Stupid Luck and Happenstance, Thread II

When everyone is debriefed , the image of Princess Kristina laughing in the face of danger is going to stand out in everybody’s mind
Then she started laughing. As he watched she put her hands over her ears, closed her eyes and was laughing. He was confused as to what she was doing when he heard a thud and a small canister was rolling around the airplane’s center isle by his feet.
This is the point (click here)
No sooner than he had registered that it was there when it exploded in a blinding flash of bright light and a blast that left his ears ringing. That was when the shooting started…
And nice going, using the heels as a distraction to mask the sound of the entry team. Lothar just had his bell rung, both literary and figuratively.
When that newspaper had run its story revealing his name to the world, he’d had just minutes to grab his things and make a run for it.

I get that Zella and company were dumb enough to sit on the information they had instead of telling Kat, but I hadn't expected to Maria to care so much about breaking the story that she didn't even bother tipping off the cops about Mithras before the story broke. :noexpression:
That omission by Maria will be plainly made during the authorities post mortem of these events. However the newspaper could paint it as a failure on the part of the Government and the security services.
And trying to hijack a plane that is standing at the gate meaning it cannot move at all without a pushback just is the icing on this 10 feet high cake of idiocy.
Well, to be fair to the author, gates were not really a thing back then.
People walked out of the tarmac and up a set of stairs that were (normally) attached to a truck.
No push back required......
Grabbing a child which walks unguardedly to school (SOP at that time) is actually not that difficult.

I am quite happy to note, that children walking alone/with friends unguarded to school/school bus is still the most common SOP in Germany.

Not because i make it a habit to grab them, but because of what it say's of the status of society.
“Why is it that so many bullet holes in Lothar’s body, private?”

“Well I guess me and the lads just managed to hit him at the same time sir.”

Allegedly, one of the SAS guys from Operation Nimrod was asked why he put 15 rounds into one of the terrorists.

Replied something like "Because I ran out."

That‘s true but ITTL he set up a high bar to be crossed for being more idiotic and IOTL, well hijacking a plane at the gate... I do not know of any example.
There was Samuel Bryck.


Ok now I know sth more. It seems the old Einstein saying that stupidity knows no bounds should always be considered.
For getting to school sadly more and more children are driven by their parents.
So to sum up this whole mess is this:
While the Jacobians were an actual movement they were co opted by von Papen to cover up the massive embezzlement of the Hohenzollern Trust.

That is not going to set well with the German public especially after the East Station bombing and both the Jacobians and the Trustees will be tried together.

If it is the desire of the authorities for those s who are convicted to be safe in prison then building a prison just for them in the German Pacific Islands would be the best place for them, isolated and forgotten by everyone they love.
PM, you made me curious.
"Flash-bangs" weren't really a thing in this early in real life.
In your story, obviously it was developed much earlier by the Germans.
Once news of this rescue becomes known, all sorts of countries all over the world will be interested in this technology.
PM, you made me curious.
"Flash-bangs" weren't really a thing in this early in real life.
"Flash-bang" is basically a brand name for a kind of concussion grenade developed by the British in the 70's that became a catchall term, sort of like how people use the term "Xerox machine" to describe all photocopiers. Grenades with similar capabilities were developed several times before then, most notably during WW1 with the German Stielhandgranate and the British Mark 3 that had a cardboard case. The earlier appearance of Police Counter-Terrorism Units would inevitably lead to the same sort of refining of the idea.
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In this timeline we have seen the earlier need for counterterrorism operations and we saw with Nancy getting shot with rubber bullets the need for non lethal weapons is necessary .
It is very plausible that the flash bangs would be used earlier.
For me, I am just waiting for an update on how Kiki is and also how Mother and Child are doing.
Flash bangs date from the early 60's. Concussion grenades are from the early 1900's, the original German potato masher grenade was a high explosive only grenade. It did was provided with a separate sleeve for it to be a frag grenade.

I forgot that there would be at least one other group in Berlin after Mithras and his group, that would be the RCMP. Our friends from up north would have a RCMP unit at the embassy for VIP protection and with Dennis being Sir Malcolm's son and Marie being his Grandaughter they might have standing orders to help and Dennis, Kat, and the German authorities would know that. And as you know the Mounties always get their man.
Now I have the image of the Jacobines being hunted by Mounties through Berlin Loony Tunes style, while the Benny Hill theme plays in the background in my head.