What would you like the format to look like for TMG5?

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Welcome to the fifth edition of Alternatehistory.com’s Telephone Map Game!
Links to the First Edition, the Second Edition, the Third Edition, and the Fourth Edition.

What’s a Telephone Map Game?
A Telephone Map Game is a turn-based Map Game, inspired by the children’s “Broken Telephone” games.
The game starts with Player 1 making an Alternate History map. It can be from anywhere in the world and any timeframe. Then, when the map is completed, Player 1 sends the map to Player 2, and to nobody else. Then Player 2 makes another map, which could be considered to be in the same universe as Map 1 (but not necessarily the same time or location). When finished, Player 2 sends their map to Player 3. Now Player 3 does a map which could be in the same universe as Map 2, however, Player 3 doesn’t know what Map 1 looks like. The process repeats until a substantial amount of players have finished the turns, and then the whole process is revealed, looking at how the concept changed from the first to the last map.

The Fifth Edition
Players for the Fifth Edition voted to decide the format of the game and settled on limited branching, seen in the Order section below.

Each individual's turn will last a maximum of one week from the time they receive their map (with extensions given on a case-by-case basis). If a player's turn comes and they decide they cannot complete it at that time, they will be removed from the game. When you are finished with your map, send a message to the person/people who are beneath you on the list as well as Cour so that he can keep track of the complete maps (this should be one message that include all of the people listed). The title of this message should be "Telephone Map Game: 5th Edition - (Your name)".

Cour's Commandments
These aren't rules because, at the end of the day, everyone can do as they wish. However, I wanted to include this list of suggestions for players to keep in mind when they are making their maps. (Note: this list is not exhaustive and may be updated in the future).

Cour's Commandments

Telephone Map Game: 5th Edition - Claims Thread

TMG5 Flowchart-Copy of Page-2 (2).png

Week 0

Week 1

Week 2

Week 3

Week 4

Week 5

Week 6
Last edited:
The Fourth Edition of the Telephone Map Game utilized a branching tree model to assign maps as opposed to the mainly linear models of other games. TMG4 also progressed faster and got participants their maps faster, but a linear model might contribute to a more straightforward narrative element. Please discuss what you would like TMG5 to look like: Branching or Linear?
Branching, please. Straightforward narrative is, in my opinion, overrated. I just want to look at gorgeous maps by some of our finest cartographers. Nothing else - though I will admit that a good story would be the cherry on top. That being said, I don't think Branching is entirely responsible for the faster progression. Coronavirus may be a big part of it.
Branching, please. Straightforward narrative is, in my opinion, overrated. I just want to look at gorgeous maps by some of our finest cartographers. Nothing else - though I will admit that a good story would be the cherry on top. That being said, I don't think Branching is entirely responsible for the faster progression. Coronavirus may be a big part of it.
Ah, yes, the power and might of Rona should not be underestimated.
I kinda agree with @Uebeltank. While I feel branches speed up the game a lot since we have around 20 people contributing; I think only 2-3 are necessary. The part I love most about telephone games is the flow of ideas and I feel you kinda lose that when you diverge so much.
The Second Edition had a POD around 800 AD. I'd suggest we make this map game's POD sometime around the fall of Rome (476 AD) or the fall of Constantinople (1453 AD).
IMO agreeing on a specific POD is kind of against the spirit of the game. You're not really supposed to know it.
IMO agreeing on a specific POD is kind of against the spirit of the game. You're not really supposed to know it.
Exactly. Remember, the objective of the game it's not to make a coherent timeline, it's just for the fun of making maps. If they happen to make a cohesive world, that's great, but it's not an objective.
Sigh, I wish we could vote multiple times or do ranked choice voting. Because honestly im fine with option 1 or 2