Stupid Luck and Happenstance, Thread II

This is why I love this timeline is because it shows how logical that some of the events that happened IOTL would take a different spin ITTL, as an example without OTL WW II what just happened will still happened but just somewhere else by the same person.
I'm glad Job's not the killer. You've done a nice job introducing him and dropping hints, while hinting that he was the one.

And it looks like we have a winner:

That guy is fucking sick.

This is why I love this timeline is because it shows how logical that some of the events that happened IOTL would take a different spin ITTL, as an example without OTL WW II what just happened will still happened but just somewhere else by the same person.

With a name of biblical proportions like that.....Job may not be that fortunate at all.
Part 91, Chapter 1432
Chapter One Thousand Four Hundred Thirty-Two

10th February 1961

Breslau, Silesia

Sven started to say something into the microphone but instead of words there was a howl of feedback. With an annoyed look on his face, Sven managed to get the feedback to stop. Then he started to read his prepared statement again.

“Federal Interior Intelligence working in conjunction with State Police of Silesia, Poland and Bohemia, is pleased to announce that a suspect in the murders that have taken place in this region has been arrested” Sven said to those who were crowded into the hall for the press conference. “As soon as arrangements are complete, the suspect will be transferred to Berlin for trial.”

As soon as he finished speaking the reporters started shouting questions. For Sven, Gunther and the rest of the BII this was exactly the sort of case that they had been looking for. This was the sort of case that the Agency’s reputation could be built upon. Personally, Kat wanted no part of it. That was why she was watching from the back of the room. While Sven was the man of the hour, everyone agreed that it was Job Kaplan who was the hero of this whole bloody mess. He along with Anna Wiśniewsky had played major roles in bringing the killer to justice. Anna for having the presence of mind to run that Kombi off the road and Job for inadvertently providing the means to finally run the monster who had terrorized the region for months down.

When Job had been brought in to get his hand treated, what Surgeons thought was an open fracture had turned out to be a tooth lodged in it. It showed exactly how hard Job had hit that creep in face, though that was nothing compared to what Kat might have done had she been the one who had gotten to him first. Kroll had been taken into custody after his Dentist had not believed his story about slipping on ice and had called the police.

For Kat, the conclusion of this whole matter had turned out to be deeply dissatisfying. The monster who had eluded her for more than a year had turned out to be completely underwhelming. Once Gunther had started conducting the interview with the suspect it had swiftly become clear to Kat as she observed it that Kroll was a sickening man, but as far modus operandi was concerned he might as well have been any other criminal. The only difference being the depraved nature of the crimes and the absurd run of luck that he seemed to have had. All he did was repeat the same sort of rationalizations and excuses that almost every criminal that Kat had ever heard said, including her late, unlamented father. As Kroll had further implicated himself, he had even asked if he would be released if the part of him that got murderous urges could be surgically removed. Could the BII facilitate that? Kat didn’t believe for a second that he could possibly be that stupid. That was until Gunther started asking questions to throw him off and see if that was just him messing with his interrogator. Kroll seemed to honestly believe that, as unbelievable as it was.

The arrest would also have to be the end of this matter for Kat herself. The trial would probably last for weeks, if not months and because the crimes had happened in three separate States it would have to be a Federal matter. With a new general election happening in just a matter of days, the Social Democratic Party was expected be the majority of a new Government. Helene’s Democratic Ecology Party, or the Greens as they were increasingly known as, would likely be key partners in the new coalition and they had conditioned their support of the SDP on elimination of the death penalty as the first order of business. Helene had long felt that it was a barbaric practice that was best left in the past. Kat disagreed. After Kroll was convicted, he would likely be held at his Majesty’s convenience for the rest of his life. That was a nice way of saying that he would be locked in cage and never leave it alive. From Kat’s perspective, a one-way trip to Spandau to make an appointment with Madame Guillotine was nothing less than what he deserved.

Tomorrow morning, Kroll would be shoved onto an airplane that would fly him to Berlin so that the preparations for the trial could began. No other means of transport was considered practical because anything that went overland could potentially be stopped and if people of the surrounding community got ahold of him would be ripped to pieces by an angry mob. Kat was inclined consider that justice and just let it happen, except it would endanger the men with the thankless task of guarding that monster.

After answering several of the questions that had been shouted at him. Mostly they related to how the elite BII division of the Federal police had coordinated the investigation and the role they would continue to play while the people of the region could sleep easier in their beds that night. Sven was certainly playing it for all it was worth, the future funding for the BII was dependent upon them getting results. Unmasking and arresting a brutal serial killer who had eluded local police for years certainly counted as that. Rumor had it that two men from a Babelsburg studio had been trying to approach Sven with the idea of basing a television show based on the secretive BII. The idea struck Kat as being absurd. Who would seriously want to watch something like that?

Then Sven leaned towards the microphone and said, “I would be remiss if I didn’t mention that the Emperor’s own personal investigation team headed Generalmajor Gräfin von Mischner was instrumental in apprehending Joachim Kroll.”

Why did Sven feel the need to have done that? Kat thought to herself as dozens of eyes were on her.
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Why did Sven feel the need to have done that? Kat thought to herself as dozens of eyes were on her.
I don't know... Future Funding maybe?
But seriously ITTL Germany the Kat Seal of Approval goes a long way with the people and and the politicians.
A police procedure television series about the BII equals ratings gold, can we say another hit show from von Wogele Productions?
Random Thoughts Olympic Edition:
For the most part I can see the same cities that hosted the Olympics IOTL would still host them ITTL.
In 1964 the Games were at Innsbruck for the Winter Olympics and Tokyo for the Summer Olympics, the only difference I can for both games is how they are staged.
If there is any changes that are announced between the German-Japanese relationship, it should be announced before the Games or better yet afterwards in order not to overshadow the Games.
For 1968 the Games are scheduled for Grenoble, France and Mexico City and the big difference is that Mexico should be much more prosperous ITTL.
In 1972 the Games are at Sapporo, Japan and Munich and that is where I think that things might be different because without OTL WW II Munich may not be as prominent ITTL as compared to IOTL.
I think that with Berlin on becoming much more of an International City ITTL and being the "Crossroads of Eurasia" may be a more logical choice and we certainly won't get the same incident that happened IOTL.
For any Olympics that were held in the United States IOTL is where things could get to in different directions because of the current ITTL mess that they are in.
If they are unresolved then the United States is not only going to not host any Games but they could be out of them like OTL South Africa and if the South is curbstomped, then I think that the United States will go all out on the Olympics to show how much they have changed to the world.
This is might be slight derail from the story, but what happened to various independence movements in Asia & Africa, so far it seems only south africa, india, vietnam and Taiwan who managed to reach independence from their colonizer.

What about dutch east indies (OTL Indonesia). Netherland wasn't the most liked colonizer by the local, but the majority of OTL Indonesia's founding fathers is now in their 60s. What is currently happened to them ? I'm sure most of east asian nation(vietnam, taiwan, China, etc) prefer the gateway between east and south asia is not in the hand of colonizer.
Part 91, Chapter 1433
Chapter One Thousand Four Hundred Thirty-Three

12th February 1961


It had been Japik who had given Rea the book by Pastor Piers Sjostedt about living according to your beliefs and how in order to be true to yourself, you needed to put those beliefs into action. That was what had led directly to Rea and Japik traveling north to the naval base in the seaport. If matters of war, peace and possibly saving the world were not worth getting involved in, then what was? Word was that Pastor Sjostedt himself was leading a demonstration against the continuing proliferation of nuclear arms and it was one of three places they could go.

The first was the Nuclear Research Laboratory at Berlin Technical University. Everyone knew that that what went on in the University was purely theoretical, so protesting there tended to make anyone doing it there look foolish. The second was the manufacturing center that was rumored to be on a military reservation in Bavaria. It was shrouded in secrecy and misinformation. What everyone who Rea had talked to had said that they had heard from someone who had heard it that it was guarded by Paras who were authorized to use deadly force to maintain that secrecy. That was why they went with the third option, the base in Kiel was where the ballistic missile submarines and guided missile cruisers were constructed. If nuclear weapons were ever used in an offensive capacity, then it was extremely likely that the ships that fired off the missiles would be deployed from this port.

The scene that greeted Rea wasn’t at all what she was expecting, the weather generally keeping away most of the people who otherwise might have come. Outside the main gates of the Kiel Naval Base were a few dozen people, mostly from left leaning Christian groups that opposed war on general principle and journalists there to cover the event. There were several dedicated anti-nuclear activists as well as a scattering of collegiate types and the merely curious. Rea and Japik were the two of the youngest people present.

Before Sjostedt spoke, the Civil Affairs Officer from the base spoke briefly about how His Majesty’s Navy supported free speech, the right to assemble and the redress of grievances as was stated in the Federal Constitution of 1922. He only asked that they be respectful of the sentries at the gate and not damage public property. For Rea that was easier said than done. Most of the sentries in question were Sailors and Marines only a few years older than Rea was and all of them had seemed to have hit on her while she was waiting for Sjostedt to speak even with Japik standing right there. They had no way of knowing that Japik wasn’t actually Rea’s boyfriend and even if he was, they clearly didn’t care. That a new experience for her and if that was illustrative then Rea could understand the general antipathy that Tante Katherine and Kiki felt towards most men.

Later, after Sjostedt spoke to the small crowd Rea tried to introduce herself. All Sjostedt did was ask if her father knew she was here. He knew exactly who she was though they had never been introduced.

Mitte, Berlin

It was being sold as a diplomatic effort, though Michael knew better. It was really just a veneer on the sort of social function that was seen as increasingly anachronistic. It was a gathering of the heads of the Royal Houses of Europe so that they could drink and commiserate the difficulties that had beset them. The loss of prestige, spoiled children, the Twentieth Century and all the other things that they found hard to cope with. Oddly, many of the Kings and Queens that Michael’s father was meeting with thought that Louis Ferdinand had an embarrassment of riches when it came to his children.

For once Michael was the cause of comments like that as opposed to his slightly more accomplished siblings. This was after he had competed in the Olympic Summer Games the prior year, even bringing home a couple medals in the process. He had not done as well in Equestrian events as he might have liked when the entire German team was outclassed by the strong showing made by the Australians of all people. He had done considerably better in pistol shooting, taking bronze in 25 meters and gold in 50 meters. It was that last one that had changed the entire way he was seen in Bohemia. General Morávek, long regarded as the Hero of Bohemia was renowned for his ability with pistols. Michael medaling in those two shooting events had gained him some acceptance by the General and the rest of the Bohemian Army by extension. It was the first time that Michael had managed to make an inroad into that country that had seen him as the lesser of two evils, his own father being the greater.

That was all well and good, but some things had not changed. The Bohemian Government still preferred that he not do any more than necessary and if he spent most of the time somewhere other than Bohemia, so much the better from their point of view. It was something that Michael knew he was going to have to deal with eventually but wasn’t ready to kick that particular hornet’s nest just yet.

In the meantime, he had Birdie to contend with. He had decided that the English Princess needed to have some other outlet other than pestering him and that she needed friends her own age months earlier. He had introduced her to Kurt Knispel’s daughter Suse and her friend Josefine Falk. That had actually worked like a charm until they had gotten it into their heads that if Birdie wasn’t going to marry Michael, they needed to find a suitable match for him and had contrived to get him near Irene of the Netherlands. Not that he had anything against the Dutch Princess, just he would have preferred to have made his own introductions without the romantic notions of three adolescent girls being mixed up in it.
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Outside the main gates of the Kiel Naval Base were a few dozen people, mostly from left leaning Christian groups that opposed war on general principle and journalists there to cover the event.

Reminds me of an old joke. A Quaker is asked by his neighbor why he carries a gun to town. The neighbor explains that Quakers are non-violent, as they believe that no one should die before their time comes. Thus, he carries the gun because on his way to town he may meet some robber whose time has come.
Poor Michael, the burden of being the #2 most eligible Prince in Europe behind his brother.
All in all Irene is not that bad of a match if those things were still important.
I believe he is turning 21 this year and that means he will ascend to the throne of Bohemia and if Bohemia were smart they will use the Coronation as means to bring in the tourist dollars by going all out on the celebrations, do it during tourist season and just watch the money roll in.
Prague without the damage they received IOTL WW II and the subsequent Communist government will have even more of the 17th and 18th century look and that may bring in film studios making more movies there ITTL, of course this may take the career of Milos Foreman into a different direction.The

Rea is on thin ice by participating in anti-nuclear demonstrations as that is crossing the line that the Imperial Family cannot cross by making her opinion known on issues of State.
There are other ways she can show her support for that issue by going in the side door metaphorically.
Chapter One Thousand Four Hundred Thirty-Three

Later, after Sjostedt spoke to the small crowd Rea tried to introduce herself. All Sjostedt did was ask if her father knew she was here. He knew exactly who she was though they had never been introduced.

The good Pastor just might be able to help her in way she least expects. If she get time with him to talk one on one, I think it will benefit both parties.

Part 2:
Micheal is screwed, he is gonna have so much help from the 2nd edition of the 3 junior furies.
Part 91, Chapter 1434
Chapter One Thousand Four Hundred Thirty-Four

14th February 1961

Mitte, Berlin

When word reached Louis about Marie’s activities, it had come as something of a surprise. It had come at a time when Louis had started to think that she had finally settled down somewhat from the self-destructive actions that she had frequently been engaged in over the prior years. It seemed that he was wrong on that count. He had discussed the matter with Charlotte, thinking that perhaps she would have a better understanding of what was driving his daughter. Unfortunately, Charlotte’s suggestion that he talk with his daughter because misbehavior like Marie’s were really cries for attention, seemed inadequate. None of this was helped by Marie herself.

Of course, Marie Cecilie was completely unrepentant. The instant that Louis was forced to address the latest activities of his daughter, she dug in her heels and stated that she had been doing what she felt had been the correct thing. Those, including Louis himself who saw that she had been taking a position on a matter of State, could go hang as far as she was concerned. Him being informed through an intermediary of Marie’s presence at the anti-nuclear rally in Kiel by Piers Sjostedt was an aggravating factor. Sjostedt wasn’t just the simple Lutheran Pastor that he sold himself as, he was a Bishop in that Church. In that position he would understand the political implications of Marie’s actions and had passed word of it on to Louis. At the moment, Louis was torn between being proud of his daughter and wanting to strangle her.

Somewhere along the way, Louis had realized that his children fell all along the political spectrum. The twins falling on opposite sides was a surprise though it shouldn’t have. Marie had always been outgoing and precocious while Victoria was reserved and seemed to enjoy order. When they had been younger it had made them a good team, though as they had gotten older those differences had driven them apart.

The biggest shift had come when Marie had changed schools. In an effort to help her adjust to her new surroundings the school administration had placed her in with a group of students who received extra resources to overcome various difficulties. While most girls Marie’s age would have considered that an additional punishment, she had found her community there among the disabled, the outcast and the just plain strange. Apparently, that now extended to her personal politics as well.

“Are you trying to cause a scandal?” Louis asked, “Because involving yourself matters of State will cause an uproar like few other things you could possibly do.”

“I was there to hear Pastor Sjostedt speak” Marie replied, “That was all.”

There were times when Louis marveled at the growing maturity of his children. This was not one of those times.

“That was plenty” Louis said, “Your presence alone was an endorsement of everything that him and his movement stand for. Not just by you but by your entire family as well. And that boy you were with, is that something else I need to worry about? Your older sister…”

The instant Louis started to bring up Kristina he knew that he had made a mistake when Marie’s eyes flared with anger.

“Of all hypocritical shit I’ve had to listen to!” Marie yelled, “Kiki setting foot in Korea last year was the political equivalent of setting off an atomic bomb and what she did when Momma tried to get Kiki to conform to her ideals, that wasn’t political?”

Marie got up and walked around the room, angry and too agitated to sit in one place.

“But you think that Kiki is perfect, everyone does” Marie said in a rapid clip, “Then there is Freddy studying Law and Michael being crowned King of Bohemia next month, but the first time I step out it’s the end of the world. And Japik isn’t my boyfriend, he is…”

Marie stopped abruptly. Louis had the impression that she had almost said more than she intended. Something about the boy who she had been seen with in Kiel, she had suddenly remembered that it wasn’t just herself who might get hurt here. At least personal loyalty was something all his children shared.

North Sea

The SMS Voss had just completed taking her compliment of aircraft aboard. As Director of Flight Operations, it had been Albrecht’s task to oversee the process, though it was the task of specialists to actually do the job and Albrecht mostly watched them carry it out. It was extremely different from being in the cockpit, he had to give it that much. Mostly he had watched as the planes were guided in one at a time. Like always the Carrier Group had ships from the British and Danish Navies shadowing them across the North Sea. Word was that the Captain had invited their Captains aboard for a meal and was waiting word back.

The Voss herself was the oldest and smallest of the High Seas Fleet’s Aircraft Carriers. While she was very different than she had been when she had been with the Pacific Fleet at the end of the Second World War, there were only so many times that she could be refit. That was why it was widely believed that her days were numbered, and it would only be a matter of time before a spillway, likely in Kiel or Danzig if Albrecht had to guess, had a keel for the SMS Ersatz Voss being laid down. Then the Voss would have the afterlife of all ships it seemed, in the form of cookware, razors and rebar.

Until that dark day came, the Voss would continue as she had for the last two decades. Today she would set a course for Panama, where she would cross into the Pacific to eventually join the North Pacific Squadron off Korea.
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I'm wondering about how big the Germany navy is - and how that affects the size of other navies. I don't imagine the Royal navy would be wanting to become second, even with decent relations with Germany. The lack of the US as an ally is also going to have an effect.
I'm wondering about how big the Germany navy is - and how that affects the size of other navies. I don't imagine the Royal navy would be wanting to become second, even with decent relations with Germany. The lack of the US as an ally is also going to have an effect.
The Germans while keeping a respectable fleet, have long abandoned the concept of sheer numbers, focusing more on the concept of Carrier Groups as the power Projection side in the world scale, with Kiel being responsible for the North Atlantic/North Sea and Baltic, while the Naval Bases in Taiwan and Rio Gallegos are allowing them to support their allies in the Asia/Pacific Ocean and South America/Africa/Atlantic , and the U-boat Branch or likely now universally nicknamed as "The Silent Service" acts as the Strategic Weapons Deterrent and Scouting Corps......