WI: The Iranian Revolution was instead a Qajar restoration?

Kemalism in Turkey was in a completely different situation. Ataturk was not a monarch and had a functioning state to work with. Both Reza and Muhammad Shah were autocratic monarchs who tried to surpress Majlis and had to build up the state from quite literally no power projection outside the capital and no bureaucracies.
What the Pahlavis should have done is built a republic modeled on Kemalism.
I think what @Wendell meant was a 1921 PoD, when Mohammed Reza Palevi overthrew Qajars, he should declared a republic instead of crowning himself and Starting a palevi dynasty.
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I think what @Wendell meant was a 1937 PoD, when Mohammed Reza Palevi overthrew Qajars, he should declared a republic instead of crowning himself and Starting a palevi dynasty.

1937? The coup was in 1921 and the coronation in 1925. A republic was very opposed by the clerics ironically.
So all the recent replies tells me that it's apparently be easier to establish a republic in 1921/25 than bring about a successful return of the Qajars?

Wouldn't the clergy that was so against a republic in 1925 wish to see the return of the Qajars, even if it's only so that they could benefit in the long run from their return?
Kemalism in Turkey was in a completely different situation. Ataturk was not a monarch and had a functioning state to work with. Both Reza and Muhammad Shah were autocratic monarchs who tried to surpress Majlis and had to build up the state from quite literally no power projection outside the capital and no bureaucracies.
It was not inevitable for the Pahlavis to have assumed the imperial title though and rule accordingly. Like Attaturk, Reza Shah Pahlavi was a military officer who acquired power that way.
Mossadegh had some Qajar blood in him. What if shortly after he was ousted, he was assassinated and some of his Qajar relatives take up his cause and ultimately are able to become more organized than Khomeini's movement. They then become the maim opposition group during the Revolution and oust the Pahlavis leading eventually to a restoration of the Qajar monarchy.
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Mossadegh had some Qajar blood in him. What if shortly after he was ousted, he was assassinated and some of his Qajar relatives take up his cause and ultimately are able to become more organized than Khomeini's movement. They then become the maim opposition group during the Revolution and oust the Pahlavis leading eventually to a restoration of the Qajar monarchy.
Or, what if the coup fails and Mohammad Reza Pahlavi never returns from his self-exile in Rome? It'd be a coin toss between Qajar restoration and republicanism.