The Death of Russia - TL

About the plausibility of this story: while maybe it's not the most plausible, it's:
  • A scenario that many, back then, feared would become true;
  • Where most of the war crimes depicted in it have an equivalent IRL war crime from around the same period.
Therefore, it's not any less plausible than a TL depicting a nuclear exchange in 1962 or 1983, or any less plausible than Threads and similar movies; if you showed it to my parents in the early 1990s, they would've probably deemed it, if not an actual record of future events, a honest depiction of the fears of that time period. So, while the finer details would surely differ, something like TDOR could actually have happened, if those fears were proven correct.
About the plausibility of this story: while maybe it's not the most plausible, it's:
  • A scenario that many, back then, feared would become true;
  • Where most of the war crimes depicted in it have an equivalent IRL war crime from around the same period.
Therefore, it's not any less plausible than a TL depicting a nuclear exchange in 1962 or 1983, or any less plausible than Threads and similar movies; if you showed it to my parents in the early 1990s, they would've probably deemed it, if not an actual record of future events, a honest depiction of the fears of that time period. So, while the finer details would surely differ, something like TDOR could actually have happened, if those fears were proven correct.

I think that this could be called as worst possible case for some picked scenario like AANW is for nazi victory or ToRT for Stalin living longer.
War is where the young and stupid are tricked by the old and bitter into killing each other.

So anyways, I was gonna wait again but it might be a while for the next update understandably (take all the time you need to man, seriously). Not too many major changes in between but I have a feeling that won't remain for long.

Jesus Lord Mercy, that was a dark chapter @Sorairo, but you have written it very well. I mean, unarmed people forced to act as cannon fodder and human mine clearance and systematic rape camps....Lordy. Is there going to be ANYBODY left in Russia who isn't a complete mental train wreck after all of this?

And now we know Anpilov and Barkashov are officially headed straight to hell when they pass on....assuming Satan doesn't look at them like he surely looked at Dirlewanger and go "Get the fuck out of here, even I'm not letting you motherfuckers in...."
About the plausibility of this story: while maybe it's not the most plausible, it's:
  • A scenario that many, back then, feared would become true;
  • Where most of the war crimes depicted in it have an equivalent IRL war crime from around the same period.
Therefore, it's not any less plausible than a TL depicting a nuclear exchange in 1962 or 1983, or any less plausible than Threads and similar movies; if you showed it to my parents in the early 1990s, they would've probably deemed it, if not an actual record of future events, a honest depiction of the fears of that time period. So, while the finer details would surely differ, something like TDOR could actually have happened, if those fears were proven correct.
I agree and this is the sad thing about this TL, that it is somewhat plausible.

Here we are looking at the worst political extremes on the far right and far left unleashed and able to implement their mad policies. The current war in Ukraine shows that the veneer between civilisation and barbarism is often a very thin one. Once this veneer is gone, the door to all kind of horrors is blown wide open.

The TL seems to be in its middle phase right now and it appears that the civil war will end by 1996 or 1997 latest. There won't be enough weapons to go around for things to continue forever. In Western Russia Industrial and economic capacity to replace and produce things is close to non-existent for things other than small arms and some artillery.
It looks like the endgame for Russia will be as follows more or less from East to West:
1. Far Eastern Kingdom
2. Siberia
3. Idel-Ural-Volga Confederation - Interestingly this may comprise Russian majority territories and define itself in non-ethnic terms.
4. Free Caucasus
5. Something in Western Russia

Western Russia can't remain an anarchy ridden wasteland forever but it is unlikely that the west will intervene to put an end to the horrors there. The worst case scenario is that either the communists or the fascists consolidate Western Russia and it becomes a giant North Korea. The best case scenario is Lebel sweeping in from Siberia, or the Gaidar government establishing a foothold and retaking the place with western support thanks to having the Baltic fleet.

Whatever happens it will take a century or more for Russia to rebuild itself to anything approaching its pre civil war population and strength. Belarus and Ukraine are likely to follow Poland OTL fate and become economically prosperous countries. Them selectively absorbing Russian refugees means that they have a chance to keep some industrial capacity going and may have somewhat higher population than OTL. Human contacts between Eastern and Western Europe will be far greater TTL than OTL. Both stemming from Russian refugees moving West (the EU has to absorb some like it did with Syrians, as I explained in another post there are fewer barriers than for Syrians). But also from Belarussians/Ukrainians moving West once/when both countries join the EU.

I have many Russian friends who would have been children at the time of this war taking place, be it in Moscow, Siberia and even Vladivostok. I don't want to imagine what their alternate selves would have gone through ...

Now if anyone wants to feel any better. Just imagine that this TL could become tomorrow's reality in Russia. A Pandora's Box could be opened when/if Putin falls from power ...
I gave it a like for the quality of writing because it feels neutral enough for me, just didnt give a love reaction because of the aforementioned reasons
The worst case scenario is that either the communists or the fascists consolidate Western Russia and it becomes a giant North Korea. The best case scenario is Lebel sweeping in from Siberia, or the Gaidar government establishing a foothold and retaking the place with western support thanks to having the Baltic fleet.
Given the references to war crimes tribunals after the war, I wouldn't be surprised if either of the latter two scenarios happen.
Jesus Lord Mercy, that was a dark chapter @Sorairo, but you have written it very well. I mean, unarmed people forced to act as cannon fodder and human mine clearance and systematic rape camps....Lordy. Is there going to be ANYBODY left in Russia who isn't a complete mental train wreck after all of this?

And now we know Anpilov and Barkashov are officially headed straight to hell when they pass on....assuming Satan doesn't look at them like he surely looked at Dirlewanger and go "Get the fuck out of here, even I'm not letting you motherfuckers in...."

The "using unarmed people as mine clearance" sounds like something the Iron Warriors or Word Bearers would have done (Warhammer 40,000). It's horrifying. (I know, any Iron Warriors warband with armored divisions should have minesweeper tanks or simply shell the area they think has mines--but their lack of respect for life is astounding). IIRC the human mine clearance was based off the Iran-Iraq war where the Iranians sent a human wave tactic charging into a minefield to clear it (and the Iraqis had trouble capitalizing on the Iranian incompetence due to their own incompetence)?
Well, that was truly grizzly and horrifying, the heart of old Russia is now ruled by two monstrous regimes both horrible in their own unique way, and the worse part is they are not entirely unrealistic relative to what we've seen in our world in the past, That is good writing.

Also, something I've been wondering is, do the people of the Far Eastern Kingdom just refer to themselves as far easterners, or do they call themselves something else?
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Honestly compared to these horrors I think we might as well say Aksyuchits's vision was real because letting either the stalinists or the fascists win or having North Korea's gamble succeed would be too much even for that world's standards

Cause holy shit of all shits, that was horrible
What would the anthem of Lebed's regime be as the Nationalists use Slavsya, Gaidar has the Patriotic Song, and the Reds use the State Anthem of the USSR?
JESUS FUCKING CHRIST!!!! That was dark, morbid, and depressing….but damn if it wasn’t well-written.

Bet the citizens of the Far Eastern Kingdom are thanking the Lord for Aksyuchits once they hear about the situation out west.
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