Stupid Luck and Happenstance, Thread II

I don't think that killing somebody (or having somebody killed) because you don't like him is a good stance to have (even if that person is a genuine asshole). Especially if a war might start out of it.

But yeah, since most of TTL Europe countries are monarchies, Victoria can definitely pass this guy over. There probably are plenty of options.
So if there will be no marriage of love or necessity (pregnancy), what would be her most advantageous marriage of convenience? Italy or a local boy? Vicky could go the spinster route with a special friend but would she be more likely to follow the mores of the time and have a sham marriage that both people could hide behind? I don't think she would flaunt her romantic interests.
We have seen the more positive aspects of relationships in this timeline from Emil and Maria, to Kat and Doug, Hans and Helene, and now Freddy and Suga.
What we haven't seen is a relationship based on the cynical needs to preserve an image for public consumption, for the House of Savoy it seems that they are wearing out the goodwill of the Italian people and they need some outside help to prop them up and an apparently highly moral young woman from the Royal Family that is at its peak fits the bill.
For Vicky marriage to someone like the Prince of Naples actually will bring her more freedom to be herself as there will be a certain degree of privacy afforded to her.
All she has to do is just produce the "Heir and Spare" and then be discreet in the way she conducts herself and then she only has to make the bare minimum of public appearances with her husband.
If she is able to raise her hypothetical children to the same standard that she was raised them she just might be able to save the Italian Monarchy.
Part 98, Chapter 1560
Chapter One Thousand Five Hundred Sixty

15th May 1963

Kreuzberg, Berlin

For the hundredth time this week, Gang Ji found himself thinking about how this wasn’t what he was expecting at all.

A month earlier, Ji had been called to assembly with the rest of his Company. It was announced that they had completed their commitment to the State and were free to go. The whole thing had been an absurd anticlimax after the events of the prior year. His arrival at his parent’s house had not gone much better. His father had welcomed him warm but stern fashion and then asked him what he was planning on doing for employment. It was to Ji’s shock that his father had told him that he had no future in his home village and that he needed to take the money that the Army had paid him and get as far away from there as he could.

It had been a chance encounter a few days later when he had been trying to catch the train to Seoul that he had run into one of his friends from the Army who had told him that the shipyards in Kiel and Danzig always needed workers. Skill level and immigration status would be overlooked the need was so great. As Ji found out once he had managed to cross the vastness of Russia and was nearly out of money, if something sounded too good to be true it probably was. If he had arrived six months earlier, the situation would have been as he had heard. Instead with the European economy in recession the shipyards had been idled. Even if they had started full production the next day, it would be German workers who got hired on first.

So, Ji had been forced to look elsewhere, landing a job in a Korean Market in Kreuzberg had been a stroke of luck. Berlin had a relatively large Korean population centered in that neighborhood, and as Ji would quickly learn it went with dozens of other ethnic groups that had arrived in the city over the previous decades. All them came into the store, so the Han Suk store’s owner had said that he had best put his prejudices aside and treat all of them like paying customers. If he learned that they didn’t have money, then he no longer had to worry about being polite because they didn’t belong in the store.

So far, he just did odd jobs. Sweeping the floor and taking out the rubbish bins when he wasn’t stocking the shelves. Suk had said that he would show Ji how to use the register when he got the chance. In the meantime, having a former soldier around was good for the store if there was any trouble.


“I just don’t get it” Kat said after she had told her Aunt what Asia had told her. “How can Vicky look at Asia with scorn but still be infatuated with her?”

“If this girl really does have those kinds of leanings, I would be willing to bet that your protégée is the likely the only woman she regularly encounters who plays for that side occasionally” Aunt Marcella replied.

That sounded correct to Kat, she had known for a long time that Asia was equally attracted to men and women. The current situation that Asia had gotten herself into was proof enough of that.

“God has a strange sense of humor at times” Marcella said, “I’ll grant you that.”

“And I came to you for advice” Kat replied, “What am I supposed to do about it?”

“I know that this goes completely against your nature Katherine” Marcella said, “But this time, I think you should do nothing. Let Victoria find her own way and for God’s sake, don’t breathe a word of this to anyone else.”

Kat had gone to Aunt Marcella because she had found herself in a situation that was way more complicated than anything she had ever handled. If she made the wrong choices, then she would wreck the life of Victoria who Kat had known since she had first that second heartbeat weeks before the twins had been born.

Sure, Kat had listened to Kiki and Ria making jokes about the secret nature of their straitlaced sister for years. She had always just assumed that it was just more sibling rivalry expressing itself. To have Asia come to her and voice her suspicions after what had happened on Sunday afternoon was an entirely different matter. Asia said that Vicky was her usual insufferable self, full of the sort of judgement and self-righteousness that she had taken on in recent years. It was probably in reaction to her sisters leading less conventional lives if Kat had to guess. Though Vicky hadn’t said it aloud, she had a sneering perspective towards Asia’s failure to live a proper life from her perspective. For her part, Asia said that she had felt sorry for Vicky figuring that it was coming from a place of naïve arrogance.

“I’m good at keeping secrets” Kat said, “Just I’m afraid that Vicky might get herself hurt.”

“That is understandable” Marcella replied, “Perhaps, what Vicky really needs is someone like an Aunt, or at least what passes for one, to listen to her without judgement.”

“You’ve been waiting ages to say that” Kat asked, “Haven’t you?”

Marcella just smiled.
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The introduction of Gang Ji as a character in this timeline shows any this is a great timeline.
There are so many potential ways for him to be used, first as a POV to show us how Berlin ITTL is an International City that has become the "Crossroads of Eurasia" and with the upcoming wedding of Crown Prince Friedrich of Prussia and Her Imperial Princess Suga of Japan that is going to be one of the most reported stories that the international press is going to tell to the world.
Gang Ji has been shown to be intelligent and has the ability to learn so that means he might be able to get some more formal education and with more immigrants in Berlin and with him being a former soldier he could become a police officer in Berlin, he also could be recruited to be a source for the KCIA, or he could become mixed up in the criminal activities that prey upon the Korean immigrant community who has little trust in the local police.

As for Victoria Augusta, from what little information that has been given to us I think that she likes having the title and prestige of being a Princess and is having conflicting emotions about keeping her status and embracing her own identity.
Having Aunt Marcella becoming involved is a brilliant idea as she has no agenda of her own, and can give a no nonsense, no B.S. practical advice to her as to Vicky Aunt Marcella as the credibility of raising both Kat and Gia.
What Vicky really needs is to be introduced to other young women who has come to terms with themselves in a discrete way that Vicky will not suspect and that will lead Vicky to accept herself.
Part 98, Chapter 1561
Chapter One Thousand Five Hundred Sixty-One

17th May 1963

Hohenzollern Castle

When Kiki learned that she had a guest arrive from the city she was briefly excited, then she saw who it was and felt her heart drop through her stomach. Vicky. All the castle’s staff clearly wanted it to be a joyful reunion, but it was obvious to her that her younger sister was having a personal crisis of some sort. The kind that caused her to travel seven hundred kilometers out of her way. She looked exhausted, like if she hadn’t slept in days. Just the fact that she had run to Kiki in a manner that was totally unlike her showed just how desperate Vicky was.

The dinner they had of soup and bread that they had was tense, with Vicky only willing to answer questions about school and how Nella or Freddy were doing. Later, Kiki was sitting on her bed while Vicky was looking through the latest batches of pamphlets that covered her desk. They were from various corporations, mostly in computer technology but there were others as well, optical glass manufacturing and precision assembly. Looking at Vicky in the soft light that the lamps cast, Kiki could see how she favored their mother. It was odd how Ria and Vicky were identical, yet Kiki didn’t see that same resemblance when looking at Ria.

“I’ve been trying to persuade the local communities in this Province that they need more than just forestry and tourism for the economy” Kiki said, “Most of the resistance to that seems to be fear of change.”

Vicky’s expression grew clouded, “You and Ria are the same” She said, “You think that if you ask nicely, people will upend their lives to suit you.”

That was what Kiki had come to expect from Vicky, she had always been the realist to Ria being a dreamer. In recent years she had embraced institutions of various kinds, church and family, all of that in ways that Kiki and Ria had rejected years earlier.

“I’m not asking people to upend their lives” Kiki replied, “I’m just trying to give the people who live here opportunities that they might not otherwise have.”

“If is so great than just order it done” Vicky said sharply.

“This isn’t the Heer Vicky” Kiki said, “The instant I just ordered people to do things like that, then I would lose what authority I have here.”

“Then how do you expect things to get done?” Vicky demanded. Kiki couldn’t help but noticing that she was growing more upset. “I don’t understand your constant need to make things difficult?”

“It is called being an adult, if you want positive changes to be permanent then you have to build consensus” Kiki said, something crossed Vicky’s face and Kiki knew that it had been precisely the wrong thing to have said. Though she didn’t know why.

“It’s not supposed to be this way, not for me” Vicky said, “It is supposed to be girls like you who go off to play solder or Ria, who is weird anyway.”

“What are you talking about?” Kiki asked, “What’s not supposed to be this way?”

That just caused Vicky to start sobbing.

“There’s something wrong with me!” Vicky wailed.

And? Kiki thought to herself. For years she had watched Vicky trying to be perfect, conforming to what she thought other people wanted her to be. Had she finally cracked now that she was about to sit for her Abitur and the responsibilities of being an adult were looming? With her personality, finding that she was a fallible human being like everyone else would be difficult for Vicky. It didn’t help that with her still being a very sheltered teenager, small personal matters were the end of the world.

“It’s not like we are talking paranoid schizophrenia here” Kiki said, “Did you come in five minutes late to one of your classes last week ruining twelve years of perfect attendance?”

Vicky’s jaw dropped when she heard that.

“Is that what you think of me?” Vicky asked, “That I would…”

She trailed off and Kiki immediately regretted having asked that.

“No” Kiki said, “But compared to some of the things I’ve seen, I have a hard time thinking that your problems are as serious as you make them out to be.”

Vicky just stared at her and Kiki could tell that she was about to hyperventilate. What could possibly get her in such a state?

“If you had just lost a limb and were bleeding out, I would not only understand but could step in and save your life” Kiki said, “That it something I’ve seen and dealt with. Whatever is going on with you couldn’t be that extreme.”

Vicky stared at Kiki for a long minute, clearly weighing how much she trusted her.

“Something happened” Vicky said reluctantly, “I was talking with Frau Lawniczak and she noticed something about me.”

“You are here because you talked to Asia?” Kiki asked.

“I find her repulsive” Vicky said, “No one knows how many lovers she has had. She flouts convention and now with her being with child everyone is acting as if it’s not a big deal. Charlotte even offered to be her baby’s Godmother. It’s absurd.”

Vicky said she found Asia repulsive, but the expression on her face said otherwise. This also just confirmed something that Ria had been making jokes about for ages using lewd terms when she knew Vicky was out of earshot. It was a cliché that good girls found bad boys irresistible, in this case Vicky found herself in that same sort of situation with a twist. Asia wasn’t stupid in these matters and had obviously noticed.

“So, you are saying that you ran away from Potsdam and spent eight hours on a train because you are afraid that people will figure out that you’re a lesbian?” Kiki asked.

Vicky just sat there blinking and Kiki realized that she was on the verge of having a panic attack. No one had ever said that aloud to Vicky before now.
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Nice bedside manner Dr Kiki. On the other hand, never get your treatment from an SF combat medic with PTSD. It's like disinfecting a wound with rotgut.

Effective but hurts like heck.
Well apparently Kiki comes from the school of ripping the bandage off fast.
This is where Charlotte proves to be the perfect Stepmother by accepting Vicky without reservation.
It is going to be ironic since it was Vicky who didn't accept Charlotte as their stepmother and kept Rea from accepting her, what would be supremely ironic would be the reason for it was that Vicky had a crush on Charlotte and that is when Vicky realised that she was "different".
In some ways, Kiki's response is exactly what Vicky needs, but not what she wants.

I don't think she needs acceptance from other people, that will come quite readily, she needs to accept herself first. Especially as she's built her self image up, as Kiki describes it, to be little Miss perfect, and in Vicky's mind now, she's not.

Kiki definately subscribes to the "slap in the face" school of breaking news to Patients rather than the "talk calmly and reassuringly" school.