I want to share some info. and if there are interest begin an discussion about A. Toynbee (an famous British Historian ) that in 1934 had explicitly raised a number of alternative scenarios.

At AH.com already I had only found a close thread commented another Toynbee's essay ( 'If Ochus and Philip had lived', on Some problems in Greek History: Three lives); but the Althistorical essay in the Annexes have not been discussed.

However, I think they are very interesting and suggestive as many of the themes that would become classic in Alternative History.

While it should be noted that his speculations are based and developed from his historiographical conceptions.
Similar pods had already been discussed but, in my opinion, this scenarios and in particular its development by Toynbee are still very interesting and quite unknown to the ALT-Historical community.

He had written these alternatives scenarios in the Schedules to Volume II from his Mágnum Opus
A Study of History :
"The Lost primogeniture of the abortive Far Western Christian Civilization" (independent Céltic church) (Toynbee 1953: 420-426 = Annex IV), "The Lost Civilization birthright of the Scandinavian abortive" (Not assimilation to the western civilization of the Scandinavian people plus Vinland sucess and more great Varengian expansion/colonization) (430-434 = Annex VI), " missed opportunities for Escandinavian and Osmanli "(435-436 = Annex VII) and" the lost Civilization primogeniture of Christian abortive Far East " (an Middle East Christianity more widespread and with stronger roots that had success in stopping and averted the Muslim expansion) (436-443 =Annex VI) [Spanish Edition].