Stupid Luck and Happenstance, Thread II

It would not be the SKA/1st Foot themselves, they would use some personnel from the special prisoner transport. They are taught to prevent suicides and such. Doesn't mean he might not be caught trying to escape by them, just means he won't be able to commit suicide or have someone help him escape.
Considering that the 1st Foot would be foaming to the mouth to the news of WHAT the son of a syphilitic and buggered whore tried to do?

Louis Ferdinand has still several powers....
Temporal reassignment of a few soldiers to work with the Special Prisoners Guards would be children's play.

And you got to admit that he and Kat are likely trying to restraint several homicidal or near homicidal impulses... Sending a few 1st Foot on an "Informal Duty" would be practically a form of relief for them.....


Monthly Donor
I think that whatever is done will be done quietly and the post trial clean up will be just as quiet.

Anything public potentially harms Kiki and further hacks off Louis.
I think that whatever is done will be done quietly and the post trial clean up will be just as quiet.

Anything public potentially harms Kiki and further hacks off Louis.

Doing it completely quietly doesn't solve the long term problem. One option might be to do this one quietly, but start people snooping, and find out how deep the rot is. Once that's done, start cleaning thingsup. Of course, some people might call it "A purge worthy of Stalin."

Godwin's Law will likely apply to Stalin--same with time travel tropes.
Part 84, Chapter 1289
Chapter One Thousand Two Hundred Eighty-Nine

5th September 1958

Stettin, Pomerania

“Your… father is here” Vera said nervously.

Kiki winced whenever Vera spoke to her these days. That jackass Reiner Blum had caused her real name to be exposed on top of the rest of the things that he was getting nailed to the wall over. Oddly, no one dared to call her “Princess” anymore. Kat had said that she wished that there could have been another way, but Kat would not have allowed Kiki’s career to be destroyed because she had protected herself. There was also the aspect of there being two of Kat’s agents being in the room, two of the infamous Russian Sisters who were personally loyal to Kat herself and were seemingly everywhere at that. It was ironic to think that she had inadvertently saved his life after Blum had cornered her in the bar, but that was exactly what Kiki had done. The Russian Sisters would have dragged Blum into the alley, cut his throat and thrown him down the nearest storm drain. Kiki hadn’t been aware that they were even there, but she realized that there was no way that Kat would have allowed her to go out into the world without protection of some kind.

As it was, Kat had come through the Stettin Training Depot like a hurricane full of razor blades. It was logical that it would encompass larger circles as time went on. Few things angered Kat more than men took advantage or mistreated women that they were in a position of power over. These days however, she had learned to play the very system that might have protected them to destroy those deserving.

The problem for Kiki was that Kat had been looking for someone to make an example of for a long time and Reiner Blum was perfect. The man was a rake who had left a trail of destruction behind him. Kiki had heard the lengthy list of charges that were suddenly being substantiated. The extensive allegations of adultery, coercion and nonsupport had been seized upon by the solicitor that Blum’s wife had hired, so he was now looking at divorce on top of court-martial. According to Kat, Blum was busily incriminating himself further while selling out anyone he could in an effort to save himself. While nothing he had done quite merited a firing squad, Blum was facing loss of rank, an extremely long prison sentence and finally getting cashiered at the end of it. Kiki had realized that Kat was enjoying playing with Blum as she saw to it that he buried himself further. Kat also mentioned that she had given the story to her friend Maria at the Berliner Tageblatt. That had been when Kiki realized too late that Kat had found another one of her crusades. Every few years Kat felt the need to figuratively blow up some major institution. This time it was the dark-side of the hypermasculine culture that the military fostered. Of course, Kat had to contend with that her entire career. So, she would have been looking for an opportunity like this for ages, Kiki had given it to her all nice and gift wrapped.

For Kiki herself, she had needed to stay in the barracks as she watched as word had rapidly spread about who she really was over the last week and a half. The odd stares and whispered words when she passed by. The only time that anyone had said anything directly to her on the subject had been when Vera had asked her “Why did you choose to be here, to go through this?” Kiki didn’t have an answer to that question, not one that Vera would except anyway. She had wanted to feel like she had earned her place in the world. Kiki knew full well that she could have used her name to snooze her way through the last two years at the gymnasia and several years at university. She could still have gotten exactly what she wanted and that would have been much easier. Only it would have taken longer. Kiki certainly wouldn’t have had some womanizing twit daring to paw at her if she was playing the role of Imperial Princess.

Looking in the full-length mirror, that was on one end of her bay in the barracks, Kiki smoothed out the grey-blue uniform tunic that she was wearing. Today she wasn’t wearing the generic camouflage field uniform as she had for several weeks prior but the dress uniform of the Medical Service. It something that she had earned the right to wear. One last inspection and review, then it would be home to spend two years training to be a field medic. The unexpected presence of Emperor Louis Ferdinand would probably have the commanding officers in a frenzy after the events of the prior weeks.

Walking out of the barracks, Kiki saw several men from the first foot keeping a loose perimeter around her father and Charlotte. Ben had told her that she needed to give her stepmother a chance, it was something that was proving a bit difficult for her. Kiki had seen in the newspapers that her father and his new bride had taken an extended honeymoon around the world. A combination of lover’s journey and diplomatic trip. Seeing photographs of them on a tropical beach after spending an entire day out in the weather that the Baltic Coast was known for made it hard not to feel resentful.

“What you are doing is wonderful” Charlotte said as Kiki approached. She made it hard to hate her when she said things like that.

However, it was when her father hugged her that he whispered, “Your mother would have hated this, but I’ve a different perspective. I think it’s something you needed to do.”
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I think that there will be an Imperial Commission headed by the new Empress Charlotte going in to great detail about the culture of abuse in the Wehrmacht.
Kat is most likely to be the lead investigator and Helene is going to be an important member of the commission.
There are going to be several recommendations including a way to report abuse that will protect the victims from retaliation from the chain of command, others might be a code of conduct training from intake to yearly unit reviews, and as a part of the promotion processes more qualified women are to get command spots in the future.
So the first one nabbed didn't quite merit a firing squad--but he'll be incarcerated with people he rolled over on. I wonder if he makes it to trial, or has an accident so he can't spill any more beans.
Like a hurricane full of razor blades .....

If that isn’t the best word picture to describe Kat in that situation I don’t know what is. Simply brilliant!!!

It’s just got 06:00 and I’ve had a good chuckle great way to start the day.
I think that there will be an Imperial Commission headed by the new Empress Charlotte going in to great detail about the culture of abuse in the Wehrmacht. Kat is most likely to be the lead investigator and Helene is going to be an important member of the commission.
There are going to be several recommendations including a way to report abuse that will protect the victims from retaliation from the chain of command, others might be a code of conduct training from intake to yearly unit reviews, and as a part of the promotion processes more qualified women are to get command spots in the future.
I would go so far as to postulate the creation of a special branch of the inspector general's office, one dedicated specifically to stamping out {and of course, stomping on} sexual harassment/misconduct within the German armed forces. Any ideas what kind of unit patch/crest these folks might adopt? Like, maybe, something to do with, I don't know, cats? Like Black Cats, perhaps....
Nah, razor blades are too mundane for Kat. She is clearly a hurricane infused with monomolecular diamond dust, flaying everything it comes on come in contact with if angered.
Part 84, Chapter 1290
Chapter One Thousand Two Hundred Ninety

18th September 1958

Kleinberg, Silesia

It was a warm autumn afternoon as Bernhard Grzimek walked up the trail through the dense forest. Working as the Director of the Berlin Zoo, living and working in the city made actual nature seem very remote. Escaping to the region that was his childhood home a few times a year was exactly what he needed. As much as he enjoyed a walk in the woods, today he had a task to complete that made it somewhat less enjoyable. He was reminded of that as he heard the sharp crack of a rifle shot in the distance.

Having originally come from Neisse practically made them neighbors in people’s minds. The truth was that Bernhard had avoided Graf von Richthofen because their personal philosophies were very different, and he didn’t want to get into a pointless argument. While the Graf’s desire to preserve nature was laudable from Bernhard’s perspective, the detail that the Graf did it because he always wanted a place to go hunting was not. The Graf’s daughter, Helene was a bit different. She was always willing to listen and had even gone so far as to secure extra funding for the International Zoological Society’s work within Germany.

However, some things could not be avoided. The von Richthofen family was one of the leading proponents of preserving the forests of Silesia, Slovakia, Bohemia and Poland. The Zoological Society wanted to coordinate those efforts and because Bernhard lived less than an hour’s drive from the Richthofen estate he got to be the one to meet with the Graf. Anyone paying attention would have noticed that the conservation efforts that the Graf engaged in served to massively expand the acreage of the family estate. Rumor was that the Graf had done extremely well with his investments in Daimler Benz, Focke-Wulf and Junkers. Buying land when flush was one of the mechanisms that that wealthy families used to remain wealthy. That the land in question had been depopulated by the Second World War and they had been able to acquire it at substantially depressed prices shouldn’t have been lost on anyone either.

The joke went that to find the Graf one only needed to go onto his property and follow the sound of gunfire. That was a slight exaggeration, but there was a bit of truth in that today. At the age of sixty-six the Graf was still vigorous man as evidenced by him taking the time to track down and shoot a feral hog that was on his property.

“Escaped farm stock” The Graf said, “They’re dangerous and we’ve been having problems with them for years. Think we need to save them for your zoo?”

With that the Graf stalked off, leaving Bernhard with a small group of the foresters he employed as well as a woman and an eleven year-old-boy. He recognized the woman as Ilse, the Graf’s daughter-in-law. The boy was unfamiliar.

Bernhard could see that the Graf had placed a single shot just behind the shoulder of the hog. He wasn’t a hunter but knew enough about anatomy to see that the shot that had taken the animal down had been a good one.

“Never mind him” Ilse said, “He’s been it a bit of a mood since Bert got notified that he had received a promotion yesterday.”

Bernhard was hardly surprised. The Graf was known to be the fiercely competitive sort. Getting exceeded by his son would put him off. Anyone who hadn’t been living under a rock for the last few years knew what Albrecht von Richthofen had been doing. The Graf might have been the most famous pilot to emerge from the First World War, his son was shaping to be the most famous pilot, period.

“What are you doing out here?” Bernhard asked Ilse.

“For the necropsy” Ilse said, “Finding out what they have been eating is useful if we are going to control their numbers. I worked on this for a while a few years ago, but now have time again.”

Bernhard remembered seeing the birth announcement of Ilse having a son with Albrecht. “You’re on maternity leave?” He asked.

“Yes” Ilse replied, “The University doesn’t expect me back until January at the earliest.”

“Aren’t you the man on the television?” The boy asked, “The one with the animals?”

Bernhard turned his attention to the boy. He was not quite to adolescence, however the boy’s hands and feet suggested that he would be a tall man in a few years. Something about the shape of his face and jawline also suggested who he was.

“Yes, yes” Bernhard replied to the boy, “And you must be one of the Graf’s grandsons.”

“He is Helene’s boy Manfred” Ilse said, “His Opa has been teaching him about this forest over the last several months.”

Bernhard almost burst out laughing at that. Graf Manfred von Richthofen, who had spent a lifetime as a paragon of the Prussian Officer Class, being someone’s Opa was logical enough. It was just difficult to picture.

“Nikolaus is back at the house with his Poppa and Oma” Ilse said with a great deal of relish, “I needed a bit of quiet for a few hours, out here the only noise is the wind in the trees and the Graf shooting.”

Bernhard remembered what it was like to have a newborn in the house. Ilse probably agreed to come out here because she had desperately needed a break. Digging through pig guts was probably a step up.

“How would you recommend approaching the Graf?” Bernhard asked, “I was asked to see if I could get his plans for regional preservation.”

“Just don’t pick a fight today” Ilse replied, “He would probably be more than willing to debate your differences on any other day. He does respect your perspective, even if he doesn’t share it. He’ll be more than happy to brag about his plans for the coming year once he’s blown off some steam.”

So, the Graf’s daughter-in-law knew him well. While it was expected that the Graf would probably live another thirty years out of spite, it was figured that the duties of minding the family lands would fall onto the younger generation. Albrecht was a career Naval Officer, that meant that it would probably be Ilse who would be the primary manager after the Graf was no longer able to do it himself. Bernhard figured that he would need to suggest to the Zoological Society develop a closer relationship with her.
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There are some people in the military structure that are pondering "doing the honorable thing" to avoid further scandal, specialy if Kat has orders to get Things Done with very little limits.