In the game Battlefield 1, there is a game mode called "Operations". You get "reenact" certain battles during World War 1 and it is all good fun.
After each battle, the narrator will describe the outcome of the battle and give you a small history lesson on the subject. However, if your team wins the game, that your historical counterparts originally lost, you will be treated with some alternate history.
Therefore I ask:
Are these alternate scenarios from the game in any way realistic, or have they been made by some amateur historians?

Oil of Empires (Fao Landing and Raid on the Suez Canal)

Victory for the Ottomans in the Middle east would have been seen as a sign of renewed strength in the aging empire. If so, the power gained from controlling the world’s oil supply would certainly have seen the Ottoman government abandon their support of the Central Powers.

Iron Walls (Battle of Vittorio Veneto)

One can only speculate what an Austro-Hungarian victory would have meant for the future of Europe. It is possible, success could have united the crumbling Empire. Allowing the Habsburgs to keep control of their country's races and ethnicities for at least a few months longer.

Conquer Hell (Meuse-Argonne Offensive)

One can only speculate what might have happened if the German army had successfully defeated the meuse-argonne offensive. After four years of war, the will of the German people was breaking and its empire collapsing. With American troops still arriving in Europe, an Allied victory would still have been likely.

Kaiserschlacht (Spring Offensive)

With Germany now controlling the vital railway hub of Amien, the Allied armies in France would have been divided and if Paris were to fall, the surrender of France would likely follow. In this situation, Britain would have no choice but to seek a truce while they still planned their new strategy. This speculative situation would have surely impacted the outcome of the war.

‘Beyond the Marne’ (Second Battle of the Marne)

By 1918, the Germans had perfected the art of defending. But at Marne, the French proved that a new type of war could be waged that favored the attacker and not the defender. A war that used mobile and mechanized combined arms. If the Germans had found success and mimicked these Allied tactics, perhaps further assaults on France and its capital would have been possible and thus changing the course of the war.

Devil’s Anvil (Battle of Verdun)

The Defense of Fort de Vaux was marked by the heroism and endurance of the French soldiers stationed there. This small garrison repulsed constant assaults of gas, fire and bullets before physical conditions forced them to surrender. If the Germans had been able to hold the fort, perhaps their assault on Verdun itself would have been successful and the western front permanently breached. However, strategically, there was little justification for the atrocious losses on either side.

Brusilov Offensive

By the beginning of 1916, it was becoming increasingly clear that Russia could no longer sustain the losses from several failed operations while maintaining loyalty to the autocratic and evermore dysfunctional monarchy, of Tsar Nicholas II. If the Austro-Hungarians had managed to halt the first Brusilov advance, inflicting further wounds on Russia, it is likely that anger amongst the people at home would have ignited the revolution immediately. Leading to the Bolsheviks pulling Russia out of the war before the winter set in. A huge blow to the Allied alliance.

Red Tide (The Battle of Tsaritsyn)

Had the White Army succeeded in holding Tsaritsyn and kept control of the Volga River, access to oil and grain would have surely strengthened their tiring forces. With fuel in their tanks and food in their stores, perhaps their subsequent march on Moscow would have been successful and see the volunteer army put an end to the socialist revolution. Had the Reds lost Tsaritsyn, perhaps commissar Joseph Stalin’s position in the Bolshevik would not have been so favourable and so the future of Soviet Russia would have looked very different indeed.

Gallipoli (Gallipoli Campaign)

If the Allies had succeeded in securing the Dardanelles, the British fleet would have reached and possibly taken Constantinople. The subiquent fall of the Ottoman Empire would have opened up a new front for the Allies to attack the Balkan states loyal to the Central Powers, possibly ending the war within months. Failure for Colonel Mustafa Kemal’s 19th Turkish division, would likely have seen him demoted and his role in the rebellion to liberate occupied Turkey would have been very different indeed.