Stupid Luck and Happenstance, Thread II

Wonder which company is the prime contractor with the British rockets as De Havilland Engines were building Blue Streak/Black Arrow OTL.

Extra points for having the team being led by Bernard Quatermass!

Incidentally, where's Koroliev ITTL?
Part 78, Chapter 1170
Chapter One Thousand One Hundred Seventy

29th February 1956


Gerta would have liked to have gone all out for Suse’s birthday this year. It was very rare that her daughter’s birthday party could be had on the actual date, it only having happened once before when Suse turned four. Suse was having none of it though which was very disappointing for Gerta. All Suse wanted was to go to the cinema with a few of her friends and have cake and ice cream in a small party when they got home.

It was the latest in a long series of disappointments. Perhaps it was in reaction to her glamourous mother or simply who she was, but Suse Rosa Knispel seemed to revel in being plain. While Gerta had managed to convince her that growing out her hair and wearing a dress were not the end of the world, Helene had told Kat that it was really because Suse had grown tired of being mistaken for a boy all the time. How frizzy, frivolous Gerta von Wolvogle ended up with a hardheaded realist for a daughter was a mystery to Helene. It something that she watched with secret amusement.

It was however the perfect excuse for the three of them to get back together. Suse always loved having her two aunties around, especially on her birthday. Helene had welcomed having a few hours respite from her new career and Kat seemed happy to be out of the house that she felt like had become a prisoner in. Getting to Gerta’s house had been a challenge at a time when Kat could hardly get down the stairs of her house. The irony that was not lost on her was that she had designed the house in question. Kat had said quite seriously that if she had known what was coming, she might have considered having an elevator. It certainly would have made things easier for her. Helene was still wondering where the money for all of that had come from. It wasn’t only the house, but the land that surrounded it. Rumors were swirling that Kat and Gia were in the process of receiving a massive windfall from the Tempelhof project, one they would continue to get for years.

Kat also said that she was happy to escape from the clutches of Nora Berg for a few hours. The Doctor was just as stubborn and driven as Kat was, having helped to bring hundreds of babies into the world she was considered among the foremost experts. Unfortunately, it always seemed to become a battle of wills with Kat. At the moment Kat seemed pleased with herself and Helene had heard her mention that she had managed to get Doctor Berg’s attention focused elsewhere over the prior week. Helene had to wonder which poor soul had endured embarrassment and discomfort in Kat’s place.


They had been invaded.

Or at least that was what it felt like. The British and the French had arrived in Peenemünde in substantial numbers in the days leading up to the launch in French Guiana. In the interest of international cooperation, the infrastructure that had been built for the Aggregat and Atgeir Programs had been made available for the Endeavour Program with no strings attached. Not being stupid, the British and the French had enthusiastically taken them up on the offer, but also not being stupid they were assuming that the BND was sniffing around. Albrecht figured that they were probably correct about that. There were a few people around the Center who he had never seen before wearing the usual grey coveralls of the support crews.

To his surprise though, Albrecht had found himself welcomed among the visitors with open arms and had been briefed about Endeavour. Apparently, this was because the Scottish primary pilot for the mission, Eric “Winkle” Brown, knew Albrecht as “Uhlan” having encountered him several times over the North Sea and had told his superiors that he was a gentleman capable of discernment. Albrecht understood what that meant even if few others did. Brown knew that Albrecht had kept his mouth shut regarding the international game of grab-ass that the RAF and RN-FAA had been playing with the LW and KM-LFK for years, a game that neither official Berlin or London would be too thrilled to learn what had been going on. There was also the factor that the Anglo-French Program very closely resembled the German Program in that they had a primary and several alternates to pilot the mission. No wonder they were so worried about spies.

Albrecht had managed to get a look at a schematic of the Endeavour rocket. The Anglo-French rocket seemed to be of sound design, though like with Atgeir V there was considerable risk involved. Where Atgeir used liquid fuels entirely, Endeavour used liquid fuel as well as four solid fuel boosters that were strapped to the outside of the first stage that were to automatically separate when they were expended. There were advantages and disadvantages with both setups.

The other thing that was going on was that Ilse had returned to Berlin not wanting to have any part of this circus. Director von Braun had lured her up to Peenemünde with the promise of getting a look at the high-resolution photographs that had been taken from Huginn, photographs that a direct bearing on her work. Over the weekend the two of them had made the mistake of going into Peenemünde itself for a romantic dinner that turned out to be anything but romantic because the Press had tagged along. By Monday she had simply had enough and went home as fast as she could make the arrangements.
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They had been invaded.

Or at least that was what it felt like. The British and the French had arrived in Peenemünde in substantial numbers in the days leading up to the launch in French Guiana. In the interest of international cooperation, the infrastructure that had been built for the Aggregat and Atgeir Programs had been made available for the Endeavour Program with no strings attached. Not being stupid, the British and the French had enthusiastically taken them up on the offer, but also not being stupid they were assuming that the BND was sniffing around.
..... Now THIS sounds like something that Von Schmidt just planned even before formally become the head of the Space Agency.

More than likely the sharing of the equipment and installations obeys to the likely fact once the projects get past a certain stage, namely the exponential increase in the costs of operating..

Moreover, as missions go, and the first communication and commercial Satellites go up, the first steps of a coordinating European Space Agency will be taken.

After 5 years and several missions and such, i, can imagine that the final goal, and the most ambitious, namely the Moon, it will be suggested to the British and French governments..... Alone its ruinously expensive, but for the Three Powers of Europe, it's manageable.

Moreover, the French And English would certainly support something that further buries the old ghosts of war and deepens the bonds of all kind between the European nations...... For not talk of the potential profit as French and British business join the Germans in developing technologies that will jump things even further in the next decade than in 30 years, thanks to the inter European collaboration.....
What is needed to kick any space program in high gear is the use of semiconductors and integrated circuits to save on weight and increase computing power.
IOTL Texas Instruments came up with the first commercially available integrated circuits in 1958 but it was the USAF who were the first customers for their missile program.
Part 78, Chapter 1171
Chapter One Thousand One Hundred Seventy-One

2nd March 1956


“This is amazing” Manfred said as he looked at the large composite photograph that had been set up on a table in Ilse’s lab. It showed the whole of Silesia as seen from orbit. Each section three meters in length and thirty centimeters in width.

“You should tell Albrecht that” Ilse said.

“I should” Manfred replied, “But he would see that as an endorsement of the various choices that he has made.”

“Your son has a pioneering achievement that will be indelibly written into the history books and you don’t approve of the process of how he got there?” Ilse asked sardonically, “And people say that my family is weird.”

“Four brothers and a sister?” Manfred asked, “All of whom have different mothers. An Aunt who is not a blood relative who welcomed you into her house and a chain-smoking Russian housekeeper as a surrogate Grandmother.”

“That isn’t true” Ilse replied, “Petia quit smoking, Hans and Kat have the same mother and there were originally six brothers… That we know about anyway.”

Manfred just looked at Ilse with that strange half smile of his.

“Why are you still in a relationship with Albrecht?” Manfred asked to change the subject, “Wouldn’t you prefer to be with someone who can give you the life you deserve, some stability and commitment?”

“Those things are overrated” Ilse replied, “Everyone says that is what they are about, but the truth is that unless they prove their words with actions then they are just lying despite their intentions.”

“And where does Albrecht fit in?”

“He hasn’t disappointed me very much” Ilse replied, “Not yet anyway.”

“I am just afraid that you are going to get your heart broken is all” Manfred said, “I know what my son can be like.”

“Don’t you have your own children to care about?” Ilse asked in reply.

“Helene is tough as nails, so I don’t need to worry about her and regretfully, everything she says about her younger sisters is true” Manfred said, “The fact that they are married off and their personal spending habits are their husband’s problem is actually a great relief to me.”

If Helene mentioned Sonje Louise or Caecilia at all it was usually in the context of how shallow and stupid they were. Ilse had only met them in passing and that was enough to make her be in no hurry to get to know them better.

“Why the sudden concern?” Ilse asked.

“I’m leaving for several months” Manfred said, “Fulfilling a lifelong dream of going hunting in Africa, among other things. The South African Government wants to set up a game management and conservation program, I was invited to help with that as a consultant.”

“That sounds exactly like something you would be good at” Ilse replied.


Kat was so desperate to not spend all day, every day, in the house that she had agreed to go to the Hohenzollern Palace and take her place at the left hand of the Empress as the Mistress of the Keys. It was something that she normally only did for a couple hours on Sunday afternoons as she was formally required to do or at the request of the Empress. What Kat had in mind was just sitting quietly listening to whatever the Ladies of the Court were talking about, hopefully an adult conversation as opposed to Tatiana and Malcolm yelling at each other and giving Kat a sinking feeling at the thought that she was going to soon add another child into this that mix.

However, Kat didn’t get what she wanted. The other Ladies knew that she was eight months pregnant and that was all they wanted to talk about for the first very tiresome hour.

Mercifully, the conversation shifted. Kira started talking about the events of the prior week because she had not had the chance to talk to Kat about those…

“It was an amazing piece of technology” Kira said, “Being able to look right into the body.”

Kat knew that while she was here, she should probably look in on Kiki. Almost all of the Ladies present had no idea that it had been Kiki’s body that had been the one being looked into. They were assuming that… Well, Kat had no idea what they were assuming. Kiki on the other hand, Kat remembered what it was like to be her age as a Doctor delved into very personal matters. Unlike Aunt Marcella, Kat couldn’t imagine a livid Kira telling Kiki to shut up and do what she was told to do or else she would find herself cleaning out the kitchen from top to bottom. Kat now realized what a colossal pain in the ass she’d been back then. From what Doctor Berg had said, Kiki had probably handled it far better than she had. Kat remembered that she had spent a lot of time scrubbing out the cabinets in Aunt Marcella’s kitchen the day after that.

“I know what that is” Kat replied, “It’s been used with this one a couple different times.”

Kat patted her swollen belly, as if Kira wouldn't know what she was talking about.

“Really?” Kira asked, “I didn’t think of that, it is an obvious use. What were they looking for?”

“I wanted to make sure that there was only one this time, no surprises” Kat replied. She knew that Kira knew what that was like, though in her case the Royal Physician at the time had discovered the second twin well in advance.

“Were they able to see anything else?” Kira asked.

“I’m sure that you saw that there wasn’t a lot of detail” Kat replied, “Mostly they were looking to see if there were any obvious deformities.”

“That does make sense” Kira replied.

What Kat left unsaid was that at the last appointment she had been told that they were reasonably certain that it was a girl. Other than Douglas, no one else knew.
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There is something inside the Graf von Richthofen who is always going to be disappointed by his sons.
First his late son Lothar was never measured up to his expectations and now Albrecht has done something that will make the name Richthofen live forever in the history books.
Since the space flightflight, there has been a renewed interest in the career and accomplishment of Manfred von Richthofen from his days as the Great Ace of the First World War along with the "Flying Circus" .
From there he made the Luftwaffe in his own image by instituting the customs and traditions that is still carried on.
In the European War he waged a brilliant Air campaign against the Soviet Union that was a major reason for a victory that many military experts said that could never happen.
He over saw the the evolution of combat from rickety piston powered planes to jet aircraft and guided missiles.
Now he is the leading voice in combating pollution and promoting conservation in the world and as proof of that he is mentoring someone who in the future will be considered the Pioneer in the field of ecological science Dr. Ilse Tritten von Mischner.
I think he's playing the role of a grumpy father to a 'rebellious' son while secretly collecting newspaper scraps of his kid's achievements.

Not that he would ever admit that.
Part 78, Chapter 1172
Chapter One Thousand One Hundred Seventy-Two

5th March 1956


As with the launch at Cam Ranh a month earlier, no one in Kourou was taking any chances. They wanted everything to be flawless, just the dodgy weather in French Guiana wasn’t cooperating or the engineers found a reason to wait.

“Just sitting here looking at the pretty blue sky” Brown said, “Wondering why everyone is taking their sweet time blowing me to Kingdom come.”

Albrecht had asked Eric Brown what he was up to via radio with the signal relayed by several ships in the Atlantic, so they knew they knew they had an audience. One of the satellites that was slated for launch next month relayed television and radio signals with the same principle. Albrecht wished that it was already up and running as it would make this sort of thing easier. They were waiting for the countdown to resume. The launch had already been scratched once the day before and there had been delays on today’s launch. Brown had finally been allowed to board Endeavour VII two hours earlier, only for there to be another delay.

“There are fish across the Atlantic who are waiting patiently for to have you for dinner” Albrecht replied, and he heard Brown chuckling, “You should follow their example.”

The exchange earned Albrecht a horrified look from the team there to track Endeavour if it ever made it off the launchpad. If this bunch were going to do this for much longer, they needed to lighten up, Albrecht thought to himself. It took a particular mindset to sit atop what was basically a giant bomb and lite it off. If they couldn’t joke about looming specter of fiery death, then the alternative was to have a nervous breakdown.

Albrecht and Brown talked for a time, much to the visible distress of the tracking team until they received word that the countdown had resumed. “Break a leg” Albrecht said in parting to Brown.

Finally, Endeavour VII launched. It was very different following the telemetry as opposed to being in the rocket. Albrecht recalled that it had seemed to take forever to get into orbit. Watching the tracking, he realized that must have only been minutes.


Watching her father on television giving a brief statement congratulating the respective Governments of France and England for their successful manned space mission was an odd experience. Most of the patients were miffed about the regular programing being preempted, so they were not exactly a receptive audience. Kiki was saved from listening to the complaining because she had to leave. Doctor Berg had left her note telling her that she was to meet her in the Hospital Cafeteria.

“I took the liberty of ordering for you” Doctor Berg said.

Kiki looked at the plate, green salad with oil and vinegar. This time of the year fresh vegetables like this probably came from Spain or Italy, so not eating it would be a real waste. It was her turn to be miffed by something that someone else had done.

“This isn’t what I might have ordered” Kiki stated.

Doctor Berg gave her a smile that had no warmth in it. “That is if you ordered anything at all. It is exactly what you need according to your bloods” She said, “Now eat up.”

Kiki frowned, here mother had said almost the exact same thing when it came to what was prepared for her meals.

“You and my mother” Kiki said as she took a fork, “The worst part is that my brothers have learned of this. Eat your vegetables Whippet.”

“Excuse me?” Doctor Berg said, “Whippet?”

“My brothers call me that” Kiki said, “Because I look like a skinny little whippet, like the dog.”

Doctor Berg looked at Kiki appraisingly, “They might have a point” She said.

“Real funny” Kiki said as she speared a leaf of spinach and a tomato with her fork and shoving them into her mouth.

“I understand how things are with brothers” Doctor Berg said, “Pulling your hair, pranks, the name calling.”

“Yes” Kiki said, “Everyone loves Freddy though and think that I should be laughing along with him.”

“It was the same with my own brothers” Doctor Berg said offhandedly.

Kiki looked at Doctor Berg quizzically. She had figured that Doctor Berg had just sort appeared out of the ether as she was now, though logically she had to have come from somewhere.

“You have brothers?” Kiki asked.

“I am the youngest of three” Doctor Berg said, “I am close to them now, but when we were growing up things were not so easy.”

With that Kiki fell silent, none of this was working out the way she imagined it would when she had agreed to volunteer at the Hospital. Then, what exactly had she been expecting?

“Why are you doing this?” Doctor Berg asked, “When I heard you were doing this, I figured that you were another spoiled rich girl making herself feel good about accomplishing nothing with her life. Is that what you really are?”

Kiki continued eating the salad, she figured that keeping her mouth full would keep her from saying something untoward in response to such an unfair characterization. Doctor Berg was watching her intently, she wasn’t going to let this go.

“As soon as I am old enough, I am joining the Medical Service” Kiki said, “Because that is what I want to do with my life. I was encouraged to volunteer here, partially in the hope that it would change my mind.”

“Well, aren’t you full of surprises” Doctor Berg said in reply. Kiki had no idea if that was a good or bad thing.
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Part 78, Chapter 1173
Chapter One Thousand One Hundred Seventy-Three

14th March 1956


In theory the two-power scope that fit on the side rail of the of the G44 rifle and be used in conjunction with the regular sights would enable an infantryman to hit a man-sized target out to eight hundred meters. What that meant in practice was that they could hit targets out to four hundred meters consistently, that was if they could even get a scope in the first place.

Stefan had seen only a handful of the scopes since he had joined the Heer six years earlier. Normally, they went to the Division’s marksmen and that was that. Over the years that had made having one something that many of the men coveted. A week earlier, Stefan’s Company had received sixty of the cursed things and the men were squabbling about who deserved to get one first.

It seemed that funding had come through to equip the entire 8th Panzer Dragoon Brigade with them but not all at once. The result was there were fights and arguments throughout the Barracks and endless headaches for someone in Stefan’s position. Every time one of the men had to be disciplined for getting in a fight it involved paperwork and there was a direct correlation between the amount of paperwork and the seriousness of the infraction. The result was that he had spent most of the afternoon catching up with his paperwork, only to find that he was behind again once again. Dirks thought it was a great lark, he wasn’t affected because the bone saw would reduce one of the scopes to a metal tube full of glass fragments. He also had another one of his better you than me pal moments, then he wanted Stefan to read his latest manuscript.

It was Dirk’s manuscript that Stefan was reading in the Officer’s Club when Hans found him.

“What’ve you got there?” Hans asked as he sat down across the table from Stefan. The waiter who had been ignoring Stefan was suddenly was hovering around their table until Hans gave him his order as Stefan thought about how to answer the question.

“One of the men in my Company, an old friend of mine, wrote this and he wants my opinion” Stefan replied.

“Any conclusions?”

“For starters, I’m definitely buying Dirks a dictionary as an early birthday present” Stefan said, “Other than that, this is basically Mexico with ray-guns and rockets. It’s pure crap, albeit authentic sounding crap.”

“In other words, this man Dirks is going to sell a million copies” Hans said.

“Yes” Stefan replied, “I hate to lose a good man because of success in one of his side jobs but Dirks is…”

“Sir” The waiter said, “A call for Generalmajor von Mischner.”

The waiter had brought the phone out to the table. The privileges of being a General, Stefan thought to himself. If the call had been for Stefan the waiter would have taken a message and given it to him after everyone who patronized this place who outranked him had gotten theirs first. This time next year if he was lucky.

“Helene” Hans said, “Slow down, I can hardly understand you.”

Hans paused and listened for a few seconds.

“She did what… How is that possible?”

As he listened Hans let go of an exasperated sigh of sort that he reserved for when someone in their family did something particularly insane.

“If they are not pressing charges then it doesn’t matter.”

Hans paused for a few seconds more.

“That isn’t how it works Helene” Hans replied, “If I were in that man’s shoes, I would be hoping that this was all a misunderstanding because she is not the sort to forgive and forget.”

Hans listened some more.

“Yes…” Hans said, “We’ll swing by and get you, see you in a few minutes.”

Hans hung up the phone and pinched the bridge of his nose.

“Something happen?” Stefan asked.

“One of our sisters” Hans replied, “The crazy one…”

“You are going to have to be more specific” Stefan replied.

Hans glared at him.

“Katherine” Hans said in the tone of voice that let Stefan know that he was pushing his luck, “She went into labor a short time ago. When the medics arrived to take her to the hospital, Kat thought that one of them was getting too handsy with her and she cold cocked him.”

“Seriously?” Stefan asked.

15th March 1956


Kiki woke up to her mother gently shaking her shoulder and she became aware that she was stiff from sleeping on a hard surface. She hadn’t intended to be here all night, but she had been at the Hospital when Gräfin Katherine had been brought in. Doctor Berg had been one of a team who were standing by in case something had gone wrong with the delivery. She had said that observing proceedings would be good for Kiki, teach her a lesson. Even though the wing of the Hospital had been locked down as soon as Katherine had arrived, it would be good to have someone up in the gallery to let security know if someone still managed to sneak in. She could stay, but only so as she didn’t disrupt what was happening in the theater.

What Kiki had seen was terrible. The whole time the Midwife had been in with the Gräfin while Doctor Berg had lurked in the background observing. They acted like what was going on was no big deal and it had gone on for hours. Where it had gotten strange was that late in the night, the Gräfin had looked up and was staring right at Kiki through the glass. The pain and exhaustion that she was going through was written across her face. Sometime well after midnight, the baby had finally come, and Kiki had fallen asleep on the bench seat in the gallery when she saw that nothing else was going to happen.

“I’m sorry” Kiki said, realizing that she was probably in serious trouble. “I didn’t mean to stay so late.”

“I assume it was educational” Her mother said as they left the gallery, “Doctor Berg said that you probably learned a lot last night.”

Kiki was quiet for a few minutes as they walked down the Hospital corridors. “How do women stand that?” She finally demanded only to have her mother look at her with amusement.

“It’s not like there are many other ways to go about it” Kiki’s mother replied, “There is also the other side of the coin.” She didn’t elaborate further about that.

With that they entered a waiting room that had the Gräfin’s expansive family present. Kiki followed her mother through them and to a room where the Gräfin was sleeping. A man who Kiki recognized as Douglas, the Gräfin’s Consort was there holding what Kiki presumed was the baby wrapped in a blanket.

“Are both of them well?” Kiki heard her mother ask.

“As well as can be expected” Douglas said, “We had the twins in here to introduce them to their baby sister a little while ago. Malcolm asked if it was too late for the stork to take her back.”

Both Douglas and Kiki’s mother found that funny but after what Kiki had seen the night before…

“If you don’t mind?” Kiki heard her mother ask and to Kiki’s surprise Douglas carefully hand it to her. Her mother might have been the Empress of Germany, but she seemed like any other woman cooing over a baby.

“Have you agreed on a name for her yet?” Kiki heard her mother ask as she turned to Kiki. The baby was this tiny thing, a scrunched up little face that her mother was holding close, looking at the world with half open eyes.

“Marie Alexandra Kristina” Douglas said, “We had agreed about the first two names months ago, but this morning Katy wanted the third. No idea why.”
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“Well, aren’t you full of surprises” Doctor Berg said in reply. Kiki had no idea if that was a good or bad thing.

So, is she just Ratchet with a Doctorate?

Doctor Berg gave her a smile that had no warmth in it. “That is if you ordered anything at all. It is exactly what you need according to your bloods” She said, “Now eat up.”

Hm..Iron in spinach. Plus other "seasonal deficiencies". That would typically be vitamin D and C. Tomatoes are good for C, but nothing on that salad would be good for vitamin D. Unless that salad oil is cod liver.
“You are going to have to be more specific” Stefan replied.

Hans glared at him.

“Katherine” Hans said in the tone of voice that let Stefan know that he was pushing his luck, “She went into labor a short time ago. When the medics arrived to take her to the hospital, Kat thought that one of them was getting too handsy with her and she cold cocked him.”

Getting within arms reach of a normal laboring woman tends to be a poor idea...

What Kiki had seen was terrible. The whole time the Midwife had been in with the Gräfin while Doctor Berg had lurked in the background observing. They acted like what was going on was no big deal and it had gone on for hours. Where it had gotten strange was that late in the night, the Gräfin had looked up and was staring right at Kiki through the glass. The pain and exhaustion that she was going through was written across her face. Sometime well after midnight, the baby had finally come, and Kiki had fallen asleep on the bench seat in the gallery when she saw that nothing else was going to happen.

Thankfully my wife is from more efficient German stock, our second was born within an hour of her going into labor. Of course, we didn't get to the hospital...
So, is she just Ratchet with a Doctorate?

No, not really. Most of what has been presented has been her trying to get Kat to take care of herself, a full time job unto itself. She has also been trying to gauge just who Kiki is and if she's worth keeping around.

Hm..Iron in spinach. Plus other "seasonal deficiencies". That would typically be vitamin D and C. Tomatoes are good for C, but nothing on that salad would be good for vitamin D. Unless that salad oil is cod liver.

Without a whole lot of sunlight available...
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