The Footprint of Mussolini - TL

This TL had so much....good!

It takes real talent to make me sympathize with a man like Mussolini, even without glossing over his unambiguously terrible decisions.

But as I've said before, Mussolini TTL might be remembered among the so-called "great men": men who built empires, but did so at a terrible human cost. The big question people will ask TTL is whether the good outweighs the bad, or if the good can't justify the bad at all.

But again, the fact that such a debate exists means you changed Mussolini in such a fascinating way.
I saw two of those once too.
One argued about Hitler tried to stop the “evil Zionist plot for world domination” while the other claimed Hitler was part of the “evil Zionist plot for world domination”.
Of course the rest of the normal and sane people were just laughing at them. 😂😂😂

I wonder which side the likes of David Irving would take?
The Blocs don't have explicit racial requirements and only exist in terms of 'I identify with the Rhodesian/Zimbabwean Community'. The requirements aren't de jure racial - you would just need 33% of the other Bloc in your cabinet - but in practice they are. A mixed race person would have to choose their party Bloc and be judged accordingly. In practice, most are aligned to the Zimbabwean Bloc. The whole point is you can't do anything in the country if either the Settler or Native community tells you that you can't. Mixed-race members would also vote for 'Other' parties, who don't identify with either Bloc and sit outside both of them, such as the Tolstoyists or Liberals.

A White member of the Zimbabwe Bloc or a Black member of the Rhodesian Bloc, however, would be almost unheard of. They would exist as oddities who would not be allowed in the Cabinet without the explicit approval of both Blocs. Again, it's a bit like Northern Ireland, but even more polarized - you'd never see a Presbyterian Sinn Fein member getting a high ranking status just as you'd never see a Catholic DUP MP. Now make everyone's difference far more visual, have the settlement be in everyone's lifetime rather than several hundred years ago, and you can see why things are a lot more on edge. It's essentially a country permanently stuck on 1970s America levels of race relations.

It sounds like a system that could encourage not only social stagnation but economic stagnation as well.

It is really depressing that old ideas on race have stuck around for longer than OTL.
Rhodesians may have dodged Mugabe, but there hasn't been an attempt to address race relations and build universalistic institutions. As long as racial divisions exist, the potential for Mugabe will be there.

^ That is true, but considering that they only recently reached the agreement, it is a novel first step forward. However such institutions and race relations will still need to take time, as evidenced by many such instances IOTL, even after political arrangements were made earlier than ITTL. It's still going to be a step better than OTL Zimbabwe, that much is for certain.
Well, fuck.

It's over, or as good as bar the 2020 update.

My congratulations, @Sorairo, on a thoroughly excellent TL.

Also, those Angola, Mozambique and Italian East Africa borders

*shiver of pure revulsion at border-gore*

Europe's pretty damned big here if you include overseas territories, and the world's farther to the right since Fascism was/is an acceptable ideology.

Arabia's healing a little, so there's that.

No or little word on Britain.

And by the sounds of it, South Africa isn't going to have Ian Smith's wisdom...

Also, anyone rememeber that Star Wars tangent a while back?

Because I'm not sure it's a coincidence that the new name of the RA had the same initials as the Confederacy of Independent Systems...
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You know if there's one nation that I feel sorry for it's Albania. While Mussolinni's embrace of Islam and the lack of an alliance with Nazi Germany has spared Albania from the horrors of World War II and life under Envar Paxha, with living standards there probably being far higher than OTL, a half century of assimilation into Italian culture and the lack of any noticable social unrest probably means that the Albanian nation is on a death march at this point with those born at the start of the second millennia identifying completely as Italian. I wouldn't be surprised if Albanian is on its way to being a dying language.

Slovenia may be wiped out as a nation, but for better or worse they'll be remembered in history with a small chance of cultural survival through democratic Italy and the world can use it as a rallying cry against the crimes of Fascism. Albania? "What's an Albania?" will probably be the answer that everyone gives outside of the Balkans. The Kingdom of Albania is a mere footnote in global history with even the most fervent anti-Fascists being apathetic to its annexation. Albania didn't die with a loud bang or a whimper, it died in complete silence before it ever had the chance to stand on its own two legs.
You know if there's one nation that I feel sorry for it's Albania. While Mussolinni's embrace of Islam and the lack of an alliance with Nazi Germany has spared Albania from the horrors of World War II and life under Envar Paxha, with living standards there probably being far higher than OTL, a half century of assimilation into Italian culture and the lack of any noticable social unrest probably means that the Albanian nation is on a death march at this point with those born at the start of the second millennia identifying completely as Italian. I wouldn't be surprised if Albanian is on its way to being a dying language.

Slovenia may be wiped out as a nation, but for better or worse they'll be remembered in history with a small chance of cultural survival through democratic Italy and the world can use it as a rallying cry against the crimes of Fascism. Albania? "What's an Albania?" will probably be the answer that everyone gives outside of the Balkans. The Kingdom of Albania is a mere footnote in global history with even the most fervent anti-Fascists being apathetic to its annexation. Albania didn't die with a loud bang or a whimper, it died in complete silence before it ever had the chance to stand on its own two legs.
Probably the same with the Montenegrins as well.
You know if there's one nation that I feel sorry for it's Albania. While Mussolinni's embrace of Islam and the lack of an alliance with Nazi Germany has spared Albania from the horrors of World War II and life under Envar Paxha, with living standards there probably being far higher than OTL, a half century of assimilation into Italian culture and the lack of any noticable social unrest probably means that the Albanian nation is on a death march at this point with those born at the start of the second millennia identifying completely as Italian. I wouldn't be surprised if Albanian is on its way to being a dying language.

Slovenia may be wiped out as a nation, but for better or worse they'll be remembered in history with a small chance of cultural survival through democratic Italy and the world can use it as a rallying cry against the crimes of Fascism. Albania? "What's an Albania?" will probably be the answer that everyone gives outside of the Balkans. The Kingdom of Albania is a mere footnote in global history with even the most fervent anti-Fascists being apathetic to its annexation. Albania didn't die with a loud bang or a whimper, it died in complete silence before it ever had the chance to stand on its own two legs.

Well at least the gelato is tasty.