The Empire Parnell Built

Angola: 1989 protests
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Considering Chief Commissioners were considered "Shadow Shoguns", what became of Tanaka Kakuei ITTL?
No specific plans with him: I can see that he would have got involved in politics in some way but the people in his OTL faction of the LDP were pretty much sidelined in favour of more milquetoast technocrats so he would have encountered limited success and possibly focused on his construction trade.
Was Japan renamed Yamato after that, or later?
I've gone back and forth about that, to be honest. I originally changed the name because I had this idea of a far right revolution in Japan in the 60s but that idea obviously died away some time ago. The current state of the canon is this: the name situation is a bit like the OTL Myanmar/Burma distinction, with "Yamato" being adopted in the 1990s as an assertion of independence but not universally recognised.
Bear in mind there's a TTL wikipedia to document it: so it's not as bad as all that
Still, I imagine some people to see it as a pseudo-WW3 of sorts as I imagine fighting was spread out all over the world owing to both Britain and China being superpowers with a global reach.