charlton Heston, makes its hit film debut,....

1963: Mandrake the Magician directed by Federico Fellini, based on the comic strip by Lee Falk makes its hit film debut,....

1972: Napoleon directed by Stanley Kubrick starring David Hemmings and Audrey Hepburn, sparking international attention...

1984: Once Upon A Time In America directed by Sergio Leone, starring Robert de Niro, James Woods, and Elizabeth McGovern makes its hit debut...

1987: September directed by Woody Allen, staring Mia Farrow, Sam Shephard, and Maureen O'Sullivan, makes its hit debut.....
Here are some PODs to show that the ATL's TV shows are just as bad as anything in OTL:

1963: The Robert Taylor Show (NBC-TV) starring Robert Taylor, George Segal, and Robert Loggia, makes its hit series debut....

1964: Bill & Martha (CBS-TV) sitcom starring William Bendix and Martha Raye, makes its hit series debut...

1974: Where's The Fire? (ABC-TV) sitcom, makes its hit television series debut, sparking national attention...

1978: Star Trek: Phase II (PTN-TV) starring William Shatner, Stephen Collins, and Persis Khambatta, makes its hit series debut....

1979: Mr. Dugan (CBS-TV) sitcom starring Cleavon Little makes its hit series debut, sparking national attention...

1986: The Young Astronauts (CBS-TV) animated series makes its hit series debut, presenting an optimistic view of the future....

1988: The Dictator (CBS-TV) sitcom starring Christopher Lloyd, makes its hit series television debut....

1997: Secret Service Guy (FOX-TV) sitcom starring Judge Reinhold, makes its hit television series debut,...

2005: Welcome to the Neighborhood (ABC-TV) reality television series makes its hit series debut, challenging views on race, sex, gender, et al.,..

2010: Arranged Marriage (CBS-TV) reality television series, makes its hit debut, social conseratives condemn the show as "an insult to the institution of marriage..."
Here are the Shadow Cult events converted to this TL:

June 5th 1950:

Various the Nazi Occult circles of the Thule society join the Luciferian Crusade

March 11th 1953:

Luciferian Crusade gains members formerly from the Theosophy Society

Jan 6th 1955:

The Manifesto of the Occult, a controversial book on the Occult containing Satanic material is published, detailing rituals and satanic rites. It was traced back to the Luciferian Crusade and was quickly banned in most of the major countries of the world but manages to convert many to the Luciferian Crusade.

September 15th 1965:

Alledged member of the Crusade interviewed on TV, they claim the so-called "fact" of alleged events that occurred during the Atlantian, Thule and Lemurian ages millenia ago. These claims are not taken seriously.

February 20, 1992:

Conspiracy Theorist Jim Marrs writes the book Crossfire: The Plot That Killed Kennedy, which implicates the Luciferian Crusade in JFK's assassination. He claimed that J. Edgar Hoover of the FBI and CIA member George HW Bush were members of the cult and that they have infiltrated the US through secret cabals and networks.

December 25th 2012:

Zeitgeist movement founder Peter Joseph found dead after airing an episode of his series Culture in Decline revolving around the Luciferian Crusade....
Still looking for film titles for the following films for the ATL.... If anything, the more creative, the better!!

Can someone come up with some wild titles for the following films:

1953: (insert title here) starring Burt Lancaster, Montgomery Clift, Deborah Kerr, and Frank Sinatra, makes its hit debut, detailing the first attacks of the "Luciferian Crusade"...

1965: (insert title here) directed by David Lean, starring Omar Sharif and Julie Christie, features the life of Germans whose lives are transformed and divided by the "Luciferian Crusade"....

1970: (insert title here) starring George C. Scott details the life of (insert name here) and his campaign against the "Luciferian Crusade"....

1972: (insert title here) directed by Franis Ford Coppola, details the rise of the "Luciferian Crusade", becoming one of the most popular films of all time...

1990: (insert title here) starring Kevin Costner and Mary McDonell, details the recruitment of a U.S. soldier into the world of the "Luciferian Crusade"...

1990: (insert title here) directed by Martin Scorsese, starring Robert De Niro and Ray Liotta, details the recruitmentg and rise of "Luciferian Crusade" soldiers

1994: (insert title here) directed by Quentin Tarantino, starring Samuel L. Jackson, details in "grindhouse" fashion the rise and fall of a "Luciferian Crusade" cell...
Here are some quick PODs to point out that despite the constant threat of war and annhilation, life continues to go on:

1984: The Terminator starring O.J. Simpson, directed by James Cameron makes its hit film debut....

1992 (10/8): Columbus Day Riots; American Indian Movement (AIM) groups launch massive protests, disrupting ceremonies dedicating the 500th anniversary of Christopher Colombus landing in the Americas....

1998: Socialite Patsy Ramsey admits in an interview with Connie Chung (CBS-TV) that she accidentally killed JonBenet Ramsey, sparking national attention...

2007: MySpace becomes the largest social-networking site across the globe, with over 1 billion known subscribers worldwide....

2012 (7/27): Youth launch the "Step Up Revolution" in Miami, Florida, combing flash mob activities, dancing, and social activism across the globe....
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