The Burning Cauldron: The Neo Assyrian Empire Defended

The Scythian horde of 4132 (619 BCE)

In the finals years of Ashurbanipal (668-627 BCE/4083-4124 AY), the Assyrian empire had despite reaching a pinnacle of power in many regions, defeating many rebellions and crushing Elam, had to face an ever present northern foe. traditionally, the foe to the north of Assyria, was Urartu/Biainili, around Lake Van, however after the defeat of Rusas I, Urartu ceased to be a critical threat for the Assyrian heartland. Yet, in the waning years of Ashurbanipal, the continued threat from the north, present itself in more imposing features, of a Scythian host with aligned Cimmerian hordes. From what we gather, Ashurbanipal, in advanced age, attempts with the Assyrian army to subdue to Scythians and is defeated by this Scythian warhost at some point in 632-631 BCE (4119-4120 AY), which leads to a period of two year raiding and pillaging of Assyria, Syria and northern Babylonia by the Scythian host. According to Babylonian sources, the Assyrian army hid within the strong walls of Ninevah, Babylon and Assur, while Kalhu, Musasir, and other cites fell and were sacked by this host. The decimation of Assyria, is unprecedented in Assyrian history and by 4132, the Assyrian policy and mindset is one of aversion and utter distaste for the steppe hordes, especially the Scythians and their associated Cimmerian magnates. This distaste would make for odd bedfellows between Assyria and previously hated foes.

The Scythian warhost, commanded by a 'king' named Ashkwarpa, a powerful warrior of renown among the hordes to the north and a rapidly feared name in the lands of Urartu and Syria. Under him, exists a current dominion over the region of Pontus, the entirety of Anatolia east of the Halys, control over Tabal, Quwe and rulership over the lands north of Mananaea (ruled by Media). This host, also has a powerful hold on all of the lands of Urartu aside from the eastern populated edge of Lake Nairi (Van), the Scythian zones of raiding also extend deep into Syria, toward Hamath but do not exceed Hamath and do not currently reach Ninevah, Sarbinu, Dur-Sharrukin or Musasir, due to the renewed peace of Assyria and Media.

As an entity however, this Scythian host cannot be assumed to be entirely Scythian in the ethnic sense, but a conglomerate. Within the Scythian host, exists most prominently, the Scythian peoples, and Iranic people form the Pontic steppe, who were derived form some of the earliest horse breeders in Eurasia. Arriving in the 660s BCE, their influence int he region has been disastrous, empowering other rebellious Anatolian, Cimmerian and Caucasian peoples int eh region, their existence has been perhaps the most damaging to the order of Ashrubanipal of any other polity. As mentioned earlier, the Cimmerian peoples having existed in the region since the year 715 BCE, are greatest non Scythian element within the host, and compose an effective barrier of against the Lydians. Of ambiguous ethnicity, the Cimmerians are generally considered an Iranic or Thracian grouping, which is possibly a composite of the two groups in an conglomerate horde occupying the ancient land of Pala, Hatti and the Tabal ranges. In the period of Sargon II (722-705 BCE/4029-4046 AY), the Cimmerians conquered Phyrgia, slaying the mythic king Midas and pillaging across Anatolia; their pillaging drew the attention of Assyria, who subdued the Cimmero-Thracian horde in the Tabal region but in with only a pyrrhic victory, as Sargon II was killed in the campaign and Assyria was forced to fall back before the Cimmerians could be fully exterminated. Since this failure, successive Assyrian rulers have only blocked the floodgates with temporary measures, unable or unwilling to launch the decisive counter. Much of this inability was due to the lack of willing partners in the region, generally other powers north of Assyria, were too weak to bring these hordes to task, even with Assyrian assistance. In the middle 7th century however, the rise of the Lydian kingdom from Sardis changed situations in the region and Lydia had defeated a Cimmerian host (possibly aligned to the Scythian host which was residing in Pontus) in 632 BCE along the river Halys. Cimmerian particupation thus, may be seen as the lesser within the current warhost of Ashkwarpa, as opposed to the 8th century power that the Cimmerians presented. Also present within the Scythian warhost, was many tributaries of the former Assyrian, Urartian, Median and Lydian kingdoms, who conquered and pillaged, exist in a haphazard state of tribute bearing and submission to the Scythians and the Cimmerians. This trend of former territories of nearby sedentary peoples as composed within this warhost's dominion, is in parallel with the trends following the Bronze Age collapse. That being, a large movement towards decentralization and ruling by 'predatory' warhosts who destroying nearby powerful states, construct a series of subjugated states (an example of this in the Bronze Age Collapse, was the Kaska host, which was defeated by the Assyrians near Carchemish).

The situation north of Assyria is not too different from this state of existence as was seen in 1000 BCE, the beginning fall of Urartu, declined Assyrian presence and the weakened Phrygo-Lydian power, has made the land lawless and ruled only by migratory hosts and local warlords, formerly loyal to Urartu or Assyria. In otl, Media, Lydia and Babylon would tame this region and Cyrus the Great would be the final blow to the world of the post Bronze Age in the areas of the former Hittite, Mitanni and Urartian lands.

In 4132 AY (619 BCE), the situation though is different than otl, the Assyrian empire is more or less prepared for war and with Media and Lydia all holding deep grudges, in the coming years, Ashkwarpa will face a difficult position. To remedy this, Ashkwarpa, bending to the needs of his horde to acquire loot, have launched the final invasion upon Urartu. Prior to this, the Scythians the past 10 years, have thoroughly dominated the Urartian holdings aside form the lands of the eastern sectors of the kingdom. The fortress city of Arzasku on the northern sector of Lake Van, blocks the Scythian host in their journey to the heartland of Urartu. Rusas III in 4131, gathered an army with his utmost ability, to reach Arzasku and defeat the Scythians before they take the city that holds the keys to the fertile lands of his realm. Should Urartu defeat the horde of Ashkwarpa, Rusas III woudl be in position to retake most of his realm with the help of Media and possibly Assyria.

With the goal set forth, Rusas III with an army of 12,000 warriors march northward to Arzasku to meet the inevitable movement of the enemy host. On the other end, the Scytho-Cimmerian host pillage and raid the land, slowly making its way north. The underpopulated west of lake Van, was traditionally left unharmed by Assyrian armies, as the land is extremely poor and the population made up of poor villages, migrants and fisherman from the fertile eastern edge of Lake Van. In previous days, the population of the region would have long fled into the mountains (the rural folk) due to the Urartian mountain fire signals and alarms which would give forewarning of coming invasions. However, in 4130, much of the needed infrastructure for this, had been snuffed out by the Scythian strikes and the flight of Urartian garrisons after the fall of Argineshtele and in 4131 with the fall of Nihiriani. Thus, the western edge of the lake, is left without fair warning; yet on the eastern edge, notified of the presence of the Scythian host, many of the rural folk, have fled into the mountains and hills in the south, many even fleeing toward Media or Assyria. In the months leading up to the battle, thousands of migrants fill the Assyrian region of Sarbinu and Musasir as the impending conflict ensues.

The Conflict of Arzasku

Rusas III arriving near Arzasku, had been able to rapidly outpace the Scythian warhost in his travel; knowledge of the countryside was always the greatest skill of Urartu and their hill forts and protected villages and militia, slowed Scythian movement by high degrees. Further, the geography was on the side of Rusas III, who possessed rudimentary roads from Tushpa to Arzasku for at least a part of the transit. Angered by the speed of his foe's speed, Askwarpa however proved a most eloquent general and did not make his pace faster, not wishing to hurry a battle that was not necessary at the moment. Urartu was the one who was lacking, as they could not loot their own lands and much of their population on the eastern banks had already begun evacuating. Rather, Ashkwarpa seeking to find a beenficial spot for a pitched battle falls back and hugs the lowlands surrounding the lake, while detachments of soldiery skirmish the Urartians across the field.

Much of these skirmishes are centered around the Urartians attempting to push the enemy toward the mountains and out of the lowlands and also recapture of forts and village palisades. While Scythian maneuvers focused upon cutting communication lines, supply and capturing enemy warriors. The battle between the cavalry of the opposing forces in these skirmishes also present an interesting study, as Urartian javelin cavalry patrolled and protected supply lines, while light bow wielding Scythians and Cimmerians met these forces in fearsome cavalry bouts. Likewise, Cimmerian javelin throwers played important roles in the early stages of the war for Arzasku, light, fast and hard hitting and reminiscent of the Thracian warriors in Europe, they moved with a purpose and proficiency that often exceeded the rapidly raised Urartian infantry, who were in effect, recently raised conscripts. The power of Urartu was its royal guard and its heavy cavalry (lancers and javelin throwers in the Assyrian method [Assyria though did not utilize javelin throwing cavalry and instead used horse archers]) who defended communication lines and prepared for the ultimate confrontation. In late 4132, Rusas III feeling the heat of the campaign and wishing to return to Tushpa after word had reached him from scouts on his eastern border, warning of Median encroachment and interference, decided to engage the enemy host in a pitched battle.

The battle of the Biai shores

Rusas III arrived 2 days after making his decision before Ashkwarpa who had fled to areas near the lake shore, some 15 km from Arzasku. Here, Rusas III seeking total victory and not wishing to underestimate his foe, orders an attack of his elite cavalry, while his infantry take the rear and fan out toward the north to stop a retreat. In the charge, the Urartian charges headlong into the Scythian army, who prior to the confrontation pepper their enemy with arrows and sway back and forth, before ramming headlong into the enemy. Meanwhile Cimmerain infantry and cavalry strike the flank and attack the Urartian infantry behind the front lines. In a short chaos of arrows, shouts and strikes, a Scythian horseman pulls through the enemy line with the head of the Urartian commander and the Scythian horseman push the Urartian host backwards. Meanwhile, the Cimmerian attack decimates the Urartian infantry in the rear and forces a rout of the Urartian army. In the mayhem, the Scythian army searches the battlefield for Rusas III, who had escaped by jumping into the lake and swimming to a nearby safe zone near Arzasku, is then ferried by fisherman to Aniastania where on a horse and with his close compatriots, flees southward toward Musasir in Assyria.

Next update, we will recover from where we are at currently.
Fixed a few of the spelling errors. I'll get to you on my thoughts regarding the update in a second.
The Scytho-Biai war pt.2
(late) 4132-4133 (619-618 BCE)

The defeat at the shore of Biai was a disaster for Rusas III, all previous setbacks could be termed minor in comparison to this. His army defeated, routed and his person now in fleeing southward from Aniastania with a small number of his personal royal guards who had accompanied him in his flight. Rusas III though a weak king, was not necessarily weak by nature, but by the circumstance of his life and the difficulties associated with Urartu in his time. In a different era, he would be triumphant in Tushpa, a master and regent of Haldi (the patron god of the king of Urartu), but in 4132 (619 BCE), he is a king in tatters and in the process of becoming a refugee.

The flight of Rusas III and the Panic of Tushpa

Rusas III who in mid 4132, heard that in addition to the rapidly impeding conflict between his force and that of Ashkwarpa (the Scythian-Cimmerian warhost) at Arzasku, Media had already began encroaching upon his eastern fortresses and several likely had fell by the point that Rusas received the envoy, realized that if he was to lose at Askwarpa, his entire realm would fall to two enemies. Media under king Cyaxares, had a long enmity with the Scythians and had in 4126 (625 BCE) forced out the Scythian host that had occupied Media and had sought to crush their foes before they could return to Media. With such provision, Cyaxares seeking to limit Scythian gains and also capture lands, plotted an invasion of Urartu in 4131 after the Urartian city of Nihiriani fell to Ashkwarpa and by 4132, had began a secret invasion of the defensive fortifications of Urartu in its eastern sectors and seeking alliances with rebellious strongmen among the Urartu states in its northern and eastern regions. By late 4132, Cyaxares had invaded in earnest the kingdom of Urartu, hoping to reach Tushpa before Ashkwarpa did and preferably before Rusas III could escape or hide, as Cyaxares sought to dethrone him and replace him with a new king as a vassal.

Rusas III chose wisely, though cowardly, that flight from his kingdom was necessary. Defending Tushpa would not be tenable without a large army, which was in tatters after the battle outside Arzasku. Aligning to the Medes was dangerous, in that the Medes did not offer him help and thus their intention was his dethronement and thus death. So, the only option, was to flee to Musasir, the holy city of Haldi and a vassal under the Assyrians. Here, Rusas III would both seek supplication from the high god Haldi, gather supporters from among the Hurro-Urartian populace native to the city and from among those refugees from his kingdom and then march northward to retake his throne. Traditionally, an Urartu king was crowned and invested with authority in the holy city of Musasir, thus holding this city in symbolic manner would allow him to maintain at least some of his legitimacy and for his enemies to truly take his crown, they would need to take Musasir and the chief idol of the city, that of Haldi.

Reaching Tushpa in 4133, Rusas III gathered the royal family, including his heir Sarduri and his close compatriots and fled with a growing stream of refugees southward. Within Tushpa, word reached all within a day of his flight, that the king had fled and was defeated utterly. Wild men from the north and west who had fled the warhost came to bear omens to the city of Tushpa, speaking of the Scythian host as a great and engulfing storm sent by the gods to destroy the city and wipe its inhabitants. Panic ensued within Tushpa and the guards were helpless to the people who in a mad rush stole from food stores, granaries and looted through the night. Thousands would flee after this panic from the city into the countryside and others fled to Musasir to find protection from the god Haldi and by connection, from Assyria.

Rusas three days after the flight from Tushpa, reached the Assyrian border and crossed along paths he knew well, toward Musasir. While in front of him was a glimmer of hope, the chaos of his land in the north, was seeking in the dark for a glimpse of respite. In the madness that began in Tushpa, a local bandit named Zunan from the western end of Biai (lake Van) who had fled to Tushpa in the chaos as a refugee, began to make for himself for making prophetic utterances, speaking of a message gifted unto him from the god Shivini, the god of the sun. His message was one of doom, but also of hope and power. He gained in 4133 followers from among the crowds looting during the panic, pleading with them to stop the maddening rush to loot and flee, that rather, the god Shivini, would defend them as surely as the sun is to rise and the night to pass, so too will Tushpa endure the enemy coming as a raging tempest. Despite his prior life as a shepherd turned bandit, Zunan had a certain eloquence in his voice and a melodious yet loud speech which combined with a deep ambition culminated in this figure of talent calming crowds in Tushpa in 4133.

These followers expanded rapidly as the crowds of people seeking hope for the city, petitioned to form a defense rather than flee from the city. To add, many soldiers from the garrisons, mostly made up of recent conscripts, joined in his growing agitation. Zunan spoke loudly form the temple in market of Tushpa:

"The high king has fled from his throne, he has ran most surely and will not return. Master Haldi has taken his crown, for a king who flees from his land, has thrown his crown to the abyss. Now though, a new era comes, the prior darkening fast and deemed to end with a furious tempest, the kingdom is fallen. Yet, a day borne anew, God Shivini, who carries the light of the sun upon his shoulders, will crown a true king and will shine brightly through the His city of Tushpa and grant to us, the world and deliverance from the enemy." -Kalhu Codex recording of the events of the 'Epic of Tushpa'

In loud cries, the people of Tushpa who had gathered, called for Zunan to proclaim himself king, for as Zunan said, the king has abandoned us, he is gone and we are without a master. Zunan in an act of ambitious pleasure, agreed to the cries and proclaimed that not the people made him king, but the god Shivini, who had gifted him messages of glad tidings had crowned him upon his arrival to the city. Soldiery within the city, often of prior dubious loyalty generally assented to the new leader in the panic ridden city, which Zunan now ordered to be combed and order to be restored. Gathering men and soldiers, he ordered garrisoning the forts near the city and messengers to be sent forth, proclaiming that Shivini had made a new king. Any dissidents among the populace, would be treated harshly and would be executed without a second word.

The Arrival at Musasir

Rusas III, totally unaware of the situation in Tushpa, reached Musasir in early 4133 to great fanfare from the populace and the local nobility which held Urartu in great esteem and were unaware of the reasoning of his arrival in full context (their belief, that Urartu was not necessarily fallen). This belief and fanfare would turn to dismay after word traveled that the king had truly fled his realm and left it in shambles. In a ritual at the great temple of Musasir, Rusas III made his appeals to the god Haldi and received adoration from the priests that ruled the city in quasi scenario along with the local lord of the city and the assigned qepu from Ninevah.

Musasir (Ardini in the Biai language of Urartu) was a unique city in all respects, an ancient city, its name meant 'the exit of the serpent' and within its city, housed approximately 10,000 regular inhabitants, along with the famed cult centre of the god Haldi, the patron deity of the monarch of Urartu and the god of weapons, war and victory (his temple was oft referred to by the Urartians as 'the abode of weapons'). Its populace was overwhelmingly Hurrian/Urartian in language and ethnicity, yet is firmly within the confines of what is Assyria proper and despite its placement. It too, is often considered the second or third most important city for the Biai (Urartian) culture/people (behind Tushpa and arguably Aniastansia). To whom it was ruled by, was always by its local aristocracy and the priesthood of Haldi (the real rulers of the city), however, in its long history, the city was never truly independent after the end of the Bronze Age, and shifted between vassalage under Assyria or direct control by Urartu. Its close proximity to Ninevah, Dur Sharrukin, Sarbinu, etc made it primarily ruled by Assyria as a vassal state, with an appointed qepu administrator. Though, despite this reality, even in times of overt hostility between Assyria and Urartu, the king of Urartu would make annual visits to the city to pray, Assyria would allow these visits and would not pester the local leaders of the city to deny the entry. Much of this, was due to Assyrian respect of the city's holy symbolism to its Hurro-Urartian populace and also the lack of need from Assyria to compete with the lord of Urartu for the privileges of Haldi-in Assyria, Haldi was often seen as an inferior deity to Assur, who assumed many of the cultic roles for Urartu that Assur fulfilled for Assyria.

Upon the conclusion of the fanfare, Sinsharishkun was informed of the arrival of the king and his entourage and received envoys from the Rusas III requesting to be housed in his empire and declaring his submission. Thus, a game of power play would begin between Rusas III and Sinsharishkun; Rusas III though, admitting to vassalage, wished to find as many ways to maintain his dignity and remain in Musasir and not travel to Kalhu or Ninevah (Sinsharishkun is currently in Kalhu, his virtual capital). In opposite, Sinsharishkun wished to do as was tradition and seek from Rusas III the same sort of grovelling that he traditionally received from the Phoenician and Levatine states that were his vassals. Yet, a proposition came, primarily from members of his court, his head eunuch and head scribe advised Sinsharishkun, to follow the method his father Ashurbanipal had pursued in his policy to Egypt, where nominal submission was accepted without humiliating the vassal. Manuiqapu, the cupbearer sending his eunuch advised the emperor to accept from Rusas III a status of vassalage, without high degrees of humiliation and to meet him at the city of Dur Sharrukin and also to travel to Musasir and symbolically humiliate Rusas III by re-crowning the king in a ritual to Haldi. Sinsharishkun, seeing the lesson given by his advisers and remembering the current era name, "Assur provides Restoration", reasoned with himself, that his new goal was the restoring order to Urartu and the creation of a vassal state therein, one with fair relations. To this notion, Sinsharishkun sent his head eunuch Izdubar, to Musasir to bestow the lord of Assyria's glad tidings and invite him to a ceremony between the two monarchs between Dur Sharrukin and Musasir.

Izdubar arriving in the Musasir with the royal seal, was met by Assyrian troops who escorted the eunuch to the palace and temple complex where Rusas III had been housed the past week. Therein, Izdubar gave his orders and relayed unto Rusas the news:

"Greetings and glad tidings to Rusas III son of Argishti II, most honored and favored king of Urartu. From His palace of Kalhu, His humble and meager servant Izdubar-heir of none special, bestows upon you, an invitation. The conference should be near the city of my forefather Sharrukin, a meeting of lords to grant to the universe the affirmation of our kindred relation and also My Master's unlimited mercy to those king's who are filial to the gods. Be pleasured, thine honored Rusas, king of Urartu, in my bountiful land and enjoin with those whom you please with the permission of the Lord of the Universe." -Kalhu Codex, the address of Izdubar to Rusas III

Rusas III upon hearing the fulfillment of the speech, tells in typical fashion, that he will consider and after a short ceremonial period of thought, gave his assent and thanked Sinsharishkun for his hospitality. This was a major boon for both sides, as Rusas III was not required to grovel and thus could maintain the perception that he had some dignity, yet still could garner the protection of Assyria. This in all was most appreciated and wondrous for the local leaders of Musasir, who longed for peace and stability between their master Assyria and their kindred peoples in Urartu.

The Court set upon a Road.

Sinsharishkun as counter-advised by Ipqu-Aya, decided to leave early to meet Rusas III on the road between Dur-Sharrukin and Musasir, reasoning that by meeting the king unexpectedly and placing the meeting there where they meet, would imply that Sinsharishkun is undoubtedly in control of the situation. Thus, when Rusas set forth with a large entourage of his attendants from Tushpa and a delegation from Musasir (and an Assyrian escort, headed by head eunuch Izdubar) was traveling on the road, was flustered when met suddenly by a larger and more stupendous caravan which included Sinsharishkun seated upon his chariot triumphantly. Rusas taken aback by this display, was in no condition to argue and there on the road, Sinsharishkun set a court between the two monarchs. The meeting and court would become famous for its celebration and Sinsharishkun agreeing to reinvest Rusas as king in Tushpa and to destroy their mutual enemies. A qepu from would be given to Urartu and they henceforth would be considered an honored vassal state under Assyria, and Sinsharishkun affirmed the privilege of the Urartu monarch to his annual pilgrimage to Musasir and free travel across northern Assyria without requests from the emperor or other officials of Assyria.

The meeting ended with a feast, whereupon much pageantry, Sinsharishkun, proclaimed himself 'Lord of the Passageways, Friend of the Nairi (Urartu)' and proclaimed for Rusas III, the title 'The Champion of Restoration', with which, Rusas III bowed before Sinsharishkun with his face pressed against the carpets laid down (for his face) and then was helped to his feet by Sinsharishkun, symbolizing the friendship now borne between the two rulers. A joyous cry erupted from the attendants and the court ended with fair relation. Sinsharishkun however, did not travel to Musasir, explaining that such would put too much in favor of Rusas, rather, he marched to Kalhu with orders to begin preparation for war and interference in the conflict ensuing in Urartu. Rusas III would travel back to Musasir, but to horrid news, that a lowly camp follower without rank, has proclaimed himself king of Tushpa, claiming to be crowned by the sun god Shivini. Suddenly the situation is made much more dire.


As the war host of Ashkwapra captured Arzasku and besieged Aniastania, Zunan had gathered a small army from among the garrison and local volunteers and invested these into the many forts and walls surrounding Tushpa and prepared for the conflict. Meanwhile, Cyaxares arrived in the area of Lake Van through one of the eastern gateways and made his announcement. Suddenly, within the area of eastern Lake Van (Biai), there exists two large armies (Medes and the Scytho-Cimmerians) and the other being the defense army calling itself the 'Hands of Shivini' controlling Tushpa and several surrounding forts.

A field sign is seen stationed on a ruined home 20 km east of Tushpa by a Median solider, the illiterate soldier sees the sign and knows it is a proclamation of a military and political control to an area. Hoisting the sign, he takes it to his superior. The sign though indecipherable for him, says in Biai cuneiform:

'Mourning the Loss of a Treasure
A Fair Omen Appears in the East
The God Shivini sets a new Measure (crowns a new king)
Prepare O' Biai for the Impending Feast' (prepare for the new king)

The next update, will cover the ongoing war in Urartu further. Thanks for reading
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The survival of Assyria will certainly be a massive deal. I've always thought of its collapse as a sort of milestone in the ancient world. A sort of transition between a culture so alien and the somehow slightly more familiar Persians and the rest. I wonder how it will effect Judea. King Josiah died apposing the advance of Pharaoh Necho upon Assyria. He was a massively important religious reformer and restorer and if Pharaoh Necho never moves (which he may not now his ally has been knocked out) it could massively effect Judea's prospects.

Will be watching carefully.

1. The reign of Necho II will certainly be covered and I have plans for this. However, that is firmly in the future. The year is 618 BCE and Psamtik I will be pharaoh of Egypt until 610 BCE, after which Necho II ascends to the throne more or less as otl. His life will be much altered by the continued Assyrian hegemony in the south.

2. While it may be somewhat alien, it should be noted that much of what made the Achaemenid empire function efficiently, was items that they took from Assyria. It was Assyria that set the basis for satrapies, albeit a more bureaucratic and strong armed (might I say, more similar to Chinese conception) than the Persian model. Assyria ruled a complex plethora of multicultural vassals, free cities, noble estates, tributaries and lands directly ruled as provinces by the reign of Sinsharishkun. This realm exemplified the extreme levels of diversity and intermingling that occurred in the Bronze Age and post Bronze Age eras.
The Scytho-Biai war pt.3/Psamtik I
4133 (618 BCE)

The Call of Akulabash

With vassalage of Rusas III formalized by the Court on the road made in 4133, Sinsharishkun, is nearing a second fated invasion of his. However, much consideration to the campaign must be taken; to this end, Sinsharishkun meets many of his court at his current residence of Kalhu. As the emperor views the situation, his current military situation is that 40,000 soldiers are raised across the empire, with the ability to rapidly raise in excess of 75,000 if needed. The invasion of Urartu, requires in total far less than this number, which is distributed across the wider empire; 27,000 of this 40,000 is currently at arms in Assyria and on ready notice and 4,000 are in arms under Akulabash who is currently in the city of Damascus overseeing the situation in the Levant. Additionally, if necessary, more troops can be raised through the noble houses and their levies, which could account for 30-40k soldiers, though using their levies is best reserved for only the most dire situations, such as an invasion of Assyria (in otl, part of why Assyria could repel the Medo-Babylonian coalition so effectively, is that it pushed into this noble levies and thus had suddenly a large army to oppose the enemy). As well, a large number of warriors could be gathered from its vassals, excluding Egypt.

To this end, the 27,000 soldiers rallied in Assyria currently, veterans of the war in Babylonia, would be led directly by Sinsharishkun and his top bureaucrats (head eunuch, cupbearer and chamberlain [in Assyira, the high bureaucracy, always participated in wars]), with an additional number of 2,300 from Musasir, and Rusas III would ride into battle with the Urartu standard along with his 20 bodyguards on horseback and his bureaucrats and attendants following with the baggage trains behind. The objective was set by Sinsharishkun and his court as follows (without any input from Rusas III):

1. Destroy the Scythian threat to the Assyrian heartland and to its Syrian holdings.
2. Restore Rusas III as a subjugated vassal to be used against Media and the Scythian warhost.
3. Stop Median expansionism in the north and following this engagement, use the new Urartian vassal as a way to retake Mannaea and then Media proper.
4. Stop Lydian expansion without gaining them as an enemy.

The objectives sought, required a large scale war and one that would include two fronts at different levels of intensity. To this gain, Sinsharishkun appointed Ipqu-Aya, head chamberlain to govern Assyria in his absence (chosen due to his fanatical loyalty to the monarch and slight dislike of the nobility, thus little chance of his support of a noble rebellion in Assyria) and sent word to Akulabash. Akulabash was called by Sinsharishkun to gather forces from among the vassals in the Levant, especially from Damascus, the Phoenician vassals, Carchemish and Hamath and then enter Quwe and Tabal and attack any Cimmerian holdings and establish Assyrian suzerainty in the area. In addition, orders specified that Akulabash to avoid any confrontation with Lydia and if a Lydian army is near, to retreat; as well, he was to not pursue the Scythians-Cimmerians into Lydia or too far north and stay within the limits of the Taurus mountain ranges. Due to the majority of Ashkwarpa's warhost having its presence within Urartu, the numbers of soldiers that Akulabash needs, is minimal and too large a force, would be cumbersome.

Akulabash receiving said order, gathered his troops, which consisted primarily of cavalry and marched north gathering an assortment of soldiers on his trip. By the time that he reaches Haran, his army should be complete, with a hopeful goal of reaching approximately 8,000 soldiers. Scouts sent forth by Akulabash are relayed to Carchemish, Haran, Aleppo and the Phoenician cities, to send detachments at their meeting place first at Hamath, after which, the army will travel to Quwe and Tabal and attack the enemy. Quwe, formerly an area heavily influenced by the Phoenician cites, its capture allured the cities of Phoenicia, who readily agreed to the contribution. Harran likewise was willing to gift support to the war effort, due to the danger wrought by the nomads from the north. However, the cities of Hamath and Carchemish presented some level of resistance, but for differing reasons. Carchemish in the contrast, had began to resent Akulabash for the creation of the Southern Protectorate, which in the opinion of the locals of Carchemish, would disturb the trading balance whereby Carchemish gained much through the free movement of Arabs from Qedar. Hamath on the otherhand, had always been a heartland of rebellion if forced into any sort of work outside of its immediate area; Hamath also ruled by Aramaic speaking peoples and allied to varied tribesman, saw the Scythians as a net positive to harming its competitor Harran, a more Assyro-Babylonian colony. Hamath and Carchemish also however, had no formal alliance to each other and their contrasting cultures (Carchemish, still a Neo-Hittite/Indo-European city) dictated that little in the way of rebellion was imminent, yet their resistance could pose issues in Akulabash reaching his army goals in terms of supply and soldiers.

Psamtik I and the Reaction from Egypt

Seated upon the throne of Egypt, Pharaoh Psamtik I, the successor of Necho I was a renowned figure in Egypt and seen universally in his land as a savior. Though Egypt remained a vassal technically of Assyria, Psamtik I had defied the initial Assyrian vassalage plan, wherein Egypt was ruled by 26 princes, with Necho I as simply the chief of these. Rather, Psamtik had waged a low intensity war of arms and diplomacy and subdued the other 26 princes and placed upon himself the rulership in totality of Egypt, a true pharaoh of the new 26th dynasty (it should be recognized that Necho I was designated and conferred the title of Pharaoh by the Assyrian monarch, thus the 26th dynasty is a creation of Assyria). Psamtik spent most of his regime restoring Egyptian honor and rebuffing the Nubian 25th dynasty to the south, which would collapse near the end of his regime. Psamtik, also took a neutral stance to Assyria, neither submitting totally, yet not brazen enough to rebel; nor should he considering the benefits Assyria brought to Egypt through its hegemony over the Levant.

Despite this, Psamtik, in 4133 (618 BCE), looks upon recent developments with mixed feelings. Support for the Assyrian empire in Levant is one thing, but support for Assyria against the Nabtu is a separate and delicate matter for Psamtik and Egyptian policy. The Nabtu represent a sort of black market and under the table trade that moves outside of the Assyrian view and its existence was often highly regarded by the Assyrian vassals who were less inclined to the Assyrian political dominance, such as Egypt, Hamath, the Philistines, the Chaldaens within Babylonia and the Qedar. How Egypt will deal with this new Southern protectorate would become much of the new fuss within the court of Egypt; how may Egypt relate itself further to new reforms within Assyria? Psamtik's view unsurprisingly, would be to maintain a conservative tone in relation to Assyria, yet with the addition of the southern protectorate, issues were changing and Psamtik pondered along with his court on the best way to deal with the implications upon them.

Despite this new development, Psamtik I experienced a recovery in Egypt from misfortunes of the past 40 years, wherein Egypt was becoming more and more connected commercially to Greece and Europe in a way unheard of since the Bronze Age. Greek traders arrived within the Nile, with an enthusiasm and willingness to venture forth into the world. This includes the addition of potential Greek mercenary and the increased connections with Europe would be something that Psamtik I would be decisive upon and movements toward finding ways to increase this commercial relation came to be a new policy by the year 4130 for Psamtik and this preoccupation with economic goals would differentiate Egypt from Assyria in this period (in difference with otl, Egypt is under a more stable middle east comparatively).

The Hooves of Thunder

Cyaxares and his army had entered the vicinity of Lake Van very recently, 30,000 strong, his army was the best of Media and was intended to be the capstone for further conquests in the north. Made up of a subject peoples and his Median warriors, the army was composed of Mannaean, Elamite, Persian, Kassite and Median light infantry (the entire force of Median infantry were light to medium armor, Median infantry was almost entirely archers) and then a large assortment of Median cavalry, both lancers and horse archers, with the lancers furnished with healthy armor and light melee cavalry and horse archers possessing little to no armor. Much of the Mannaean troop had been coerced into service and much of Mannaean sentiment was opposed to this eastern invader of Media. During his traverse through eastern Urartu, Cyaxares had subjugated each enemy guard-post, which had typically let out the fire signals, informing the kingdom of the invasion. In normal situations, the guard stations woudl be filled with warriors and Urartu would generally decimate such a heavy cavalry oriented army in the eastern fringes, but due to the decimation of war, rebellion and strife, the defenders generally fled or surrendered. Cyaxares, a ruler wishing to exhibit his benevolence, nurtured an image of a loving and merciful king and along his travel, would pardon surrendering enemy warriors. Despite this image, Cyaxares would allow his men to raid the empty villages who had been largely abandoned after the signal fires were lit.

When in late 4133 a Median soldier brought to the camp (the Medians are encamped on the extremes of the Lake Van valley, that is, where the hill country ends and the fertile lands surrounding the lake become the norm, fertile soils, farmlands and numerous villages dot the landscape) a field sign with inscriptions with Urartian words etched, Cyaxares became enraged. Several of his Urartian informants were brought into his vicinity, cowardly defectors from their king Rusas III, who had informed Cyaxares that Rusas III was still alive and had fled to Assyria and that Tushpa would be his to take. Cyaxares was now the one informing them, that Tushpa according to this field sign, had a new king, a certain "Zunan, Anointed one of Shivini, King of Biai". In astonishment, the informants fall on their knees seeking forgiveness and beseeching mercy, that they had 'never heard of a prince Zunan and neither was there a noble or general named Zunan in their times within Tushpa'. Despite their cries of mercy, Cyaxares suspecting one of two possibilities, either he possessed truly incompetent informants and defectors, who not only dull in their intellect, were treacherous. The other option, worse, that these informants were none put spies for this new king of Tushpa who was drawing his army into a trap of some kind. Regardless of the two options, they may pay with their blood and Cyaxares ordered the execution of the entire group of informants.

Seeking to gather information was difficult as 4134 (617 BCE) set in, much of the region had fled from either the Scythians or the Medes and unknowingly, a large population of remnants had moved toward the vicinity of Tushpa. Cyaxares expecting a trap however, saw none.

Yet in the first month of 4134, his soldiers reported garrisons of enemies and patrols of non Scythian origin to the west and south. To make matters worse, informants from Assyria reported to Cyaxares, that Assyria had set forth, with a strong army and within said army, was Rusas III. Taken aback, Cyaxares realized that his informants from Urartu may have been honest after all; could a rebellion outside of the nobility or the military have taken Tushpa after Rusas had famously fled? The situation in that case was much different, a peasant army or bandits within Tushpa, who deemed themselves kings. Regardless, of this information, Cyaxares marched his army toward Tushpa.

The Throne of The Sun God

The apocalyptic movement within Tushpa borne through the panic of 4133, had been manipulated by Zunan to create an organized state. Garrisons defecting and bandits arriving to join the new state, found themselves in an interesting state. Zunan, previously a lowly bandit from the western shores of Lake Van, had become a powerful leader, with a genius oratory skill, a melodious lyrical skill and a hunger for power. Panic had driven himself and the people to rapidly reinforce the area of Tushpa and send outward scouts and distribute information into the countryside. In late 4133, his guardsmen had fought off several Cimmerian contingents who attacked the vicinity of Tushpa, slaying their captains, the city of Tushpa, formerly taken by panic, were emboldened and gripped with devotion to Shivini, one of the patron gods of the city, the sun god. Despite the high morale, the city of Tushpa and its defenders coudl pose only minor resistance to the enemies on the outside and were only safe within their walls for now. As a rule, Zunan, realized that the great salvation of his would be both a Scythian or Median victory over the Assyrians and the death of Rusas III. His army and people could outlast the Medes and Scythians at the city of Tushpa if given the chance and if they were bold enough, however, the Assyrian siege ability and the appearance of Rusas III, would present an immense danger.

Several Median soldiers had captured the fortress known as 'the Watchful Sword of Haldi', before capturing and moving forward, were assailed by an ambush that routed the Median detachment. This loss for Media however put the forces of Zunan at edge, though through constant rituals, oratory speeches and grandiose comments, the garrisons pressed on. Bandits within the force swelled, criminals fleeing the law joined the army in large numbers. The influence of the Median army had destroyed the niche of several bandit cadres who had made great loot from the extortion of refugees, but the arrival of the Medes saw this opportunity wane and they placed their luck in the hands of Tushpa. Such a diverse army of Tushpa was thus developing, one of high morale, yet extremely low cohesion and discipline. The garrisons were primarily recently conscripted men, who possessed little experience outside of the walls of a fort, bandits who were accustomed to raids and small skirmishes, yet would flee at the first change of momentum and the general volunteer forces armed with whatever could be found. Though, in the fourth month of 4134, much of the new Median and Scytho-Cimmerian attacks ceased.

To the north, the host of Ashkwarpa had finally become fat on the spoils of war in Urartu, planning to return to Pontus with their loot, their escape was interrupted by the arrival of the Median army which by the early month of 4134, had engaged in skirmishes with the warhost. A first major strike was a division of several hundred Median lancers and horse archers captured over a thousand Cimmerian infantry and cavalry men, who were too busy looting a village to respond rapidly against the approaching force. Median infantry and horsemen had also gained more success against the Tushpan defenders than earlier Cimmerian attempts. Further, though the attained goal of loot and glory had been garnered against Urartu, Ashkwarpa could not be idle as Media attacked his soldiers.

Thus, in the fourth month of 4134, two armies neared each other and encamped 20 km southeast of Aniastania (devastated by the war host and much of its population fled southward or taken into slavery by the Cimmerians) and began exchanging between themselves letters and captives.

Cyaxares relaying to Ashkwarpa his letter (not in paper of course)

"Greetings to you, the master of donkey and swine, how dost the rubble of Aniastania bid thee? March north and leave this place, your armies quake in fear at the sight of Thundering Hooves of the Arya and become prey to my many arms. Your army approaches near, have you forgotten to whom you march? Thunderous streaks fill the sky at your transgression, to hold yourself in an esteem worthy of engagement with Me. If you seek peace, as you should, traverse to the north and do not return, lest I call you to treat with Me. Ask your warriors of our might, they know well the valor of the men of Arya and the courage of our horses. Step across the boundary and be crushed, scattered through the field in a bloody mess or flee and save for yourself your life and your men." - Kalhu Codex, the message of Cyaxares to Ashkwarpa

In reply, Ashkwarpa instructing his Lydo-Anatolian attendants to bestow upon his enemy a reply:

"We, the noble host, have not forgotten upon whom we march, rather we have heard little of you and your 'camp followers'. From you, we seek no peace except your heads and glory... You have touched one of us and thus we seek a bloody confrontation. Remember, you are but prey to us, tremble for we approach with bow to strike the heads of the most powerful prey, and have wandered from afar as conquerors of worlds... You may seek peace when you hear our triumphant composition, yet we unlike you, are not cowards filled with mercy toward foes (implying that Cyaxares is a coward for inquiring for peace)."

-Kalhu Codex and its colorful retelling of events of the eras.

This is it for the update, we will recover from this point with the next update, which will cover the next stage of the war over Biai (Urartu).
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The ancestors of Arameans(Assyrians) and the Armenians(Urartians) clash in the next part??! Interesting.

The Assyrians of 617 BCE, are Akkadian speakers and have only minor relation to the Aramaens. Though, Aramaic is perhaps the second most spoken language within the Assyrian Empire. Aramaic speakers, a tribal assortment from Syria migrated to various areas during the period wherein the Bronze Age ended. Their strongholds include Hamath, Damascus, and much of southern Syria. Then, during the Neo-Assyrian Empire, starting in the 890s, Aramaic speakers were deported across Assyria as subjugated peoples. These Aramaic speakers existed as a sort of plurality within Assyria proper and by 720 BCE, most Assyrians in Assyria proper speak both Akkadian (Assyrian dialect) and Aramaic. Though, this situation is different in other parts of Assyria, such as in Musasir/Ardini and some villages in northern Assyria, where the majority speak a Hurro-Urartian tongue and in cities like Nizu, where a plurality speak Hurro-Urartian. Within Babylonia, the situation is that Akkadian is the primary language in cities such as Babylon, Borsippa, Nippur, Uruk, Kish, Eridu, etc, whilst the rurual passageways were either a Chaldaen (Aramaic speakers) majority or a plurality. Within Babylonia, was also Arab bedouin and Elamite populations intermingled in the region of Gambulu and Sumer. We suspect that by this period, if native Sumerian speakers remain, it is a minority in every region and sector. Sumerian is currently, used only for religious purposes.

I would shy away from making the connection between Urartu/Biai and Armenia. Biai was a Hurrian speaking polity, who was close in relation to the Mitanni and the Bronze Age Hurrians of modern Assyria, Lake Biai (Van) and northern Syria. My opinion is, that just as Mitanni ruled over a section of Indo-European speakers (related to the Hittites, Luwians, Arzawans, etc....), that after the year 800 BCE, Urartu ruled over a large assortment of Indo-European peoples who had migrated into the region or existed there in prior eras in a similar movement pattern as the Hittites and associated peoples. This Indo-European element, intermingled heavily with the more southern oriented Hurro-Urartians. However, after the fall of Urartu, the Achaemenids refer to a part of the former kingdom of Urartu, as Armenia. Though, Achaemenid era usages of language in the region, continue to be the Hurrian tongue of Tushpa. The lines between this Hurrian and Armenian civilization blurred during the Achaemenid empire until by the Orontonid and the Arsacid periods, Urartu is one and the same with Armenia and the peoples have become a single grouping. This is not much different from what occurred in many places in the Ancient Mid East, for examples:

-Hittites and the Hattians
-Persians and the Elamites
-The Hurrians in Nizu (formerly Semitic Akkadians)
-The Medians and Persians to the Kassites and Mannaeans in the upper Zagros
-The Aramaens to the remnant Assyrian region after 611 BCE
The Scyhto-Biai war pt.4
An Inevitable Storm

Drawing nearer to a pitched battle, the armies of Cyaxares and Ashkwarpa ready themselves after the exchange of letters, for a battle in the field. A victory for either entails massive repercussions upon the lives of the two men. Ashkwarpa seeking for himself revenge for attacks upon his army, improving his legitimacy in the horde and personally a longing to defeat a foe. For Cyaxares and the Medes, a victory of the Scythians would bring a moral victory to the burgeoning empire and as is known from the Median army composition, would bring with a victory, an attempted Median conquest of the entire lands north of Assyria. With this reality in mind, the Median army was a wonder to behold in 4134, certainly one of the greatest forces assembled in the recent years. Exceeding 30,000 warriors, it was the pride of the Medes; composed of a diverse fabric of warriors, its intention and stance gave evidence to its venture for conquest. The army of the Medes was composed of the following sectors:

1. Median horsemen: This was a large section and the most talented of the army, primarily nobles and their attendants from Media proper, they were well accustomed to battles with Scythians and other noamidc forces riding horses. As an origin, the Median cavalry likewise held this in their past 100 years ago, though settled and moderately sedentary, the Median nobility continue to maintain the customs in war that allowed their transit across vast distances. Median cavalry likewise, march into war with a combination of bow, sword, shield and some carry lances. The armor varies, some with no armor, to an elite few, donning heavy armor like that found among Assyrian lancers.

2. Median infantry: A smaller segment of the total army is made up of Median and other northern Iranic sedentary infantry. These are lightly armored with bows similar to the re-curve bow used by the Scythians. This section of the Median peoples assembled, represent the lowest echelons of the Median people in terms of rank. However, despite this rank, their skill is honed. Archers of great renown, the Median archers are perfected to the skill and task of disposal of horse archers who become complacent in their movement.

3. Elamite infantry: The most loyal non-Median sector of the army, composed of the sedentary people of Elam, these were levied through the region of Susana by Cyaxares and compose a powerful segment. Armed as the most heavy infantry among the Median army, the Elamites, are the most Assyrian in their composition, with medium and heavy army, long pikes and a higher degree of discipline. Their iron discipline however, is made dull by their Median master's poor usage and the Median disdain for their usage of bows and javelin; preferring to use their Elamite subjects in the form of shock infantry.

4. Other non-Medes: This is composed of the non-Medians who are not Elamite, this would include contingents from Persia, presenting themselves as light cavalry and light shock infantry. Mountain tribal warriors from Mazandran, levied through tribute to serve Media, these warriors wear wool coverings and boots and their weapon of choice being a small javelin and a medium length mace. Kassite and Mannaean warriors, wearing medium armor, spears, swords and bows, these sedentary mountain folk have affinity for both Urartu and for Assyria and resent their Median masters. Horsemen from Parthia, levied in a similar fashion to Mazandrani mountaineers, these horsemen wear no armor and use the bow and mace in a fashion likened to the Scythians or the Medes 150 years prior. Aramaen mercenary, arriving from the west, mercenaries from Gambulu were hired to join the campaign in 4131, these warriors exist as a light to medium infantry composition, with skills as archers/slingers and as shock infantry.

Each segment may be counted as follows: 1: 9,000, 2: 6,000, 3: 4,000, 4: 12,000 {Persians: 3,000,, Mazandrani: 1,200,,, Parthians: 800,,, Gambulu: 4,000,,, Kassites/Mannaeans: 3,000}

In contrast to this, the Scythian-Cimmerian warhost is composed of 16,000 warriors, who almost entirely are cavalry, yet with 4,000 or so Cimmero-Anatolian infantry who are infantry only due to existing circumstances, such as killed horses or giving their horse to a rider of higher ranking. Their strength existed not in their numbers or force of arms, as did the Median force, but in their commonality and speed on the battlefield. In the engagement 2 years prior, with Rusas III, the Scythian host defeated the enemy by a victory on the front with the cavalry and so too, the war host wishes to do the same against the Medes.

Two days had passed since the last messages had be relayed between the two army leaders and in detachments from both armies had been scouting one another and with this, obvious skirmishes. Though, saving themselves for the inevitable battle, skirmishes were discouraged by the Medes, while Scytho-Cimmerian warriors consistently sought to cause these small battles. The Scythian force, more well tuned to individual combat and more skilled generally in light combat than to the detachments sent by the Medes, gained form these engagements.

The Day of Reckoning

On the third day following the fateful envoys, the two armies began to march from their camps. In one camp on the north, the Scythians danced, partied and rejoiced in their god Tabiti, goddess of the flames and fire. Their joyous march though, was not without skill and cunning. Scyhtian skirmishes held a purpose, particularly in swaying the enemy to their side, especially the 800 Parthian warriors. Scythian horsemen were through these Parthian warriors, able to gain much intel upon the Median army and through the quiet defection of these Parthians, found weak points in the Median army, that otherwise would have been unknown. Namely, the Kassite-Mannaean section had become more and more rebellious as the fateful battle approached. By the time of the battle and the forceful march from the camp, Cyaxares had become livid when word reached him that a captain by the name of Kadash-Mazinu had led 3,400 soldiers from the Kassites-Mannaeans and around 900 Gambulu mercenary southwest, attempting to escape and defect from the Median army. This deep divide and defection, was caused principally by the Scythian efforts to sow dissent within the Median army and the general despair exhibited by some of the foreign forces in their prospect of gaining victory against the Scythians.

Cyaxares, realizing their trajectory, sent 750 light Median cavalry to pursue them and watch their movements. Should they turn, the horsemen are to move and inform the main Median army, which should be in battle with the Scythians within hours.

As both armies approached a large cleared land with rocks on the eastern section of the battle and more open steppe to the north and west; southward became a more hilly countryside before flattening once more into the farmlands of Tushpa. The meeting of the two armies saw a long exchange of archery fire from the Medes and the Cimmerian archers, with neither gaining any clear advantage. Scytho-Cimmerian forces, full of pomp and swagger taunted and made loud shouts and cries during this long exchange of archery expertise. Witnesses championed the valor of both sides, with Cimmerian men pulling their existing garments and moving ever closer to let loose a shot, whilst the Median diverse mixture of archers attempted to maintain composure. Median infantry and Gambulu archers especially showed their disdain for this by doing similar forward moves and firing their bow as the Cimmerians had done, while the Elamite archers maintained a loose formation and shot from a distance, dealing more effective strikes.

As the display of archery prowess progressed, the Median contingent, owing to superior numbers and the skill of its Elamite and Median contingents, gained a clear advantage as the Cimmerian archers and infantry began to step back, harried by the enemy arrows. The Scythian horde unwilling to give arrows they held on horseback to a losing archer contingent, began to move slowly with their horses and push over cowardly declining Cimmerian and Anatolian archers. In accordance with the victorious archery display, Cyaxares signaled his Elamite infantry to move ahead and for his archers to fallback. As the Elamite infantry marched forward, initially slowly, as if a sudden bolt of lighting from the gods shot through the clouds, the Scythian host shot into action, shooting itself west to flank the enemy army, with bows drawn and arrows almost immediately firing in rapid sequence. Anatolian and Cimmerian infantry caught in place were trampled by the sudden bolt and some even struck by blows from their comrades and the Scythian host yelled into an attack of epic proportions.

The intention of the Scythians was twofold, one to move the enemy away from the eastern hills and into the more open western fields and two, to with a single rapid move, to break the will of the enemy infantry.

"Sounds of hooves and warriors shook the ground, the barbarian struck with the fury of Elill. Shrieks from those of the weak heart, the warriors of the Medes held their swords tightly in anticipation, to them was a host gripped of in the emotion terror." -Kalhu Codex

Viewing the Scythian movement, the Median army had no time to fear, as shouts form their captains and their king, hit them. Whips were cracked so that the soldiers would be forced into action despite the roaring sound of the enemy army. Suddenly, as if reminded of their training in Elam, the Elamite infantry turned their slow march into a sprint and turned their faces to the Scythian host. Meanwhile, the most distinguished of the Median heavy cavalry coming from the east, rushed toward the enemy army in an attempt to flank the rapidly moving westward Scythian host. As this transpired, the Median army stationed its Median, Persian and Parthian horse archers to meet the Scythians moving west and block their movement away from the battle site. Suddenly, once firmly moving, the Parthian contingent turned itself and moved south, then suddenly behind the Median main army, turned its bows and began to fire. Cursing the winds of fortune, Cyaxares let a crack of the whip to order his turned Median archers to redraw and fire southward. However, suddenly, before a heavy damage could be tolled, if looking above, a captain of the Persian light cavalry under a commander named Arezshamna leading his company of 630 warriors, as if out of instinct raced southeastward and a moments pause of attention, the Parthian company was smashed on its western flank. The light Parthian horsemen, not expecting such a sudden clash and unaccustomed to such, almost immediately broke, with Arezshamna cutting down many enemies in the sudden flurry of action.

"Stalwart warrior, earnest horse and true sword, a hero of fortune makes a name. Racing west, an epic warrior laden with honor finds a treasure of fame in a bloody clash. The eternal god Shamash, gifted unto a young brave, the courage and prowess to slay the multitude. Resounding is the name of the hero whose sword is blessed by Shamash." -Kalhu Codex on the famous strike of Arezshamna

Encouraged by the sudden clash and victory, Arezshamna rushes to his assignment while Mazandrani infantry pursue the fleeing Parthian companies. Meanwhile, unmoved by what occurred to the Scythian army swings westward, raining arrows upon the enemy position. Initially, Gambulu infantry positioned in the west, attempt to make a counter with their, but instead are scattered by a crushing flurry of arrow and charges of the cavalry. The Scythian flank engages Median light cavalry, while the centre of the Scythian army, swaying back and forth, begins to edge closer to a charge upon the Elamite infantry. The initial plan of using the Parthian defectors to draw the Median archers, had failed, and pinned in the west, the Scythians needed a successful charge to break the enemy infantry, or slowly be ground down by the Median archers. This entailed a charge upon the Elamite infantry replacing the battered and broken Gambulu mercenary.

On the eastern end of the battle, the gallop of the Median heavy cavalry was ,met with the most experienced skirmishers of the Cimmerian cavalry, which sought to slow the enemy cavalry, before the main thrust of the Scythian host breaks the enemy infantry and takes the chariot of Cyaxares. On the western plains and Scythian flank, a jostle of arrows and horses filled the eyes of warriors. Scythian nomads, fought fiercely, as if a bobcat trapped in a corner, provoked. Median horsemen held the advantage of armor and discipline and followed their king utterly, inspired by the action of the young hero Arezshamna, fought with a high intensity. As the situation deteriorated, the Scythian host with a sudden lowering of arrow fire, sprinted into the Elamite line.

"A break in the earth; man and beast impaled in a sudden burst of energy. Ishtar danced upon the front lines, playing the tune of severed limbs and detached heads. As mistress Ishtar gyrated across the massacred bodies as locusts upon the field; Assur favors the side which holds the line and contested a charge." -Kalhu Codex on the charge of Ashkwarpa

The charge brought with it a loud blast and roar of impaled horsemen and trampled men beneath hooves and slashes. Scythian whips and nooses grasped at weapons and enemies, arrows whirled through the short spaces and swords were dropped as the charge devastated both sides. However, the Elamite contingent pushed forward, joined by Median swordsman and other infantry pushing and slashing against the enemy. A call to the goddess Kirirsha was heard form Persian and Elamite warriors and as the the moments passed, praises were mixed with loud grunts and a motion of pike thrusts as the Scythian charge failed and Scythian warriors fled in a furious dash westward. In the instance that the charge failed, Cimmerian and Scythian alike fled westward, chased by the Median horsemen. Hundreds of Scythians and Cimmerians in this instant fell from their horses and were rapidly cut to pieces by the Median army in pursuit. Arezshamna himself is said to have killed dozens of fleeing Scythian horsemen, taking their heads as tokens.

Despite the monumental victory, the Elamite, Gambulu and Median infantry were devastated by the charge, though invigorated. As a result, the infantry marched slowly westward with Cyaxares, while the Median cavalry attacked the northern camp of the enemy. Scythians fleeing northwest toward Aniastania turned north and fled away from Lake Van. Hundreds of Cimmerians and Scythians who fled ever westward, were captured and taken as slaves or killed in their retreat. Many other Scythians-Cimmerians fled toward their camp after the retreat; a crazed flurry from the war host ensued wherein their warriors attempted to grasp their riches and treasures before the enemy arrived. Cimmerian warriors were thus hammered and slain as they attempted to gather their items before the enemy horsemen take them.

Thus, concludes what became known as the Battle of Alalekem (the loud noise/cry, in Biai). In the background, to the south, the army of Assyria arrives with intentions to restore Rusas III as king of Urartu and ultimately, to retake lands lost to the Medes...
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Announcement: For future reference and to those interested in the tl, I will give at least weekly updates, regardless of traffic of readers. Just to assure those who are most interested, that I will not stop the tl, which hopefully, will be a long term timeline.
Announcement: For future reference and to those interested in the tl, I will give at least weekly updates, regardless of traffic of readers. Just to assure those who are most interested, that I will not stop the tl, which hopefully, will be a long term timeline.
That's good to hear.
The Scytho-Biai war pt.5
A Victor's Spoil and Regret

Upon the victory at Alalekum (4134 AY/617 BCE), Cyaxares, though gaining a resounding and heroic victory, had the arrival of his former ally, yet enemy, Sinsharishkun with a large army of 27k warriors and with the legitimate king of Urartu, Rusas III, at his side. The decision taken would be one of pragmatism, Cyaxares whose army had lost around 5k warriors during the campaign, transitioned to movement north and northeast, leaving the vicinity of Lake Van. Cyaxares in accordance, sent his envoys to Sinsharishkun to inform him of his monumental victory against the horrid Scythian army and his intention to invade further upon their lands to the north and west and that he would make his leave. Implicit in this message, was that Media was to maintain control over the lands in the north of Urartu, outside of the Lake Van vicinity and the Urartu heartland. Sinsharishkun, wishing to avoid a confrontation with the Medes, accepted the proposition and gave his glad tidings to Cyaxares, once more without advising Rusas III.

Median projection in the region, now included new territories captured in their western push and now spoils from their victory against Ashkwarpa. Their armies northward push came with the intention of following their victories in the field with tangible symbols of Median rule and reinforcing territories north of Lake Van. Ultimately, this was major setback for Media, yet not one of immense value, as the conquest of many areas most necessary, such as Armenia and pushes towards Anatolia could continue for the time being. With this time, Media may thus prepare for a more proficient conflict with Assyria than it could afford in the time being.

4134-4135 (617-616 BCE)

The flight of the Median army and the defeat of Ashkwarpa led to several changes in the field of war now existing in the region. Most prominently, Assyrian interests in Urartu were firmly assured in relation to outside powers, yet the new issue of the 'King' Zunan of Tushpa had arisen and his power over the city of Tushpa required a siege on the part of Sinsharishkun. From late 4134 to late 4135, Sinsharishkun and the army of Assyria, would assert control over Lake Van. Initially, this was pursued through an Assyrian surge in the vicinity of Eastern Lake Van; within a month, Assyrian forces had subdued the eastern edges of Urartu's heartland and by early 4135, Aniastania was captured and Rusas III was placed on the throne there in Aniastania while Assyrian warriors attacked the municipalities of Tushpa. In the Western sector of Lake Van, Assyrian soldiers who ferried across the lake from Aniastania, engaged remnant Cimmerian warriors and soldiers from the state at Tushpa, which had acquired a foothold in the region in middle 4134. These engagements were often very quick and rapid, as Assyrian heavy infantry often devastated the light and inexperienced Tushpan bandits and rabble. By late 4135, the Assyrian army after several sieges of the powerful fortifications surrounding the municipality of Tushpa and securing the Western bank of Lake Van, arrived at the gates of Tushpa, that great and wondrous city.

The Quwe Expedition

Akulabash, called to invade Quwe (Cilicia) and Tabal (Taurus mts.) with levied soldiers from the Levant had reached the city of Harran in middle 4135. His goal of acquiring 8k warriors for his expedition, had failed to a considerable state, as his army at Harran had only accumulated 4,849 warriors from the Syrian states. Both Hamath and Carchemish had gifted only a token number of soldiers for the field marshal and gifted only meager resources, giving claims of famine and necessities for religious sacrifices as hampering their resource quantities. Realizing the current era and the situation of war, Akulabash accepted their reasoning and proceeded. At Harran however, an Akkadian city, his army swelled to 6,200 soldiers and his force could proceed first to Quwe and afterwards a subjugation of Tabal and the placement of a governor in the region. For Quwe, the ruling was to be given to the Phoenician city states along the coast, wherein they would reason among themselves as to the division of said coast, while the interior of Quwe would become a personal fief of Akulabash until an appropriate governor is appointed. These Phoenician states, had traditionally ruled the area of Quwe with their influence and often held the coastlines as franchises of their primary cities. With the invasion of Cimmerian and Scythian hordes into the region, most of these Phoenician bases of power in the interior had been completely eradicated and by the late reign of Asbhurbanipal (632 BCE), the Phoenician power in the region was totally absent from the coastlines. As part of rectification of the regional issue, the cities of Tyre, Sarepta and Sidon, Sur, Gebal and Baalbeq, led their own expeditionary force to invade the region and assist the Assyrian army on their own accord. This Phoenician army included approximately 9k soldiers on both land and sea.

Akulabash set forth in late 4135 and reached the gates of Quwe 2 months prior to 4136; meanwhile the Phoenician forces land on the coast of Quwe 27km west of Akulabash. In the ensuing months, the two armies skirmish the surrounding Cimmerian hordes, that were very small in number initially. Akulabash's army skirmished these Cimmerian across the interior of Quwe, slowly pushing northward into the Taurus, while the accompanying Phoenician force reinforced old ancient forts left in the wake of the Cimmerian flight form the region. Word came to reach Akulabash, that the victory of the Medes against Ashkwarpa, had left the hordes in a state of total disarray and to add to the issue, the Scythian host was in civil war with one another. As a result, Cimmerian bands had fled from Quwe and Tabal to join in the strife unfolding in the north, supporting different parties in the new contestant(s) against Ashkwarpa, whose decisive loss, has weathered his support. Additionally, a Lydian army, of unknown size has crossed the Halys and routed a Cimmero-Scythian army, pushing eastward. Despite the advantages Akulabash has, the Tabal woudl be more dangerous than the Quwe, as his army would be much smaller without the Phoenician support.

4136 begins,,

Forgive the long delay and the short update. This last few weeks have been quite busy. Thus, this is a simple fresh reminder of the tl and a small epxansion upon the occurrences. The next update will deal with the siege of Tushpa, the government of Zunan the king of Tushpa and the wars unfolding in Anatolia. Hopefully too, I will begin to expand on the Greek world and some other sectors of the world not yet touched.
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Hiatus Ending// NOT AN UPDATE
Would the board be interested in me continuing this timeline? I would like to do so, but it will take some time planning and regaining my 'groove' if you like as there has been a few month hiatus in this timeline.

If there is a sufficient interest, we may say that the hiatus is over! Additionally, the Kushan empire posts will also be completed shortly, most likely before the next update to this timeline. If anyone has an idea for non-Middle Eastern aspects of the tl, I welcome their ideas in my direct messages.

Thank you for your time and reading,
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Bump: Would the board be interested in me continuing this timeline? I would like to do so, but it will take some time planning and regaining my 'groove' if you like as there has been a few month hiatus in this timeline.

If there is a sufficient interest, we may say that the hiatus is over! Additionally, the Kushan empire posts will also be completed shortly, most likely before the next update to this timeline. If anyone has an idea for non-Middle Eastern aspects of the tl, I welcome their ideas in my direct messages.

Thank you for your time and reading,

I'd like it.
Would the board be interested in me continuing this timeline? I would like to do so, but it will take some time planning and regaining my 'groove' if you like as there has been a few month hiatus in this timeline.

If there is a sufficient interest, we may say that the hiatus is over! Additionally, the Kushan empire posts will also be completed shortly, most likely before the next update to this timeline. If anyone has an idea for non-Middle Eastern aspects of the tl, I welcome their ideas in my direct messages.

Thank you for your time and reading,

I like it too. I might have some comments on non-middle eastern aspects later.
Would the board be interested in me continuing this timeline? I would like to do so, but it will take some time planning and regaining my 'groove' if you like as there has been a few month hiatus in this timeline.

If there is a sufficient interest, we may say that the hiatus is over! Additionally, the Kushan empire posts will also be completed shortly, most likely before the next update to this timeline. If anyone has an idea for non-Middle Eastern aspects of the tl, I welcome their ideas in my direct messages.

Thank you for your time and reading,

I also enjoyed this