The Glowing Dream: A history of Socialist America

The organized workers of America have entered the crucible period of their history. One imagines this will temper their steel and harden their hearts. The reactionaries may come to regret their great Iron Heel, for they are teaching the workers that there is no compromise here, no dead-on-arrival reformism. It's revolution, or another century of barbarism.

Happy this is back, if you couldn't tell!
well Frick and the Nationalists seem happy to play the role of tyrant and the Socialists seem happy to be the patriots. the Tree of liberty will be watered.
I've now read the entire thread from start to finish.
Words cannot describe how much I despise this Frick presidency. I wish for its fall in due course and for the restoration of the tree of Liberty's branches back to their former glory.
Despite its late arrival to the region, the National Party in fact entrenched itself here fasted than it did in the north, thanks to the south’s history of one-party rule and political corruption. By 1914 or so in Mississippi, membership in the National Party was almost a prerequisite to office, or to rank in the state National Guard.
Considering that the Iron Heel apparently lasts at least 10 years, I doubt that the revolutionaries will be very democratic.

However, since Frick's regime still has the trappings of democracy, the idea of a one party state won't be too popular. Thus, the new socialist dictatorship will probably have some token opposition parties and hold elections - ironically mirroring Frick's regime.

This definitely seems like a darker and more realistic version of what Reds envisioned. I like it!

Edit: Since Populists are still allowed to write books during the Socialist era, maybe the Populists become a token opposition party in the new regime.
He died in 1919 IOTL, so it would be his successor who will be crashing and burning.
Given by hints in the TL, US collapse exactly in 1919. So situation is probably like this: once Frick is gone government fall to total chaos as all potential successor fight for power, then socialists rise up and revolution start.
Also I wonder who will filled the role of Lenin in this TL.
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Does Russia become a USA analogue? Either transitioning into a democratic constitutional monarchy or republic?
That's forced cliche and borderline ASB. I would hate if this timeline went in that direction.
True enough, still a pretty interesting question. The Russian Republic or Russian Empire surviving would certainly be interesting in front of a socialist America even if it doesn't become a USA analogue and does its own thing.
That won't happen unless Nicky loss power.
From what i have read, Moderates in the dying and waning days of the empire wanted Nicholas II to abdicate in favor of his son with his brother as Regent and shelve Nicholas II into one of the many palaces in Siberia and Central Asia. Uniting the moderates in that goal could certainly make this happen. Nicky did have a lot of close shaves with death on the eastern slightly accurate shave would really be all it takes.
If I'm remembering things right Lenin's cameo gives the impression that he's still going to rise to prominence, so I'm pretty sure they're still going to be a Soviet Union.

Also I'd hate for Red America to turn into a carbon copy of the OTL Soviet Union. That would just be unoriginal and boring. Among other things, unlike Russia, America actually has a tradition of democracy and the revolution would presumably play out under radically different circumstances then what happened in Russia.

I'm not asking for utopia, just something more original then a literal USSA.
Given by hints in the TL, US collapse exactly in 1919. So situation is probably like this: once Frick is gone government fall to total chaos as all potential successor fight for power, then socialists rise up and revolution start.
Also I wonder who will filled the role of Lenin in this TL.
My money is on Jack London.

If I'm remembering things right Lenin's cameo gives the impression that he's still going to rise to prominence, so I'm pretty sure they're still going to be a Soviet Union.

Also I'd hate for Red America to turn into a carbon copy of the OTL Soviet Union. That would just be unoriginal and boring. Among other things, unlike Russia, America actually has a tradition of democracy and the revolution would presumably play out under radically different circumstances then what happened in Russia.

I'm not asking for utopia, just something more original then a literal USSA.
Not necessarily. IIRC, Lenin is (or was) in New Orleans ITTL (we joked that just as he spoke English with an Irish accent IOTL, he might speak it with a Cajun accent ITTL). He might end up a figure in post-revolutionary American politics.

I do agree that a totalitarian Red America is unlikely. The IWW would never accept it, and they seem to be leading the way (which makes me extremely happy).
My money is on Jack London.

Not necessarily. IIRC, Lenin is (or was) in New Orleans ITTL (we joked that just as he spoke English with an Irish accent IOTL, he might speak it with a Cajun accent ITTL). He might end up a figure in post-revolutionary American politics.

I do agree that a totalitarian Red America is unlikely. The IWW would never accept it, and they seem to be leading the way (which makes me extremely happy).

I'm a bit wary about Jack London, tho. I feel that his outbringing is eerily close to that of Stalin during pre-revolution Russia.
I'm a bit wary about Jack London, tho. I feel that his outbringing is eerily close to that of Stalin during pre-revolution Russia.
True. I'd also consider Bill Haywood as a possibility. London might turn into the American Trotsky. The thing is, if the US does go socialist, it has a pretty obvious set of targets to spread socialism to - Latin America.

Finally, there are two figures that I don't think have shown up yet. One is Joe Hill. IOTL, he moved to the US in 1902, but didn't join the IWW until 1910. So there's a good chance that he's not in jail. The other is Smedley Butler. At this point, Butler is just a captain, and may not have developed his leftist sympathies. But we've got over a decade to go before things blow up.
The other is Smedley Butler. At this point, Butler is just a captain, and may not have developed his leftist sympathies. But we've got over a decade to go before things blow up.
On that note, I imagine Butler to be the main figure behind the military of Red America. And speaking of which, I wonder what Red America's military doctrine would look like ITTL.
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