The league and the entente: no World War

this is a quick timeline idea i thought up one day. it's main premise is that the league of emperors holds but does eventually does fall out however good old willy this takes in a bit more from his interactions with Bismark and sides with Russia over Austria, with a hole in the league they attempt to fill with Italy. leading to no world war.
the timeline will start at the dissolution of otl league it will replace Austria quite immediately with Italy, from there becoming known as the league. the reason i went with Italy is because they have the least beef with Russia and Germany and still hold pretty much same enemies as the league and with Austria gone there is nothing really stops them from joining.
i would like to get your guys opinion on the premise, would totally like some feed back on how to get it more accurate and what could be improved.
if you like it then i will cook up a proper timeline for it.
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CHAPTER I: A New World Born In A Dead Treaty's Womb


A New World Born In A Dead Treaty's Womb

1887 a year of vast importance as the league of three emperor's now hung in the balance as the treaty was ready to lapse if not revised in accordance with all parties wishes and in the attempt to save it, the world takes a step in a direction where none were certain how it could shift the ground under the powers feet. For in this moment the great Iron Chancellor Otto Von Bismarck marched in worry, looking to plead his case to the Kaiser and as the doors swung open for his audience a battle for Germany's fate begun. One of such a scope not even Bismarck realised just how much it mattered. Bismarck and the Kaiser would argue for up to an hour eventually however, the Kaiser relented as one of the servants having reported it was only after Bismarck Asked, "what happens if Russia turns to France your majesty? a two-front war with the bear is one we are unlikely to win and I am confident that Vienna will see the error in their ways if they oppose any changes"(1). This statement stands as both true but also would fall into the list of what few miscalculations Bismarck has made . However, now in consensus the wheels were set into motion as Bismarck utilised both back and official channels offering Russia what they so craved. For Russia had been promised that in case of ottoman collapse they would be permitted a free hand in their border territories of the Balkans and caucuses, however any incursion into the Balkans would mean that Vienna had to be notified beforehand with any such expansion having to result in some some form of compensation provided to Vienna though the same also applied to them in return. this was along with free use of black sea fleet without restriction and economic guarantees with the sale of Russian goods such as grain within Germany. the Reason for such concessions was the belief that by obtaining Russian support would guarantee Germany's station in Europe with such measures as it would save the alliance as any protest by Vienna would be eventually be browbeaten by the other two. This was however, a miscalculation larger than any other previously made by the Chancellor as upon Gathering for the conference in Vienna and hearing the proposed rectifications to the league's treaty Franz Joseph and the whole imperial government had only one answer "NO!" In their eyes this was no better then total surrender of the Balkans to Russia a summary which does to certain degree's hold water. This only amplified by the belief that in their eyes the Balkans was solely their sphere of influence and they had no intention of letting it slip by. All of this resulting in the simple refusal to sign the revised treaty with Franz joseph stating, "we shall not stand in the bears shadow nor abide by our supposed brother in arms Germany's cowardice towards them". in this stubborn refusal where no matter how, they attempted to browbeat or persuade they would not budge. With many including Otto Von Bismarck himself believing this was death to the treaty and league of emperors as a result, with failure of the treaty killing of his hope of a 2 of three policy and the Blame lays squarely at his feet. In the quickly unravelling disaster, The Kaiser and chancellor met with the small hope that they could possibly find some solution to the problem mounting in front of them as Austria attempted to pressure for the original treaty sensing Germany’s current panic. However, in the fallout a gap opened and one that desperately needed to be filled if Germany wanted to maintain a stronger position within the European balance and help keep Russia from obtaining the dominant position in any continuation of the alliance.
So, came Italy. While believed to be one of the weaker powers a notion which held many truths yet it was also one of the few powers that did not hold any real problem with German and Russian expansionism for the time being and boasted an ally Spain through savoy rule though rather rocky as an unstable country however, the potential was there (2). It was also already in the triple alliance which meant much of the framework was already there and with no great love for Austria it made the perfect candidate. A candidate who caught both the Germans and Russians by surprise when Italy contacted both of them through back channels. It seems that in the chaos of negotiations Italy picked up on the crumbling alliance and sought to position itself favourably with the newly developing block. Bismarck seeing the potential would send the invite to join negotiations passing off as a merger of the triple alliance and league, Austria however, was not amused seeing this as another insult and attempt to pressure Austria-Hungary into signing and as such abandoning the talks. this led them to become strained within the triple alliance and especially with Italy, so they practically cut ties with both. not long after however Italy would sign the treaty and officially join the league effectively merging the triple alliance and league. While Austria-Hungary is left all alone at least in practice but not quite yet on paper for they were still officially apart of the triple alliance. so begun the League and

One such historian would recount. "The German move too support Italy joining the league proved too be the decisive move that propagated the long lasting nature of the alliance block which would shape the future of all Europe and arguably the globe as all following alliance system formed not out of mutual trust and respect like the league but out of fear of the new league."


This year would be noted for the many great shifts that were taking place within the German empire as it would see the transfer of multiple Kaisers in the supposed year of three Kaisers. Starting with the death of Kaiser Wilhelm the I and the succession of Fredrick the III, a very liberal man who pushed for greater ties with Britain and a policy of reconciliation with Austria. This was to the dismay of Bismarck as it could jeopardise relations with Russia though this would worry did not last long as Fredrick would succumb to cancer leading to then crown prince Wilhelm the II rushing back from a trip to Italy to fill the throne. With the quick span of successions coming to an end with the rise of Wilhelm II. This Wilhelm, however, would hold a much more conservative view and more pro-Russian and Italian stance in terms of diplomacy. This in turn played well with Bismarck though he would quickly find the new young Kaiser would hold a more tilted and eccentric view than he would particularly want. For Wilhelm had grown to become a large believer in pan Germanism as observed with Italy’s unification wars and had also grown to hold a potent bitterness toward Britain, likely rooted in certain level of Anglophobia developed out of his damaged arm and reaction to his parents overwhelming Anglophilia and only fanned by Bismarck in attempt to align the then prince with his own political sphere. The Kaisers views would become very representative of the national psyche of Germany with its broad feeling of inferiority in relation to the domineering powers of the west and their vast empires leading to the simple conclusion that Germany also required its place in the sun.
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CHAPTER II: a changing arena
a Changing arena


Though this year was particularly uneventful in the grand scheme of things, it would still be a year of political movement in the empire, while on foreign policy Bismarck and the new young Kaiser agreed whether they like or not, they commonly butted heads on domestic issues where it seemed Kaiser was more inclined to a more left position as he pushed for workers’ rights especially after the miner strikes, these issues greatly frustrated Bismarck and his conservative view. This new Kaiser while by no means liberal and very Prussian in nature was a large believer in certain socialist values such as workers right and education with institutions like the Kaiser Wilhelm society. Though this frustration would place strain it would not break them though the Kaiser would become more focused on domestic issues rather than foreign policy which he let Bismarck handle.


While the Kaiser was interested in the foreign policy the actions of his predecessor’s kind of pigeon-holed him into that path, so he chose to abandon it.


The early 1890s proved to be quite uneventful for most nations. However, in the background the nations of Europe moved into place as the realisation of this new threat was becoming apparent, more so for the duel monarchy as they quickly sought new ally’s while also building a cordial relationship with the ottomans. they begin to court France who readily accepts in an attempt to end their diplomatic isolation thus it officially ends Austria’s place in the triple alliance. but realising that their opponents outclasses them France seeks out Britain. However, while willing to build relations with this new entente they do not wish would push the league as Russia so far has been only one within the league to really challenge Britain especially in their colonial ventures. Germany has continued down its path of a land power Which leaves Britain happy and, in its eyes, Italy is more than pro-British and would not try to push them. So, in their eyes the balance on the continent is still in play.
though France could have a sigh of relief as Spain once again would enter a series of troubles between the various faction immobilizing it. with the death of their king Amadeo the I tough Emanuele the I would succesfully procced him in maintaining stability.

This would be another year of change for the league in Russia’s case it would be the death of the tsar Alexander the third who succumbed to kidney disease. This would have a mixed result as his successor was Nicholas the II who never really had any formal training in court. This was combined with the fact that he was a very weak-willed individual who many times relied on his wife’s opinion and those surrounding him this made him inconsistent. However, in many senses he was a continuation of his father in the methods he ruled. the left-over work of his father who he viewed in awe also gave him a clear path too take so while he may not of been as efficient as his father the route taken was very much his. For Italy this would be an establishment of their true colonial empire. As their dispute with the Ethiopians grew over their respective view of the treaty of Wuchale.

This led to the break out into conflict though while France and Austria trying to support Ethiopia in its conflict against Italy it struggles to do so as the only real port they can ship equipment through is Djibouti and this was relatively blocked off blocked off by the Italians they were also in no real position too send any more support then what had been offered. Ethiopians attempted to obtain Russian support, but they flat out refused as they did not wish too would act against an ally especially in a conflict which had little consequence in Russia. This meant that the Ethiopians had very little in the way in modern small arms and not a single artillery piece with no one too really train them in its use. Thus making those who had them of very little use. Italy on the other hand was preparing their campaign with a lot more support then believed needed as France and Austria both openly supported Ethiopia. So, Italy went into the conflict with a sense of paranoia. The campaign would be a lot more successful as the Ethiopians were in no way able to effectively counter the rather large and well-equipped Italians forcing them to use their only advantage, numbers. Though it would only get worse as Menelik the II in the following battle would be killed leading the army and later nation too fracture as Menelik had no male heir at the time.

The Italians exploited this by proposing the Italians as the counter to Menelik’s daughter this proposal was attractive too many as it allowed much of the elite that supported Italy too maintain and even grow their position in the empire as Italy and their new allies would split up Ethiopia. This gave a massive boost to the Italians as they all of a sudden had numbers of their side. Leading to victory against the forces that still opposed Italy. The remaining elite would pull a complete one 180 in many senses that to this day confuse many historians.

They suggested that the Italian king takes up the crown of Ethiopia. Some suspect this would be for the fact that the king would not really push too be a direct ruler and as long as they work with the Italians and those, they send down they will be able too effectively rule in peace with more autonomy than before. This was compounded by the fact if Italy wished to hold Ethiopia, they need the elites too help suppress the revolts. Giving them more leverage. though some also note this was not in character of the rather independent minded nation and this action would proceed to backfire on the elites

Another consequence of this war was the boost of prestige provided to the crown with this it led too the crown pushing for greater support for Spain which would bolster them once again creating a uneasy peace in the country yet also tied Spain further to Italy which would fuel fears in the french
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If any one is willing too answer i wonder if Russia will still get involved in the Russo-Japanese war and Italy attacking the ottomans for Libya? pushing them into the entente and establishing to Britain that this new alliance and is a threat allowing them too form ties with the entente
Chapter III: New Powers, A new world where blood will run.
New Powers, And a New world Where blood will run

after the victory in Ethiopia the Italian nation would experience a wave of nationalistic pride, as the crown of Ethiopia's was too many Italians a sign of a new great empire. this would also have an interesting effect in Ethiopia especially after the war was over and the Italians that did not choose to stay or were assigned to Ethiopia went home. with the lack of a stronger military presence to occupy the whole of Ethiopia and suppress resistance led too a reinforcement of the loyal elite. as the few Italian administrators in the new colony had too rely on them more and more too not just help maintain control but too just perform needed administrative duties. this led too with the king and parliaments blessing they set up an informal system within the colonies where the local elite were given control of the governance of the colonies as long as they kept the peace, protected Italian citizens and businesses. This system while a lot like the other empires protectorates though there were a few key differences. In many senses they were much greatly integrated into the greater empires economy such as the growing business ventures and establishment of exploitative plantations and mines which the mother country searched all over for. This was however, another tool as one of the main financial backers of these ventures were the local elites. Many historians would liken their actions too selling themselves and their nation to the devil were they will never be free. This was not seen at the time as they grew rich and influential practically running the colonies for the Italians who did not bother them as long as the immigrants were safe and the money kept flowing. this quick pacification and exploitation of Ethiopia would eventually catch the eyes of the other powers as Italy made more and more money. A perception of Italian success started too form of Italian efficiency which fuelled an ego a lust for a greater empire. this was evident in the colonies where the nation begun massive funding of works such as an extensive railway network too support the growing business. they would also have success in directing many immigrants to the new colony rather than places like america. the money they begun too make a difference as Italy quickly had more resources and more cash too burn which spurred economic growth
This would also have immense effects on the popularity of the king as it hit an all time high bolstering his position as conquer the one who forged the empire. however, this would place the king with the very liberal government as he continued to use this popularity to flex his power though never in a way too effect the general governance of the nation.
one such case is supporting his nephew Emauele the I in his rule which would help stave off revolution especially while the conflict with america who sought to revive the failing revolution in cuba and resistance in the philippines. though the army saw some success spain was much more prepared then first inticepated and was heavily supported by the italians. with the king having a seemingly good knack for warfare. it soon became appearant that if america had intervened any earlier while the cuban resistance was in full force the likely hood of victory would of been far greater however, without support from the local populace who was growing tired of conflict and saw it as futile the america advancement stalled. eventually both sides could not go on longer spain had spent vast funds and could no longer afford war while the war in america which was expected to be far shorter had turned unpopular with anti imperial factions using this as an example of its failure. as such peace was to be signed. the agreement would see the establishment of the colonies as dominion states within the spainish empire and would be economically tied to the motherland. this was to in an attempt to placate the cubans and for the americans to claim that freedom for the cubans had been achieved even though in all practicallity it had done very little. another was the free trade with the dominions as well as the american annexation of guam and other smaller islands

After the accession of Nicholas the II Russia was an uneventful place and the grand arena of Europe in these early years he very much was a carbon copy of his father shutting down any political reform and pushing economic reform. his coronation saw a great tragedy of khodynka after his coronation some took it as a bad omen. though this was soothed by Nicholas's reaction for rather than attending the ball for his coronation he spent the night in deep pray for the victims and offered an official condolence.
(in OTL because the ball was more than just a celebration of his accession but of the formal establishment of alliance with France he was pushed to go so not too insult the french here he does not have that fear so goes with that original plan) this action to many in Russia when news got out of his lack of appearance at the ball struck a cord with the people who took this symbol as a suggestion that they had received a more caring tsar than his father. though his economic build up was not that fast as hoped without extensive loans which was believed the French could offer, as the Germans were unable to offer in such large quantity meant that the overall industrialisation was sluggish process especially without Alexander the III at the helm. though the empire would receive money through other means that was the immense wealth earned by supplying Germany with raw materials for their growing economy. in many cases this lead to the explosion of infrastructure in the western half of the empire as they built more mines, farms, railways and roads just too keep up with demand of the Germans. some economist and historians would say this was more beneficial as it brought the cash without the debt. but as they built more too accommodate need it led too greater supply therefore cheaper prices leading too Germany buy more Russian goods. this would lead too a sizeable economic boom. along with direct the profits too support this business the tsar skimmed the top of the cash too fund Russia's own business. on foreign policy Russia begun pushing their influence in central Asia more and more antagonising the British
while its allies saw the beginning of a dark time as in 1898 saw the death of their beloved chancellor Bismark who saw the foundation of the great German empire. though there was a knock on effect with his death came the unleashing of kaiser Wilhelm who previously had his ambitions blocked by Bismark such as that of a colonial empire and navy to truly rival Britain. therefore with his the great path that Germany saw the path it had been following was all of a sudden changed from happy neutrality in British affairs to full scale rival as Wilhelm would place large funding into the navy. at first Britain while angry Germany would try to challenge Britain leading them too support France more than ever before, they believed that Germany had started too late too ever really challenge Britain in any meaningful way that they should of started years ago. though as many historians and even some admiralty and economists pointed out at the time this Germany was in one of its largest economic booms ever being fuelled by more incredibly cheap Russian goods than ever before and this connection was not one that Britain could starve out. this meant while Britain ad been producing for longer the rate that the Germans could produce their ships completely stunned their rivals as they would begin to catch up though by the time the British realised this it was too late.
in man aspects at the start of this decade while a bit worried with the league were hopeful that it would not become a matter too fear though they would come too realise that this was there greatest mistake. first it was Italy who they backed in Ethiopia they would quickly regret as Italy saw Ethiopia as a boost too the wolf's hunger as they begun large exploitation fuelling economic growth which they begun too wield too obtain a more dominant position in the med this greatly annoyed Britain greatly especially as Italy begun build more of a navy than ever, this was made worse with Russia who begun too directly challenge Britain in the great game. this would fuel many's desire too join the entente too place these powers back in their place. what would really push Britain would be Germany beginning a naval expansion which would quick off a massive arms race between the two
the entente would have a rather uneventful time until the latter half as the continued aggressive policies of the members of the league would push Britain into putting some of its wait behind the entente. this successes would secure large investment especially for Austria from the British power this saw a sizeable economic growth for the powers but for France who was already an industrial growth was no where as significant though the access to there respective colonial empires provided a greater resource pool and further connections with america. However, the real deal breaker was British assistance in french naval program for more and better ships. this was in reaction to the more naval focus that the league begun too take believe that by bolstering France they could widen the gap of naval dominance that league would have too overcome in case of war with Britain. France would happily agree too British assistance.
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If any one is willing too answer i wonder if Russia will still get involved in the Russo-Japanese war and Italy attacking the ottomans for Libya? pushing them into the entente and establishing to Britain that this new alliance and is a threat allowing them too form ties with the entente

Italy will still pressuring the Ottomans for Lybia...even because it's the only place left except some trade ports in China, but unlike OTL with a victory in the horn of Africa there will no need to avenge Adua or too show muscle; getting an agreement were Libya remain formally Ottoman but 'administrated' by Italy will be enough
Italy will still pressuring the Ottomans for Lybia...even because it's the only place left except some trade ports in China, but unlike OTL with a victory in the horn of Africa there will no need to avenge Adua or too show muscle; getting an agreement were Libya remain formally Ottoman but 'administrated' by Italy will be enough
i do remember the early offer the ottomans made so thanks for the advice. though would you think they would want more being on such a high right now? also if there is no war how does that effect the Balkans as without the war the empire looks like it is in a much stronger than OTL and would be not have too draw forces too combat the Italians
i do remember the early offer the ottomans made so thanks for the advice. though would you think they would want more being on such a high right now? also if there is no war how does that effect the Balkans as without the war the empire looks like it is in a much stronger than OTL and would be not have too draw forces too combat the Italians

Maybe, but there will be no urge to demonstrate the Italy is a great power or fear...and frankly there a couple of things that will come before Libya:

- Kassala: at the moment occupied by the italians after having dislodged the Mahadist force there, but the Anglo-Egyptian will want it back; OTL there was the post-Adwua general retreat but ITTL the italian goverment can decide to remain
- There were an attempt to gain a chinese treaty port but the goverment refused the italian request, even due to the defeat in Africa.

For the conflict in the balkans, well the war will be longer and the Ottoman will have more strengh but more the conflict last, more there is the possibility that the other great power are bring in, expecially Russia and A-H...or the italians decide to help the ITTL balkan league more actively (Rome and Belgrade were close at the time) against the Porte as they want Albania as protectorate but this can bring A-H in the fight against Italy as they see the OE as their turf
Maybe, but there will be no urge to demonstrate the Italy is a great power or fear...and frankly there a couple of things that will come before Libya:

- Kassala: at the moment occupied by the italians after having dislodged the Mahadist force there, but the Anglo-Egyptian will want it back; OTL there was the post-Adwua general retreat but ITTL the italian goverment can decide to remain
- There were an attempt to gain a chinese treaty port but the goverment refused the italian request, even due to the defeat in Africa.

For the conflict in the balkans, well the war will be longer and the Ottoman will have more strengh but more the conflict last, more there is the possibility that the other great power are bring in, expecially Russia and A-H...or the italians decide to help the ITTL balkan league more actively (Rome and Belgrade were close at the time) against the Porte as they want Albania as protectorate but this can bring A-H in the fight against Italy as they see the OE as their turf
cool thanks for the help i will continue writing. though i will be uploading the complete edits for the other chapters as they have atrocious English.
new upload tomorrow holy shit that took a long time got too love university
(edit: sorry i am unable too do this do not know when i will be able too.)
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Chapter IV: Powers Rival, Powers Build, Powers Die
So sorry for the late upload life has hit me hard.
Chapter IV:
Powers rival, powers build, powers die.


The new age had begun and the powers of old who had yet to aligned with the new nations were quickly realising that the coming challenges that the new powers of Germany and Italy bring were far more threatening to their status than ever before. However, not all the nations of old were treating these new nations as a threat in this new era of industry. Russia who helped forge the League of emperors have placed themselves as a vital ally to the new and rising nations who share in Russia’s more reactionary nature even for nations so young. One such way is through the vast amount of supplies that is being sold to the ever-growing German industry as their own has begun to take off. especially with the construction of vast railway networks being placed into full force and with primary focus, this is while being assisted with the large influx of cash. One such example is the trans-Siberian railway which is far ahead of schedule with the only real struggle is the lack of labour forces to recruit in Siberia though with transportation of workers and with enough cash flow to start construction on the other side of the country this process has been greatly bolstered especially with the expansion of such plans with the Manchurian line to port Arthur which had been .

However, with such plans comes fears from rivals such as the British and Japanese in the far east. Both nations are seeing such expansion and growth and with Germany and Italy already posing such a perceived threat that the Russian bear needs to be removed before it becomes too powerful. For japan the fears where much closer to home and much more real of a threat to the empire. With its growing economy japans lack of resources are placing great strain on the country’s ability to compete with the other powers as such it has led to the demand for an empire of its own though with Russia’s growing might this has likely been placed in jeopardy so with great conviction japan sought their British allies assistance against the Russian bear. Though while Britain was willing to support japan, they stood unable to get involved in any direct means for risk of escalation. Japan sought to establish their sphere of influence in Korea and hoped to use this in Manchuria, though this required stepping into Russia’s expansion which had already seen bolstering of forces from the boxer rebellion which saw large deployment of Russian forces used to bolster their position in china. hoping to avoid a war the Japanese sent an offer though the powers that be new there was a good chance that the Russian’s would choose war. Which many in government did not believe was a viable option in the long term. Though this would not stop the negotiations which proposed that Russia accept Korea as under Japanese influence while Russia was permitted to remain in Manchuria with its forces removed.

Russia’s reaction is one of tremendous wrath as this was viewed as a complete encroachment onto their spheres of influence. They however, made one fundamental mistake in the Japanese behaviour and that is the assumption that they would not go to war against a power of such high status. This turned out to be the opposite as the Russian counteroffer was rejected though it was paramount to complete surrender of Japanese influence in northern Asia. As Russia demanded that the northern half of Korea would be turned into a neutral buffer state however, this would effectively remove Japanese proximity towards china and therefore limit their power base. The Japanese with indirect support of the British decided to declared war.

The early war saw significant Japanese success on the ground though the Germans allowed the Russians minor improvements on their military the sheer size and scale of Russia and its military meant that the reforms efforts were rather limited especially as many in the Russian military did not see the need for any large scale reform. This was the first of many major failures in the Russian states along with outdated training and tactics lead to a disaster on the front as the Russian forces were smashed by the Japanese forces who had been long preparing for this conflict with British assistance. The Japanese were able to roll up the large majority of Manchuria. The Japanese were able to reach and lay siege to the city of Vladivostok after the first few months of the war. Though at that point the Japanese had over stretched their lines meaning that they were unable to encapsulate the city allowing Russian access to it as well as unable to blockade it. They had better luck with port Arthur able to completely encapsulate the city as well as blockade it, though
their success in Manchuria had led to significant over confidence of how well prepared the improved defences of the city.


(art of the Japanese assault on port Arthur)

This resulted in horrendous casualties and complete stalemate of the front lines, the Japanese early success further bolstered by success at sea as they won several naval engagements though were unable to significantly eliminate the fleet. However, this success bred a greed that they would be able to extract vast concessions from the Russians. Though their inability to completely destroy Russian hold in the region would prove decisive in the long term though not many were realising at the time. As time past and the Japanese continued to burn resources in attempts to seize port Arthur the Russians improved rail system carried vast series of reinforcements and supplies to the front this would be the beginning of the war in earnest for Russia and the Japanese realisation that they have poked the wrong bear.

The war had been raging on for months now and the Russian counter offensives had begun with the railways continuously bring in reserves and supplies the Japanese were put into retreat as they faced defeat after defeat though they were still able to inflict significant damage onto the Russians. At the beginning of the year the Russians broke the siege of Vladivostok in the beginning of may they had broken the siege of port Arthur as the Russian counter attacks had pulled vast resources off the siege. Russian troops however, would find horror in the port as many soldiers were going hungry many skinny too the bones and eating rats for food. They were only kept going after hearing of the Russian push to break the siege. The Japanese would not only see defeat however, as they would win one of their greatest victories at the battle of Tsushima, the Russians in a hope to bolster their navy in the east brought over their baltic fleet with 9 proper battleships and 4 coastal battleships and a variety of other ships totalling 46 ships. Though outnumbered they held far more capital ships though this did not stop the Japanese destroying 8 of their battleships and a variety of over vessels leaving only 22 ships left in their fleet. It was a disaster of scale not seen before even though the Japanese took their fair share of losses it was nowhere near that of the Russians. The loss would incite unrest all over the empire as such a horrible loss leading to the sacking of most of the admirals blamed. On land the Japanese were able too stall the Russian offensive on the Korean border a few months later though both sides saw this as untenable though neither knew for how long.

(painting of the Destruction of the Russian fleet)

The Russians seeing such horrible defeat and the stall in the offensive destroyed support for the war and saw vast dissent with many anticipating revolution. Tsar Nicholas tried to keep the war going on for longer in the hopes of breaking into Korea but this could only go on for so long eventually public pressure and threat of revolution pushed his hand, many of his military advisers were pointing out that they were so close to breaking into Korea proper after slowly pushing through the north, if only they had a few more weeks but peace needed to be made. The Japanese were receiving reports of the failing defence along the front as they struggled to even slow the Russians. This would lead too them offering peace and armistice which the Russians accepted. They would spend two weeks drafting a treaty.

The treaty of Portsmouth was signed in 1906 the Japanese would claim all of Korea under Japanese influence however, had to keep the north demilitarised. The Russians were permitted full rights too Manchuria and Mongolia however, they required to keep all military confined too their personal investments the Russians also would recognise Japanese influence in Asia. There would be no transfer of territory or reparations paid to either side. Neither side was completely happy though it was something they could both go back to the people of their nations as some form of victory though it was more of a victory for Russia in the treaty. However, with the Russian fleet all but wiped out they were relatively free too act in Asia.

In Europe the turmoil of European rivalries were taking there toll for Italy it was a period of expansion as they were able to force china into transferring the city of Haikou into Italian control. The entente did not take the aggressive foreign policy lightly especially after the Italian refusal to remove themselves from Kassala which nearly sparked a conflict however, the spin doctors were able to portray the Italians in the position of right. This antagonistic actions towards the entente only grew as Germany continued its expansion of its navy. A navy that was still unable to surpass the British in size leading to Germany abandoning that hope though they would still wish to place themselves as a close contender. While it started too become clear the Germany and Italy were unable to surpass Britain and France in the naval arms race without sacrificing their armies strength. It was still believed by the British that no chances were to be taken. this especially became apparent after the Russo-Japanese war which had nearly every major power with observers of the front lines. one such thing that was noticed by the empires was the sheer loss of materials and lives the war took on both powers. this however, while certainly noticed by the European powers did not believe that it would of effected their own major conflicts as it was assumed that Russian incompetence and Japanese underestimation of the Russians were too blame for the high loss of material and manpower. The end of the decade would mark the beginning of troubles for the ottomans. It also would be a time of troubles as the kingdom of Spain would face a series of crippling of revolts that were seemingly very well supplied.

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Ok so, this is an idea even so much later I still would like to explore and all the conceptual aspects of such a world. However, the writing I have written is so painfully cringe worthy for me that even some of the edits I have done don't truly help. SO, will be doing one big rewrite and hopefully it turns out to be a far better story. For y'all's enjoyment.