Stupid Luck and Happenstance, Thread II


F) we might all be dead in a few weeks, why not?

And I just hope she doesn't idiotically end up blaming Ben for anything.

PM's women seem to have a habit of being irrationally "I wasn't involved" when it comes to the results of sex.

Or Perhaps it's just everyone spending too much time with Kat.
Part 94, Chapter 1475
Chapter One Thousand Four Hundred Seventy-Five

7th March 1962

Rangsdorf Airfield

A couple days earlier, Kiki had told Ben a half-truth because she had just wanted to leave his flat that instant. Yes, she had been due in Rangsdorf, but there had been a couple stops along the way. The most harrowing had been lunch with Doctor Berg just a few hours later. Berg must have sensed something about Kiki’s reticence in the conversation and had needed only minutes to drag the truth out of her.

“So, did you enjoy your night of passion?” Berg had asked.

And then the answer that Kiki had given her without thinking about it, “Watching television would have probably been better.”

Berg had a big laugh over that one. Then Berg had said that it was actually understandable that as a young woman in an uncertain situation with potential danger in the near future Kiki had sought comfort with someone who she knew was safe and could be trusted. Then she had made Kiki explain that, yes, she had used protection only to have Berg ask if that was all that she had used. She was not happy when Kiki had told her that and after lunch Berg had practically dragged Kiki back to her office and had injected something into Kiki’s thigh. She hadn’t seen the label on the bottle, but in the two days since then Kiki had been nauseous, fatigued and had a spitting headache that had not gone away. The day before Kiki had called Berg and asked what was going on. Berg had informed her that those were the expected side effects of the drugs that she had been given and that she had explained all of this to Kiki before, in her office. If she felt like this again in a few weeks and was late then she had best have a talk with her Helicopter Wing’s Medical Officer. That was really funny, so funny that Kiki had forgotten to laugh. Kiki remembered that she had been so incensed that Berg had done the injection that she had not listened to what she had been saying at the time.

Now, Kiki felt like crap as the 5th KHF waited for further orders. They were to play a support role to the 1st Fallschirmjäger Division but as that Division still awaiting transport, so was the 5th KHF. So, they were killing time in the Mess Hall waiting for news beyond what they already knew. The Chinese had secured a bridgehead across the Yalu River and the situation was still too fluid for anyone to get a handle on it. Rolf and Anton had been telling dirty jokes, but Kiki didn’t have the energy to tell them to shut the fuck up as much as she wanted to. Lunch was supposed to be served in a few minutes, hopefully something to eat would settle Kiki’s stomach.

“Then the Missionary says, I choose death over Bunga Bunga” Rolf said as he got to the punchline of the joke that he was telling, “The Cannibal Chief looks at him and says Death… BY BUNGA BUNGA!”

The other men around table laughed at that. Mitzi looked annoyed and Kiki was strongly tempted to ask Rolf to give back the minutes of her life that it had taken for him to tell that joke. What the Hell had possessed him to tell a joke like that in mixed company? Kiki could only imagine what Kat would have had to say, there were some things that the Gräfin felt shouldn’t be joked about. Kiki let her face fall to the surface of the table, the cool lacquered Masonite surface felt good against her cheek.

“You okay Kiki?” Ingo asked.

“That joke made me ill” Kiki replied, which caused the others around the table to laugh.

Andong, China

As Jonny drove towards the bridge, he saw how close the Koreans had come to dropping it when he saw the twisted metal and scorched beams. The Japanese had built the bridge decades earlier they had not skimped on the engineering so when the Chinese Army had attempted to force their way across the bridge the explosives had gone off and the bridge had remained standing. It was simply something that no one on either side of the Yalu River had been expecting. Still, the Koreans had fought to hold the far side of the bridge while their sappers had made a valiant though ultimately futile attempt to finish the job. The Chinese Army had made it through into Sinuiju on the Korean side, but the butcher’s bill had been horrendous. Jonny knew that he was getting a glimpse of what was ahead in this campaign.

Presently, Jonny was driving in a borrowed Jeep that had been sold to the Chinese Army. He had gathered his team earlier that day and had made sure to go over the rules of engagement with them. They were here as advisors, so that meant that they had the right to defend themselves but unless they were attacked directly, they were only to observe. Sitting in the passenger seat of the Jeep was Ritchie and Simon was in the back seat. The rest of the Squad was in the Jeep a few lengths ahead. As they crossed into Korea, Jonny remembered that he had made his opinion known in several reports back to Washington and his opinion had not changed. This whole campaign was folly and no matter what early successes the Chinese had, eventually they would come to grief.
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Jonny remembered that he had made his opinion known in several reports back to Washington and his opinion had not changed. This whole campaign was folly and no matter what early successes the Chinese had, eventually they would come to grief.
What would be the odds of the hardliner that's aiming to succeed Chiang, of pulling things to create a Tonkin Gulf incident that the US would ate hook, line and sinker?
What would be the odds of the hardliner that's aiming to succeed Chiang, of pulling things to create a Tonkin Gulf incident that the US would ate hook, line and sinker?
Some good points there but I think that the United States does not have a lot of trust in Chaing Kai check right now and are looking for something like a IOTL “Diem” solution.
I think that Germany and its allies will put a quarantine not a strict naval blockade against China and will allow non lethal items in China and also the rail system that Germany has set up to include China will bite China in the rear as nothing will go in or out of China.
Germany actually has a vested interest in having a strong China to be a counterbalance to a resurgent Russian Empire and will try to help the Americans in getting rid of Chaing.


If Korea IOTL is anything to go on, it may not be as folly as Johnny thinks, at least not militarily.

While nobody has truly inexhaustible manpower reserves, the Chinese are as close as you can get.
I wonder what everyone's ideological justifications are at this point. Communism vs. Capitalism isn't a thing in this timline any more. Everyone seems to be varying degrees of nationalist with more or less freddom and democracy thrown in. Alliances are based more on realpolitik than anything else, but that can't be how they sell it at home.

You need clear and simple labels to tell people at home why you are siding with the Chinese against the Koreans and those labels should carry some emotional impact. It should be clear form the politicians' speeches that itsn't just a good idea foreign policy wise but the right and moral thing to do.

Everyone else also needs similar justifications. The Chinese have it simple, their position is that Chinese are superior and destined to rule over any part of the globe that Chinese may have had control over at any point in the past and anything else they can get away with.

Koreans have it even easier they are being attacked so they are automatically in the right. Their Asian allies won't t have trouble convincing their people that they need to support the Koreans or they might be next.

What about Germany and the rest f Europe though?

What about the rest of the world?

Is everyone still partially stuck in a might makes right mindset. Have ideas like "the rights of small nations" proliferated? Is decolonization a big thing?

Have people ITL developed labels for differences in ideology that we don't really have to the same degree?

Do Americans (at least the white male protestant ones) a name for all the bad ideas going around in Europe about womens rights, workers rights, equality of races, environmentalism and everything else that seems dangerous foreign?

Are there politicians who make speeches in the US about the need to stop the dangerous spread of this whatever-it-is-ism? Is the conflict in Asia sold to the public under this guise?
My guess is it's the Great Game of the XIXth century brought to the next. The US is feeling antsy - they fufill all requirements of a Great Power bar reputation and influence (and little in the way of firm alliances with the other big players) - I'd actually compare them with Wilhelm II's Kaiserreich looking for 'their place in the sun'.
TTL WWII was neither as destructive, nor as ruinous as the OTL one, so it didn't create the large wound in the European psyche. The European Great Powers still hold on to big parts of their colonial empires (which OTL USA done it's best to destroy). France was never humiliated and Britain was never cornered. Their industrial complexes recovered, and the War actually streamlined their militaries with negligible losses. Russia was slapped now twice in the row by Germany, and I don't believe they're looking for round three. My guess is they're actually close to the XXth century equivalent of the Entente Cordiale.
So, more or less, USA is trying to show they wear the big boy pants, the Germans are trying to preserve their investments, and the British, French and Russians are eyeing the situation, popcorn in hand (but militaries on alert).
My guess is it's the Great Game of the XIXth century brought to the next. The US is feeling antsy - they fufill all requirements of a Great Power bar reputation and influence (and little in the way of firm alliances with the other big players) - I'd actually compare them with Wilhelm II's Kaiserreich looking for 'their place in the sun'.
And that's not good, given they already have some unpleasant domestic tension. And if their only ally is China, well.....

It's like this. Either the rest of Europe starts trying to reach out, or they can deal with a US keen on claiming her spot in the sun, and avenging a lot of disrespect by everyone else.
The Russians at least are probably worried enough about Siberia being next to forgo the popcorn.
And Britain for Hong Kong and Singapore. But if China wants to antagonize Russia and/or Great Britain at the same time as Korea and Germany, even with US support, they'll deserve whatever they'll recieve.
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The Americans just wanted a market for their goods and China was the biggest one not taken but as Germany learned the hard way during the war that Chaing is a duplicitous bastard who will promise something and not deliver the goods.
IOTL the United States had a massive agricultural surplus and China always need food so most likely the Americans thought that they were getting a good deal in gaining a potential large market but Chaing just double crossed them by attacking a neighboring country without cause and may drag the United States in to something that they are not prepared for.
The best trained and equipped units in the Chinese army are the ones that are most loyal to Chiang and they are also the ones that are the closest to Peking, the units that are attacking Korea are probably not so well equipped and are relying on sheer numbers to carry out the offensive.
Part 94, Chapter 1476
Chapter One Thousand Four Hundred Seventy-Six

9th March 1962

Rangsdorf Airfield

“I wouldn’t be too sore with Doctor Berg” Kat said over the telephone, Kiki could hear Marie talking at Kat in the background until Kat told her that she would listen as soon as she finished talking to Kiki. Marie responded by asking if Kiki was coming to visit that weekend, only to be shooed away by Kat.

“Do you have any idea what she did?” Kiki asked.

“Injected you with a heavy dose of a progesterone drug mixture that would keep you from conceiving in case any swimmers got through the condoms that you said you used properly” Kat replied. Implying that Kiki might not have been as cautious as she had thought she had been.

Kiki stood there for a long moment unsure how to respond. She had suspected that was what Berg had done and had only started to feel better the day before. From the description that Kat had just given it was small wonder that she had felt so sick. Berg had kept her from getting pregnant by using that drug mixture to convince her body that she already was.

“How do you know that?” Kiki asked, dreading the answer that she knew she might get.

“Because your elders do talk to each other, especially those entrusted with your care” Kat replied, “I spoke at length with Doctor Berg about how she would have handled… My own situation when I was younger. The subject came around to what we should do in case you became sexually active. Later, we spoke with your father about it and he ordered Nora to do whatever was necessary to avoid a scandal.”

“When was this?”

“It was shortly after Marie was born” Kat replied, “Your mother was still alive at the time, I remember that, so about five years ago.”

“Oh” Kiki replied, so Berg had acted on her father’s express orders. This whole thing just kept getting better and better.

“Just call Doctor Berg and let her know you are well” Kat said, “She cares a lot about you, even if she has an odd way of showing it sometimes.”

“I’ll think about it” Kiki replied, she didn’t like how her voice sounded through the earpiece when she said that. She sounded immature, like the spoiled Princess many people thought she was.

“When you do, you might also discuss some of your other options if you want to avoid this sort of thing in the future” Kat said, “I know that is unsolicited advice, but it is based on my own experience.”

With that the conversation came to an end. Kiki said her goodbyes and hung up the phone. If even Kat, who had very little love for Nora Berg, was telling her to make peace then she had best listen. She also owed Berg a chance to make this right. Picking up the phone, Kiki dialed the number for the hospital exchange.

Washington D.C.

It was unexpected. At 8PM Eastern Standard Time the face of W. Averell Harriman, President of the United States of America appeared on television sets across the country.

“My fellow Americans” Harriman said, “Tonight, I feel I have a duty to inform you that a state of war exists between the Republic of China and the Empire of Korea in addition to States allied with Korea.”

Harriman paused, for a few seconds.

“While the United States of America is not now, nor will be, on a war footing, but we stand for the self-determination and sovereignty of free people around the world. We have an obligation to stand for the values upon which our Nation was founded. E Pluribus Unum, Out of many, One. That is the motto of our great country. It has always been true that people could come from around the world and be welcomed to be a part of the great tapestry of America. Frequently, those people came from nations that had declared that a nation could only exist for the people who were part of the tribe that dominated it. In America, we have rejected that form of tribalism many times. While we have on occasion fallen short of our ideals, we have always strived to be better.”

Harriman paused to turn the page on the notes in front of him.

“Twenty years ago, the we watched in horror as much of the world was consumed by barbarism unseen since the days of the fall of the Roman Empire. The Soviet Union, an Empire that was built upon the bones of millions dead and a war machine fueled by the blood of millions more, was rightfully defeated. Just what replaced it was a darkness far older and more pernicious, an Empire whose most notable founder believed that the great questions of the day would not be settled by speeches or majority decisions but by blood and iron. Augustus Lang, this man’s eventual successor showed the world how to create a new form of Colonialism. Where the Client State itself becomes an instrument of its own subjugation.”

“Tonight, my fellow Americans, the world stands at a crossroads. We can continue to watch the spread of Feudalism under a thin veneer of token democracy, with its Emperors and Kings, Counts and Dukes remaining firmly entrenched in power. Or we can choose to take a stand. Not with bullets and bombs, but by telling these retrograde forces of the past, that the free people of the world have had enough. Over the past century, the people of China have witnessed their nation being dismembered, addictive drugs being imported into it so that foreign merchants could turn an ever-greater profit, cultural sites looted, and their people left starving. Tonight, we choose to offer our support, because they are saying that they have had enough at long last.”
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Chapter One Thousand Four Hundred Seventy-Six

Harriman paused to turn the page on the notes in front of him.

“Twenty years ago, the we watched in horror as much of the world was consumed by barbarism unseen since the days of the fall of the Roman Empire. The Soviet Union, an Empire that was built upon the bones of millions dead and a war machine fueled by the blood of millions more, was rightfully defeated. Just what replaced it was a darkness far older and more pernicious, an Empire whose most notable founder believed that the great questions of the day would not be settled by speeches or majority decisions but by blood and iron. Augustus Lang, this man’s eventual successor showed the world how to create a new form of Colonialism. Where the Client State itself becomes an instrument of its own subjugation.”

“Tonight, my fellow Americans, the world stands at a crossroads. We can continue to watch the spread of Feudalism under a thin veneer of token democracy, with its Emperors and Kings, Counts and Dukes remaining firmly entrenched in power. Or we can choose to take a stand. Not with bullets and bombs, but by telling these retrograde forces of the past, that the free people of the world have had enough. Over the past century, the people of China have witnessed their nation being dismembered, addictive drugs being imported into it so that foreign merchants could turn an ever-greater profit, cultural sites looted, and their people left starving. Tonight, we choose to offer our support, because they are saying that they have had enough at long last.”

Horse hockey throw enough shit and hopefully something will stick. Good OLD American Politics at it worst.
And so the lies begin. Notice how Harriman oh so carefully left out the part where US merchants and military power were in on the drug peddling, profit-mongering, cultural looting and dismembering... while stirring up the old "kings & nobles" boogeyman at the same time. Also love how he's positioning the USA as TTL's "Arsenal of Democracy" even though practically every nation opposing China is more democratic than either the US or China.
This seems to fit perfectly here.
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Harriman may have problems with the Liberal wing of the Democratic Party as they might see “Langism” as a natural progression of the New Deal and for many businesses Langism with its pragmatic beliefs in Free Trade and making investments in technology and infrastructure both physical and human, may see it as a better way for to make long term profits.