Chapter 1
The Dominoes Still Stand: A Cold War TL

By Okmangeez

Chapter 1:

At the end of the Cold War, the United States stood at the top of the world as the undisputed world superpower. To examine how the United States became the lone superpower, edging out their opponent and rival USSR, one must go back to the beginning of the Cold War and study the early events that defined the power capabilities and the role of the United States in the world.

On June 25th of 1950, the Korean War began with the North Korean invasion of South Korea. Despite several warnings of an imminent invasion, such as the rapid North Korean build-up on the 38th Parallel and the increase of Soviet military assistance in the DPRK, the United States was caught flat-footed as the military of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea swept the Republic of Korea's military off its feet. Within three short weeks, almost 90% of the Korean Peninsula was occupied by the invaders, with only the city of Pusan remaining under the RoK's control. The US rapidly deployed its forces into the Korean Peninsula to help its ailing allies after the UN agreed to partake in the Korean War by assisting South Korea (UN Resolution 82). With the UN agreeing to assist the US's endeavor, the United Nations requested America to select a commander to lead the UN forces. There was some debate over who would be the leading commander, but the majority of the Joint Chief of Staffs agreed that Omar Bradley, the lone remaining General of the Army and military commander over Japan, would serve the role well. As a result, Omar Bradley became the Commander-in-Chief of the United Nations Command (UNCOM) and immediately began to deploy US ground forces into Pusan [1].

By the end of August, nearly 120,000 US soldiers would take a position on the Pusan Perimeter, supported by hundreds of tanks and artillery pieces, 15,000 additional UN soldiers, and around 50,000 Republic of Korea soldiers. The UN forces outnumbered the Korean People's Army's forces heavily, with around 240,000 UN soldiers facing 100,000 KPA soldiers. Additionally, the KPA was critically lacking in supplies, air support, and armor as their failed assaults on the Pusan Perimeter resulted in the loss of carefully hoarded equipment and American air assaults cut the supply lane to a trickle. After much consideration, Bradley believed that the best course of action was to continue the air assaults to whittle down North Korean forces, break out of the Pusan Perimeter, and attempt a small amphibious landing at the port city of Wonsan in order to cut off retreating North Korean forces [2]. On September 1st of 1950, the UN forces began their counterattack out of Pusan, assaulting the city of Kumi with relative ease and taking the city. At the same time, hundreds of American bombers and fighters struck strategic supply hubs in Inchon, Seoul, Kaesong, and Taejon. These air attacks would hamper with the KPA's ability to resupply and would leave the KPA forces stuck in the southern end of Korea in a vulnerable spot that the UN forces would exploit. The UN forces would rapidly advance and cut through the KPA resistance for an entire week before a new theater opened in the Korean War.

On September 10th, the US 1st Marine Division, numbering at 12,000 strong, and 8,000 soldiers of the 3rd ROK Infantry Division landed at the town of Wonsan after a massive air bombardment. Despite fierce resistance from the garrison forces within the city, the attack took the KPA by complete surprise, as the front lines were still hundreds of miles away from the town. As a result, the amphibious invasion successfully secured the port city and thousands of additional UN forces began to reinforce the town to assault North Korea proper. This sudden naval invasion, although not totally unexpected, threw the KPA leadership in a loop. It is rumored that Kim Il-Sung, on hearing that the Americans and South Koreans landed at Wonsan, slammed his fist on his desk and yelled, "We were supposed to roll the damn capitalists in three weeks, not the other way around!" Regardless of the KPA's attempt to resist the UN forces at Wonsan, the defense fell into a disarray as the UN forces coming out of Pusan trapped a large chunk of the KPA in southwest Korea and the UN forces in Wonsan began to move southwards to Kumhwa to prevent any garrison forces in Seoul and Incheon from retreating. By the end of October, the KPA was completely crushed, Seoul was secured, and the UN forces had taken Pyongyang. Within just 4 months, the tide of the war had turned completely against the Democratic People's Republic of Korea and the UN forces began to set up a defensive line near the 40th Parallel Line in the case of a Chinese offensive, which Bradley believed was possible and hoped to avoid [3]. Although Bradley believed in Truman's "Roll Back" policy of removing North Korea completely, he hoped that by conquering the majority of North Korea and being non-threatening towards the Chinese, he could help the UN and China reach an agreement on the Korean problem. His move was very tactful and was a deciding factor in the eventual Treaty of Manila.

With the fall of Pyongyang and the halt of the UN forces at the 40th Parallel, the upper echelons of the People's Republic of China began to discuss a possible intervention in the Korean War. An emergency meeting was held from October 10th to October 14th in Beijing regarding the approaching UN forces and the imminent fall of North Korea. Most of the military leaders rejected the idea of entering the Korean War, citing that the PRC was still weak and was in no position to enter another war when the Chinese Civil War ended just a year before. However, Mao Ze Dong, the leader of the PRC, believed that intervening in the war was crucial to Chinese security and asked Premier Zhou Enlai, another supporter of intervention, to plead a case to the other leaders. Premier Zhou agreed to convince the leaders and debated with the other leaders of the PRC for two full days, insisting that intervening was necessary due to the fact that the UN forces could cross the Yalu River and invade China if North Korea fell. However, just as the Chinese Politburo seemed convinced of entering the war, news arrived that the UN had completely halted at the 40th Parallel (slightly more south in the west). To most of the Chinese leadership, this action was welcomed by many of the leaders who desired to avoid war and weakened Mao's case for intervention [4]. Mao was furious of the Politburo's decision to withhold troops from entering Korea and argued for intervention with some of the few remaining pro-intervention leaders. Due to his insistence and pressure from the Soviet Union, the PRC leadership agreed to send in 6 divisions (100,000 soldiers) into North Korea to help "defend against any imperialist aggression." These divisions were mainly seen as a token force, as it became clear that the UN forces were far too entrenched, well supplied, better armed, and held complete control of the sea and sky. Despite this, Peng Dehuai, the commander of the People's Volunteer Army forces in Korea, attempted a direct assault on UN positions despite being outnumbered and outgunned. The result was expected, as the Chinese forces suffered 15,000 casualties in a two-week long assault while the UN forces suffered a mere 800 casualties in the same time frame.

The Truman Administration, seeing victory right in front of them, was quite alarmed at the Chinese attack in Korea. When the attacks were easily repulsed, however, President Harry S. Truman believed that the US was in a position to dictate terms and requested for peace negotiations in Inchon. Initially, Mao rejected the idea and prepared to send in more soldiers into Korea. However, the Chinese Politburo and military leaders threatened to rebel against Mao's orders if he "needlessly sent in more Chinese soldiers to die." Thus, on November 3rd of 1950, negotiations between the People's Republic of China and the United States began. The negotiations were held in the city of Manila (initially, Tokyo or Kyoto was offered as neutral grounds, but was rejected vehemently by the Chinese) and went on for 3 weeks. Initially, the PRC demanded that the United States (in their eyes, the United Nations was merely a puppet organization controlled by the United States) to withdraw completely from North Korea and retreat back to the 38th Parallel. To counter this offer, the United States promised to withdraw all US troops above the 38th Parallel and declare all territory above the 40th Parallel as a De-Militarized Zone for 49 years but demanded the complete annexation of North Korea. China objected immediately and countered with a rump North Korea being established above the 39th Parallel line and a Demilitarized Zone between the 39th and 38th Parallel Lines. The United States continued to push its offer on the Chinese, and the Chinese finally caved in to sign after news arrived of another failed offensive on the solidified UN lines. Thus, the Treaty of Manila was signed by the United States, the Republic of Korea, and the People's Republic of China on November 28th of 1950. A day after the treaty was signed, Chinese forces withdrew from Korea and back into Manchuria. After confirming that all Chinese forces left the Korean Peninsula, all UN forces, excluding the RoK Army, withdrew south of the 38th Parallel line except a few select divisions to clear the rest of occupied North Korean territory. The remaining North Korean government and military went into exile in the USSR as the RoK and UN forces crushed the last resistance strongholds in Chosan and Najin.

On December 10th, the last North Korean stronghold in Najin fell and the RoK officially unified the nation under the government in Seoul. President Syngman Rhee, the first Korean president, was hailed as a hero by the Korean people as he managed to swiftly reunite the nation while limiting the death of Koreans (200,000 Koreans died during the six-month war). He would be considered the father of modern-day Korea, bravely leading the people against the onslaught of communism and reuniting the nation under his rule. However, the biggest boost of the end of the war was for President Truman and the Democratic Party. The slogan "One Free Korea" would become a popular phrase used by the Democratic Party to demonstrate that the Democratic Party was successful in not just containing communism, but rolling it back and wiping it out completely from Korea. President Truman would receive a huge boost in popularity as the war ended with minimal American casualties (5,000 dead) and the war ended in a major victory against communism. This wave of popularity and the boost in American prestige and power, combined with major American efforts and success in Europe, convinced Eisenhower to run for the Democratic Party. Despite Eisenhower's hesitation due to some scandals that Truman faced early on, Truman's success in Korea (with minimal losses) and diplomatic push against communism abroad, brought Eisenhower onboard. As a result, Eisenhower ran on the platform of fighting communism and corruption, using only force if absolutely needed. His popularity as a general during WW2, combined with the popularity of the Democratic Party, greatly changed the playing field of the 1952 elections [5].

On the opposite side, the Soviet Union and the People's Republic of China silently contemplated the losses they have suffered after North Korea's annexation. Stalin was furious that North Korea fell so easily and blamed it on the PRC for being indecisive and cold in "their communist brother's greatest time of need." This began the great Sino-Soviet Split as both sides began to see each other in a much more negative light. Meanwhile, Mao was angry at the other leaders of the Communist Party and blamed them for causing the American victory in the Korean War. The failures of China during the Korean War and the fall of North Korea would begin a long and bitter power struggle between Mao and opposing members of the Chinese Politburo. However, with the fall of North Korea, Mao began to gain more power and popularity amongst the people and leaders, claiming that if he had been able to lead the PVA, North Korea would've never fallen and the Korean Peninsula would be united under communism.

While all eyes were turned to the 1952 US Presidential Elections, a series of events began to unfold across Iran and other parts of the world as the next hopeful president of the United States would have another set of challenges...


[1]: Major PoD: Douglas MacArthur dies during the Philippine Campaign (towards the end of the war as the US invades the Philippines) and Japan is treated like Germany post-war. Instead of a military government, Bradley is merely the commander over watching the occupation forces and making sure that a proper democratic government is installed. The Emperor is removed but freed from being tried. Protests do appear across Japan but are swiftly put down by the US forces as the democratic government takes power.

[2]: Bradley was a major opponent of the amphibious invasion of Inchon and believed that a slow and steady advance would result in fewer casualties and effectively destroy the KPA. However, he did believe that a small landing in Wonsan was still needed to cut off the KPA.

[3]: In OTL, Bradley was careful and believed that MacArthur's aggressive rhetoric against the Chinese would draw the Chinese into the war.

[4]: In OTL, the Chinese Politburo was convinced by Mao and allowed the People's Liberation Army to enter Korea and assist the North Koreans.

[5]: In OTL, Eisenhower ran as a Republican because of the Korean War, the 1950 Truman Administration Scandal, and the failure of the Truman Administration to "roll back" communism. With the American victory in Korea, it can be said that Eisenhower is much more open to accepting the Democratic nomination.

AN: All credits go to theg*ddam*hoi2fan for giving me a great idea on writing this TL. I revised some previous works I had in my file and created this new TL.

So basically, the PoD is that MacArthur dies in WW2, too late to directly affect the outcomes of WW2, but change the course of the Korean War, and the Cold War itself. This timeline will not just be focused on Korea. It will inspect events all across the world and things will be very different as time goes on (as you can already see with the 1952 Presidential Election). The next chapter will be about the 1952 elections and the beginning of the Iran Crisis, both of which will go very differently ITTL.

I'm done with finals so I'll be spending quite some time brainstorming, researching, and writing out this time line. Hope you all enjoy!

Feel free to comment, ask questions, or criticize.
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Chapter 2
Chapter 2:

After the UN victory in the Korean War, President Truman began to focus on foreign issues, although domestic issues were still discussed. With the relative ease of the communist North Korea's collapse, Truman began to re-evaluate the NSC-68 papers he had submitted in April of 1950. The papers, which called for a rampant increase in military spending to edge out the Soviets in an arms race, seemed rather over the top for the victorious United States. As a result, Truman and his administration began to edit the NCS-68 in order to make the papers align with the new policies and goals of the United States. On February 10th of 1951, the new and improved NCS-69 was approved by President Truman in secret. Contrary to the NCS-68 that was written in 1950, the newly edited NCS-69 outlined a fair balance of the use of diplomacy and military in an attempt to roll back communism worldwide. Instead of advocating for just containment, the papers suggested that communism could be countered and rolled back through diplomatic (and if necessary, the usage of the military) means. The NCS-69 did call for an increase in the military budget, mainly for the sake of national security and the possibility of Soviet aggression in Europe or elsewhere. Originally, the military budget was set to triple, from $13 billion to $40-$50 billion. However, with the approval of the NCS-69, the military budget was set to only double to $30 billion [1]. The rest was to be used to expand the Marshall Plan to Asia, mainly Korea and Japan, and assist in the economic development of newly independent countries such as Indonesia and the Philippines. This new strategy replaced the idea of "Communism Containment" and replaced it with "Expand the Free World."

With this mindset, Truman signed the Mutual Beneficial Act [2] on July 2nd of 1951. This act would provide $12 billion dollars in military and economic assistance to countries abroad in order to expand the free world. Despite opposition to the act by several prominent conservatives, notably Robert A. Taft, the act is approved by a wide margin of 270-91. The reason for this huge support is due to the rapid victory of the US in the Korean War and the popular support for the administration that pushed many of the Republican Party to support the joint effort. Additionally, the amount of aid was seen as a fair amount of aid to help the development of other countries, as the US budget was fairly well balanced and the expansion of the military budget was slightly curtailed [3]. This aid would mainly reach both Asia and Europe, as major US allies saw this act as a replacement to the Marshall Plan. The Mutual Beneficial Act would greatly aid America's allies in Asia, as the Philippines, Korea, and Indonesia used the massive amount of aid to build up their economy and modernize their military (Korea would receive more in military aid than any other nations save European ones, as they were directly bordered by both China and the Soviet Union). This would allow Japan, Korea, the Philippines, and Indonesia view the United States in a much favorable light and would be a major factor in convincing these nations to join PATO later on. Europe also reacted favorably to this act and saw this as America's commitment to both Western Europe and the democratic governments around the world. A memorable moment of Truman's time in office would be his trip to Korea in October of 1951. After greeting RoK President Rhee and touring the rebuilt capital city of Seoul, Truman would give a speech to the audience, promising that America would protect its allies in any time of need and claim that "America will no longer be on the retreat, we will push forward together in order to create a free and prosperous world."

Truman's stunning victory in the Korean War brought a new rush of popularity for the president and the Democratic Party. Despite some scandals that surfaced in 1950 and 1951, these scandals were often forgotten and ignored by the public as they rallied behind the Truman Administration. President Truman's popularity rating shot to an amazing 85% in 1951, even higher than FDR's approval ratings during the Great Depression. Due to his popularity, people called for Truman to run for a third term, as the 22nd Amendment did not apply to him since he was in office when the amendment took effect. However, despite a widespread support for a third term, Truman declined and, once again, requested that Dwight D. Eisenhower, famed WW2 General and close collaborator with the FDR and Truman administration, to run as a candidate for the Democratic Party. Eisenhower had some reservations of jumping aboard the Democrat ticket before but after the victory in the Korean War, these reservations were mainly erased and Eisenhower graciously accepted Truman's offer. With the announcement that Eisenhower would run as a Democrat, the American political landscape was completely shaken as both parties began to plan for the upcoming 1952 presidential election.

Eisenhower carried on Truman's policies to the primaries and argued for the idea of "Free World Expansion." In his views, the Truman Administration's approach in the Korean War was the best one, which allowed minimal casualties and the smooth reunification of Korea. Pushed by the Democratic political machine, "Ike" stood nearly unopposed in the Democratic Convention and was seemingly invincible. Since Ike was running as a Democrat, politicians that were rumored to run for the presidency, such as Illinois Governor Adlai Stevenson and Tennessee Senator Estes Kefauver, stayed out of the primaries and Ike easily became the Democratic candidate for the presidential elections. Since Eisenhower's more liberal approach to foreign relations and civil rights forced the Democratic Party to choose Lyndon B. Johnson, a rookie senator from Texas, to be his running mate, thus appealing to both progressive and conservative voters. The Eisenhower-Johnson ticket was seen as a well-balanced duo and attracted much attention from the nation. On the Republican side, the Republican Convention nominated Thomas E. Dewey, the Governor of New York that had lost against Truman in 1948. As it became clear that Ike would run as a Democrat, the Republican Party scrambled through the ranks to find a candidate that could possibly defeat him. The most obvious choice became Dewey, an experienced candidate that had lost the presidential election twice and wielded significant influence in the Republican Party. Despite his repeated losses in previous elections, the GoP and its voters believed that his experience in elections would allow him to avoid his previous blunders and pull off a victory against the inexperienced Eisenhower. In addition to this, Robert A. Taft, the other major candidate for the Republican Party, was seen as too conservative and out of the touch with the policies of the Untied States to be an effective candidate. As a result, Dewey pulled ahead and received the nomination in order to duel against Eisenhower and Johnson. For his running mate, Dewey had no major preference, though he did show some interest in having Earl Warren, the governor of California, as his running mate again. However, the Republican Party officials rejected this notion, believing that Warren was too old and that the voters did not desire to see a repeat of the 1948 elections. Due to this, Richard Nixon was chosen to be the Vice Presidential candidate and the race towards the White House began.

Dewey, unlike his last presidential run, was much more aggressive towards Eisenhower and constantly pointed out how Eisenhower was inexperienced in politics and never held an elected position. He also criticized the Truman Administration for the scandals that were kept under wrap mainly due to the victory in Korea. Dewey directly challenged Ike, questioning his legitimacy as a candidate for the presidency "because the presidency isn't just ordering people around" and belittling Eisenhower's stance against corruption and communism when his own party was "riddled with corruption." The GoP candidate also attacked the so-called Truman Policy of "Expanding the Free World," claiming that if the United States was irritating and provoking the Soviet Bear and that the rhetorics of the policy would ignore already democratic nations and US allies to fall under communism, citing Latin America as an example. However, Eisenhower responded quickly, claiming that Dewey's claims were baseless and that he had worked closely with President Franklin D. Roosevelt and Truman on many key issues regarding the government. Additionally, Ike emphasized the success of the Truman Policy in Korea and the rising support of the United States abroad from both countries in Europe and Asia due to US aid and support. Eisenhower denied Dewey's claim that America was leaving its old allies behind and promised to have a balanced approach towards expanding the free world and aiding US allies in times of need, with the main focus on Latin America. Public support was already highly in favor of Eisenhower and the margin between Ike and Dewey grew when it was revealed that Nixon was supposedly taking bribes from wealthy donors. Although Nixon managed to salvage his career and vice president candidacy due to his effective "Checkers Speech," the damage was done and Dewey's ridicule of Democratic corruption was not taken seriously by the public, who viewed that the accusations were hypocritical.

Two main issues would be brought up during the election period which was mainly focused in the Middle East. The first was the Iranian Crisis, in which the Imperial Kingdom of Iran faced off against the British after the Iranian Prime Minister, Mohammad Mosaddegh, nationalized the Anglo-Iranian Company and attempted to negotiate with the British in order to put Iran on equal terms with Britain in terms of benefiting from the oil production. Britain was staunchly against the nationalization and completely embargoed oil from Iran, refusing to negotiate new terms and demanding that Iran reverses its policies. This became a key issue as both countries were hotly contested against each other, though it was clear that Iran and the Iranian people were suffering from the embargo and the British blockade of Iranian ports. Dewey supported the British in their endeavors and believed that Iran should accept a slightly revised deal, as Dewey believed that Britain should come first due to their strong alliance with the United States. However, Ike took a very different stance and support Truman's policies towards the crisis by supporting a mediated agreement that would benefit both sides. He claimed that the embargo was only eroding the democracy within Iran and destabilizing the already fragile state. "If the United States is to be the leader of the free world, it can not favor one nation over another. Great Britain is our closest ally, but we can not deny that Iran and the Iranian people are resisting for equality." Eisenhower also argued that a stable and democratic Iran would be a crucial ally in the Middle East to help the existence of Israel. American voters were mostly split on the issue, but Britain was rather cold towards Eisenhower's remarks, with Churchill famous saying, "That damned egghead is favoring the uncivilized people over its staunchest ally."

The second issue was primarily around Egypt. Egypt experienced a major political revolution in 1952, as the monarchy was overthrown and was replaced with a military government led by the Free Officers movement. The movement was largely supported by the United States and the Soviet Union, though was greatly opposed by Britain and France. The new prime minister of Egypt, Mohammed Naguib, had appealed to both the United States and the Soviet Union for aid on developing and establishing a democratic nation within Egypt, which was faced with stiff opposition from other officers, including Deputy Prime Minister Gamal Nasser. President Truman authorized for aid to carry into Egypt and assist Naguib in negotiating with the Revolution Command Council (RCC) to allow a gradual democratic state to emerge from the revolution. Despite the promised aid from the United States, Naguib was relying on the next administration to carry on Truman's promises and aid the newly formed government in order to have any chances of having a democratic Egypt. Dewey struck first, claiming that the United States had no business in Egypt and should be focusing on other allies instead of spending millions in aid to Egypt. Additionally, he cited that assisting Egypt would mean going against the will of the British and French government, as the new government was nationalistic and it was inevitable for the nationalization of the Suez Canal would occur. Eisenhower masterfully countered by arguing that the Soviet Union would impose its influence upon Egypt, with only the United States standing between a free Egypt and a communist one. Ike proclaimed that Egypt and Iran were the first steps in the Truman Policy of expanding the free world and that aiding the Egyptian prime minister and helping the government give power to the people should be a priority. Additionally, an Egypt that was democratic and friendly to the United States would help ease the tensions between the Arab countries and Israel and possibly even help the other Arab countries to be less hostile to the Jewish state.

All eyes turned to Election Day, as the fate of the United States and other countries was handed over to the ballot boxes. In the end, it was Eisenhower and Johnson who prevailed, with Eisenhower winning 384 electoral votes while Dewey won only 147. Dewey carried all the Pacific states (California, Washington, Oregon), New York, Pennsylvania, Vermont, New Hampshire, Maine, Delaware, and Connecticut. In the end, Eisenhower's popularity, Truman's success in the Korean War, and the rapidly improving economy allowed the Democratic Party to win a landslide victory. Eisenhower's victory consolidated Democratic dominance in the White House and a streak of 24 consecutive years of a Democrat in the White House. Some Republicans feared that the Republican Party would never take by the White House and even began to claim that the Democratic Party was setting up a dictatorship, as the Congress also went to the Democrats. However, Ike promised to work with the Republicans and settle key issues that the two parties conflicted in. After it became known that Eisenhower won the elections, some nations sighed in relief while other nations gnashed their teeth in frustration.

A new era of the United States begun as Eisenhower took his oath of office on January 23rd of 1953. The Eisenhower Era officially begun.


[1]: This was mainly because the Korean War ended early and in a rapid American victory. With an air of confidence and the victory against communism, the Truman Administration believes that the Roll Back policy would work better than a Containment policy.

[2]: In OTL, this was called the Mutual Security Act and the economic portion of the Act was never approved by Congress.

[3]: This is contrary to OTL, where the prolonged Korean War resulted in a government deficit and massive expansion of the military budget. The Mutual Security Act in OTL was only worth $7.5 billion, with $6 billion going into military development instead of economic development. ITTL, the two are balanced as both military and economic development is at $6 billion each.
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Implode or reform. Which direction will the Republicans take?

Most Republicans had reformed by then especially for Social Security and the New Deal. They are really going to have to embrace unions. Of course that's going to make a lot of Conservative Republicans extremely angry.
Most Republicans had reformed by then especially for Social Security and the New Deal. They are really going to have to embrace unions. Of course that's going to make a lot of Conservative Republicans extremely angry.

But can they do it in this timeline? How will American politics change after Truman's and Eisenhower's presidencies?

Wonder what effect this has on McCarthism.

McCarthism will be discussed in future chapters, but it's important to know that the Red Scare isn't as big ITTL due to Korea.
Could this result in the party splitting?

You Remember Roosevelt's plan to form a new liberal political party? Well I think that's going to happen by default. Meanwhile the conservatives on both parties will band together and form a new party. I'm wondering if Taft would be opposed to that, as he believed in civil rights. Then again he died in 1953, so he wouldn't be able to stand in the way.
With Korea ending earlier, and in the US's favor, I can't see a lot of people taking Joe McCarthy seriously.

There would be little to no Red Scare, since America will literally feel unstoppable and believe that communism can easily be curbed (though that won't exactly be the case).

Could this result in the party splitting?

You Remember Roosevelt's plan to form a new liberal political party? Well I think that's going to happen by default. Meanwhile the conservatives on both parties will band together and form a new party. I'm wondering if Taft would be opposed to that, as he believed in civil rights. Then again he died in 1953, so he wouldn't be able to stand in the way.

A party split isn't out of question. After all, with the Republicans locked out of the White House for 24 (maybe even 28 if Eisenhower gets re-elected), it will seriously look to change its platform to match up with the Democratic Party, though the conservatives of both parties might split and form their own party...
I'm enjoying the beginning of this tl, but Isreal wasn't a major issue for the American electorate back then. it certainly wasn't favored by the American political class as it was socialist, almost communist, at the time. Rapprochement between the US and Israel only really occurred after France dumped them as clients.
Wonder what effect this has on McCarthyism.

Possibly McCarthy will be opposed and disgraced earlier than 1954 as in OTL.
Heres an intriguing paper on some political races during the red scare.

As for Republicans that could be contenders if they go in a more pro-labor direction in 1956, Earl Warren (The most obvious choice if he doesn't get onto the supreme court), Goodwin Knight (If Warren is on the court), Irving Ives, John Sherman Cooper, George Aiken are some suggestions.
It's important to remember that the Red Scare already scored major dividends in getting Republicans to retake Congress in 1946, and they would probably still have passed Taft-Hartley ITTL. That still condemns unions to slow death as Southern right to work states undercut organized labor. Also, civil rights and the split in the Democratic Party over that remain an issue exacerbated by Truman's '48 run. The Democrats are far from sitting pretty even now.