Despite its late arrival to the region, the National Party in fact entrenched itself here fasted than it did in the north, thanks to the south’s history of one-party rule and political corruption. By 1914 or so in Mississippi, membership in the National Party was almost a prerequisite to office, or to rank in the state National Guard.
Considering that the Iron Heel apparently lasts
at least 10 years, I doubt that the revolutionaries will be very democratic.
However, since Frick's regime still has the trappings of democracy, the idea of a one party state won't be too popular. Thus, the new socialist dictatorship will probably have some token opposition parties and hold elections - ironically mirroring Frick's regime.
This definitely seems like a darker and more realistic version of what Reds envisioned. I like it!
Edit: Since Populists are still allowed to write books during the Socialist era, maybe the Populists become a token opposition party in the new regime.