The Falcon Cannot Hear: The Second American Civil War 1937-1944

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After reading that last update, i need to ask this. How much were you influenced by Reds! in the writing of this? When i saw the Franco-British Union bit i actually had to stop reading and make sure i wasn't somehow in the Reds! thread at that moment.

Not saying that i hold you in low regards for that or anything, but i did a double take for sure. Still it was a bretty good update.
An update!

But hot damn, you've really made things worse quickly.:(:eek:


Good points, but I think that the Soviets would want to retake the city, yes? are they working on getting it back soon?

Also what happened to Ernest Hemingway? Is he still alive?

Oh of course, they're definitely trying to take Vladivostok back. Keep in mind we still haven't seen the 1940 events for East Asia. As for Hemingway, he's alive and writing in the Bahamas.

The problem with pointing out that in 1939 the Finns beat the Red Army is that the same year the Red Army massively outclassed the Japanese.

The Red Army has far better numbers, comparable equipment and morale, better leadership and doctrine and arguably better supply lines- it's one thing for them to get bogged down in Manchuria, but it really does seem implausible for them to lose Vladivostok, the lynchpin of any Soviet eastern defence.

Still: there are points in any good timeline where the narrative has to come first. If the Soviets were to be winning too easily in China, Japan would never have spared the troops for the West Coast and we wouldn't have a story- so play on.

Actually I have to disagree. While the tactical brilliance of Zhou can't be denied the victories against the Japanese were more victories of superior numbers and supply than Soviet military prowess.

IOTL Zhukov spent the month of July getting massive supplies and troops. When he attacked in August 1939 his force was more than three times the number of Japanese he was facing. In the battle Soviets suffered twice the number of aircrafts destroyed than the Japanese. And new reports state battle reports were changed to reflect less casualties.

That brings us to the War in this TL. The Soviets are facing the divisions that historically were in China, Soviets only have ONE major supply line for their operation, the Trans - Siberian Railroad, Soviets have to cover other fronts, the Soviet Far East Fleet is sitting in the bottom of the Sea of Japan since probably 1938 and while I agree it wouldn't be easy Vladivostok could be captured.if Japan was willing to throw men into the pyre.

Who will win at the end? If they don't get occupied with something else the Soviets. But for January 1940 in TL it seems to me like very plausible situation in Manchuria..

What Perdedor said. The Japanese aren't tied up in China which gives them much more in the way of men and material to use, the Soviets are operating on the end of a long supply line, and the Japanese forces are qualitatively better than their counterparts. Of course we haven't yet seen 1940.

All of this, to me, suggests the Soviet military, if it ever does fight Germany, while perhaps not an unstoppable killing machine, will be far more effective nonetheless.

Oh, they're improving. Fighting the Japanese has given them a very good opportunity to recognize their weaknesses and fix them.

This strikes me as a good balance compared to OTL. The government controlling the Army significantly more is rather improbable with the POD we have to work with, but a little bit more? Maybe.
ITTL an event akin to the Marco Polo Bridge Incident happened, but the civilian leadership and moderates in the IJA General Staff managed to reign in the Militarists and it didn't get out of control. So mildly more government control, but not much.

Wait... I'm missing a reference here. But, for others to help, (as I assume the author has to avoid spoilers), the Middle East with oil money? Somewhere else that got influxes of cash and needed troops?
Somewhere else.;)

Y…YOU TEASE! :mad:!

You give us a heroic stopping of the German attack! Only to see France fall! You give us a Franco-British Union! Only for it to be horrendously back fire! You give us Free French Forces! Only to have then penniless! Next you will tell us that this project the British have is a failure and gives the Nazi's the Bomb! I am very disappointed :mad::mad::mad:

Great update by the way! :D

Thank you.:D

History is full of examples of really cool things that failed to happen or simply failed because of really good reasons. The Franco-British Union is a fascinating idea (OTL Premier Reynaud and 5 other ministers voted for it) but it would never have worked to keep France in the war. Heroic last stands like De Hautecloque's are more likely to serve as inspiration and nationalist motifs than they are to actually decide the outcome of a war. France lost in OTL for a number of reasons, most of which are still present here. And the Free French Forces OTL were reliant on Britain and America for funding, that's not new.

Great update! And I have to agree with many here that it seems the winner of all this will be the Soviet Union. Now I guess we need an update of the Pacific Front. :)

Thank you, next update will be the atomic bomb program(s), after that East Asia and the Pacific.:)

No Italy yet? The longer they wait the better prepared they will be. Also as a neutral they can still trade with the Whites. Will the British risk war with Italy if they are trading with them?

Il Duce is holding back from getting involved, OTL the Italians invaded even though they knew they were utterly unprepared for war, because it was obvious to everyone that Germany was about to win and Mussolini wanted a seat at the "make France give up stuff" table. ITTL the war lasted longer, the outcome was less obvious, and Italy missed its window to intervene in France.

Ah, not necessarily. Remember, Ecuador, in OTL, went through TWELVE governments during the Great Depression because of the economic devastation. Remember, most South American states during this time were essentially exporting a single resources(Chile was nitrates and Copper for example, the former long gone here with synthetic nitrates).

And in 1941 a war with Peru.

Meanwhile, Argentina in this period apparently had the U.K. as their primary export and... that didn't go very well either. Here it may be even worse, especially if the U-Boat campaign is more successful.
The U-Boat campaign is no worse than OTL.

The post-war world is going to be a VERY interesting place. Barring some kind of crazy change, it's going to very much be a "bottom rail on top" kind of deal. I can see India getting some kind of sweetened independence deal to keep them in the Commonwealth, so we probably aren't looking at a partition. Brazil is going to be riding high, though Mexico could go either way (didn't some secessionist movements break out, or did I imagine that?). Other than the above mentioned, Cuba is going to be a BIG winner post-ACW2: Electric Boogaloo. They've always had the potential to be a real regional player, and without the US meddling in it's affairs for the foreseeable future they could have a real powerhouse economy.

I've mentioned it a couple of times but never gone in depth: India is already a dominion by this point in time (name: Indian Empire, viceroy serves as a governor-general equivalent) and is presently supporting Great Britain in the war (although there's a large faction in the INC who don't want to be involved).

Mexico isn't dealing with secessionist movements, just a very power communist paramilitary called the Redshirts based in the State of Tabasco.

The financial situation shouldn't be as dire as all that. The longer time period it took France to fall would have meant that the original plan to ship France gold reserves to Canada would have most likely been set into motion. With at least 300 tons of gold sitting in the RBC vaults means Reynaud isn't penniless.

They planned to move the gold reserves, but the fall of Daladier's government prevented that from happening.

Hi Raphael interesting update as ever, I must say I doubt that the British empire would declare war on the Japanese while fully engaged in Europe, or is it just Canada that declared war ?

Just Canada, Britain has way too much on its plate at the moment.

Anyway I'd like to point out that Britain cannot be bankrupt
Historically in OTL 1940 Britain did not have enough Dollars to service all the orders of equipment she made.

In this Time line no orders of Equipment will be made from America so no dollar Crisis. There will be a lack of American supplied goods which will be problematic

All other nations will accept payment in pounds sterling which the Bank of England can print. Britain will end up as historically with large sterling debts to Argentina Mexico and Venezuela and the Commonwealth but these can be settled post war
Yes, but instead Britain has had to contend with a worse Depression, an earlier rearmament, and spending money trying to develop industry to produce American equipment that they can't import ITTL. They've also been pretty much funding the entire Allied war effort by themselves. That's quite a large bill.

I wonder if there would not be an attempt to seize/ destroy the US Atlantic fleet Britain needs destroyers and the existence of that fleet is a threat to UK dominance of the sea

Cheers Hipper
The US Atlantic Fleet is either sunk, in the hands of the Whites, or in Guantanamo Bay (with a few exceptions). The fleet in Guantanamo is obsolete and poorly maintained, but the Admirals are currently talking about letting Britain restore some of the ships which would be "leased" to the RN.

Oh, I'm by no means claiming that Vladivostok falling is ASB, it just seemed unlikely.
In any case, as I said it's what needs to happen for the story to work so more power to Ephraim.

Hey, fiction has to be realistic. Reality doesn't.:cool:

Great update by the way, a thoroughly depressing take on the Fall of France- but all too plausible.
Thank you.:)

But... My precious Franco-British Union!


Just an observation; Woody Guthrie and Pete Seeger go great with this tl.

Keep up the good work!

I think someone asked me about their fates and I gave them at some point earlier in this thread, but I don't remember what I said.

And what about the Balkans? IOTL Hitler needed the Romanian oil and reached an arms and oil pact with Romania in May 1940. But did the Soviets send their IOTL ultimatum in June 1940 to the Romanians for Bessarabia? Hitler is still busy fighting in the Western Front and would be very difficult for Germany to support Romania. So what could Romania do? Could Italy try to increase their influence in the Balkans by giving assurances to the Romanians?

With Hitler busy this could be the place where Mussolini tries to reach his place in the sun. Yugoslavia could be invaded and without French or British support they could fall to the Italians. Greece will not be their main target but Yugoslavia will, being in the way to reach their Latin cousins in Romania.

As per OTL Stalin sent ultimatums to all of Russia's neighbors, the Baltic States and Romania accepted them, Finland didn't but the Soviets were too busy to bother with the Fins. So Bessarabia is Soviet, and Romania has sought close ties to Germany to protect them.

When I read that bit about the idea of a Franco-British Union, I was just thinking about writing an incredibly scathing and not-very-courteous post that this would be an absolutely terrible idea, that it would backfire tremendously and that there could not be any better way to get the French people to support *Vichy (a France that's subservient to Germany is surely better for French nationalists than a France that's a part of Britain); any anti-Nazi French politicians doing this are not so much shooting themselves in the foot as shooting themselves (more specifically, their chances) in the head. Then I got back from work and read further on, and I felt a bit silly. Sorry for underestimating your common-sense, Ephraim Ben Raphael, and also my compliments to that common-sense. Doing extremely divergent but implausible stuff purely because it's cool might be fun, but it turns a TL from an interesting exercise in what might have been to a waste of effort… so kudos for having it turn out the way you did.

That's the kind of reaction I was hoping for. I believe in inserting "cool AH-y stuff" in TLs and then having it fail for the same reasons it did IOTL. :D

But… I can't imagine Tube Alloys succeeding by 1942-1943 even ordinarily, let alone if Britain's finances are doing poorly. It sounds far too early. And surely Hitler is going to attempt further conquests, be they of the USSR, Spain or wherever; those saying that he would have sat back, accepted his vast gains as sufficient gains and consolidated the power that he already had are simply not realising the mentality of the man.
Hitler is marginally more unstable than he was OTL, so he's definitely not about to rest on his laurels.

And what about the BEF? It was stated that 2 million plus counting the Commonwealth Soldiers were in France by May 1940. How many actually made it out and what was the situation with the equipment? I can see the bulk of the survivors either moving to Spain or evacuated from the Normandy but IMO the ones in the pocket in the Calais area pretty much have to leave their equipment behind. The ones evacuated from Normandy or Brittany how many equipment they brought home depends of the speed of the German advance. I can see a scramble in December 1940 to reach the ports or south to Spain before the Germans reach an agreement with the French.

Most of the BEF and Commonwealth got out, although they had to abandon a lot of heavy equipment to do so. The French didn't try to stop them, and made only a token effort at doing so. Most were able to retreat to Spain, the ones in Calais returned to Britain by sea of course.

And what about the French? The numbers presented for men joining the Free French is really small. So are we saying the bulk of the 5 million men in uniform by May 1940 are pretty much off the board?
Yep. OTL De Gaulle got 3,000 recruits initially for the Free French, that was it. ITTL the government-in-exile has mildly more legitimacy, but the vast, vast majority of the French military is staying loyal to the Bordeaux government.

And what about terms to the French? Germany needs to gobble other countries to keep their economy going but here they didn't shock the French into submission. What terms will the French accept?
They're not quite as bad as OTL, Germany is occupying less territory, the Kiregsmarine has use of all French Atlantic ports but all territory still under French control is part of the Zone libre. The occupation costs are only 250 million francs per day instead of 400 million.

With regards to the post-world war, without American dominance, something like the Bancor as a global fiat currency would be a very possible alternative:

I had never heard of that, thank you.:)

The Pro-Armistice guys will regret it soon.
Reynaud as head of Free France means the parties of the 3rd Republic won't be so discredited.

No indeed.
After reading that last update, i need to ask this. How much were you influenced by Reds! in the writing of this? When i saw the Franco-British Union bit i actually had to stop reading and make sure i wasn't somehow in the Reds! thread at that moment.

Not saying that i hold you in low regards for that or anything, but i did a double take for sure. Still it was a bretty good update.

I still haven't read the full Reds! TL, I didn't even know there was a Franco-British Union in it until I read your comment. I hadn't read it at all when I sat down to outline what would become this TL. Any similarities are coincidence.

EDIT: Certainly if I'd have read it I wouldn't have also named so many of my chapters using lines from Yeats' The Second Coming.
Note that the Republicans had the numbers and most of the support outside of the south. Without the German and Italian support its unlikely that the fascists would have even got out of Morocco. Stalin Al's supported the Reoublians- he's likely to continue doing so if Hitler invades.
Nothing unites a country like foreign invades. If the Chinese Civil War could pause because of the Japanese then the Spanish will rally in the face of foreign in aders. The Nazis will bungle it somehow whether by killing catholic priests or firebombing a town. Guernica style.
Hitler is really going to be compared to Napoleon here- multiple wars with Britain financing the (took decades fr the to pay off the loans) then got bogged down in Spain, any existing sympathy rapidly dissipating once its clear he's there to conquer.
The republicans/anarchists/communists/Spaniards will get prestige from consistently opposing the fascists.

With any luck he'll invade Russia soon and his regime will end like Napoleon's. I mean Hitler's gotta be riding pretty high right about now. The French are cowed (finally), the British are on the run, the USA is in a state of collapse and isn't coming to the party any time soon, Spain is Spain and the USSR are currently engaged with the Japanese. He would be more than over confident.
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I think someone asked me about their fates and I gave them at some point earlier in this thread, but I don't remember what I said.

I meant they are a good soundtrack to the TL. All the depression era folk seems like the sort of music every army would be marching too, i.e. Continentals singing "This Land Is Your Land" or "There Will Be No Distinctor" as they head into battle.
Oh of course, they're definitely trying to take Vladivostok back. Keep in mind we still haven't seen the 1940 events for East Asia. As for Hemingway, he's alive and writing in the Bahamas.

I look forward to that update.

Oh, they're improving. Fighting the Japanese has given them a very good opportunity to recognize their weaknesses and fix them.

Ah. This may mean that when the Nazis attack... well, lets just say they won't have a time like OTL, to say the least.

ITTL an event akin to the Marco Polo Bridge Incident happened, but the civilian leadership and moderates in the IJA General Staff managed to reign in the Militarists and it didn't get out of control. So mildly more government control, but not much.

Interesting, to say the least.

Somewhere else.;)

Come on rest of the thread, where are your suggestions?:mad::p;)

History is full of examples of really cool things that failed to happen or simply failed because of really good reasons. The Franco-British Union is a fascinating idea (OTL Premier Reynaud and 5 other ministers voted for it) but it would never have worked to keep France in the war. Heroic last stands like De Hautecloque's are more likely to serve as inspiration and nationalist motifs than they are to actually decide the outcome of a war. France lost in OTL for a number of reasons, most of which are still present here. And the Free French Forces OTL were reliant on Britain and America for funding, that's not new.

Oddly, I'd keep this idea in mind for post-war, because, with time, wouldn't France and the U.K. possibly decide they need to combine to fulfill mutual aims, like rebuilding their economies and combating the Soviet bloc? Yes yes, I know, we don't know what will happen by then, but still, my point is, this project isn't quite as dead compared to OTL.

Thank you, next update will be the atomic bomb program(s), after that East Asia and the Pacific.:)

Oh... I see.

Il Duce is holding back from getting involved, OTL the Italians invaded even though they knew they were utterly unprepared for war, because it was obvious to everyone that Germany was about to win and Mussolini wanted a seat at the "make France give up stuff" table. ITTL the war lasted longer, the outcome was less obvious, and Italy missed its window to intervene in France.

This begs, is Italy preparing right now? If so, this may mean it isn't such a weak underbelly of the Axis this time around.:eek:

The U-Boat campaign is no worse than OTL.

In of itself? As I assume the effects are much worse on the British economy, from no U.S. to mitigate it.

I've mentioned it a couple of times but never gone in depth: India is already a dominion by this point in time (name: Indian Empire, viceroy serves as a governor-general equivalent) and is presently supporting Great Britain in the war (although there's a large faction in the INC who don't want to be involved).

That will have quite a few implications down the line, to say the least.

Mexico isn't dealing with secessionist movements, just a very power communist paramilitary called the Redshirts based in the State of Tabasco.

Interesting, to say the least.

Yes, but instead Britain has had to contend with a worse Depression, an earlier rearmament, and spending money trying to develop industry to produce American equipment that they can't import ITTL. They've also been pretty much funding the entire Allied war effort by themselves. That's quite a large bill.

The first I think is something that needs to be emphasized here. Everyone had, essentially, an even worse depression, destroying their funds.

Hitler is marginally more unstable than he was OTL, so he's definitely not about to rest on his laurels.

The question is where. Soviets he'd have to, I'd imagine, re-organize his troops, attacking Spain is laughable, so... yeah.
Hitler is marginally more unstable than he was OTL, so he's definitely not about to rest on his laurels.

Given the way events are unfolding, are we likely to see an attempt at that plan? Or is he still not quite that batshit frothingly insane yet?

Attempting it would shift the balance firmly in favour of the Soviets and see Hitler removed PDQ after it's failure, and would leave the U Boats as the only reasonably unblemished part of the German forces left.
By looking at the events of Europe this is my take of military and logistics changes in Germany during 1940.

1) The war in the West was like a version of the Polish Campaign but in a larger scale. The panzer corps served the function cavalry used to have, flank the enemy and hold him in place until infantry destroys them. But this is the war Germany was expecting in OTL. Our Battle of France was a surprise as much for the German High Command as for the allies. So I don't think defeatism exists, on the contrary I think is better in the long run for Germany to know it will be a difficult war instead of the airs of invincibility they acquired after our Battle of France.

2) The losses in December 1939 actually help Germany. Probably the decision to go to a war economy start as early as 1940 in part to replace the losses suffered by the panzer corps. Good news according to the canon is that the bulk of the vehicles destroyed were panzer I and II. What better way to replace them that with 50mm armed panzer III, increase the production of Czech tanks and of the infantry support Panzer IV. This in reaction both to the defeat and lessons from the American Civil War. Why straight to the 50mm armed tank? IMO the experience of the Civil War already has shown how puny the 37mm gun is as a main tank gun and plans go ahead to use the heavier gun from the beginning.

3) You probably will see more captured vehicles in service with the German panzer forces in 1940-41. Polish tanks will be salvaged for service in the Battle of France and after the battle French and British vehicles probably will be salvaged also. Maybe even Germany is forced to buy Italian. :eek:

So that brings me to the conclusion that German military will not be as bold as IOTL; maybe a Barbarossa lite where they only capture the Baltic states and reach Kiev before launching their next step later on. Still a losing proposition and even more so by tying a lot of troops to Spain. The German panzer force will be better armed than IOTL( more 50mm armed tanks, probably earlier Mardens and decision to change main gun of the panzer IV probably happens earlier) but also will be a force that fill numbers with former Czech tanks and captured vehicles. It has been discussed Russians learning but the Germans have also learned from both the war so far and the American Civil War.
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And by looking at the events that brings me to IMO one of the winners so far, Italy:

1) With not having to move resources to built escort ships IMO the construction of the Roma and the Imperio continue without delays. The British could be facing 8 battleships in the Med by the end of 1941.

2) The extra time compared with OTL allows the Italians to replace the tankettes in their armored divisions with real tanks, M13/40. That will allow for actually real tanks serving with their divisions. Hell, they probably continue their research based in the observations of the American Civil War and start to assign Semoventes earlier to their tank regiments.

3) Extra time allows them to replace the CR32 and CR42s with more modern aircrafts like the MC200 and G50. Same in the case of the bombers.

4) And how they pay for all of this? By been the "Arsenal of anyone with a bag of Cash." IOTL they were busy selling and ITTL it should be even more so. IOTL Denmark have an order for aircrafts before been invaded; here they probably bought those aircrafts, Hungary and Sweden bought Italian aircrafts and there is no reason not to do it here. Even IOTL the British put an order for 300 RE 2000 before the Italian declaration of war ended that deal. maybe British buying Italians aircrafts and Germans buying Italians tankettes for secondary missions?

IMO Italy is one of the winners so far. Of course there is still time to do something stupid and ruin everything. :rolleyes: And all this still doesn't fix the main problem of the Italian Army, lack of training.


Oh of course, they're definitely trying to take Vladivostok back. Keep in mind we still haven't seen the 1940 events for East Asia. As for Hemingway, he's alive and writing in the Bahamas.

Good to know. What about George Orwell?

The situation in Europe is definately...some adjective I haven't thought of. :p If I had to guess Hitler will eitheer repeat the mistakes of Napoleon in Spain or Russia, so there's no good situation for him. What he needs is Italy on boat and attack the USSR, as they are distracted by Japan, play up his anti communist rhetoric up to eleven in order to gain sympathy in areas occupied by the USSR, particularly in Poland, the Baltics, and Ukraine. Spain is the weak point in his plans, as they threaten his gains in France considerably, ptoviding bases for the RAF and BEF to attack from. It's either repeat Napoleon in Spain or Russia, and Russia's in a tight spot right now. Major gambles either way.
And the Soviets in the 1940-41 period? Here I see the good and the bad.

1) They beat the crap of the Japanese in Manchuria initially but keeping those forces there supplied must be a nightmare and they ran out of steam and supplies while facing a wall of a million Japanese. Perhaps hoard supplies until ready to strike again? I can see the Soviets pushing the Japanese out of the continent by late 1940 at the earliest and 1941 at the latest. But an invasion of the Japanese Islands? This could be compared to the unnamed sea mammal in regard to difficulty during this period.

2) IMO the problem is the Soviets are winning, no War with Finland to show them the errors of their ways. So while they fighting the Japanese what lessons they have learned? They are facing an enemy lacking anti-tank capabilities so they could consider their tank force is adequate. The good news is probably the Soviet Army will stay organized as the 1939-40 IOTL instead of trying to reorganize during late 1940 and 1941. IMO the main lesson will be improved aircrafts and better logistics.

3) This timeline so far is playing right on the lap of Stalin. Every move that happens pretty much gives an advantage to the Soviet Union so IMO the Soviets right now are the big winners of all this so far.
I don't know how the soviets are going to win the war against Japan without the USA OTL help.
The USA industry produced millions of tonnes of equipment like Trucks (Studebaker US6), telepohne line, radio communication, food etc to the soviet war effort.
I don't know how the soviets are going to win the war against Japan without the USA OTL help.
The USA industry produced millions of tonnes of equipment like Trucks (Studebaker US6), telepohne line, radio communication, food etc to the soviet war effort.

This is a good point. Short term it seems like everything's coming up Stalin, but without Lend-Lease should the German's go east (which remains a distinct possibility) they're arguably in a worse position to rebuff them than OTL. As perdedor99 has pointed out no Winter War and their battles against the Japanese have probably left them unprepared to deal with a serious push by armored divisions, so if Germany attempts even a diet-version of Barbarossa they could very well be caught with their pants down.


I don't know how the soviets are going to win the war against Japan without the USA OTL help.
The USA industry produced millions of tonnes of equipment like Trucks (Studebaker US6), telepohne line, radio communication, food etc to the soviet war effort.

While Lend-Lease certain, y helped the Soviet war effort in OTL (less casualties, quicker win, etc) I believe the Soviets could have won OTL without it, although In a worse position with less land gained. Isee no reason why they can't beat Japan and Germany here (although it would be almost catastrophic fighting them at the same time). All of this rests on whether Hitler repeats the Pensular War.

Oh yes, does anyone have troop and casualty figures for Manchuria? Did Japan pull a Nanking in Vladivostok?
I meant they are a good soundtrack to the TL. All the depression era folk seems like the sort of music every army would be marching too, i.e. Continentals singing "This Land Is Your Land" or "There Will Be No Distinctor" as they head into battle.

"This Land Is Our Land" is very popular in revolutionary circles.

Ah. This may mean that when the Nazis attack... well, lets just say they won't have a time like OTL, to say the least.

Well if it happens, it definitely won't be like OTL.

Oddly, I'd keep this idea in mind for post-war, because, with time, wouldn't France and the U.K. possibly decide they need to combine to fulfill mutual aims, like rebuilding their economies and combating the Soviet bloc? Yes yes, I know, we don't know what will happen by then, but still, my point is, this project isn't quite as dead compared to OTL.

It might serve as inspiration for some later union.

This begs, is Italy preparing right now? If so, this may mean it isn't such a weak underbelly of the Axis this time around.:eek:

Italy's been rearming for a while now.

In of itself? As I assume the effects are much worse on the British economy, from no U.S. to mitigate it.

In terms of ships sunk it's no worse. The effects are the economy on the other hand...

Given the way events are unfolding, are we likely to see an attempt at that plan? Or is he still not quite that batshit frothingly insane yet?

Attempting it would shift the balance firmly in favour of the Soviets and see Hitler removed PDQ after it's failure, and would leave the U Boats as the only reasonably unblemished part of the German forces left.

That is being considered in Germany, but it was considered OTL and so that's no certainty of it being attempted or not.

Good to know. What about George Orwell?

Eric Arthur Blair (better known by his pen name George Orwell) is a member of the Home Guard in Britain. He traveled through Spain and America briefly during the beginning of their civil wars and has written extensively on those experiences.

Oh yes, does anyone have troop and casualty figures for Manchuria? Did Japan pull a Nanking in Vladivostok?

Vladivostok was bloody, but it was no Nanjing. I'm afraid I don't have casualty figures for Manchuria, but I can say that the better part of the Japanese military is there.

A lot of great speculation from people as always.:)

By the way, for those of you frustrated at the slow rate of updates this TL has, you can read the novel I wrote! Invictus started as an ASB TL on this website, but the finished work is now for sale on Amazon here! It's about the old god intervening in the Russian Civil War.


Eric Arthur Blair (better known by his pen name George Orwell) is a member of the Home Guard in Britain. He traveled through Spain and America briefly during the beginning of their civil wars and has written extensively on those experiences.

Vladivostok was bloody, but it was no Nanjing. I'm afraid I don't have casualty figures for Manchuria, but I can say that the better part of the Japanese military is there.

Good to know. What's the best OTL representation of the parts of the USSR occupied by Japan?
My opinion in the military changes for Japan ITTL:

1) The Japanese economy was at least free of the money pit that was the Sino-Japanese War IOTL but that all changed with the Soviet attack. They are probably now in worse shape, lacking the heavy industries they had in Manchukuo IOTL and fighting for their survival in the continent. Probably more costly so far that the war with China was by 1940 IOTL in regard to funds.

2) I discussed this with ERB before and he stated the last two of the Yamato Class were cancelled due to the American Civil War. Japan just achieved naval superiority in the Pacific by default so there is probably not a need to complete the two additional super-battleships. But what to do with the resources saved? I can see the Imperial Navy trying to use some of the funds in other projects but with the war in Manchuria IMO the Army will have the lion share of the overall budget instead of the Navy. Surprisingly the Navy so far is the one achieving all the major glory without serious defeats; destruction of the Soviet Far East Fleet AND the former United States Battle Fleet with minimum casualties.

3) The Japanese were master in the salvaging of damaged enemy ships and will be interesting to see them salvaging some of the ships scuttled in Pearl Harbor and Vladivostok. By the beginning of 1941 it has been more than a year since the fall of Hawaii, enough time to decide what was worth salvaging. The former Arizona in Japanese colors? :rolleyes:

4) The main event is Manchuria and IMO the Japanese has step up their research in both AT guns and tanks in response to the Soviet armor. That is where I can see Italy making a buck. IOTL they sold the BR-20 bomber to Japan prior to WW2 and here they could make major bucks by selling the 47mm AT and tanks to Japan.

IMO the Japanese set themselves to failure the moment they set foot in the West Coast. Could they survive? IMO yes but out of continental Asia and out of the West Coast. Plus their economy will be in ruins and that could be the event that that brings the Empire to his knees.
And my opinion of the Commonwealth nations based in events presented so far (January 1941 in Europe and America and January 1940 in the Pacific):


1) The Great Depression affected Australia heavily IOTL and more even so ITTL. I don't see a major driver that would force them to start earlier rearmament (Civil War too far away, Japan behaving nicely compared with OTL). IMO Australia will not start getting really worried until the Japanese strikes against the Khakis in 1939. Prior to that at least the existence of the former US Battle Fleet was a speed bump to the Japanese menace; now (middle 1939) that speed bump is gone and something needs to be done. So IMO rearmament of the Australian Army will start in high gear probably by the summer of 1939.

2) So what will happen to the AIF? With no Americans and the British busy in Europe my take will be to sent a reduced AIF to France and keep the other half for the defense of Australia. Of course events in the Pacific are a year behind in the story so many things could happen that could change the deployment of forces by January 1941.

South Africa:

1) IMO I don't see a lot of changes to the South African mentality in regard to recruitment compared to OTL. Remember IOTL the South African military refused to raise non-whites units; instead they raised laborer and support units for Africans and mix-races respectively. I think here it would the only place in the World except for the Fascist nations that the actions of the Whites against their minorities will be seen as "terrible waste of workers' and nothing more.

2) So where to sent the military forces of South Africa? South Africa would prefer his forces to serve in Africa and serve a s a deterrent to Mussolini. IMO the reason is you don't want your laborers and support units going to Europe and getting the "wrong ideas". IMO the bulk of the South African Army will be used to face the Italians in Ethiopia and Libya as a deterrent o Mussolini.


1) Here ERB have presented us with the biggest change for the British IMO. Now you have a gigantic manpower pool, not united politically but mainly falling in line with Great Britain, and with a decent industrial capability at your disposal that would try to show their appreciation to the British by jumping into the War without restrains. Gandhi will be opposing the new government but if you have Nehru and Jinnah on board this could be very good deal for the British.

2) Their mobilization rate IMO would depend of the date they achieved Commonwealth status. Prior to that status would be slower but if they achieved that status prior to 1939 you could see a move to expand their forces to replace British officers and obtain more skilled technicians.

3) But of all the Commonwealth forces IMO is the one with more weaknesses. They lack equipment, technical expertise and native officers. South Africa and Australia shared the lack of equipment with India but compared with them they were in good shape in regard to the other two items. However, India had the advantage of manpower compared to the other two nations.

4) So where to deploy them? The bulk should go to where they when historically (Middle East, Egypt to face Mussolini) but I could see a large presence making it to France.
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Its worth noting Australia was the 2nd worst hit country by the Depression in OTL, only behind Nazi Germany in total economic damage. In TTL, with a super-Depression, essentially, that would get even worse.

The last begs questions to me. How did Australia avoid falling to a radical faction, left or right? Judging by how bad unemployment, among other things, got in OTL... lets just say any issue Australia had with radicals in OTL will be even worse here, to say the least.

Makes me wonder how Australian politics, and the like, would respond to the U.S. Civil War.

This, to me, begs questions in regards to re-armanent.

1. Wouldn't Australia be unbelievably broke? If so, where are they getting the money to build a military from?

2. Even if they can, can they really make any difference against Japan?

With the second, I'd argue no. There's no way they could build a navy capable of competing with the IJN, and their army doesn't really have a way of participating in anything.
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