Stupid Luck and Happenstance, Thread II


You all know what Helmut Kohl liked to eat and serve to his guests? Saumagen which is basically the same as Haggis. Mitterand to all I know hated it, Thatcher liked it. Sais a lot about British food at the time.

For those who don’t know Saumagen is like Haggis with one important difference normally no intestines inside. Schwartemagen is a similar recipe out of Hessen. Both extremely fat.

For the anchovis a friend of mine once called me from Moscow to ask for a German translation and then refused the Cesar salad (there was a time before the internet) but used in careful manner they can really make a dish (or brake it if used in careless manner),
Part 86, Chapter 1332
Chapter One Thousand Three Hundred Thirty-Two

30th June 1959


Everyone has bad weeks, but Kat could only think of a few times in her life that had been worse, those had involved her ending up in the hospital and people trying to kill her. Getting into a one-sided screaming match with Jack Kennedy as he had kept telling her over and over that what had happened, what was in fact happening, was something that he could not do a damned thing about. She had been furious for hours as she had made call after call. All it had gotten her was a few invitations for interviews that she had no interest in.

All of this was because she had done a favor to someone who she felt needed it. How many times had she joked about how no good deed goes unpunished? This was the latest example of that. That young woman, Gloria Steinem had taken it upon herself to write Kat’s biography after Kat had allowed her access more than a year earlier. Kat had been surprised when an advanced copy had arrived at her door, the reading of it however had been harrowing. There were a lot of things in that book that Kat had thought only she knew about or had successfully kept to within the close circle around her. Somehow, Gloria had discovered that Kat had in fact witnessed the brutal death of Merten Beck at the hands of her father and the details that had led up that. The Reichstag bombing, César Sauvageot and how she had been left reeling in the aftermath of those events were all contained within the pages. Then it had gone into her time with the SKA and the First Foot. Her involvement in the experimental MDMA/LSD treatment for traumatic stress and finally the book had contained the truth about her contentious relationship with Kira. Worse of all, the book revealed the extent of the depression that had defined much of Kat’s adult life.

For Kat it had felt like the carefully built walls that she had surrounded herself with had been torn down. She had publicly revealed a great deal of the painful and traumatic events in her life, but nowhere near to the extent that Gloria had. It had felt to her like if the half-healed wounds had been clawed open again. What had possessed Gloria to do such a thing? Didn’t she realize the sort of effect that these things would have on the way that people saw her? Even before this Kat had frequently been treated as if she was a barely controlled savage, the Tigress of Pankow hadn’t originally been coined as a term of affection. When that book was published, her detractors would have direct evidence of her difficulties and it was going to be a club that they would gleefully pound her over the head with. That meant that the coming weeks were not going to get better.

Jack had made it clear that because most of the sources that Gloria Steinem had were public records there wasn’t much that they could do to block publication. Then Jack had the nerve to ask if Kat had hired anyone to mind her interests regarding her personal story, because if she didn’t tell it then someone else would. That had really set Kat off. Twenty minutes later, Kat had run out of steam and Jack acted like if nothing untoward had happened. Instead, he had calmly reminded her that he had other clients and asked if they could wrap up the conversation. Getting yelled at by an angry client was just another day at the office for him. Kat was left sitting in her office feeling like an idiot with her throat raw and the children, who had been playing in the parlor, learning a few new swear words.

That had been a few days earlier, now Kat was in her room with the door locked and the curtains closed. Sitting in the darkness at least gave her a chance to sort her thoughts. In the past she had usually come up with a solution or at least waited for things to work out on their own. That wasn’t working though, instead she had her thoughts swirling around in her head and she was growing increasingly agitated. She kept finding herself thinking about her conversation with Nancy, the same conversation that had turned out to a complete mistake. Of all her friends, Nancy was the one who knew the most about public relations. However, all Nancy wanted to talk about was her own personal issues. She and Tilo had been going around in circles over whether or not they should try to have another baby. Nancy had told Tilo that if nature forced their decision again then he could look forward to spending the rest of his life sleeping on the couch in the study. Tilo had then turned around and pointed out that if they had another child in the house, they would need to convert the study into another bedroom. For someone as supposedly smart as Tilo was, he certainly had a knack for saying incredibly stupid things.

That had not been what Kat had wanted to talk about. Instead, she had gotten a promise from Nancy that the next time she was in Berlin that they would go have lunch and talk about what Kat’s options were in depth. Something that would be difficult over the phone. Now Kat couldn’t get the subject of Nancy’s personal life out of her mind because her own children were knocking on the bedroom door and yelling to get her attention. Even Marie, who didn’t really want anything, had joined her two older siblings because she thought it was what she was supposed to do or something. They were cute when they were tiny, Kat suspected that it was that aspect they Nancy was interested in. Then they got older and started to have opinions and started talking… Nowhere near as cute.
Once again the Unreliable Narrator strikes, while Kat is only focused on the personal details I have no doubt that Gloria is weaving in a bigger story on the effects of women in Germany.
The story that is being told will make Kat an even more inspirational figure then she is now.
It will put in to context on how over one million German women in the auxiliaries and even more women in the workforce was a major reason that Germany defeated the Soviet Union.
Once again the Unreliable Narrator strikes, while Kat is only focused on the personal details I have no doubt that Gloria is weaving in a bigger story on the effects of women in Germany.
The story that is being told will make Kat an even more inspirational figure then she is now.
It will put in to context on how over one million German women in the auxiliaries and even more women in the workforce was a major reason that Germany defeated the Soviet Union.

Brown fecal matter hits rotery air movement device
How the book is viewed will depend on the nation and the reader.
In Germany I think it will generally be seen as a damning indictment of the lack of support given to women who have seen or been involved in traumatic events, and anyone attempting to use the book to bash Kat will find themselves holding the thin end of a VERY shitty stick.

In America it will be met with a sense of power by women looking for inspiration: here was a girl from a poor neighbourhood, who beat the male dominated system, served her country in the toughest assignments proving that women could do anything a man could, sometimes more, and rose purely on merit, (not on how often she opened her legs), to the highest levels of society. And if she can do it, so can average American woman.
The American male establishment will collectively shit a brick, for the same reasons as above.
They'll probably provide a lifetime of work for Jack's American partners in the libel courts and provide Kat with another income stream... x'D
The major problem that Kat has had over the years is her inability to see herself as others see her.
Kat sees herself as the “Angel of Death“ personified and she does not see how much more then that is to her.
At the anniversary of the Reichstag Bombing how many children are now alive because she was able to warn about the bombing, she was one of the innovators of how the wounded were treated by having helicopters get them to hospitals quickly, and her work with the Russian women POWs was the first time that a warring nation had to deal with a large number of women POWs and Kat set the standard that other nations should follow.
I think Kat should go biblical on Gloria Steinem.
I respect her for advocacy for women.
Hate her for her near communist policies.
Good riddance to bad rubbish.
If anyone who knows anything of Gloria Steinem personal history they wouldn't be surprised when they read Kat's biography on how much of it will be about destigmatizing mental illness and the pioneering work by Dr Holz and Dr. Erma Taggerman in linking what has been called "Combat Fatigie" and "Shell Shock" to what other victims of abuse, violent crimes, and sexual assault goes thru.
Part 86, Chapter 1333
Chapter One Thousand Three Hundred Thirty-Three

3rd July 1959


Sigi was sitting in the command bunker following the countdown and feeling a bit useless. She had made the mistake of going home while on leave and had ended up getting in an argument with her mother over the identity of her father. Once again, Sigi had listened to her make a comment about that man’s identity and had confronted her directly over the matter. All Sigi’s mother said was that he was dead and that Sigi was better for it. This had been a constant source of aggravation for Sigi, her mother seemed to delight in saying things about her father but seemed to be intending to take that information to her grave.

The noise that thousands of residents of the Pomeranian Coast woke up to was shattering as the rocket sled shot down the track breaking the speed of sound. It was the third attempt to get the bird to fly after two previous attempts had failed rather spectacularly. It was whispered that the program had been getting funded so that Eugen Sänger and Irene Bredt wouldn’t be tempted to take the technology elsewhere. There was also the chance that Silbervogel might just work and even if it didn’t the odds that useful technology would emerge from the project was too great to get rid of it entirely. Either way, they needed a successful test flight or else the project was finally going to get the axe.

Sigi was here today as the observer from the Raumfahrer Program, apparently everyone else senior to her had better things to do. At the same time, Albrecht had briefed her on the sensitive political nature of the project. It had emerged from a theoretical exercise in Wunsdorf-Zosen regarding the possibility of another war with the United States during the Soviet War. It was a worst-case scenario that had needed to be explored because of the Navy operating in close proximity to US held islands in the Pacific.

The result was that the Luftwaffe had issued an order for a bomber that could hit targets within the Continental United States. The atmosphere of suspicion that had prevailed in the years since had seen to it that the “Antipodal” Bomber projects had never really gone away, the term Amerika Bomber was never to be said by anyone, ever. Oddly, it was Silbervogel, long regarded as the greatest longshot of the entire program that was now regarded as having the greatest chance of achieving the original order’s aims. Among other things, any bomber capable of reaching the United States didn’t need to carry a large bombload. It just needed to carry one bomb and deliver it with enough accuracy to hit a city, that would be more than enough. If they could get it work, that is.

“We have successful separation” Sigi hear one of the technicians call out, all she could see was the cloud of steam on the western horizon where the rocket sled had run out of track.

Now came the wait over the next few minutes as they waited to see if the latest version of the Silbervogel disintegrated like the previous two attempts or skipped off the top of the atmosphere like Sänger and Bredt had calculated it would.

Breslau, Silesia

With her family moving to Berlin, Helene knew that she would once again be splitting her time between Breslau and Berlin, or at least far more than she had been doing. The announcement of the move had raised a few eyebrows. It seemed like everyone in Silesia had memories of the people who had been sent to Berlin, in theory to represent them, only to become creatures of the capital and unresponsive to their constituents needs. It was obviously a worry that Helene might do that despite whatever promises she made.

That was what drove her meet with as many from her constituents as she could while she was in her office. One of them had been a Polish farm family who lived near Kattowitz, recently their eldest daughter had failed to come home from school. They didn’t think that the local police were taking the matter seriously enough and were hoping that Helene could do something about it. All they had been told was that the fifteen-year-old had probably run off and if they figured out who she was shacked up, then with they would find her.

Apparently, she wasn’t that kind of girl. They never were, Helene thought to herself remembering what she had been like at that age. And the mother was certain that something awful must have befallen her daughter. Again, that was something that parents always tended to think.

Helene almost dismissed them until she remembered the conversation that she’d had with Kat a few days earlier. Some American Journalist had written her biography and had done exhaustive research into her life. It was hardly a surprise that it had been someone from across the Atlantic who had done that. No one who was within Kat’s easy reach would have dared.

Normally, Helene wasn’t inclined to gainsay the local police, they tended to know their local communities and they were probably correct about where the girl had run off to. However, Kat had been wallowing in self-pity the way she always did whenever things were not going her way. Perhaps an excuse to leave the city was exactly what she needed. Kat spends a couple days in Silesia, clearing her head in the process. She then tracks down the girl, preferably before her parents became grandparents. She would probably rip the rake who had lured the girl off a new asshole, but then everyone knew that Kat only happened to people who deserved it. Justice would be done. Helene would look good because she had brought the Emperor’s own personal investigator, who happened to be Helene’s sister-in-law, to settle the matter quickly. It was perfect.
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Chapter One Thousand Three Hundred Thirty-Three

3rd July 1959

Normally, Helene wasn’t inclined to gainsay the local police, they tended to know their local communities and they were probably correct about where the girl had run off to. However, Kat had been wallowing in self-pity the way she always did whenever things were not going her way. Perhaps an excuse to leave the city was exactly what she needed. Kat spends a couple days in Silesia, clearing her head in the process. She then tracks down the girl, preferably before her parents became grandparents. She would probably rip the rake who had lured the girl off a new asshole, but then everyone knew that Kat only happened to people who deserved it. Justice would be done. Helene would look good because she had brought the Emperor’s own personal investigator, who happened to be Helene’s sister-in-law, to settle the matter quickly. It was perfect.

The law of unintended consequences is about to kick off big time. Why do I get the feeling that an equivalent to the (OTL, not TTL), FBI is about to be born?
A national police investigative unit of sorts. Kat couldn't lead it though, but she will inspire it.