Stupid Luck and Happenstance, Thread II

I think Kiki keeping her distance from Peter is her way of letting him know that a) she is finally aware of the level of manipulation that he has engaged in; that b) it is past time that HE realised that her ambitions are, at least, as important as his goals and that c) that she had better start seeing some benefits from those manipulations.
Bah, manipulation. They each got what they wanted out of it. It's not as Kiki did anything that she wasn't willing to do in the first place - Peter just gave some direction to her nebulous (even to herself) ambitions.

And Kiki's ambitions have always been about herself, while Peter's goals have been about creating or empowering institutions for helping people.
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We haven't seen what Vicky's ambitions or goals are but my thought is that while she sees Rea's idealism is somewhat misplaced, Vicky can understand the need for effective change and the University of Jena is where Augustus Lang got his education and start from and it is most likely that there is a School for Public, Governmental, and International Studies named after him.
With that in mind I can see Vicky studying economics and law in order for her to take charge of the Kira Kirillnova Foundation and work for pragmatic solutions to various different issues.
Of course one of the people teaching there should be IOTL a prominent German immigrant to the United States who shared a Nobel Peace Prize with someone for ending a war somewhere, because after all another patented cameo will be just fine.
Of course one of the people teaching there should be IOTL a prominent German immigrant to the United States who shared a Nobel Peace Prize with someone for ending a war somewhere, because after all another patented cameo will be just fine.
Part 100, Chapter 1606
Chapter One Thousand Six Hundred Six

21st December 1963

Breslau, Silesia

Helene had been hoping for a peaceful Christmas Season spent in her constituency. Unfortunately, events far out of her control conspired to prevent that from happening.

At issue was Southern Poland, or whatever that particular patch of ground happened to be calling itself these days was. The Government in Warsaw had referred to it as Lesser Poland for years and the people who lived there had taken to calling it Galicia. It was the same region that had been hit hardest by fighting during the Second World War and it had been depopulated as a result. In the twenty years since the war had ended the Federal Government had done its best to put that land back into productive use by encouraging farmers and craftsmen from other parts of the Empire to relocate there, with veterans from the Military getting preferential treatment. Having the main rail line between Berlin and Kiev pass through the region had driven large scale industrial development as well. Unfortunately, that policy had unforeseen consequences that were only now starting to become noticeable and had the potential to become serious problems in the future.

For decades, the Government in Warsaw had played both sides in the politics of that country. Tacitly supporting the independence movement in Poland, while at the same time pointing at it to prompt official Berlin to send money their way. It was well known that much of that Federal largess had gone to Warsaw and the other fiefdoms of the Government Ministers. Now they were waking up to reality that demographics in southern Poland had changed with Ruthenians and ethnic Germans becoming the majority. Those two groups had little love for the Government in Warsaw for various reasons, and there was a growing independence movement in the region. Surprisingly, they were joined by a substantial number of ethnic Poles in that regard. Neighboring Silesia and Slovakia both had Polish and Ruthenian minorities which was why Helene had reporters asking her about the situation.

In Helene’s opinion it served the Government in Warsaw right to find themselves with the shoe on the other foot for a change. Not that she would say it out loud. She also had her parents to contend with, both of them were in their seventies and in declining health. While seeing to their care wasn’t something that she needed to worry about, the simple fact that Helene’s father had been the head of the family for decades, increasing their social stature over his lifetime made things complicated. The day was coming when he would no longer be around and the tricky business of keeping the family estate intact would need to be undertaken carefully. No one doubted that Albrecht would be the next Graf, but it would be extremely easy for them to find themselves with that title, some land and little else in a generation. That was what had happened with the families that Helene’s sisters, Sonje Louise and Caecilia, had married into.

Mitte, Berlin

The delight that Nella had the Holiday Season was infectious. Currently, she was pulling Kiki along as they went from stall to stall in the Alexander Marketplace. They had spent the afternoon going to several different Christmas Markets and this one was possibly the largest of the entire lot.

Freddy and Suga had been with them but Suga had needed to find a place to sit and rest. A week earlier they had gone in for a scan and discovered that Suga had a healthy pregnancy that was progressing nicely. They had also discovered that she was further along than they had thought, and the due date had been moved up from May to April. The announcement of it was scheduled to happen during the television address that Kiki’s father was going to make on Christmas Day from the Winter Residence. Freddy and Suga were going to be on the air with him as part of the increasingly prominent Freddy was to take on over the coming years as their father was still planning on retiring when he turned sixty-four. The announcement of the impending birth of his first grandchild would be seen as an important milestone by the public and it would be laying the groundwork for his eventual retirement as being seen as another. Not that Kiki blamed him, somehow keeping on working until you dropped over dead when you didn’t need too seemed perverse to her.

“You got to see Kiki…” Nella blurted out as she pulled on Kiki’s arm. She had been sucking on candy canes and had been wolfing down other sweets since they had gotten here a couple hours earlier. It being the holidays, Charlotte had said that it was alright to indulge her. Just Kiki understood that as amped up on sugar as Nella was at the moment there would come an inevitable crash, that was if she didn’t get a stomachache or worse.

This being the Alexander Marketplace, they came to a wide-open space beyond the stalls and in a roped off section was a crowd of people watching as men made hand-blown glass Christmas ornaments under exhaust hoods that were there for exactly that purpose. Watching a bubble of molten glass get placed in a heated mold and with how fast they were getting churned out was something. Nella seemed to lose interest and was tugging on Kiki’s arm again.

A few minutes later, they were walking among a different section of stalls when Nella seemed to wilt. Kiki noticed that she was pale, and her skin was clammy. Coupled with the amount of sweets that she had eaten, Kiki understood what was happening and pulled her towards the nearest rubbish bin. Seconds later, Nella threw-up into it.

“Is your little girl alright?” A woman with a kind face running a stall that looked to be selling jars of all manner of pickled things asked in Russian as Kiki used her handkerchief to wipe off Nella’s mouth.

“Nella just has had too much holiday cheer” Kiki replied in the same language.

The woman smiled warmly at that, then turned and grabbed a small jar of ginger root that she handed to Kiki. “This might help your daughter feel better” She said.

It seemed that she had made the same assumptions that people always did when they saw Kiki and Nella together. Kiki didn’t bother to correct her as she paid the woman, glad that Zella and Aurora weren’t around to see this. They had joked for years there was some aspect of Kiki that made people assume that she was a young mother.

Glancing up Kiki saw that her security detail was watching her closely, though was standing off somewhat and letting her handle the situation. It was the disadvantage of her own instructions to them and because they knew she was a Medic, they figured that she was well suited to take care of Nella. Twisting open the lid and prying out the wax seal, Kiki pulled out a piece of the ginger root and gave it to her little sister.
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The women speaks Russian and then sells something to the Kiki... it might be poisoned, and the women running the stall might have spoken Russia as a confirmation that’s it Kiki and not some other girl with a child.
It’s an assassination attempt!
Just as there is the saying that there are more Irish people in the United States then there are in Ireland, there are probably more Poles in Germany then in Poland.
Because of the extensive road and rail network that criss crosses Poland and the massive investment by German corporations, Poland is far more integrated in to the German Empire then at anytime in history.
Symbols of Polish independence like the currency Polish zloty has fallen in to disuse as the German Mark is preferred by ordinary people in their everyday transactions and pegging the value of the zloty to the Reichmark is hotly debated in Warsaw.
Another issue is that in the areas being reclaimed by immigrants the people are most likely are more comfortable in using German language day to day then Polish and only learn Polish on the most rudimentary level and there is probably a push by the government in Warsaw to make it Polish language the only official language being used but that will cause a massive backlash and may push the new immigrants into wanting even more direct German governance than Polish governance.

Nella in the Alexanderplatz Marketplace is a wonderful callback to the time that Kiki and Freddy went to the Christmas stalls in Postdam when they are younger and in previous posts it has been shown that Freddy has real affection for Nella and that is probably one of the things that Suga loves about Freddy and sees him as potentially being a good father.
Still love the fact that every time that Kiki is with young children she is mistaken for being their mother.

I really have no concern about the von Richthofen estates as the Graf has prepared for every eventuality for the future and he sees Albrecht wife Ilse as being the true steward of the von Richthofen lands for the next generation.
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The women speaks Russian and then sells something to the Kiki... it might be poisoned, and the women running the stall might have spoken Russia as a confirmation that’s it Kiki and not some other girl with a child.
It’s an assassination attempt!

I am more of the mind that it is one of Petia's "sisters" having a stall there. We haven't heard from them in a while and the Grafin would be one to use them to get a feel for the crowd and the populace around the different areas. Have one or two babushkas in a stall at different markets, Christmas/Farmers/Arts and Crafts fairs, all kinds of things people talk about in public.
Part 100, Chapter 1607
Chapter One Thousand Six Hundred Seven

25th December 1963

Mitte, Berlin

Celebrating what was the first part of Christmas as well as her birthday with her family was always enjoyable. Nella had bounced back from the consequences of stuffing herself with sweets a few days earlier. Charlotte had said that she hoped that Nella had learned a lesson from the experience but judging by what she had done over Christmas Eve it was obvious that she had not. Kiki still had Epiphany and Orthodox Christmas ahead of her. Apparently, representatives from the Russian Sisters linked to the Kat wanted to see her during that time period. Kiki had no idea what they wanted but she suspected that the woman she had encountered in the Alexander Marketplace had something to do with it.

The book that had been given to Kiki by her father was beautiful and terrifying at the same time. De humani corporis fabrica, On the fabric of the human body, by Andreas Vesalius. The woodcuts and vivid descriptions of human anatomy from the Sixteenth Century were breathtaking. The binding of the book bothered Kiki though, it looked like it was made of human skin. She knew that it was a common practice with books of this type in prior centuries, actually holding one in her hands was different experience entirely. It made her skin crawl. It was just as well that the book was going to the Old National Gallery where it would join rest of the family’s collection of rare books on public display.

The book was also a very clear endorsement of Kiki’s career choice. It was much like when her father had given her the stethoscope a few years earlier that was still a part of her kit. Zella managed to complete the painting that Kiki had convinced her to do just in time. On Christmas Eve Kiki had been terribly afraid that her giving it to her father and stepmother would come across as terribly narcissistic. They had loved it though, saying that it captured who she was, and it was wonderful that she had included Hera and Rauchbier.

Now on Christmas Day, Kiki watched as her father read a prepared statement to the German Empire in the room of the Hohenzollern Palace that had been converted into a small studio. At that moment, there were potentially over a hundred million people watching on television or listening in on the radio from throughout the Continental Empire as well as locations such as the distant Pacific Islands as Louis Ferdinand addressed them as Emperor. It was noticeable that he was attempting to address each region and subject Kingdom by name. Then in a twist, he mentioned that because of the advances in technology that the people in New Swabia which was at the most distant corner of the Earth were within the sound of his voice. They were no longer alone and that in the coming days, his son Louis Junior would soon be joining them.

Then he started talking about what the Royal family was up to. How he was looking forward to Freddy and Suga having their first child in the spring. How proud he was of what Michael, Kristina, Louis Junior, Victoria and even Marie Cecilie were making of themselves and briefly mentioned what they up to. He mentioned that four-year-old Antonia had loved sweets a bit too much over Christmas and that her Kindergarten Teacher would probably need to be aware of that next year in conclusion. It was a reminder that Charlotte wanted Nella attending a regular Kindergarten, not wanting her to be as insulated from the world as her older brothers and sisters during their formative years.

Near Jassel, Southern Poland

Upon retiring from the Panzer Corps, Olli Bauer had received two thousand hectares of good land in the foothills of the Carpathian Mountains. He had also gotten a handful of medals from the Prussian and Thuringian States to go with his all the ones he had won over a lifetime of service. The result was that he got a substantial stipend from the State in addition to the income that he got from his property. Not that he had made much from his farm yet. He had only lived here for a single year, since he had retired shortly after he had returned from Korea. Nele had been delighted when she had learned that Olli had pulled the pin and the farm was everything that she had dreamed of since they had been children.

Earlier that night, Olli had watched with his family as the Emperor had given his address to the Empire. He had briefly been able to forget the things that had been troubling him lately. Months earlier, during the harvest when Olli had joyfully watched as the wheat had been brought in and he had been able to arrange for its sale to an agent in Krakow. He had been planning what he would do when spring came Olli had an unexpected encounter. A man who introduced himself as Generallieutenant Erwin Bachmann had visited Olli’s farm. Bachmann had known about Olli’s military record and had listened to him as he had told him all about his plans for the coming years. Finally, Bachmann had asked how Olli intended to keep his land if the Government in distant Warsaw ever declared itself independent from the German Empire and saw people like him as noncitizens of the country they lived in? Olli didn’t have an answer for that. Then Bachmann had tried to sell Olli on the Division that he was raising from the retired Soldiers who had farms throughout the Upper Vistula Basin. They really could use a man with Olli’s skills.

Olli had thanked Bachmann, declining his offer and had thanked him before sending him on his way. Now though, he kept thinking about what Bachmann had said about the Government in Warsaw. Would they really throw Olli off his farm if they didn’t have the Federal Government standing over them?
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Olli doesn’t need to worry to much, Polish independence would last at most one year until they were defeated by this Germany.
An independent Poland would also have a failing economy from being at war with their best trade partner; and having many revolts happening domestically against independence from Germans or other minorities.
So where is Karol wojtyla in all this? Last we saw he was a mixture of black marketeer and information broker.

And considering his role in OTL when it comes to Poland I am curious what he is doing now given his rather divided loyalties
Apparently. We saw Sepp Dietritch before. And I looked him up , and apparently he got a Knight's Cross for "Mounted on a motorcycle, he attacked and destroyed a Sherman tank with a Panzerfaust in Herrlisheim"

Was that kat's 2IC, or was that someone else?

Wait, that was Joechen pieper
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An independent Poland would also have a failing economy from being at war with their best trade partner; and having many revolts happening domestically against independence from Germans or other minorities.

The Polish Government doesn't actually want independence per say, that hasn't stopped them from pandering to those who do. That has played into the hands of those who are backing Erwin Bachmann.

Josef "Sepp" Gangl was the Commanding Officer of the 140th Regiment in Mexico.

Joachim Peiper is the current Commander of the Sealion training school in Cuxhaven. Kat let him know that she would see him dead if he stepped out of line while she was the commanding the KSK and Peiper is one of her subordinates, so he is very far from being her Second in Command.

Here is a short video about the book that Kiki was involved with adding to the Hohenzollern Collection in the Alte Nationalgalerie. And yes, that cover is exactly what it was depicted as.
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