South Africans hold Tobruk June 1942

How would the Western Desert campaign have proceeded had the 2nd South African Div managed to hold Tobruk during the 2nd siege of June 1942, instead of being forced to surrender by the Afrika Korps and the indecisiveness of Gen Klopper ? A quicker eventual victory for the 8th Army ?
Melvin Loh said:
How would the Western Desert campaign have proceeded had the 2nd South African Div managed to hold Tobruk during the 2nd siege of June 1942, instead of being forced to surrender by the Afrika Korps and the indecisiveness of Gen Klopper ? A quicker eventual victory for the 8th Army ?
Or perhaps a greater German interest in the Med?! More pressure on Spain and Turkey (not much use, I suppose, but still) and a real effort to neutralize Malta - Opr. Hercules, I believe the codename was!

Another side-effect could be that Monty was not sent to Egypt as commander of the 8th Army. If Tobruk hadn't fallen, then the war in NA would not seem as hopeless, thus no appointment of Montgomery - Aaah, the joys of no Monty... :D

Best regards!

- Bluenote.