
Is there any risks of the Italian or Romanian governments betraying Germany like they did OTL because of war weariness and casualties?
I don’t think so, the Axis Central Powers are clearly the winning side in this war. The UK and US can’t do anything to harm Italy mainland. They’re also retaking Africa colonies, switching is really ugly option if the Italian even consider it.
Is there any risks of the Italian or Romanian governments betraying Germany like they did OTL because of war weariness and casualties?
For the Italians partly, but Mussolini has more prestige and the Allied forces are far from Italy's mainland, so the ACP are safe there. Same goes for Romania, who is a Austrian-Hungarian puppet/ vassal TTL with a A-H Army stationed in Bucharest, so as long as the Red Army doesn't push the ACP back towards there no risk there too for now. However from their mindsets, both might do so if such a thing happens.

So yeah, basically like good old Anhtuan said ;D
No feel fre to do. ^^

Thank so much.

Saving the world

The World war had ended, the guns fell silent, peace once again achieved. Most of the nations cooperated with each other to gain new high and technologies. And now the world turns to the new century with the promise of peace and harmony, or would it.

2019, Paris, Hitler Art College (Otl Paris art college)

?: Have you read the new Alt history timeline yet Phil?

Phil: The one about Hitler is evil right? Felix

Felix: Yes, that’s one. The person who wrote this really has a wide imagination and a serious Soviet wank. How can the Kaiser’s army at the doorstep of Moscow and still can be pushed back? And how hard is this Stalingrad, if the Soviet still holds the city why not bomb the hell out of it likes Saint Petersburg and retakes this. I have to tell you, Phil, those German has a serious logic problem. And don’t start with Kursk, there noway those Soviet primitive can product more than ten thousand tanks in the entire war, and in this Kursk, they can easily take over 12000 tanks and willing to sacrifice thousands of them and millions of troops. That’s bigger than the battle of Cairo.

Phil: You just salty, that someone talks shit about your country and stops all those Germany wanks in Alt history Fex. But you kind of right, I stopped reading it after the holocaust, to graphic for me. No one in the sane mind can do something like that, even the most insane person can’t make that decision. And here, the whole Germany rally under that stupid ideology, kill every single Jewish they find. Of course, the person who makes that decision has to be Hitler. You know the Iron Chancellor, the one raising the biggest Jewish charity fund at the time, and who also had the Jewish girlfriend in the past.

Felix: And the American’s willing drop two atomic bombs, ready to wipe out the Japanese if they do not surrender. As if those pacifist Yanks can do that as all.

Phil: And the most laughable of all…..

Then both Phil and Felix shout and chuckle: China doesn’t shoot themself and united to push the Japanese back.

Felix: A true dystopia world if I am honest.

Phil: Yeah, I agree.

Some random house in Gia Định city (otl Ho Chi Minh city) Vietnam.


This world is a unbelievable dumpster fire, our common sense doesn’t work here. Democratic republic was replaced by authoritarian monarchy, Allies leaders were seen at ignorance fool who led to the dead of million people in a useless war. And the bad guys become the wisest leader in mankind history, except for Stalin, his description’s really spot on (Stalin always the bad guy for me). Can you guys believe this, Musso-elfking-lini is seen as a hero not only in Italy but also in the world who established the foundation of the new Imperium Romanum. Also, Tojo became one of the best generals in history, yes you hear me right, that incompetent managed to become Shogun and best general at the time.

Except for the rant above, the daily normal life when I was transported here is quite the same if you ask me, even the technology kind more advanced than our world. Germany even landed on the moon five years earlier than US. So why I hate this dimension so much? Repair yourself for the answer…. there is no Star Wars. Yes, Star Wars didn’t exist in this timeline, because of US-Japan relationship, George Lucas never took inspired by older Japanese movie. My heart was sinking after I know about this, but that not the worst part, after the war nobody had time or money to care for animation so Disney bankrupted soon after few years. No more Disney, so Japan continue their traditional art and don’t care much about animation entertainment, you weeab my guess it now……. there is no anime.

So to save the world, I’m now writing everything I remember about our world on Althistory.net from history to pop culture, hopefully someone takes the idea and do something, anything will work.

“Tuan the food is ready, dinner son.”

“Dad, I’m busy. I’m trying to save the world.”
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Not bad, reminds me to think about the moon landing TTL (if and by who it will happen). There will be some form of Anime/ Manga (even if named different TTL), but sadly surely no Star Wars, no Godzilla and such TTL, not to mention other changes in culture, art and entertainment.
Yeah, the modern idea of manga, anime is dead in ttl. I know that there still be some Japan’s comic manga and anime but they will stuck in traditional art that am not the fan of.
Clearly they will evolve too in a way, but true they will be much more traditionally drawn, even some of the stories might be more traditional for the first decades. Like this one from 1943:

Not to mention much will be C-PS Propaganda (even those not black/white later);

So some similar to this and later more similar to realistic images/ modern anime/ manga might come up later on: