Here we go again.
2377 AF: Semaron's remnants also finally defeated by Sutarba.
2379 AF: The Qīngtóng Emperor is assassinated when he attempts to regain power over the governors. A decade without a ruler but much chaos occurs afterwards.
2382 AF: Tymria has another civil war. The country remains divided.
c. 2390 AF: Umalan tribes in Urubar and to the east revolt and break away from Sutarba, starting another long war.
2390 AF: The Qīngtóng Dynasty is restored once again, severely weakened in power and basically only controlling the capital city.
2395 AF: The Katalic parts of the Sutarban Empire revolt and break away for a time.
c.2400 AF: Dursini civilization begins in northern Albala.
2401 AF: The city of Qarnenak is founded by Nenakians in northern Rhodin.
2422 AF: Sutarban forces land on the west coast of Katal, venture inland and vassalize the tribe occupying former Neathuqi lands, the Ecbadai.
2423 AF: The Vardic kingdom of Girigam is founded in southwest Avarda. By this point most of central Avard is controlled by similar kingdoms and principalities.
2425 AF: The Umalan settlements east of Urubar are defeated and conquered by Sutarba. Urubar falls a year later.
c. 2430 AF: The Sutarban Empire expands down the coast to the southwest, conquering tribes and raiding others.
2435 AF: Qīngtóng authority collapses completely when the emperor is killed by a rebel assassin this year. Most governors lose faith in the Qīngtóng dynasty and declare independence.
2448 AF: Eastern tribes invade and sack Chángchūn, the capital of the already moribund Qīngtóng. With their king is killed and the dynasty extinguished, governors with territory become truly independent and begin to fight one another.
c. 2460 AF: Descendants of Shawilu refugees led by Queen Lavana, intermixed with local Dursini and now known as the Lavinic people, settle along the banks of the Ryphon river in central Albalon.
c.2470 AF: Southern Albala is colonized by Pelasians and to a lesser extent, Nenakians.
2474 AF: Suluk begins invading Tymria from the south.
2477 AF: War begins in western Pelasia between the city-state of Urotas and several others. It would last over 20 years.
2483 AF: Urubar comes under Sutarban control once again. Nenakia is retaken as well.
2484 AF: Esirta is invaded and pillaged by Sutarbans, who force it into tributary status.
c.2490 AF: Tymria finally expels it's Lubii occupiers.
2492 AF: Sutarba conquers Kadimar, all of Miscaya and Katal are united.
2494 AF: Tymria is reunified, but under the control of the Suluk Empire.
2498 AF: Urotas emerges victorious and conquers the other city-states.
2498 AF: Uhaakin is conquered by Sutarba.
c.2500 AF: Nenakia and Uhaakin revolt against Sutarba.
2502 AF: The remnants of the Nasenite Empire fall into Sutarban control. That same year a battle between Tymria-Suluk and the Sutarbans takes place in Nenakia.
2506 AF: The Kadimarans revolt but completely crushed.
2509 AF: The kingdom of the Ecbadai declares independence from Sutarba.
2511 AF: The Kingdom of Kubushah is conquered by the Sutarbans.
2518 AF: The Ecbadai become tributaries of the Sutarbans once more.
c.2520 AF: Urbanization begins once again in Avarda.
2520 AF
The Sutarbans conquer a significant amount of the civilized world's population and territory, spreading from Kubushah in the northwest to Kamnag in the southeast. The ECBADAI (Neathuqi descendants or conquerors), Esirtans and the Sangarans are their vassals. SULUK has also completely conquered Tymria as well. The PELASIAN city-states begin settling coastlines all over the Thalmedic, especially coastal Lotan/Ahurastan and southern Albala, near the newly united DURSINI people. ARGÆAS is founded as well, directly south of Pelasia. The other significant change is that Serica has collapsed completely into many independent states and kingdoms, the most powerful being XU, YAN, ZHU, WEI, JI, CHENG, and XIN. The weak royal dynasty rules only the land around Chángchūn (mislabeled as Shendu, something I need to fix still. ).
2533 AF: Sutarba pillages Kadimar after they attempt to revolt again, continuing their long-lasting rivalry.
2535 AF: The Sutarban Empire expands south and east in Miscaya similar to Buguran, nearing the border of Kamnag in the south.
2541 AF: Girigam is founded as an independent Vardic kingdom.
2543 AF: Kadimar is rebuilt after being burnt down.
2543 AF: Sutarba goes to war with Tymria after rebels in Sutarba were found to be supported by Tymria.
2545 AF: The Tymrians temporarily hold back the Sutarban advance by supporting another short-lived rebellion in Nenakia.
2548 AF: The second invasion, however, is a success; and Riphem in Lower Tymria is taken by the Sutarbans.
2553 AF: Suluk armies force the Sutarbans back out of Tymria for a time.
2554 AF: Tymria is finally conquered by Sutarba, and the Suluk retreat to their homeland.
c. 2560 AF: Avanin, the capital of Sutarban Empire(the biggest empire yet), is the world's biggest city with 150,000 people living in it.
c.2560 AF: Vaethalia is founded at the "Gates" of the Blood Sea by Pelasian colonists near the original site of Shawilu.
2564 AF: Tymria breaks free from Sutarba.
2567 AF: The Esirtan Empire is formed after they break free from Sutarba and conquer the Ecbadai.
2569 AF: Kadimar revolts yet again.
c.2570 AF: Settlers from the south reach the Islands of Unia in northwest Serica.
c.2570 AF: Tyhrrus is founded by Lavinic people in Albala on the Ryphon river, named and led by a man named Septus Tyhrricus who becomes the first king as well.
2570 AF: Esirta and Kadimar break free from the SUTARBAN empire, with varying results. Tymria breaks free from Suluk rule, The city of TYHRRUS is founded in Albala, and Nenakian colonists create the nation of QARNENAK in northwest Rhodin. GIRIGAM is established in Avarda, and EPLA reaches the height of its power in the Blood Sea region. The Serican states are slowly conquered by the more powerful ones, and war becomes commonplace.