Stupid Luck and Happenstance, Thread III

Sitting here looking at my bookcase, I've come to the conclusion that Kat, in her current stage of life, has a hell of a lot in common with one Havelock Vetinari, the Patrician of Ankh-Morepork. It's the little things, from the way people discover that they have an appointment to see her, via intimidating men in suits arriving to 'escort' them to said appointment, through her 'toleration' of organised crime based on the fact that they know that she is FAR more dangerous than they ever will be, and that her boundaries must not be crossed.
Sitting here looking at my bookcase, I've come to the conclusion that Kat, in her current stage of life, has a hell of a lot in common with one Havelock Vetinari, the Patrician of Ankh-Morepork. It's the little things, from the way people discover that they have an appointment to see her, via intimidating men in suits arriving to 'escort' them to said appointment, through her 'toleration' of organised crime based on the fact that they know that she is FAR more dangerous than they ever will be, and that her boundaries must not be crossed.
If she ends her chat with O'Neal with "Don't let me detain you"...

That's a point, I wonder if The Carpet People, (1971), and Dark Side of the Sun, (1976), have been written and released yet?
Part 143, Chapter 2585
Chapter Two Thousand Five Hundred Eighty-Five

8th October 1976

Dublin, Ireland

“You actually got into the office of the Tigress herself?” Was the question that Walt Johnson the Legal Attaché had for Ed as soon as he made it back to the Embassy in Dublin. There had been jokes for ages comparing Walt to the Baseball player he shared a name with. The funny part was that Walt was as far from an athlete as one could possibly be by being short, overweight, and bespectacled. After a long career working in the US Justice Department, getting assigned overseas to the tricky work of managing the Legal Mission in a place like Dublin was a reward of sorts. What surprised Ed was how he seemed to come alive when the subject of Prefect Katherine von Mischner came up.

Ed had been expecting to receive a formal reprimand at best. Instead there were questions. He had been in the house that had been the source of endless trouble for the CIA’s Berlin Station. There had been attempts of infiltrate that house, but the presence of the Katherine von Mischner’s family had made that difficult. The last time had been when the Tigress had been in Canada to cheer on her foster daughter. They had discovered that the family dog, an extremely territorial terrier mix, going nuts and the Housekeeper grabbing a meat cleaver to see what was going on had resulted in two CIA Agents fleeing into the night. The point of planting listening devices was that the subject wasn’t supposed to know that you had been there.

Ed was forced to tell the truth. He had found the Tigress to be extremely intimidating like a force of nature. The trip to Berlin had been to interview a suspect and she had sent her goons after him. Ed had been a bit reluctant to admit that the suspect in question had been Tatiana von Mischner-Blackwood who he suspected of fraudulently entering the United States having run across that in a related investigation.

“You are quite lucky that she didn’t order her goons break your legs” Walt said, “We have run across rumors that she has done that or far worse in the past to those who cross certain lines.”

“I got the impression that she was pumping me for information” Ed replied.

“Interesting” Walt said, “Did you find what you were looking for in Berlin?”

“No” Ed said, “I think that the daughter knows more than she is saying and while Katherine is exactly the sort who might order what happened to Greyson to be carried out, she wanted to know what happened.”

“Afraid that blame might get shifted on to her” Walt said, relishing every word.

“What is that to us Sir?” Ed asked.

“You don’t know, do you?” Walt asked in reply.

Ed sat there for a long moment wondering what Walt was getting at.

“The Justice Department and the FBI have had a score to settle with Kat Mischner for a long time” Walt said, “We suspect her of a lot of things that we have never been able to prove and of the things that we know about, that woman has been remarkably capable of slipping the noose.”

“Just how capable?” Ed asked.

“J. Edgar Hoover backed by two dozen Agents and an entire Company of Marines were waiting for her after she did a number on a pair of Naval Intelligence Officers” Walt said.

“Still, what does that have to do with us?” Ed repeated.

“You weren’t read in on how we keep an eye on that woman and the GS from here, Paris, and Copenhagen” Walt replied, “You were also partnered with Greyson, who couldn’t keep a secret if his life depended on it. Which as it turned out, it did.”

“Why not in Berlin?” Ed asked.

“Are you kidding?” Walt replied, “Every time they sweep for bugs in the Berlin Embassy they find bugs on the bugs. If you sneeze in there you’ll have a good portion of the BND and BII telling you gesundheit.”

Washington D.C.

It had been expected to be a bruising fight being so close to the election, but the nomination of Charles “Buddy” Holly as the newest Associate Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court after three years on the Second Circuit Court of Appeals had muted much of the opposition. The South, which had been a sore on the side of America since time out of mind, had initially stood as a block in opposition to anyone who Nixon might have nominated. Bud Holly being from Texas and being perfectly capable of speaking like any one of the good ol’ boys had shifted the entire conversation.

Nixon knew that would victory positioned him well going into the 1976 General Election. A lesser man might be tempted to rest on his laurels, Governor Ford of Michigan had waged a good campaign and had nearly caught up with Nixon a few times. Now that they were entering the final stretch, Nixon knew that it was time for the coup de grâce and it was going to completely blindside the Ford Campaign.

At that very moment, the one of the largest counterintelligence sweeps ever with the intent to cripple the BND NAA was about to start and the front page of every newspaper in America would have the details splashed across it that Sunday. Nixon had been planning this for months, with Justice and the FBI preparing to sweep up the entire network in one go.

There was an element of dirty pool involved with Nixon having to save several members of his own party from their own arrogance and stupidity without revealing his own involvement. The Republicans though, they wouldn’t see it coming until they realized too late that some of their own members were compromised seven ways from Sunday. Good luck going into an election with that on the voter’s minds.
Actually the people Nixon might be picking up are the same ones that they want to be picked up., remember if they want to embarrass the US anything goes here. Wheels within wheels here and some don't even know the other ones exist or even want to know they exist.
And in 20 years they will look back and realize that the Germans have once again pulled the strings.
Not this time. There is a high level leak that has compromised the main network of the BND's North America Division (NAA) and it is the sort of Intelligence failure that Robert Hanssen and Aldrich Ames caused in the 1980's and 90's.
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Gerald Ford IOTL when he was at Yale Law School, was a founding leader of America First that was opposed to any American involvement in WW II.
He did join the US Navy in 1941 and that changed him from being an Isolationist to an Internationalist.
In 1948 he challenged the incumbent Republican Congressman who was an Isolationist in the primary and won, and since the district was heavily Republican, that it was basically the same as winning the General Election.

I could see him without the US being involved with the ITTL WW II until the very end, still being an Isolationist advocating an "America First" policy with an emphasis on a "Fortress America" defense strategy.
He could be one of those politician who has used the "German Scare" from time to time to advance his ideas, but not so heavy handed as the others who has used that.
He could also be one to advocate high tariffs on imports.
IOTL he was solidly in favor of civil rights and still could be ITTL.

I would not be surprised if the BND has penetrated the America First movement in order to keep the United States from being a bigger rival to Germany.
Caught up again after several months away from this thread, again, and i see it is still as good as ever. great writing PM and keep up the good work.
Ed had been expecting to receive a formal reprimand at best. Instead there were questions. He had been in the house that had been the source of endless trouble for the CIA’s Berlin Station. There had been attempts of infiltrate that house, but the presence of the Katherine von Mischner’s family had made that difficult. The last time had been when the Tigress had been in Canada to cheer on her foster daughter. They had discovered that the family dog, an extremely territorial terrier mix, going nuts and the Housekeeper grabbing a meat cleaver to see what was going on had resulted in two CIA Agents fleeing into the night. The point of planting listening devices was that the subject wasn’t supposed to know that you had been there.
Those agents were probably identified by the Russian Sisters before they had even returned to US embassy. Kat probably had a full dossier on them before she returned from Montreal.
“The Justice Department and the FBI have had a score to settle with Kat Mischner for a long time” Walt said, “We suspect her of a lot of things that we have never been able to prove and of the things that we know about, that woman has been remarkably capable of slipping the noose.”

“Just how capable?” Ed asked.

“J. Edgar Hoover backed by two dozen Agents and an entire Company of Marines were waiting for her after she did a number on a pair of Naval Intelligence Officers” Walt said.
I see that the US intelligence agencies are still hung up on their (almost entirely) one-sided vendetta with Kat. I'm looking forward to O'Neal having a meeting with Jack Kennedy and discovering that he was one of those ONI officers, as well as the little fact that it was the US, specifically Jack's superior, that started the feud. Not to mention that the wounded pride of that agent, the ONI and the larger US intelligence community that has maintained, prolonged and expanded that feud. It should be an illuminating conversation.
At that very moment, the one of the largest counterintelligence sweeps ever with the intent to cripple the BND NAA was about to start and the front page of every newspaper in America would have the details splashed across it that Sunday. Nixon had been planning this for months, with Justice and the FBI preparing to sweep up the entire network in one go.
Cue an appearance by the Demon Murphy. Especially since this could expose the traitor and/or deep cover agent in Kissenger's government. It would also be interesting to see just how much of the disinformation campaign by German intelligence, and Bas' independent effort re: Ollie North, has been swallowed or disproved by US intelligence.
Honestly speaking this is probably going to be the straw that breaks the camel's back.

Manfred and all the influence he's acrued is already on the warpath trying to find a way to break the leading party (for the crime of getting him to admit he's wrong).

The BND is going to be on the warpath because this level of intelligence leak can only come from like... 4-5 people.

Kat may get involved depending on whether or not they involve Tatiana.

Like... they're cleaning up house. But they're doing it in the loudest manner possible, which is only going to backfire when German retaliates.

Especially considering just how entrenched the German Empire is in Europe and South America... places that America is trying to break into for business + politics.
So Buddy Holly made it to the Supreme Court, and the good part is that he is still relatively young for the Court and could end up becoming the Chief Justice in the next ten years (appointed by President Hendrix).

Once again, I hope that Nixon’s running mate is Hubert H. Humphrey just so this timeline continues the tradition of having Vice Presidents serving under Democratic Presidents ending their term in a pine box.
Part 143, Chapter 2586
Chapter Two Thousand Five Hundred Eighty-Six

10th October 1976

Montreal, Canada

It was said that the geography of Canada was like being chained to a beast. It never felt more like that than during the seemingly eternal election seasons south of the border and Sir Malcolm Blackwood was of the opinion that Richard Nixon just happened to be the worst sort of Politician that United States tended to produce with alarming regularity. The election was no exception. Over the last few days the FBI with the assistance to State and Local Police had scooped up a still unknown number of active Agents from the German BND and an assortment of those believed to have been compromised by their activities. Apparently a number of them had escaped across the border to Canada and Mexico. This had caused a great deal of trouble for the Canadian Government because the US State Department was perfectly happy present them with Fugitive Arrest Warrants if the Agent in question was merely suspected of having crossed into Canada. It was heavy handed and struck Malcolm as being deliberate theater. It also seemed short sighted. When Malcolm had been a newly minted Infantry Sous-lieutenant in Flanders he had seen firsthand how fast the Germans could reconstitute themselves. The FBI might have gotten revenge for how they had been humiliated in the past, but Malcolm thought it was a safe assumption that the replacements for the Agents who had been captured or had fled were already in place.

The Ford Campaign was caught completely flat-footed. America First, the most prominent of the Isolationist organizations that had endorsed Gerald Ford’s bid for the Presidency had been decimated by this sudden action when it was learned that their leadership was thoroughly compromised. Of course, it was in Germany’s interest to have the United States contained within it’s own borders, that was the interest of damn near everyone on the globe especially in Canada and Mexico.

“What did you say to the Prime Minister?” Bert asked. They were sitting in the booth of a downtown diner for an unofficial breakfast meeting, Bert being one of the few people who Malcolm could talk freely to.

“How we intend to take advantage of this latest shit show” Sir Malcolm replied as the bored looking Waitress poured a cup of coffee for him. It was black and smelled burnt, but after a career that had spanned decades in the Army and heading the Special Branch of the RCMP before working directly for the Minister of Defense after his supposed retirement, Malcolm could probably drink battery acid in the place of regular coffee and hardly notice.

“You think that is possible?” Bert asked.

Malcolm gave a cynical laugh as he looked at the menu.

“Tricky Dick is not as clever as he likes to think that he is” Malcolm replied, “The people he is chasing out will be more than happy to give us anything they think we’ll find valuable to get us to look the other way as they pass through Canada. This business with having an October surprise right before an election is going to come back around and bite Nixon in the butt. No one with a working brain believes that all this was just a big happy coincidence, and the Jerry are going to be looking to return the favor.”

The Waitress circled back around with a note pad and was waiting expectantly for their orders. “The oatmeal” Malcolm said before Bert ordered hash and eggs.

“On a health kick?” Bert asked.

“I’ve got my wife and Doctor singing from the same hymnal book these days” Malcolm replied “Margot has a sixth sense about if I’ve been cheating on my diet. So, I do what I need to do to keep the domestic peace.”

“Easier said than done with Margot” Bert said, and Malcolm didn’t reply. Bert had seen what Margot had done to his wife and daughter. While he didn’t blame Malcolm personally, Bert had felt that Marie’s unknowing intervention in that matter and befriending of Henriette resulting in Margot getting taken down a peg or two was just deserts.

“Granted” Malcolm said.

“You have another serious problem to consider” Bert said, “One that stands at five-five, weighs perhaps a hair over a hundred pounds, speaks a dozen languages and can vanish into thin air despite being a very noticeable redhead.”

“What has Marie done this time?” Malcolm asked.

“Nothing as far as I know” Bert replied, “It’s just that word is getting around about her talents and with this latest mess down south these things take on a life of their own. See, everyone knows who her mother is.”

“That should have nothing to do with anything” Malcolm said. He was perfectly aware of what his granddaughter was capable of and why she did some of the things she did. He doubted that Bert would truly understand though. Bert only saw clever tricks and potential while Malcolm understood that it was pathology at play. Marie could become someone else for a few minutes and absolutely sell that to whoever she was dealing with to the extent that she could become almost unrecognizable, but she had told Malcolm that she did it because she didn’t like who she was as a person. It was obvious that she wasn’t suffering from the one of the dissociative personality disorders that had been all the rage the last few years in that she was perfectly aware of what she was doing. Malcolm knew that it was a dangerous game that might draw suspicion upon his granddaughter if anyone who was not inclined to be friendly ever figured it out.

“I know that” Bert replied, “Marie has been a good friend to Henni and is a lovely girl, I just don’t want to see her getting tarred by the sort of backlash that is coming thanks to what is happening down south as we speak.”
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It is going to take some time until the Germans can reconstitute their network in the United States as new agents need to be put in place and make a new set of contacts to carry out their missions.

An unintended consequence of this, is that it actually is more beneficial for Germany if Nixon wins re-election as given the IOTL foreign policy of the Nixon Administration was to pursue detente with the Soviet Union, and the architect of that policy was one Henry Kissinger.
It is in the best interest of Germany and the United States to pursue detente and stop the various proxy wars they have been involved in since the end of the ITTL WW II.
There is probably an arms race going on at this time, and both nations would like to slow it down and repurpose the money being spent on new weapons into other things.
IOTL the 1972 Nixon-Breznev Summit produced the Apollo-Soyuz Joint Space Mission and there should be no reason for something like that not to happen ITTL.
The Germans may find that keeping the United States being isolationist is a shortsighted policy, and having an engaged and cooperative United States in a partnership with Germany is more beneficial for everyone.
Another unintended consequence of this, is that the FBI busting this many spy rings at once is definitely going to trigger the alarm bells in German counter-intelligence.
The problem is, that as far as I remember, the USA spy is a political appointee. And this should not be someone who is allowed to know the clear names. Maybe not even the coded ones.
And remember, the German inteligence apparatus already had a brusch with someone getting in and retriving data. So they should have a certain conciousness to keep the data seperate and need to know. And no political player should have the need to know who is spying for their country.

Heck the politicos should not even get data that allows indirect idents from CVs.
I see the Law of Unintended Consequences is about to make its presence felt in full, 3-D, glorious technicolor, complete with Dolby Surround Sound.