Part 58, Chapter 811
Chapter Eight Hundred Eleven

1st April 1950

Near Hejnice, Kingdom of Bohemia

They had parked next to the road and were looking up the valley. There was not a whole lot here, just trees and a bit of snow. Gerta had an entirely different perspective.

“This place is ours” Gerta said, her voice filled with delight.

The night before they had spent it at his father’s house in Mikulovice. Kurt’s parents were happy to finally meet her and Suse. Kurt had been absent from their lives since he’d run off to join the Heer just before the Spanish War and he was afraid of the sort of reception that he might receive. He had discovered that far from being cross with him, his family had been too busy being starstruck when Gerta had walked in. It only took a few minutes for her to put them at ease. It seemed that Kurt had been forgotten until dinner when his mother had made a point of chastising him for not being in contact over the previous decade. They hadn’t known if he was still alive until they had started seeing newsreel footage of him as this great hero.

The next day they had driven to Kurt’s property in the Jizera Mountains so that they could take a look at it. Gerta said that Kurt was lucky, a friend of hers had received Crown Land like this and discovered that a military base with a 99-year lease was on it. While the annual income was good, the constant complaints from the nearby communities were not. Instead it was a small valley with lots of trees.

“I suppose you’re going to want country estate like your friend Helene’s family, a hunting lodge with its own postal code” Kurt said, half joking.

Gerta made a face when he said that. “You don’t have the Graf’s monstrous ego” She replied, “I’ll leave you if I think you’re heading in that direction.”

“Very well” Kurt said, “What should we build, a French chateau perhaps?”

“Now, I know your making fun of me” Gerta said.

“After that thing on the beach in South Africa that you insisted on telling everyone about” Kurt said, “You don’t get to complain about me making fun.”

Gerta gave him a pout, “There are far worse things to be known for” She said, “And everyone should know when a command performance has happened, so it can be applauded.”

Kurt just shook his head at Gerta’s eccentricities.

“I had all the other Officers asking me for pointers at the insistence of their wives” He said.

Gerta gave him an impish smile.

“I think we should just build a house” Gerta said, “Not large, big enough for us and a few guests is all we need. A place to escape to.”

When Kurt thought about it, that sounded perfect.


Stefan was completely covered in mud. His clothes were caked in it mostly due to the tactics that Spear Schultz was insisting that he practice. Bone saw, buzz saw, zipper and the many other names that the MG42/48 had all denoted what it sounded like and did. The Squad tactics revolved around that weapon providing suppression fire and Stefan had to admit that it was an incredible rush to fire an entire belt of fifty cartridges through it in just two or three bursts. The trouble was that the bone saw, and its ammunition were heavy, he also had to know when to change the barrel. He’d discovered the hard way that the Spear would take extreme displeasure if he cooked one of the chromium lined barrels which became white hot after sustained fire. Most days he was on his belly, frequently on muddy ground firing in support of the rest of the Squad as they practiced in live fire exercises.

Today a miracle had occurred as they came in, Spear Schultz had found nothing wrong with anything they’d done. Or it could have just been that it was Friday and the Spear had a hot date and reaming them out would take time he would prefer to use getting ready. As soon as he heard it, Stefan realized that the latter was probably the most plausible reason and the Spear would be making up for lost time tomorrow. Stefan figured he’d be wise to take care of the bone saw first, cleaning and stowing it. Rumor had it that few things angered the Spear like a weapon failure, Stefan was in no rush to learn if there was any truth in that.

“You’re the one I’ve been looking for” Stabber Yount said as soon as Stefan made it back to the barracks. All he wanted was a shower and a few hours of uninterrupted sleep. The Stabber was the right hand of the Oberst whatever he wanted Stefan had a feeling that he wasn’t going to like it.

“Can it wait?” Stefan asked.

“No” Soren replied.

Stefan was led out of the barracks into unfamiliar territory, a man was sitting in the Officer’s Mess who Stefan had never seen before wearing a field uniform of the ubiquitous splinter pattern. He had the presence of the most senior of the Noncommissioned Officers, but his face was familiar. Stefan’s mind didn’t want to work for him, so he couldn’t place from where. “Pleased you could join us, Soldat” He said, and he looked over his shoulder, “A meal for Soldat Gerstle here.”

The attendants should have been throwing Stefan out, instead they were scrambling to do as this man had said. A plate of food was placed in front of him, he looked at this with a great deal of suspicion but after months of the food that they fed the enlisted men this smelled like heaven. What was the catch?

“Have at it, Soldat, it’s rare we get a real soldier in here” The man said, “You can eat while we talk.”

Stefan didn’t need to be told twice to eat, the food was just as good as the smell had suggested.

“I met your brother when he was a bit younger than you are now, fourteen odd years ago after he shot up some smugglers” The man said, “Jost Schultz and Soren Yount say that you have some of his potential.”

“Spear Schultz was comparing me to shit he was scraping off his boots just a few hours ago” Stefan said between mouthfuls. The man found that hilarious.

“I trained Jost and you can take my word for it that one day you’ll thank him for being so tough on you now” The man said.

“I find that hard to believe” Stefan replied.

“Ask your brother about his experience here when he was a Soldat like you.”

“He told me” Stefan said, “He said that the Mad Dog himself, General Horst trained him.”

“Did Hans von Mischner really call me that?” The man asked, with a smile that might have frozen water.

Stefan’s fork stopped halfway to his mouth, he knew who this was and how he’d just painted himself into a corner.
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Kat should run it by Doug first, but is there any way she could formally adopt the sisterhood as, well, sisters? At least Leni?
Should be fairly easy the Girls are Wards of the state and under 21. Hire a lawyer to fill out a million forms, appear before a judge and it's done. (Most people have to fill out the forms themselves but Kat is wealthy enough to hire a lawyer to do the work for her.)

The question is would Leni want to become a 'von' for I believe that like in the Netherlands adopted children are completely equal to the children born in a marriage, including membership in the nobility and possible inheritance.
Chapter Eight Hundred Eleven

Stefan was led out of the barracks into unfamiliar territory, a man was sitting in the Officer’s Mess who Stefan had never seen before wearing a field uniform of the ubiquitous splinter pattern. He had the presence of the most senior of the Noncommissioned Officers, but his face was familiar. Stefan’s mind didn’t want to work for him, so he couldn’t place from where. “Pleased you could join us, Soldat” He said, and he looked over his shoulder, “A meal for Soldat Gerstle here.”

The attendants should have been throwing Stefan out, instead they were scrambling to do as this man had said. A plate of food was placed in front of him, he looked at this with a great deal of suspicion but after months of the food that they fed the enlisted men this smelled like heaven. What was the catch?

“Have at it, Soldat, it’s rare we get a real soldier in here” The man said, “You can eat while we talk.”

Stefan didn’t need to be told twice to eat, the food was just as good as the smell had suggested.

“I met your brother when he was a bit younger than you are now, fourteen odd years ago after he shot up some smugglers” The man said, “Jost Schultz and Soren Yount say that you have some of his potential.”

“Spear Schultz was comparing me to shit he was scraping off his boots just a few hours ago” Stefan said between mouthfuls. The man found that hilarious.

“I trained Jost and you can take my word for it that one day you’ll thank him for being so tough on you now” The man said.

“I find that hard to believe” Stefan replied.

“Ask your brother about his experience here when he was a Soldat like you.”

“He told me” Stefan said, “He said that the Mad Dog himself, General Horst trained him.”

“Did Hans von Mischner really call me that?” The man asked, with a smile that might have frozen water.

Stefan’s fork stopped halfway to his mouth, he knew who this was and how he’d just painted himself into a corner.

Maybe someone will be taking him back with him, Horst understands he needs honest men around him and this is his chance to mold another one like he did Hans.
Part 58, Chapter 812
Chapter Eight Hundred Twelve

3rd April 1950


It was a typical mixer of the 4th Panzer Division’s Officers and their wives. It was billed as a chance to socialize in an informal environment. The reality was that it was shark tank, the food chain was full display here and God help the minnows. Generaloberst Walter von Horst had joined them with his wife Nina and Daughter Nizhoni. They had joined Helene who was an acquaintance of Nina and were visiting with each other. Hans couldn’t help but notice the way that the eyes of most of the junior, and not so junior, Officers followed Freiherrin Nizhoni von Horst around the room. She was incredibly beautiful, exotic and she made Hans extremely happy that his own daughter Katherine was still many years from being that age. One of them noticed that Horst was watching him with a look that a falcon gave to a fat pigeon and quickly found something else to look at, the rest followed suit.

“It never ends” Horst muttered under his breath.

“Excuse me, Sir?” Hans asked.

“Nothing” Horst replied, “I finally got around to meeting your brother the other day.”

“Really, Sir” Hans said. He really wished that Horst had run that by him first but anywhere the Panzer Corps operated the General was just below the Commander in Chief of the Heer’s High Command. He could do whatever he wanted.

“Soldat Gerstle is extremely young, a bit naive, prone of sticking his foot in his mouth and is a bit of a trouble maker” Horst said, “Has a reputation as a solid soldier though. He reminded me of you after the cluster fuck in Ingolstadt that brought you to my attention.”

“That was a very long time ago, Sir.”

“Not as much time as you’d think, but it’s been a very busy fourteen years.”

Hans heard that. Had it really been fourteen years? It seemed like a lifetime ago. Hans remembered Kat was still a gawky foulmouthed angry adolescent when she had boarded the box car that he had been riding on.

“Does the Fuckup Express still run, Sir?” Hans asked. The freight express had looped through Germany and was operated to the exclusive benefit of the OKW. Hans and his Squad had been shoved onto it following the Ingolstadt shootout and had gotten sent to Wunsdorf the long way around.

Horst found that amusing, “It’s too valuable to do away with” He said, “Feeling nostalgic? Arrangements can be made.”

“Hardly, Sir” Hans replied, “Just wondering.”

“You should be thinking about other things.”

“Anything in particular?”

“Just the latest word from our Masters” Horst said, meaning the Emperor, the Chancellor and the Reichstag. “They are going to announce in a few days that conscription is ending.”

That was a surprise to Hans, it wouldn’t affect the 4th Panzer Division a whole lot. The Panzer Corps had no problem attracting volunteers. Some of the Infantry Divisions were going to have a major problem on their hands, particularly those that had large numbers of conscripts who had been scooped up in the last few months.

“That’s going to change a lot of things” Hans replied.

“Tell me about it” Horst said, “They think that low intensity conflicts like South Africa will be what we will be spending a lot of time on in the future. A smaller, more agile, professional army would be better suited to those sorts of conflicts.”

“You have an opinion about that?” Hans asked.

“I’m withholding judgement” Horst said but the look on his face suggested that he wasn’t.


“I thought you said that the Order of Louise was an outmoded relic of feudalism composed entirely of stuffy bourgeoisie” Lang said, “And that it was led by an exiled Russian reactionary and a certifiable lunatic.”

Rhona looked sourly across the table at him. When he had been Chancellor she had spurned that organization when they had offered her a membership as one of the hundred Dames of that Order. Sophie was their guest at dinner tonight, she was running for her father’s seat in the election that was now only days away. The topic had turned to politics and Rhona had mentioned that she had a change of heart in recent days. Lang suspected that it might have had more to do with the Order of Louise sponsoring women candidates for office regardless of party affiliation and pledging their very healthy endowment to the task that had driven Rhona’s change of heart than anything else. Politics being what they were that had primarily benefited left leaning parties.

“Augustus” Rhona said, “You’re not the only one allowed to change their mind every once in a while.”

Sophie followed the exchange with a smirk. They had been talking about Sophie’s love life, how it was long past time she started putting herself out there again before the topic had changed. She was much happier listening to Augustus and Rhona argue politics with not a whole lot of fire but a great deal of affection. The pragmatist and the shameless revolutionary, it was fun to watch.

“How do you think the election is shaping up?” Sophie asked, both of her hosts paused for a minute.

“This is likely going to be a status quo” Lang said, “There’s no great crisis this time, an expanding economy and what not. The people have no great need for radical political change at this time.”

“Perhaps at the macro level” Rhona said, “It’s not just the parties this time, but who is running as well. If trends hold the Reichstag will look very different.”

“It depends” Lang replied, “While the faces change the party platforms and the formation of the coalition are where the fight is going to be, who is it who gets to set the agenda.”

“How much will that drive things?” Sophie asked.

“More than you’d think.”
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von Horst needs to have a talk with von Richthofen and von Schmidt about daughters and their potential boyfriends and husbands.

On the upcoming elections, a party on the fringe can make some inroads by portraying the ruling coalition as nothing more but a bunch of the same people in power with different jobs depending on which party is in charge.

The end of conscription is going to have some far reaching social changes with a divide between the generations that was subjected to conscription and future generations that are not going to be conscripted.
I think that there is going to be a bunch of new recruits that were given the choice of "Prison or the Heer".
Part 58, Chapter 813
Chapter Eight Hundred Thirteen

4th April 1950


Leni had been allowed to sit her exams after she had convinced the Doctors that she wasn’t going to try to kill herself again and had been released from the hospital. Kat had warned her about what the score was. Every time she dealt with the medical community in the future the first question that would be asked would be if she had suicidal thoughts. Every accident or health problem she had from here on would cause her to be scrutinized for that reason. Kat had said she knew because she’d been living with it for the last decade. Kat had made a point of telling Leni that she wasn’t in trouble, but she had a lot of people concerned about her and that she was very loved.

When the sutures in her wrists had finally come out a couple days before, Leni had taken one look at red livid half-healed gashes on her wrists and burst into tears. It something that she could never undo. Since then she had kept her wrists wrapped in gauze like she was supposed to, mostly so she didn’t have to look at them, but she knew that the scars would be there for the rest of her life.

Today, it had been arranged for her to do something that she didn’t know if it was a punishment or not, but it was a good distraction. Inside the several of the Royal properties, particularly the Hohenzollern Palace and the Sanssouci Palace, there were private libraries that needed to be inventoried and cataloged, it was a task that had been neglected for decades. As it turned out she had Princess Kristina underfoot while she worked. No one had the authority to order Kiki out and with her twin sisters having come down with chicken pox the Empress was busy elsewhere. Kiki, being Kiki, had given her usual minders the slip almost immediately. Unlike the other adults around, mostly archivists, Leni didn’t chase off Kiki and had talked with her about the books in the collection. Kiki had been combing through these books for years and reading whatever she fancied. She was a resource that Leni was finding useful. There were a lot of rare first editions and odd curios present in the collection, but they had been shelved in no particular order. Kiki knew where many of them were, but the eight-year-old Princess presented a problem in that she couldn’t stop talking for any length of time.

“That one is no good” Kiki said looking at the oversized volume that had been sitting on a shelf in the Library of the Hohenzollern Palace. It had beautiful deep leather cover that showed great age and probably Kiki looking at it at some point in the past was why it wasn’t covered in dust.

“What about it makes it no good?” Leni asked.

“I can’t read it” Kiki replied.

Putting aside the damage that the Princess might have done to this volume, opening it without any sort of precautions like the rubber gloves that all the archivists, including Leni, were wearing. It was the height naive arrogance for her to presume that it was no good because it was in a language she didn’t understand. Leni opened the book and saw that it was in Latin, the pages were made of vellum, whoever made this intended it to last through the ages. Carefully turning the pages Leni saw the engravings were breathtaking. This was more of a work of art than a mere volume of what looked like scripture.

“I think I know what this is” Leni said to Kiki as she turned to the front of the volume and her mouth went dry. The name there, something that she had only seen mentioned in history books, this was one of the most historically significant books in the world and not for its content.

“What is it?” Kiki asked, “What does that say?”

“Johannes Gensfleisch zur Laden zum Gutenberg” Leni read aloud, the name of the man who had printed this volume centuries earlier “And it’s a bible.”

“Oh” Kiki said, she was clearly not impressed.

“It’s more than that” Leni said, “Far, far more. This was one of the first books printed on movable type.”

Kiki just shrugged and went off to the next curiosity not really understanding what an incredible find this was.

“You’ve got see this” Leni said to one of the archivists near her, unfortunately it was Erika. She was a middle-aged woman who took this all so seriously and she was Leni’s supervisor.

“What now?” Erika asked, she knew about Leni’s recent stay in the hospital and was one of the people tasked with minding Leni. Erika had implied that it was Leni’s ability to manage Kiki was the only reason that she tolerated her presence.

“Look for yourself” Leni said carefully handing Erika the volume.

Erika looked at it and her jaw dropped open. “Is this what I think it is?” She asked in awe.

“Yes” Leni said, “It needs to be authenticated, but it’s extraordinary.”


For once Spear Schultz wasn’t abusive, the training for the day had come to an abrupt halt as they had needed to respond to an emergency within their Platoon. The M-44 fragmentation grenade was now the standard grenade used by the Heer having completely replaced the older potato masher grenades used in decades past for most applications. It was of an egg shape much like the French F-1 and British Mills bomb in operation but that was where the similarities ended. Unlike its French and British counter part that used a scored steel case with a powder charge inside the M-44 used a small plastique charge surrounded by dozens of ball bearings packed inside a plastic case that were stabilized so they wouldn't rattle around.

They had been practicing the storming of an “enemy position” when one of the grenades had gone off prematurely exploding in the air only a few meters from the man who’d just thrown it. The result was only minor injuries as the man who’d thrown it and the man next to him were showered with the ball bearings and bits of plastic. Fortunately for them their helmets and vests took most of the damage. Spear Schultz had dropped the abusive, tough, make the new guys earn their place act in a heartbeat and had seemed genuinely concerned that one of them might have gotten seriously hurt. Then in a flash, that was gone. The Spear was yelling at them that their gear was potentially dangerous and that the instant they didn’t respect it, it killed them and if they were acting stupid then they deserved what they got.

General von Horst’s comment from a few days earlier echoed through Stefan’s head that one day he might thank the Spear for being a sadistic jackass. It seemed strange but what if Hauptfeldwebel Jost Schultz acted the way he did because he felt he had to? Then again, the Spear seemed to enjoy the act, but Stefan had just realized that it was an act.
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Chapter Eight Hundred Thirteen

For once Spear Schultz wasn’t abusive, the training for the day had come to an abrupt halt as they had needed to respond to an emergency within their Platoon. The M-44 fragmentation grenade was now the standard grenade used by the Heer having completely replaced the older potato masher grenades used in decades past for most applications. It was of an egg shape much like the French F-1 and British Mills bomb in operation but that was where the similarities ended. Unlike its French and British counter part that used a scored steel case with a powder charge inside the M-44 used a small plastique charge surrounded by dozens of ball bearings packed inside a plastic case that were stabilized so they rattle around.

They had been practicing the storming of an “enemy position” when one of the grenades had gone off prematurely exploding in the air only a few meters from the man who’d just thrown it. The result was only minor injuries as the man who’d thrown it and the man next to him were showered with the ball bearings and bits of plastic. Fortunately for them their helmets and vests took most of the damage. Spear Schultz had dropped the abusive, tough, make the new guys earn their place act in a heartbeat and had seemed genuinely concerned that one of them might have gotten seriously hurt. Then in a flash, that was gone. The Spear was yelling at them that their gear was potentially dangerous and that the instant they didn’t respect it, it killed them and if they were acting stupid then they deserved what they got.

General von Horst’s comment from a few days earlier echoed through Stefan’s head that one day he might thank the Spear for being a sadistic jackass. It seemed strange but what if Hauptfeldwebel Jost Schultz acted the way he did because he felt he had to? Then again, the Spear seemed to enjoy the act, but Stefan had just realized that it was an act.

I am reminded of a part of the movie "Patton" when he is saying, during the Battle of Bulge, that "If they cannot achieve the objective to not come back alive" and he is asked about him acting and he says "The only one who has to know when he is acting is Him"
For once Spear Schultz wasn’t abusive, the training for the day had come to an abrupt halt as they had needed to respond to an emergency within their Platoon. The M-44 fragmentation grenade was now the standard grenade used by the Heer having completely replaced the older potato masher grenades used in decades past for most applications. It was of an egg shape much like the French F-1 and British Mills bomb in operation but that was where the similarities ended. Unlike its French and British counter part that used a scored steel case with a powder charge inside the M-44 used a small plastique charge surrounded by dozens of ball bearings packed inside a plastic case that were stabilized so they rattle around.

They had been practicing the storming of an “enemy position” when one of the grenades had gone off prematurely exploding in the air only a few meters from the man who’d just thrown it. The result was only minor injuries as the man who’d thrown it and the man next to him were showered with the ball bearings and bits of plastic. Fortunately for them their helmets and vests took most of the damage. Spear Schultz had dropped the abusive, tough, make the new guys earn their place act in a heartbeat and had seemed genuinely concerned that one of them might have gotten seriously hurt. Then in a flash, that was gone. The Spear was yelling at them that their gear was potentially dangerous and that the instant they didn’t respect it, it killed them and if they were acting stupid then they deserved what they got.

Well, I imagine some manufacturer is going to get a severe talking to for that. The squad were incredibly lucky if a premature detonation gave nothing worst than minor injuries. Since it was "Premature" I imagine it wasn't something stupid, like the man cooking the grenade
It looks like Leni has found something that will bring her fulfillment in her life and she has made a friend for life with Princess Kristina.
Jost will cover up his feelings for the men by telling them that "they are not worth the paperwork if they get killed while they are training under his watch".

With the end of conscription, there is going to be a large demand for "Horst style" NCOs and junior officers to keep the new recruits in line.
I don't know if ITTL there is professional development schools for NCOs, but if there is not then this is the time to start them and I can see General von Horst as the equivalent of being the TRADOC commander and Hans as an unit commander.
Part 58, Chapter 814
Chapter Eight Hundred Fourteen

9th April 1950


They were having breakfast on a Sunday morning the way they used to. It was nice considering how difficult the prior months had been. It was Easter Sunday as well which marked the start of the long spring holiday though none of the girls had any plans just yet for the holiday other than Leni which was sort of ironic, considering the events of the prior month. She was still euphoric about the Gutenberg bible that she had found in the Hohenzollern Collection. Already plans were being made to show it and Leni’s name was being thrown around in connection, for a bibliophile like Leni this was a once in a lifetime opportunity. Kat had taken her aside and gently explained that she almost missed out on the experience and that there were still more of those coming in her life.

Kat and Gerta had jobs to return to and Helene was making plans for traveling to Brazil in a few weeks. Helene hated to admit it, but she was looking forward to the trip. Not that she was going to tell Hans that. She had brought Manfred and Katherine today. Ilse was keeping Manfred and Gerta’s daughter Suse busy, playing silly games with them. Katherine just watched her brother play with wide-eyed curiosity. Katherine wasn’t quite old enough for that sort of thing just yet, but she was getting close. Helene realized that her baby was growing fast and her being separated from her children for a few months was going to be a bit of a burden for her.

Tilde and Judita was talking with Kat about how their apartment had been invaded that week by their building’s superintendent and a couple of maintenance workers after water started leaking out of the wall in the kitchen. Tilde was still upset that unfamiliar men had entered her space to replace a leaky pipe and they would be back in the coming week to finish the job.

Kat had mentioned that the Empress was planning on traveling to Siam to attend the royal wedding of that nations King. Someone had pointed out that the name of that country had recently been changed to Thailand and Kat had just shrugged. She really didn’t care. Kat did say though that she would probably need to make sure that Kira was aware of that fact when Kat gave the Empress her weekly brief later that afternoon. It was nice to see that she wasn’t as stressed out as she had been over the prior months. Kira was aware of Kat’s recent health problems and had not asked her to come along this time. Kat surprised everyone when she said that she was disappointed that Kira had done that. Kat had wanted to explore Bangkok for years. It was a reminder to Helene of something that she’d thought for a long time. In a truly just world Kat would be able to travel the world and enjoy her life. Instead she had spent most of her life with the weight of the real world bearing down on her and she had mostly been stuck a few kilometers from the place she was born.


It was Easter Sunday and Stefan was free for two entire blissful days. It was especially wonderful because Spear Schultz was absent. Apparently, the Spear’s mother was a devout Catholic and she took having her children and grandchildren home for Easter dinner very seriously. Personally, Stefan had a tough time imagining someone like Spear Schultz as having a mother. He would have assumed that the Spear was assembled from spare parts in the back of a barracks somewhere.

After sleeping through most of Saturday Stefan found himself fighting boredom by Sunday morning. He had called his mother in Karow to see if she had any plans for that night and he might be able to come for dinner. His mother had swiftly shot that down. She was happy that he was making something of himself, but she had made other plans for that night and she figured that her new boyfriend would be less than thrilled to have Stefan around. That had left him at loose ends for the rest of Sunday. Dirks had suggested that they go to a dance that was being held for the enlisted men. It seemed to Stefan like a waste of time, effort and was like something that he might have done while he was in school, especially since it involved wearing the blue dress uniform that he’d only worn once when he had completed basic training. Two hours later he was still kicking himself when he walked through the front doors of the auditorium with Dirks because Dirks had talked him into it. It was instantly obvious what the problem was, most of the men present had served in South Africa and had campaign medals at least. Stefan and Dirks where wearing uniforms that only had the Panzer Corps medals pinned to them. The women present would give them a second look.

They found themselves leaning on the back wall with some of the other of the Regiment’s men who Stefan knew from when he’d been on the XO’s shit list. Mostly they just told stupid jokes and passed around a hip flask. Stefan was thinking that it had turned out not to be a bad way to spend a night when she walked up. It was the girl who the entire Division had been warned about. To get caught even talking to her was to risk losing one’s life, career and balls. Stefan instantly saw why, she was the most beautiful woman in the world. Her burgundy colored dress perfectly offset pale skin that seemed to glow in dim light of the auditorium, black hair that reflected the overhead lights that hung to her waist and dark eyes.

“Would you believe that every man here is too scared to dance with me” She said with a pout.

“Only because your father would have them shot” Dirks replied.

She looked at them, with a vague smile. “What about you Soldat Gerstle? Or is it von Mischner?” She asked, “So hard to tell.”

Stefan felt Dirks stare burning into the side of his head. “What sort of bullshit is that, Stefan?” Dirks asked.

“You heard the rumors about me being the XO’s brother” Stefan replied.

“I thought that was crap, I saw what he did to you” Dirks said.

“Why do you think he did it?” Stefan asked Dirks as he took Nizhoni’s hand before she said anything else.

As he led her onto the dance floor he saw that she was enjoying his discomfort. He made sure that he kept his hands exactly where they were supposed to go. He noticed that the chaperones, all older women, mostly the wives of Generals and other high-ranking Officers were watching them like hawks.

“Why are you even here?” Stefan asked, “Slumming?”

Nizhoni laughed at that. “Hardly” She replied, “This is the second one of these that I’ve attended tonight. The other one was for junior Officers. They all hope that marrying me can help advance their careers, the food is terrible, and the music is worse.”

“So, you came here to have fun?” Stefan asked.

“That was the idea, but all the men are afraid of my father.”

“They have good reason to be.”

Nizhoni gave him a look. “You have no idea, do you?” She asked.

“No idea about what?”

“When my father looks at you he sees a young Johannes von Mischner” Nizhoni said, “You happen to be someone he likes.”

“That doesn’t mean a whole lot” Stefan replied, “Soldat, remember?”

Nizhoni laughed at that, “Not for long” She said, “When your brother came around my parent’s house when I was a girl, what do you think he was back then?”

Stefan hadn’t known that.
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Of course it was, it was just plain stupid luck...
Or happenstance... ;)
Can't tell if you are being sarcastic or just that innocent. No way no how did that have anything to do with luck or happenstance. That was as well a planned approach as when her father attacked Pusan.

“When my father looks at you he sees a young Johannes von Mischner” Nizhoni said, “You happen to be someone he likes.”
He might also see a young himself, which just might be the little underlying reason that she launched herself at Stefan.